Monster Hunter




So after casually purpling out my Warshade and finding it delightful to thrash +2/x8 missions, I've decided to try my hand at something a bit different. My Warshade can get stopped cold by AVs, and even the right EB can stunt my progress. With this in mind, I built an Illusion / Radiation Controller who has already bested most AVs at level 50.

My problem is in hunting Monsters. I can't seem to find a rhythm that works. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for bringing down those giant sacks of HP. I generally have the mechanics of how to do it, but I'm unable to pull it off. If anyone has any experience in this, I would love some pointers!


As an effort of goodwill, the following is my current (but not final) build for this character.

Click this DataLink to open the build!



I suggest you take a look at my Illusion/Radiation Guide, with the builds and discussions about slotting. You have some powers slotted well, but others could use some work. A Perma-PA build will make a big difference, in that it will allow the PA to hold the aggro and do more damage. Your slotting for Phantasm gives up a lot of damage by using the knockback set.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



TBH i used Local Man's guide and build recommendations, and have had FANTASATIC success with my Ill/Rad.

Having said that, the strategy I use for the actual battle is cast RA (to get the rech bonus) cast PA to take the aggro, anchor/cast my debuffs, unleash Spooky (more for my visual entertainment than actual usefulness, but he helps if the GM has mobs around that are getting in the way) then as PA is recast i summon the Phantasm to take over aggro so i do not get any, if Phantasam survives (I try to keep him healed if I can) during the PA resummoning (its perma, but there is a lag period between castings) he helps out with the DPS. I use my attacks, but try to conserve enough END to keep my debuffs running and ability to cast the pets.

Using that strategy I have soloed all the GMS heroside, including Jack and Eochai together, using NO inspirations.



@Local Man: I did look at your guide when I first started the idea of building an Ill / Rad, and my build is a modified version of it. I'll have to review it again and see else I can lift from it for my use, thank you. Yes, I'm missing damage in Phantasm right now because of the Knockback set, but that was done early on to conserve cash while getting a +7.5% Recharge and -3KB set bonuses, and my Alpha Slot choice is helping to cover the lack of damage slotted in it. Not that it seems to help much when Phantasm wants to run into melee and get all footstomped. I already have the Perma-PA with 205% Recharge, it's just the half second where I'm the target while re-casting that gets me. I suppose I'm looking more for technique then build on this question.

@Kotchie: Thanks for the breakdown of your system for hitting GMs. Do you find yourself re-casting Phantasm often (every time PA gets recast) or is behaving better for you? And do you lay off the attacks before PA needs resummoning to try and divert aggro to the Phantasm, or is that something I shouldn't bother with?

And one other thing, I was noticed that Consume isn't up as often as I'd like because like Kotchie, I have to manage my endurance so the toggles don't drop. Now the Alpha slot should help a little with that (yay extra End Mod) but I was looking for alternatives, and noticed that Mu Mastery has a Power Sink that's up every 120, and with my slotting that would keep me in the blue constantly. The biggest drawback to that is I lose Rise of the Phoenix (which i love both as a power and a slot mule) and my Single Target blast. Since my Confuse is now only two purples away from being fulling slotted, it wouldn't affect my recharge as much to go Mu, but I'm worried about the loss of Single Target damage. Any thoughts there?



Before he left, Castile confirmed that the pet AI is bugged, causing Phanty to run into melee. It was "on their list" to fix.

There was another recent thread about strategies to deal with that short time that you can draw aggro while PA are being re-cast. To me, mobility is the key. One trick that works sometimes is to go around behind the AV/GM before PA disappear and then re-cast them back in front of him. Whenever possible, let Phanty's Decoy or Phanty himself draw the aggro. Another technique is to back away to outside of the range of the AV/GM, cast PA as close as possible (well inside the range), and then fly/run past the AV/GM drawing PA closer.

I assume you are using RI and Spooky to add a little bit of -ToHit. While it is resisted, every bit helps. If you continue to have problems, you can pop a purple Insp just before casting PA.

I feel that the single target damage from the APP blast is a key part of the great damage that an Ill/Rad can do. With some good slotting, you can get your recovery up pretty high where you don't need Consume or Power Sink. I think my build has something like 4.17 Recovery. One other option is to turn off SI once the fight starts. I currently have GI in my build, so I can cast that at the start of a fight and turn off SI.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Ah, those are some good ideas, than you! Is there any idea how much GMs and Monsters resist -to hit? I know it's bound to differ, but if I'm packing -50%, how much of that might I expect to actually help? I'm curious because if it helps enough, it might be worth it to start looking into ranged defense.



Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
Is there any idea how much GMs and Monsters resist -to hit? I know it's bound to differ, but if I'm packing -50%, how much of that might I expect to actually help? I'm curious because if it helps enough, it might be worth it to start looking into ranged defense.
Is there a way to look that sort of thing up? I feel like knockup gets ignored a bit more often than knockback, and trolls seem more resistant to things in general, but I don't know if this and other feelings are mere gut/false correlation, or actual numbers affecting actual gameplay. The kinds of resist/protection that mobs are packing (beyond the known 1/2/3 for minions/lts/bosses) is very important to controllers, I would think, so that we don't fling useless attacks in the wrong directions.



Well I want to report back with my thanks! Thanks to the advice given in here, I managed to bring down a Thorn out on Monster Island while solo! I was hit a couple times, but thanks to the one shot prevention, I managed to survive to finish it! The biggest bit of help that worked for me was casting Phantasm a little before the Phantom Army dropped. The Decoy it summons is great at holding aggro!

So thanks again folks, I've accomplished one more thing on my list!