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  1. (everything before the quoted part is just spouting how much he love s the game and thanks the Developers, probably in response to the negative feedback he's gotten in other threads)
    Originally Posted by LIGHTNING HAWKZ View Post
    Now i think the new judgement powers are a great addition to the game destiny and such, problem is thier a bit to high and costly understanding true power takes slow growth ok i get that, but i think they can be tone down just a tad bit i think everyone will agree here

    also i like the power of awsomeness they make me feel especially since the birth of my new bulid energy/elec/ his name by the way Roger Ram Hawkz ... kk maybe im feeling me self just a lil but just saying....

    any other awsome bulids i def would like to here about and the cost needed to bulid one all thoughts and ideals welcome ....PS TO THE HATERS PLEASE DONT COME OR LEAVE ANY COMMENTS STUPIDY IS NOT WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What I can get is that you don't like the Judgement or Destiny powers somehow, probably due to their cost, or maybe the requirements to get them. You feel that should be toned down and that everyone will agree with you.

    The next paragraph discusses how you like "the power of awesomeness", especially since you created an energy / electric (blaster, brute, tanker, stalker? what?). I'm not really sure what you're going for with this paragraph at all.

    This last paragraph is about builds, I'm not sure on the specifics, but it really doesn't belong here, but in the Archetypes and Powers sections.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I never understood why you'd have to pause just to aid in pleasuring your uncle's horse.
    Because it's tiring work?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    So, my question is this: To what extent do you feel games should insist on forcing us out of our comfort zones? You let me know.
    I like my comfort zone. It's warm and fuzzy and brings me... well... comfort. I tend to play in my comfort zone for most of my time in CoH. But still, I like to adventure out a bit. This sometimes means running a new TF, such as the Apex TF. This was one I had avoided because my understanding was that it was different from other TFs I had done and thus out of my comfort zone. But in practice, once enticed to do it, I found I enjoyed it quite a lot and ran it multiple times on a couple characters.

    I also engaged in a Hami Raid for the first time "recently" (within the past couple months). That was one activity that was also out of my comfort zone, yet once I did I found that it was actually enjoyable. And while I understand that the leadership in that particular Hami Raid is what made it run so smoothly, I gained a new respect for the content. I haven't run one since then, but it is now more within my comfort zone then before and I would be willing to run it again.

    PvP is also something I avoid like the plague, yet when I built up my Warshade to be my main Badge Character, I had to go in there and run missions and explore. So I decided to PvP a bit while there, and managed to get the 100 Rep badge. That was well outside of my comfort zone, but I found I didn't hate it as much any longer. I still won't participate without incentive, on any character, but it was fun to step out of my comfort zone for the time.

    All in all, I suppose I'm the target for these incentives for people to leave their Comfort Zone. And I guess you can partially blame me for the Devs continuing to use these techniques, because they work so well on me.
  4. I was in rare form on my Warshade and doing well in Siren's Call. I decide to pop Secondary Mutation before charging into a fight in Nova form, when I drop out of the sky because Rikti Monkeys can't fly. So I spend the next minute running from every person and NPC I see hoping I don't get one shot by... well... everything.
  5. It's also possible that Cole is such a control freak BECAUSE he gave up control to the Well. Once he gave up his control, he may have become determined to not lose control to others again. Bit of a "close the barn after the horses get out", but people do things like this all the time.
  6. Mr_Right

    Monster Hunter

    Well I want to report back with my thanks! Thanks to the advice given in here, I managed to bring down a Thorn out on Monster Island while solo! I was hit a couple times, but thanks to the one shot prevention, I managed to survive to finish it! The biggest bit of help that worked for me was casting Phantasm a little before the Phantom Army dropped. The Decoy it summons is great at holding aggro!

