What happened in today's coffee talk?




Can anyone summarize what was said?

I am hoping that we heard that the former Paragon Studios staff are doing well on their job searches.

(COH may be going, but at least we have hopes that those talented people will again to create us something for us in the future!)

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



I logged in kind of late to it, but Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeny, Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee, Jesse "Hit Streak" Lawrence, Matt "Positron" Miller, and Positot stopped by to field questions. I got the feeling that it was mostly a Loregasm Live! kind of day, with them answering questions for the whole session. The recording should be up on Twitch.tv shortly if it's not already.

Oh, and Black Pebble wore an AP33 t-shirt. That was pretty durn awesome.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



A bit about the Lunar Base was discussed and the mole that has been on Earth for some time. All I know, since I missed most, is those there declared themselves a new Boy Band cover group.



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
All I know, since I missed most, is those there declared themselves a new Boy Band cover group.
Now, we need a name for this new group.

Also, I can't figure out how to see video archives on Twitch - I found the channel though.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Also, I can't figure out how to see video archives on Twitch - I found the channel though.
Go to http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios/videos. That'll get you a list of all of the videos - I'm watching the latest now, so it apparently works. Don't be alarmed that it basically starts mid-sentence.



Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
Go to http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios/videos. That'll get you a list of all of the videos - I'm watching the latest now, so it apparently works. Don't be alarmed that it basically starts mid-sentence.
Thanks for posting this. It does me good to hear the Dev Team and I hope they continue to talk with us even after "sunset". At minimum, I'd be interested in their current MMORPG projects, if any, and otherwise remain a FAN of City of Heroes!! Thank you, Paragon Studios development team!!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Direct link to the 10/17/2012 CoH Community Chat: http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios/b/335903329

KUDOS to Hit Streak and guests for another weekly chat! Thanks for recording it so those of us who didn't make it live can to enjoy later!

For those who for whatever reason are unable watch the recording, here is much of what was said...

First up, guests Positron and 9-year-old Andre (sp?) aka Positot. Positron's been playing a lot of X-Com (sp?) on Classic mode. Nothing has panned out on the job surfing and interviews. Been watching his son who has been playing Minecraft during his 3 week vacation. Their afternoon goal was to fly a video-recording helicopter at the park.

Positron has caught all the pets in a Pokemon-like aspect of another game (missed the name), except the two seasonal pets.

Positron had an Alternate Dimension version of Statesman being Emporer Cole being redeemed. The stipulation with killing Primal Earth Statesman was that he would stay dead. Recluse was not considered for being redeemable the way Cole was because after trying to adjust content for Statesman's death, they never wanted to retcon like that again.

Hit Steak went to Disneyland last weekend, apparently independently with a lot of other Paragon Studios. He got to try a half-beef, half-bacon hamburger.

Sythe weapon for Titan Weapons was on the wish list, but a lot of poking animations wouldn't have made sense.

Shadow Shard was high on the list of things to do. It would have involved A LOT of work on the zone as a whole.

The To Do list was forever long.

Remaining Incarnate powers were always undergoing shift and changes from the original list. For example, Hybrid was more supposed to be a multi-classing slot.

Hit Streak answered that, no, there is not any way to download the CoH Twitch videos. ((<.< >.>)) As long as the Paragon Studios account is active you can watch from the Twitch archives. ((Translation: Twitch videos archives are available until November 30, when the City Of Heroes game and all official community peripherals become defunct.))

There was going to be 5th Column, Crey, Arachnos, and Vanguard on the Moon, in addition to Battalion. A bunch was planned beyond Battalion. The hero, villain, and neutral ground geography was planned out.

Positron has not tried The Secret World. Not interested in the mythos. If he could start a new superhero MMO, first would be a equally epic costume creator. Evolve the combat. If he hasn't found something by November 1st he... doesn't know. There's always a possibility of doing a superhero MMO again.

Tanker questions are for Arbitor Hawk.

Positron re-affirmed that it was not the intention of Paragon Studios to just disappear.

The freezing water was not added to other winter events because the number of zones doubled and didn't have time to add to the new locations.

Positron read bios in-game but didn't otherwise get into the RP side of CoH.

