2950 -
I'm hoping we get some rebirth option for COH in the next six months (so I can just finish the arcs as a way of adding content to whatever we do). If I don't see any concrete indication we're going there, I'll write up my own Loregasm (Turgasm?) for the arc direction and conclusion for anyone who's interested on Titan.
You guys are simply the best. I'll wax rhetorical later this week, but wanted to get that out there.
Here's a big confession from me.
I've beat myself up for years for not finishing the "Ghost" AE series. I got mad/frustrated with the original KB limit, and ended up retooling my arc drafts just to squeeze out 4 missions, let alone five. After all the frustration, I walked away a while to give myself breathing space, and wait for a KB increase.
Then the Devs, devilish bastards that they are, just kept adding CONTENT. The Return of the 5th Column made me cheer like a crazed orangutan at a banana strip club. Power customization. Praetoria! INCARNATES!
...and, I failed. I didn't keep my promise to people who, in good faith, waited on me to conclude Dani Mizel's story.
I didn't mean to leave it at a cliff hanger. I wanted to resolve it, but the way I wanted it, not by compromising it to shoehorn into AE. I kid you not: I have notes on the next 2 arcs to conclude her story once and for all, every mission mapped out, with map and costume notes and dialogue points, and everything.
This year was busy for me, with the baby and all. I was hoping to get arc 3 out by January, once I took a week long holiday finally. And then the sunset notice hit.
Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
If there's a way to do so, I swear, I'll finish her story for you all. More than anything, this is what I hope.
That's it. Please forgive me. -
Good evening, Heroes (and the Dev-hated villains).
Seven days ago, a dozen or so stalwart fans of spandex culture descended like a strung-out butterfly on DuClaw Brewing Company in Arundel Mills, MD. We brought merriment and good times to and for each other, in the shadow of the sunset of the world that brought us together.
This thread is part of our story.
(The below photo is clickable to point to our Facebook event for attendees and other pics.)
L-R: Turgenev, Zack Yaro, Ellen Cantor, Jack O'Lantern, Heliphyneau, Nik Chaikin, Joe Marion, CapnBarcode, Doug Marion, Thom Hurley
It began quietly, around 2pm, with my arrival at the front entrance of DuClaw in Arundel Mills Mall. The M&G's organizer, Crazed_Drifter/Nikolai, was already in attendance, looking out for other attendees. A few moments later, I kept Nik watching at the door while I went inside to make arrangements for a table for our little soiree.
Within the next 20 minutes, we had a few other attendees arrive. The Marion brothers, brandishing rather swank Windows smartphones.Yat_Man/Thom arrived shortly thereafter, having taken mass transit to get to us. Being familiar with Yat, I immediately recruited him for assistance in procuring a swag box for COH from my car (I was/am still recovering from a recent surgery, so I played the gimp card) for all the attendees to enjoy. Jack O'Lantern arrived shortly thereafter, at which point we moved inside to sit at the long table by the big window, looking into the mall itself.
You can thank Yat Man for his suggestion of this wicked pretzel thingy as an appetizer, which was surprisingly fortifying while we waited for everyone to show up. (Carbs, carbs, carbs.) After digging into some small snacks and, frankly, talking server smack cordially amongst ourselves, we were joined in a small amount of time by Ellen and her friend, Zack.
We passed the time with some food ordering, some friendly jibes and plenty of rumor chat about COH both past, present and what remained of its future. Nearly two hours later, we were joined by CapnBarcode and his wife, Heliphyneau (whose name I've pronounced rather delicately/lyrically for years, which she corrected me finally with "it's pronounced 'Hell if I know'"...).
I was regrettably on the clock (baby duties, can't leave the wife too long), so at 4pm, I chimed up, and spoke to the gathered heroes and villains.
I reminded them that, yes, I was there to deliver swag to the needy masses.I've asked all the attendees to chime in here, to share their experience (and hey, their swag) with you all.