    So thanks again folks, I've accomplished one more thing on my list!
  7. Mr_Right

    Monster Hunter

    Ah, those are some good ideas, than you! Is there any idea how much GMs and Monsters resist -to hit? I know it's bound to differ, but if I'm packing -50%, how much of that might I expect to actually help? I'm curious because if it helps enough, it might be worth it to start looking into ranged defense.
  8. Mr_Right

    Monster Hunter

    @Local Man: I did look at your guide when I first started the idea of building an Ill / Rad, and my build is a modified version of it. I'll have to review it again and see else I can lift from it for my use, thank you. Yes, I'm missing damage in Phantasm right now because of the Knockback set, but that was done early on to conserve cash while getting a +7.5% Recharge and -3KB set bonuses, and my Alpha Slot choice is helping to cover the lack of damage slotted in it. Not that it seems to help much when Phantasm wants to run into melee and get all footstomped. I already have the Perma-PA with 205% Recharge, it's just the half second where I'm the target while re-casting that gets me. I suppose I'm looking more for technique then build on this question.

    @Kotchie: Thanks for the breakdown of your system for hitting GMs. Do you find yourself re-casting Phantasm often (every time PA gets recast) or is behaving better for you? And do you lay off the attacks before PA needs resummoning to try and divert aggro to the Phantasm, or is that something I shouldn't bother with?

    And one other thing, I was noticed that Consume isn't up as often as I'd like because like Kotchie, I have to manage my endurance so the toggles don't drop. Now the Alpha slot should help a little with that (yay extra End Mod) but I was looking for alternatives, and noticed that Mu Mastery has a Power Sink that's up every 120, and with my slotting that would keep me in the blue constantly. The biggest drawback to that is I lose Rise of the Phoenix (which i love both as a power and a slot mule) and my Single Target blast. Since my Confuse is now only two purples away from being fulling slotted, it wouldn't affect my recharge as much to go Mu, but I'm worried about the loss of Single Target damage. Any thoughts there?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Well, you could just NOT leave Praetoria. You're so loyal to Praetoria and Tyrant, you could just not leave. Exemp down for missions (I've seen a couple of people do this before i19) or run the never ending mission contacts.

    This actually makes sense. "Marcus Cole, I know you're the best, I believe in your view. I have no desire to travel to this Primal Earth to see just how right you are."
    My Bots / FF Mastermind is still in Praetoria at level 31, and he'll be there forever (I haven't played him in forever, but that's not the point). The downside is that I can't run the never-ending-mission contact, because that didn't come out until he was already well past 20. But additionally, I'm not certain that you can even run those newspaper style missions after level 20. I believe they cut you off once you level up.
  10. Mr_Right

    Monster Hunter

    So after casually purpling out my Warshade and finding it delightful to thrash +2/x8 missions, I've decided to try my hand at something a bit different. My Warshade can get stopped cold by AVs, and even the right EB can stunt my progress. With this in mind, I built an Illusion / Radiation Controller who has already bested most AVs at level 50.

    My problem is in hunting Monsters. I can't seem to find a rhythm that works. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for bringing down those giant sacks of HP. I generally have the mechanics of how to do it, but I'm unable to pull it off. If anyone has any experience in this, I would love some pointers!


    As an effort of goodwill, the following is my current (but not final) build for this character.

    Click this DataLink to open the build!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    See? Now THIS is how to wake up in the morning after going to bed with a nagging problem.

    Thanks a lot!
    I... I'm lost. I opened this up seeing it was a Steelclaw thread, thinking it was going to be humorous. I feel let down somehow, and I can't pinpoint how exactly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    I am such a dummy, I thought it had to do with recharge that was slotted in the power. Mine DO NOT synchronize either.
    Could you post which ones you have that don't sync?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
    I'm not saying that Cysts/Quantums/Voids are insurmountable or a huge threat. They are something that the team wouldn't have to deal with on literally any archetype outside of Kheldians, though. I don't want to bring any annoyance to a team.
    They also bring extra XP to a team. Similar logic would dictate that unless the team was already running at +1 member (so x4 on a three man team) you're already bringing an annoyance by joining, extra NPCs to defeat (or even helping to upgrade an EB to an AV!). But all that is balanced by the extra XP granted for getting to defeat the extra NPCs, Cysts and Quantums and Voids included.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
    It has everything to do with the suggestion.
    Yeeeeaah.... No it doesn't. The OP suggested that the Ratings (as in Global Notes, the client side things you know about) are shown in the Search Tab, so should you rate someone, you can see it there before inviting them (or before skipping over them).