Base tech lost since the people who made it no longer worked at Paragon Studios. They reverse engineered and added more as they could.

The chat is like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, where people just show up.

In comes Black Pebble and Black Scorpion, the Black devs. All together the guests make the worst boy band ever.

Most annoying thing done to Positron was getting a Flowbee haircut.

In response to making a coding that works as a base for everything... The problem is when someone wants to break it, say by min-max, and the game is still equally hard they don't feel stronger. Also there is simply no way to create a code that will cover every option that programs years later will want to try. And things get broken in a whole different way. Aka "What could possibly go wrong?"

AP33 shirt from Zazzle.

No, not possible to change VIP flag anymore. Paragon Studios are completely without power now.

Ultimate villain in the game was the one your character felt they had the most against. They tried to keep it open-ended, and not have any one NPC be stronger than the others.

Coming Storm was the invasion of Battalion. There was a sleeper agent in Primal Earth for decades. At one point the agent was Lady Grey, then they changed it. Last plan was Doctor Science, an Italian super-agent since the 60s.

A few ideas for Omega slot might have been the invincibility star: No one can hurt you but you can affect the world. Or Burnout every few seconds, meaning powers were recharged all the time.

They were considering a power that would permit multiple summons of a pet that normally only allowed one at a time, such as Jack Frost.

The advantage of digital comics is buying when ready. The disadvantage is it is really easy to stop reading. With brick-and-mortar stores, orders were done months in advance so planning and commitment was involved.

Original First Ward was 20-25 and Night Ward was 25-30, with 30-35 being a syndicate-controlled zone in the jungle with their own hacked war walls.

Another story option was in issue 31 that all of Earth was really on Battalion mothership. That the war walls are the edge of the holodeck.

What have the black devs been up to? One has unsuccessfully been trying to grow a beard, the other obviously hasn't had that problem. Catching up on games and shows. Tim and Positron likes "Once Upon A Time", Hit Streak not as much.

Tim drove Positron out of Eclipse board game. Turns out that most of the game is decided by RNG.

Issue 26 was going to have Red Widow become an arbiter to replace Scirocco.

Players have picked up the torch for Extra Life this year. It's happening this Saturday, October 20th, during 2XP weekend.

Woofers was going to be part of a live trailer done by Rooster Teeth. He was a mastermind that ended up getting all the signature characters to kill each other.

No one is able to log on as signature characters aside from Hit Streak.

Sorry, Turg, you can't get Bug Hunter. If Positron still had access (which he doesn't), he was going to log on the last day and give the #2 badge hunter all the badges so they could be #1.

Hit Streak is still waiting for permission to give away swag.

Worst villain concept presented? The Battalion being geometric shapes of pure math.

Brian Darkshade was a signature NPC to go along with the rocket board. A hipster, annoying, want-to-punch-him-in-the-face, red jacket, short shorts, mirror glasses, etc Totally bonkers. When you defeat him in a trial, the board would self-destruct if you got close.

One option for meta-story was for having a shadowy hero that at the end of CoH was revealed to be Recluse.

Clowns are incredibly stylized, and might have become a Mastermind option if pets were ever customizable.

The end of Praetoria was to be against Hamidon, but players got exhausted and so they moved on to Battalion.

Did someone translate the Trilogy binary? Of course! Translation at ParagonWiki.

They offered apologies that they couldn't fix everything.

... Yeah, I probably botched at least half of what I heard. You are welcome to correct any or all of it.



Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
Go to http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios/videos. That'll get you a list of all of the videos - I'm watching the latest now, so it apparently works. Don't be alarmed that it basically starts mid-sentence.
That was actually pretty enjoyable, especially once Black Scorpion showed up - he brought the funny.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
That was actually pretty enjoyable, especially once Black Scorpion showed up - he brought the funny.
I was there too.....

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.




Proud ex-member of Paragon QA.




Is that a trifecta of sorts?



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Tanker questions are for Arbitor Hawk.
I was holding this one secret since I still had hopes... *sigh*

My understanding was that they wanted to do two things for tankers:

1) Make them more desirable or better at aggro management. This may have meant increasing their threat modifier to easily steal aggro away from brutes and increasing all Gauntlet radiuses so it was more useful.