I also mentioned that, in the years I've been gaming, I've only attended COH events, and those only in the last few years, because there's something "different" about our people. (No, we don't drool in public.) (Mostly.)
I mean, it wasn't about playing games online. If it were, we'd never attend these meet-ups and would have just moved on to the next thing, without batting an eyelash. City of Heroes was more than just a clickfest for most of us. It was a place where we could tie on a cape, or paint on a mask, like we were kids again, and go forth and "be" super. It was a game that, in the end, encouraged us to be good, and to do good. Our participation in Real World Hero and any other string of events or charities is quiet testament to that truth that were were more than gamers: We were a community; a people that flocked beneath a banner of heroism (and, well, villainy), that saw the comic book genre unfold each and every day within the bounds of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, or Praetoria.
I saluted them, for though the game may suffer an untimely demise, we - the heroes and the villains - lived on.
Long live the Hero Nation. -
Quote:Guess my quote from Moore was a bit confusing. Let me retool the image for you.It's a little frustrating that this has to be pointed out at all, much less over and over and over. I understand why people want that feeling that we're "beating" NCSoft somehow, but it's just not so, and players harping on it has been a constant source of irritation for me for the past two and a half months.
Looking into a big old warehouse called "NCSoft" where the windows are cracked and some smoke filters up into the night sky, and you can hear the shouts inside of people wondering WTF is going on, and just see the whole thing shuddering before you. You nod your head, and think, "what goes around, comes around," and can turn the next page to your life.
It's kinda like that.
Yes, NCSoft's woes are far beyond what they did to COH. Yes, our own mark on them is small. But yes, it still satisfies me to see this. No need to explain the vagaries of Korean market histrionics to me. Just let me sip my martini in peace, guys. -
When the OP's article was posted originally on 11/7, the trading price was ~213,000 won (KR).
When the OP posted it on 11/17, it rested around 156,000 won.
Today, it's hovering around 158-160,000 won.
A year ago, it averaged 300,000 won.
I'm reminded of a favorite passage by Alan Moore.
The Gamer: Existence is a great simplicity. There is black and there is white. Just look above you. Do you see? That is called the immense board of lights. And there is the great black and, strewn all across it, small and vulnerable and brave there is the great white.
Mr. Nebula: Oh. Oh, yeah. Of course. Hah. You know, thats perfect. Thats really perfect. And the great white I mean, theres so much more black. A-are we losing?
The Gamer: No. Once there was only black. We are winning. All is right. We can go.
- Top Ten, Book 2, Chapter 1. Written by Alan Moore
Good night, Hero Nation. -
Quote:Box of Swag is in-hand. See you guys there.there is now a FB event, so I can get a head count. https://www.facebook.com/events/446509722051912/
Quote:Aw, thanks for asking, Desi. He's doing quite well these days: 10 months old and counting, and about 6 teeth to show for it.and here I thought it was to see if Turg and Mini-Turg were OK with the storm.
Courtesy of the day of the hurricane. The wind made him om nom nom on the crib rail.
Bumpity bump de boomp bump bump.
Should we take the discussion to Titan, or continue here? I wanna shout on FB with a link to where the active details are.
And, I may have swag for the event. I'll have more details once, well, I get it.
Hopefully it won't be a box of outstanding bills... -
Quote:Also, you can overcome Tyrants -regen. I refute everyone's opinion on every server that you can't. My runs are proof that you can. It takes Drones, Rads and Reactive, but it can be done. So people can spout that whole +167 all they want. My trial league, full of drones, 3-4 rads and procs, bring him to his knees with only 1 use of an ultimate inspiration. That's why I build teams for this MO trial around 4 principles. Overcome Resist, Overcome Regen, Buff Damage, and Buff To-hit. If you do these 4 things, the trial is cake. Unfortunately, it does take a specific team build to do that. That's why I usually run multiple runs.Quote:As someone who is generally interested in trial strategy, I would love to see proof of this. The data collected by several people on different servers, including screenshots of his stats using Surveillance, strongly indicates that -regen debuffs do not affect him. Unfortunately, I don't consider "my runs are successful so -regen must work" to be proof. There are a lot of factors that can come into play during these runs and it can be difficult to assign responsibility to a single element for success or failure.