    Apparently you and Storm thought the OP wanted a NEW global rating system (similar to how AE Arcs are rated, where they're seen by everyone and anyone can vote on them, or how the forum rating system used to work way back on the old forums). I don't see how you two got to that conclusion, but it's pretty far off. Your responses do make sense in that context, because it would be a horrible idea, so we agree there.

    Now how about the merits of the OP's idea?
  15. Mr_Right

    AVs in RV

    Originally Posted by Silver_Streak_NA View Post
    So, your suggestion is - post this in a more visible place, where more people will see it, but I'm better off NOT publicly posting it? Thanks for the constructive feedback, dude.
    Exactly. He suggested posting that it is going to happen in the Server forum where people who can join are more likely to see it, but to leave out the time and date until you get enough people interested to do it.
  16. I rather like the idea of adding the rating system as another column to the Team Search window. It would be a nice hassle free way to see if someone has a note, whether good or bad, without having to manually check every person I think about inviting to the team. It just helps team leaders make informed decisions on who they invite.

    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    :X I decline. Ratings are a bad idea because some sets are easily scapegoated when they are doing just fine. Hey, the stormie may be trying to cooperate with the tank and complement him, but the tank may be a stubborn git and not cooperate so everyone blames the stormie.
    Your comment doesn't have anything to do with the proposed suggestion, so I'm not sure what you thought you read.
  17. Well an ill / rad can get four Hold powers (Blind, Flash, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse) and five defensive powers (Superior Invisibility, Group Invisibility, Travel Pre-Requirement, Maneuvers, Vengeance) without getting gimped. I'm not sure which power sets would be best to get five holds.
  18. I'm going off of memory here, but I know there is at least one stage where you not only have to defeat the Ghouls, but have to defend the PPD (or at least keep a certain number of them alive).

    This isn't always as easy as it sounds, as the PPD tend to be minion rank facing multiple minions and LTs.
  19. Ceiling Nemesis is watching you link to your own post.
  20. It sounds more like Croatoa. I think that's the line they used when that zone went live, but I'm not 100% sure.
  21. It's been a long time since I played and tested my arc, but I went in and revamped it to my liking. This means that while most of the feedback I've received from others in the past is still relevant (and incorporated) some of it isn't.

    So to you, I submit my arc for a review. It's still a work in progress, so no stars is good with me, and any feedback you can give would be well worth it. Depending on your review, I mat go ahead and call it finished!

    The arc is listed in my signature, so you can't miss it!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tubbius View Post
    Name: Bringing A Lord to Power
    Arc ID: 475246
    Level: 40-54
    Morality: Villainous
    Length: Very Long
    Description: Blightlord has a task for you. Can you rise above and prove yourself in a City of Villains?
    I have to say, I liked this arc quite a bit. The first couple of missions felt disconnected to the story, but looking back I can see what the author was going for, and they did a good job of doing it. The final mission was a bit of a drag for me, because the Nav bar information wasn't very specific (I wasn't sure who The Tormented was, I thought it referred to every enemy until I ran into him), but the ending easily made up the difference. I was leaning towards a Four Star rating, but once I turned in the final mission, it was immediately bumped up to Five Stars!

    Two thumbs up from me!

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    2 star? your generous.

    A Star and a note, but generally I would call it griefing. If you see them making a habit of this sort of thing, you could report them. If you make a notes of Time/Server etc
    I reserve 1-Stars for repeat offenders. A 2-Star person can redeem themselves, but I'm always cautious of putting them in a position where they can repeat their actions (like making him the only debuffer on a long TF, for example).

    To clarify, I don't count it as griefing, just poor behavior.
  24. I call those 2-Star players, and they get a note so I know what they did later on.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
    Actually, I've been annoyed that the first three weeks were all level 50's; they're overdue for some lower-level WTF's.
    Same. I don't mind having the WTS being a level 45+ TF, it's even somewhat expected, but I would like having it alternate between a high level TF and a mid to low level TF.