I was all in for the radius expansion, but was thinking that perhaps tankers should not be able to accidentally steal aggro from brutes, as then brutes would feel tankers would be counter-productive to team with. Having only Taunt get a longer duration may had done the trick without increasing threat across the board.

I also figured Taunt should have been increased to 7 targets for tankers.

2) Damage would get a conditional boost with the goal of making them a viable DPS AT, although still lagging behind the other 3 Melee ATs enough to justify their superior survivability.

One idea was to give them a damage buff that would be based off HP. 100% HP would mean full damage buff, and it may have dropped to no buff at 50% or some other percentage.

I hated the idea for various reasons and was attempting to convince for an alternative. One alternative that seemed to sound good was to give tankers Nega-Fury. A Fury bar that would start full and every attack you execute would take a bit of fury away. This "Fury would refill slowly only once you are out of combat.

This would have turned tankers into big hitters when they enter combat, with potentially high alpha capabilities but unable to sustain that DPS.

I was told they were sold on the idea BUT that adding a fury bar to an AT that never used it before was non-trivial and very likely a show-stopper. Although the idea was good, they would refuse to go for it without the ability to add a fury bar.

Eventually I was told this idea was canned, not sure if due to the fury bar or other potential issues (like too much alpha damage.)

I had other ideas suggested but never heard back on it. One was the idea to add randomized damage to tankers, damage that would be higher against healthy enemies. Think something similar to Corruptor scourge, but instead of random proc, just random damage.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I was holding this one secret since I still had hopes... *sigh*
I had a couple of tanker ideas I was keeping completely to myself until Blasters got their sea legs post I24, as I promised I would focus on them until they were not just tweaked, but put back onto the road to being continuously managed.

One of the ideas I was sitting on was giving Tankers a passive-replenished absorb bar that would scale with level, and as it was depleted tankers would get a +dmg buff, sort of like Defiance 1.0 but not keyed to health. This would be automatic and unmanaged.

And then on top of that they'd get a click that would, when activated, increase their single target damage by burning absorb and adding a damage proc to their attacks that scaled between single target and AoEs. Using this would create the double-buff of having damage procs and getting the damage buff from the absorb shield getting burned down - in effect allowing the tanker to deliberately reduce survivability by burning their own shield but getting more damage in the process.

I think I could have sold some variation of that to Arbiter Hawk with the right numbers, and I think it could have made Tankers competitive with Brutes without overshadowing them or making their higher survivability broken.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Battalion as geometric shapes? Spewing equations of death! Awsome, math power set. Differential melee and intregral armor with a matrix of pool powers....

Speaking of which, were the platonic solids supposed to be items of power and battalion-like? Need some help with that.

Oh- and FPARN

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I had a couple of tanker ideas I was keeping completely to myself until Blasters got their sea legs post I24, as I promised I would focus on them until they were not just tweaked, but put back onto the road to being continuously managed.

One of the ideas I was sitting on was giving Tankers a passive-replenished absorb bar that would scale with level, and as it was depleted tankers would get a +dmg buff, sort of like Defiance 1.0 but not keyed to health. This would be automatic and unmanaged.

And then on top of that they'd get a click that would, when activated, increase their single target damage by burning absorb and adding a damage proc to their attacks that scaled between single target and AoEs. Using this would create the double-buff of having damage procs and getting the damage buff from the absorb shield getting burned down - in effect allowing the tanker to deliberately reduce survivability by burning their own shield but getting more damage in the process.

I think I could have sold some variation of that to Arbiter Hawk with the right numbers, and I think it could have made Tankers competitive with Brutes without overshadowing them or making their higher survivability broken.
Not sure if you would have been able to sell it to Synapse, he was very clear to me he didn't wanted to add any additional powers, so the click to consume Absorb would have not been viable.

I remember opposing the HP based damage buff because certain builds, in certain situations (high immortality line, willpower mostly) can keep a very steady high HP under the same situations others are constantly spiking up and down even in solo play, so it would unfairly benefit those builds.

I asked him if a more classic defiance version (damage buff on lower the HP) would be accepted and he refused based on the same reasons Defiance was removed (encouraging some undesired gameplay.)

The absorption thing... would it not suffer similar fate? For one sounds like it would have been a survivability boost (something tankers maybe had no need for) and then it would have encouraged players to be hurt to get the damage benefit.

