Your most epic moments for Rikti Monkeyfication

Adeon Hawkwood



So here it the last mission of the ITF on my SS/FA brute the team is busy hitting the romans on the lower platform so I run up to Romulus and his Nictus friends. I pop [Eye of the Magus] and start hitting rommy. Then I notice my secondary mutation is recharged....
Yup. I get turned into a monkey while solo against Romulus with Magus ticking away D:

What's your most epic time to have been Monkeyed?



I rarely take that risk, but it has bitten me once. I managed to hop-hop away from the combat somehow without getting whacked and had to endure the laughs of my teammates as they finished up the group we were pounding.

Turning into a monkey is never epic.



Illus/Rad on a LGTF and I was of course the debuffer, just locked onto Honoree and noticed my secondary mute was rdy for a recast......

....worked out well for Honoree.

On a side note, it happening while fighting Rikti made it funnier.



I was in rare form on my Warshade and doing well in Siren's Call. I decide to pop Secondary Mutation before charging into a fight in Nova form, when I drop out of the sky because Rikti Monkeys can't fly. So I spend the next minute running from every person and NPC I see hoping I don't get one shot by... well... everything.



Happened to me just a couple of days ago on the boss of the last mission in Ice Mistral.. Right as the team was ready to jump in and start swinging, I hit that wonderful button on my tank and was reduced to becoming a cheerleading monkey.. nothing more. By the time I reverted back to my tank, the boss was dead and the TF was done LOL

Thank goodness I was on a good PUG team

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Pure White Lightning - Level 50 Electric Brute
Purple Drop - work in progress Axe/Shield brute
Blue Icefall - Level 50 Ice Tank
@Blue Lava



Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
I was in rare form on my Warshade and doing well in Siren's Call. I decide to pop Secondary Mutation before charging into a fight in Nova form, when I drop out of the sky because Rikti Monkeys can't fly. So I spend the next minute running from every person and NPC I see hoping I don't get one shot by... well... everything.
Secondary Mutation is not available to click when in forms. Also if you use it in human form, and change, you don't get the effect.

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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



i once got hit with the monkey 2x in a row during a apex tf lol, couldnt participate for entire part of first mish because i was monkied whole time lol



Rolled a new Stalker red-side, enter Break Out. Claim all my veteran rewards, set up my power trays and UI how I like them, turn on my toggles, and hit Secondary Mutation. Now I'm standing in Break Out as a Rikti Monkey.

Not a good sign of things to come for that character....

(Cue "Devs hate villains"/"lolStalker" replies....)



I got monkeyfied right at the start of a mission in the Sister Psyche TF. Not hugely epic but one of the other characters on the team had a Clown motif so it made for some good jokes.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
So here it the last mission of the ITF on my SS/FA brute the team is busy hitting the romans on the lower platform so I run up to Romulus and his Nictus friends. I pop [Eye of the Magus] and start hitting rommy. Then I notice my secondary mutation is recharged....
Yup. I get turned into a monkey while solo against Romulus with Magus ticking away D:

What's your most epic time to have been Monkeyed?
Mito spawn on a hami raid, was going back to tank my yellow. Went to go hit Sprint and fat-fingered Secondary Mutation instead.

Lookit the monkey! Lookit the silly monkey!


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When did they add this? I used Secondary Mutation a decent amount of time and I've never turned into a monkey...

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
When did they add this? I used Secondary Mutation a decent amount of time and I've never turned into a monkey...
its always had a very small chance to turn you into a rikti monkey, the chance is extremely small, so your actually more likely to get a buff than be monkied



I would buy the Mutant Pack in a heart beat if the power always turned you into a monkey.



Jumping into the bowl during a Mothership Raid.



For me it was during the start of a Rikti invasion in Founder's Falls. I hit the button and... yep, I'm a monkey.

Then a Rikti bomb fell on me.

It did surprisingly little damage to me, though. Nowhere near what it should have. I think the monkey form has some special resistance/immunity to the bombs.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Two times come to mind:

Buff phase at the Hami raid. (Has happened more than once)

Created a new character in Praetoria, just zoned in, hit the power, and wham, Monkey'd.

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A tank on an STF run right as they were about to start taunting Recluse and we'd just started on the towers.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
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I was teamed with my usual Wednesday night team fighting Malta on my Warshade.

*Turn into a monkey*


A couple of weeks later, the same thing happens against Carnies.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Last phase of Hami Raid, hit it for a buff and...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Great Stories everyone



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Not a good sign of things to come for that character....

(Cue "Devs hate villains"/"lolStalker" replies....)
Run, little monkey! Run!

I was soloing Kestrel (my favorite DB/WP Stalker-) through that "Go take out the Nemesis automatons of Positron and Manticore" mission and made the mistake of hitting SM in the middle of my fight with RoboPosi... I figured Kes could use all the help she could get with that stubborn bucket of bolts.

I've never been so glad that Cardinal (Kestrel's Adept) and my Shivan were bigger aggro magnets than she was. 'Learned my lesson about using that thing in combat, though. Oh yeah.

The very first time I had it happen to a character was the same toon, right in the middle of a CoT mission. 'Found out then that it drops Hide. She was a little closer to a spawn than she ought to have been, but got away that time.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



i usually set Secondary Mutation on auto if i have no other click powers that can use that honor more.

Once it happened when i was switching to one of my Dark Miasma Defenders to run a Kahn TF. i log in and was a monkey when the loading screen cleared. i told the team, "Um, slight delay. Monkeys can't use portals."

It also happened to another Defender in the middle of a boss fight midway through the Manticore TF IIRC. Slightly annoying since i was on a rad with the debuff toggles running. i spent my time monkeyfied trying to hop onto the boss.

i wish Devolution happened more often.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I was the emp supporting a tank who was taunting Recluse. The tank was a fire tank and really needed my attention. I hit secondary mutation and instant monkey, hopping around trying to not get killed.

For some reason I wasn't killed. The tank died a couple times, but pulled through. We ended up winning the TF as well.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!