If this was a later run I'd volunteer in a heartbeat to help get one of the hardest badges in the game for people who don't have it yet. (I'll be attending the last COH M&G in the DC area that day.)
In the spirit in which it was offered, I'd encourage other players be constructive in their approach to Yat Man's cross-server offer. It doesn't hurt you to match his build requisites and participate if you need the badge, or want to help others get this. And who knows? You might actually have fun doing it too.
-T. -
7pm is major early for me or I'd sign up immediately to help the crowd.
I can list my specs later though; Doc Turg has everything you want (I can switch out the Incarnate powers to match your requirements), I have the first two leadership powers and I have two Achilles slotted.
I know this doesn't match your requested format for posting, but I gotta shower, so I wanted to get this in quick. If you want more lemme know and I'll formalize the info. I can't do 7pm tho, so feel free to slot up people who can attend from the start. -
So, who are you on FB, man? I got nothin' from anyone that looks like you from COH Faces.
There are a few Ivan Turgenev profiles on FB (we're all copying the great Russian Nihilist of the 19th century, obviously), so here's a direct link to my profile there.
Remember to msg me with who you are!
-T. -
Quote:Hmmmm? What did they do to ease congestion? Kill the right half of Anne Arundel county?our best location is still Arundel Mills (since everyone knows where it is and the parking is MUCH easier now).
And either day on that weekend should be solid for me. I can shift a day if it means more people can come. -
*pushes the envelope*
The DC crew has managed at least two (three?) M&Gs so far, all on our own. If we did one, it'd probably be the last time we'd ever get together.
How does anyone feel about trying for a M&G before year's end? A better time to ask this question shoulda been six weeks ago, granted, but I'm being prodded to ask.I think it's a worthwhile venture, however; a last hurrah for the Capitol Crew.
What say you, DC Heroes? -
Quote:As an addendum:Tip for the day: Global chat and LFG chat is across servers. There is really only one server. The 'server' you are on is your home dimension and you can cross to another one if you join a team that is on a different one from you. You will go back to your dimension when you leave that group and zone or log out.
Dimension selection does determine who you see "in the wild" while roaming around. Once you join a team, your "joining up" with that team will push you to the leader's dimension. When you "break" from the team, I believe that dimension choice remains consistent UNTIL you zone out (go into/out of a dungeon map or change zones).
Re: Cobra's experience with teaming, I've found that after the initial shakedown period of the rollout, teaming kicks in for tasks, rather than casual teaming, specifically because some of the storylines have solo dungeons where you can't bring in your crew to assist anyway. (Mish 13 of the first big story arc comes to mind, where you enter the house basement in Savage Coast to find your way through the Illuminati library, guarded by CENSORED.)
Think of it this way: There are story arcs, and there are task forces. The story arcs lend more to a single player experience, although you can choose to team if you want to; just be aware of the solo instances that occur in these arcs. Your team can do their own instance of that solo map too, so you're still teamed, just not doing the solo bits "together" obviously, but rather parallel to one another.
I think that's why people don't team for the low impact missions. My two bits.
And yes, I absolutely love the storytelling mechanic. I've been waiting for this game for over half a decade, and it hasn't disappointed me thus far. -
I'll be lookin' for your crew in the D this week, DPC. Thanks for being a leader.
Guess I should make a show of face here.
I've been quite involved in TSW since closed beta, and maintain a lifer account there. 'course, since the COH sunset announcement, I've been focusing on showing face here the most.
I'm on Arcadia server, with my primary in the Illuminati, named (you guessed it) Turgenev. He's not as developed as some of the people I run with (he's around 12% through his skills wheel, as opposed to some people who're already 80%), but he's mine, and "feels" like my COH main.
Look me up if you have a COH-built Illuminati crew, I'll hop in and run with y'all. -