Oh one thing I forgot above: his idea was more than just damage. I think it was: at high health, damage buff. At low health, endurance discount, in between a mix of both. Goal (i think, not his words) being to fix tankers endurance issues no matter if you were high or low health. He did seem to feel tankers had very bad endurance management issues, apparently he felt stronger about that point than I did.



Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
Battalion as geometric shapes? Spewing equations of death! Awsome, math power set. Differential melee and intregral armor with a matrix of pool powers....

Speaking of which, were the platonic solids supposed to be items of power and battalion-like? Need some help with that.

Oh- and FPARN
sigh. Can't escape that shite even in-game.


But I could create myself in-game, an equation-spewing rocket science nerd. Ha.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I was there too.....
You are automatically funny - we didn't get to see that side of Black Scorpion much - that's all I meant.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I think it's safe to assume that if Matt remade "CoH" (Let's face it, There are many loopholes to be exploited to this end.) that it would be even more awesome, Hell, They would be able to have more freedom with less "Spaghetti" code.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
I think it's safe to assume that if Matt remade "CoH" (Let's face it, There are many loopholes to be exploited to this end.) that it would be even more awesome, Hell, They would be able to have more freedom with less "Spaghetti" code.
Maybe, but I think the guys at Cryptic said the same with Champions, and although there are a lot of people enjoying that game, we don't really like it much (why we stayed behind.)



To a certain extent, City of Heroes was a lucky accident, lightning in a bottle that even Paragon Studios might not be able to duplicate.

It's very casual friendly and it attracted people who had never played MMOs. (I had never touched one before COH and the idea of paying a monthly fee for a game over and over seemed silly to me, but the prospect of being a super hero lured me in.) The community-- for the most part-- FEELS a bit older and more mature. The lack of in game loot (gear that could significantly raise your performance) and forced PVP made COH pretty friendly for the novice.

I don't really think Cryptic expected the game to become what it did, and it may never come again no matter how hard anyone works to duplicate the experience.

Our ex Devs have a TREMENDOUS amount of good will and support from us right now. If I were a studio with openings, I would certainly hire as many of them as possible-- both because of their individual talents and what community support they might bring with them.

Could Melissa, Matt, and Brian et al form a new studio and make awesome new games? I have no doubt of that. Could they replicate the success of COH?

THAT I'm not so sure of.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
To a certain extent, City of Heroes was a lucky accident, lightning in a bottle that even Paragon Studios might not be able to duplicate.

It's very casual friendly and it attracted people who had never played MMOs. (I had never touched one before COH and the idea of paying a monthly fee for a game over and over seemed silly to me, but the prospect of being a super hero lured me in.) The community-- for the most part-- FEELS a bit older and more mature. The lack of in game loot (gear that could significantly raise your performance) and forced PVP made COH pretty friendly for the novice.

I don't really think Cryptic expected the game to become what it did, and it may never come again no matter how hard anyone works to duplicate the experience.

Our ex Devs have a TREMENDOUS amount of good will and support from us right now. If I were a studio with openings, I would certainly hire as many of them as possible-- both because of their individual talents and what community support they might bring with them.

Could Melissa, Matt, and Brian et al form a new studio and make awesome new games? I have no doubt of that. Could they replicate the success of COH?

THAT I'm not so sure of.
"Lightning in a bottle" is a good way to describe the positive feeling I get playing CoH. LOL, yeah, other than a few hours on EQ1 and watching friends play and explain UO and WoW, etc, no MMORPG appealed to me strongly prior to CoH. Once I had made my first character (spending over an hour of course playing with the costume creator and amazed at the variety of looks and combinations), gotten thru the extant tutorial (issue 15) and was out on the streets of Galaxy City, I was hooked!! Woot! This was fun!! And I had my own original superhero whose unique look nonetheless was similar to the comicbooks I'd grown up reading as a kid!

Should the development team that comprised Paragon Studios happen to form a new studio, I for one would certainly check it out! In fact, unless the IP changes hands such that the dev team can continue to bring us new Issues of City of Heroes, I hope they do just that and wish them every success in "striking gold" again. Thanks again, Dev Team and Community.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).