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  1. I would like a spot...

    Kotchie-Stone/Stone (Can equip any Interface/Lore/Destiny/Judgement/Hybrid @ T-4)

    I am built to NOT need a Kin to be able to move effectively..so I can get in and get out of the Lightning as necessary.

    I have Sonic Corr..but he isnt really built for iTrials
  2. 2 leagues...2 runs...both stacked with debuff/buffs...fail on both..

    Interestingly...Poison's "vomit hold" interupts the LIGHTNING strikes...
  3. Good runs last night Mak

    Couple things...we still are not getting in and getting out quick enough, but I am sure you noticed this.

    Can Tyrant be pulled to the "rim" of the map? I have not noticed if the lightning hits that far out or not....

    Maybe we need to stack Sonic debuffs for that max -res...like the Marauder fight... (I am going to try this at some point..stack -res debuffs, only really need a few sonics to melt stuff)

    I know everyone is screaming that melee should be taunting the guards/Tyrant...if we taunt, and actively hold their aggro....we lose that DPS from high damage attackers (but i get if the squishies get killed we lose thier DPS too...got to be a middle ground, maybe figure out from where those guards are spawning). The reason those guards like the ranged guys is when you are using your targeted AoE, you are hitting the guards too....I honestly haven't found the guards to be a problem...but I am a Brute.

    Maybe arrange the teams like a CoP trial...have every team have a specific makeup (1 kin, 1 rad, 1 emp, 1 sonic...etc...)

    In all reality...other than just hammering away at it...the solution is just eluding me...every other server seems to be able to get it together to do it at least once...whats happening with Freedom?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by destiny_morna View Post
    Thanks to Makerian for hosting---The 3rd attempt was a full league (24) and successful for the Hard Way Badge (and thus, giving a lot of us the MoMag badge.)

    I was an empath and I did notice that there were significantly a lot less deaths in the last runs (as an emp, I am always looking for people to rez ).

    In the 2 previous runs, there would be 3-4 deaths per lightning but the last run, it was 1-2 and at times 0 deaths. I think as people run the last part again and again, it gets easier to get into the mindset of "get out" at the crackles.

    The other thing I noticed was that when we hit the wall at around 36% and the call went out for lore pets--the damage dealers I was buffing with fort were +4 already (prior to lights) which I am assuming were due to Ultimate inspirations. When we did the lights round, a number of blasters were +10. He went down fast from 30-10%. So stock up on Ultimates for future attempts! (An interesting note, I wonder if lore pets spawned at +10 as well? I didn't target any and didn't notice.)

    Thanks to everyone on that league and Makerian for hosting. Looking forward to the next attempt for the "Really Hard Way" badge.
    ...still hate you Morna

    btw you can tell who didnt move by the dead bodies...if you do it "right" you do not die...
  5. Mak - Thank you for hosting!!!

    Couple obsevations -

    1. ALOT of those in melee dont get the fact you have to MOVE AWAY from Tyrant so the LIGHTNING doesnt hit near him, thus allowing us to get back into the fight. It doesnt matter if you can survive it, others cant. This happened alot, and IMO, was the reason we DID NOT get RHW.
    2. You flying Blasters/debuffs/tanks...I HATE YOU...stopping pulling him UP..you may still be able to hit him...but alot of damage dealers CAN NOT!!! (and do not say to taunt him down, he just flys up and still hits us on the ground. You have to hit him with -fly power, and those are typically long animations, which are bad) I get that the Lightning can be avoided by going straight up..I get that...but..cmon...
    3. Someone mentioned taunting him early to draw aggro...which is valid...but when you have 5 different people taunting him in every direction...it doesnt work so well, and makes it harder to get back in the fight. If you only have one its still hard, you do not knoow what direction he is retreating and Tyrant is GOING to follow, making it harder to get back in the fight.

    Overall I think it was a pretty good learning experience...alot of people just dont get that move out and get back in process though...they wait for the lightning to completely go away, or they stay on Tyrant thinking they will survive.
  6. Mak - when I get home today I will try and build a damage heavy league and see how that works and report back.
  7. Mack - in doing some runs today...heres my varied experience. For this particular badge we NEED -Regen AND +Dam (or -resist) in a BIG way. Kisana from UNION came to help on her Poison and lend some leadership, and we got close. It's CRUCIAL to get in and get out and get back in to melee...we had alot of people just thinking they could get off that last shot and made it so we could not get immediately back into melee...you could always tell who wasnt moving by thier bodies lol.

    The keeping his regen down and the league at max damage is the way. I bought 50 team damage insps, and that worked...for a bit.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by makerian View Post
    Kotchie, my schedule varies, sometimes I'm home by 3pm EST and sometimes by 7pm EST. If the latter, I usually can't iTrial until around 9-10pm. If I'm in before then, I'll look for you.

    Can you do an experiment without an EoE popped during lightning and Laser Eye beam and with an EoE popped? If you do experiment with it, can you report back the results? If it does mitigate dmg, that could be huge.

    A couple things I'd like to pay more attention to before the weekend is when the Olympian Guards spawn and roughly how many and how often. I don't think it's a game breaker for badge, but it might be nice to know. At one point, I had heard they show up when players either die or hospital, but that seems unlikely now.

    Another thing that might be worth figuring out is how to keep Tyrant better aggro'd. It seems there are times he's flying and moving too much. Might not be much that can be done about it, but any aggro managers with enough experience might be able to see a solution.

    I think our league is shaping up pretty good. It's a good mix of dmg/debuff/melee.

    Remember, pick up some Ultimate Inspirations, maybe some EoEs (presumably they help mitigate his dmg).

    Speaking of EoEs, if anyone has the urge to gather up some more, that'd be sweet.
    I know for a fact EoE's do NOT work...I tried a couple times. As far as aggro, I can hold it, but he will follow when we "retreat". But as a work around, I can see where the lightning hits and go around to the rear and keep him in a pretty tight area (I move pretty good for a stoner)

    I got a full tray of ultimates, and lots of team insps too.
  9. I would like to try...

    I am not a debuffer, but I can follow very well.

    Kotchie-Stone/Stone Brute (I have all the toys @ T-4, just let me know what you want equiped)

    In addition,I am running most afternoons if you want to experiment.
  10. Tried yesterday to no avail..between people getting mapserver'd and the que bug...aaaaAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!

    Still going to try again today to see what happens.....
  11. I was around when the Issue dropped...but the que stuff made me rage....but I am now ready roll...
  12. I plan to run this trial until the shinies have been obtained...if you want to join..I will be forming up in Pocket D at about 3 pm EST..and running until I can not get people to join.

    See ya there..
  13. Count me IN...1030 pm EST is kinda late..but I will be there
  14. While I will be starting to do runs today, I am sure there will be badges left over that I did not acquire...having said that ...IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG...glad we finally have another trial..grinding the others was getting......grindy
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Haven't been joining these...am so burnt out on the multiple attempts at AVOIDS GREEN STUFF.... Wish there was a sound and true method/strategy for this frickin badge
    There kinda is a sound strategy..it is just getting the WHOLE league to follow it is the usual problem.

    The ones I have used SUCCESSFULLY are to call out all the pets..set them to attack...and then do nothing but avoid the green beam on the main toon (pets DO NOT count if they are hit)....you can also get loves a challenge at the same time. This, IMO , is by FAR and AWAY the best way.

    Another method is just to keep the league very small..think minimum, with 1-2 fillers that quit, keep it 11-12 people...and have the leader have good binds to watch for the beam, stop attacking, etc... and everyone stay on POINT for the entire fight..(this method requires being VERY selective with the league makeup)

    Yet another method is to have people "hosp" it, and only have people that have proven to be able to avoid the beam fight the final fight. ( I am sure there is more involved, but thats the short and quick version)

    Really you just need a team that is ON ITS GAME... and a sprinkle of luck.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ComixGeek View Post
    I badge with a Stone/Stone Brute. It's decent for everything but the healing badges.
    So do I good sir...so do I

    ..and I have all the badges you can get that aren't the "special" ones (read: bughunter, passport, etc...) ...including Empath..and I got that BEFORE the nerf
  17. Stone/Stone Brute....

    ......that is all
  18. Kotchie

    ?/Stone Brute

    My vote is Stone/Stone...

    Just like any set, you can "build" away the negatives and make them outweigh the positives. I built my main to have enough run speed enhancements to nullify any movement penalties, and my recharge is just fine..its not as fast as some...but for the durability of /Stone..I can wait a second for something to recharge ;P
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    For the "buddy cop" badge I couldn't find that guy in either duncan's arc nor in dream doctors arc... Can someone lend me an hand to where he might be or is different every time when you do the arc?

    And for "lone wolf" where's the option to ditch the NPC help??? I didn't see that either!
    for Lone Wolf..they ask you before the mission if you want or need help..its kinda subtle they way they do it...same for Knows no Fear badge..
  20. NVM..figured it out..screen was bugged
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    For the DD Trials I did, we cleared the guards, had most players just take the spines one at a time and bring them all to 10%-15%, then onto the next. At the fourth spine, we killed it and proceeded around the others, we had a good half-minute to spare.

    And Recall Friend did NOT work in the belly of Mot.
    Recall friend may not work...but Incandesnce does
  22. SATURDAY!?!?!?! I will be running that shiz tonight until my EYEBALLS BLEED!!!!

    see ya there
  23. This is just my opinion..so take it with a grain of salt. I run a Stone/Stone btw.

    I slotted my ATO's (which I upgarded to superior as well) into Mudpots in one build and into one of the hammer attacks (I think Heavy Mallet) in another.

    For slotting into Mudpots, it procs every time it hits (up to 4 times a minute) which gives this increased chance of Fury generation. So while it is running, I can attack away and let it proc automatically. This is the build I drive most of the time.

    For slotting into Heavy Mallet, I dunno....I just did. Its just another purple set in this build.

    If I were you I would slot it into the damage aura for the "fire and forget" proc effect.