Master of Magisterium (MoMAG) The Really Hard Way 6/8-9/12





Master of Magisterium Run this Friday and Saturday, June 8th and 9th.

I will be running MoMAG runs on Friday and Saturday around 10pm EST.

In particular, we will be running for the following:

<8 min for Swan
The Really Hard Way

I would like to try three methods:


Picture this in your mind. All 24 players roughly evenly spread out in a tight circle around Tyrant, directly facing him. We attack with our best ST attack chain (or PB/AOE when Olympians are present)

Air Crackles.

We all backpedal (s key) straight back. So we're all still facing him, but we've spread out like spokes, far from him and far from each other.

Let lightning strike us. Immediately run back in. Heals, buffs, continue with DMG.

In order for A to work, no one can queue powers when air crackles. You MUST STOP AND RUN STRAIGHT BACK.

If done correctly, it could be a mostly deathless way to do the fight.

Alternately, we have melee in front and ranged in back of Tyrant (to avoid the eyebeam). That might require several repositionings during the event. I like this, but I think it will be more error prone.


Picture this. Team of at least 12 with Clarion+RNG (Radial). All of the ranged players are far enough away that lightning doesn't strike.

League casts 2 Clarions at a time, giving us sufficient overlap to maintain a long range. The ranged players should be able to maintain steady DPS without having to run or do anything unusual.

A few melee and healers keep Tyrant occupied. They will probalby have to run from lightning like the MELEE&RUN method, but they run in opposite direction of league. Their job is not DPS, it's aggro control, so the goal should be keeping Tyrant occupied, not hurting him much.

Pets could be used for this phase, esp if a couple AOE healers are near the fight, since pets will be up close to Tyrant.


I will try to test this out earlier in the week, maybe tonight. The idea is to see if you have at least 1 person far from the action that Incands the entire league once air crackles. I'm curious if the league ports far enough away, does the lightning just go around him, to the league, or something in between?

Picture this. 23 people fighting in close on Tyrant. 1 person far away.

Air Crackles

League gets ported to far away person. Lightning drops (but not sure where).

League takes no dmg. Runs back in to fight Tyrant.

A different person stays behind to use Incand the next time.

Alternately, someone Incands us back to Tyrant and another away, etc. That would speed up pet travel for example.

Rinse and Repeat.

While I like B and C in theory, I think A is the likely winner, so I'll be running A first.




Of course, I think it would be nice if we could all bring our highest badgers first. However, I think we need to prove we can do this even if that means taking a character that's not first on the list to get the badge.

In that spirit, please bring your best Regen debuffer, DMG buffer, Group rezzer, or Group healer.

KINS (Fulcrum and Transfusion)
DARK MIASMA (Howling Twilight)
AOE HEALERS (Emp, Thermal, etc)
RADS (Lingering Radiation, EM Pulse (esp with Burnout..))
COLD DOMINATION (Benumb (esp with Burnout..))
REGEN TANKS with TAUNT (people who can hold the aggro and withstand the dmg)

Other useful powers:
Super Speed, Super Jump, Teleport (to spread away from Tyrant quickly)

1) Med to Large Green inspirations
2) Ultimate Inspirations
3) Essence of the Earth (Titan Destroyer mentioned it in another thread that it works, we can certainly try)

Note: Ultimates and EoEs are in short supply on the market right now.

Recommended INCARNATE SLOTTING, in order of priority:

Barrier (Radial 2xRez)
Rebirth (Radial preferred)
Clarion (Radial + RNG) [only for method B]
Incandescent (Core + Heal) [only for method C]

Longbow + Cataphract (and ideally Warden)
Robotic Drones



Hybrid: Assault

doesn't matter




I read this from the Union successful The Really Hard Way run, and I like it.

We will do a couple test runs with the league to practice on Marauder in LAM. If we can avoid his fist strike effectively, we should be alright with Tyrant as well. I would like to try this Thursday.

Other advice from that run (
The general tactic we seem to have worked out for the last phase is:

1. After nuke hits, everyone is gathered together. Stay together so the people with heals or rebirths can heal you. Buffs may or may not happen at this point, if they don't, they'll be activated around Tyrant
2. Regardless of what AT you are, go into melee range against Tyrant (if he's not making the air crackle). This is so buffs and heals can reach you easily.
3. Every so often, a group of Olympian Guards will be spawned to attack the league. Unlike normal EB Olympian Guards, these are boss-class, but they can fly and still pack a hefty punch. Since everyone is together next to Tyrant, AoEs and PBAoEs are usually enough to take them out before they start hurting the league too much.
4. Tyrant's Beam Sweep attack is autohit, but is a cone in front of him. Since everyone is together, people can usually survive it and get healed and continue attacking.
5. Tyrant's Hammer of Justice is a 60ft PBAoE which can be used in midair and deals quite a bit of damage. There's no message for it, so don't bother attempting to fly out of range if everyone is fighting him in melee range. Buffs and heals will hopefully keep you alive, and if you fall, hopefully someone has a resurrection power to use.
5. As soon as Tyrant makes the air crackle (big message) every 35 seconds, everyone without exception must move. Not only is this to avoid the initial PBAoE from Tyrant's Zeus' Lightning Bolt, but also to spread out the Flow Lightning which will spawn at player locations away from Tyrant. Since people should be moving, at most, they'll take around 1-2 ticks of damage and survive it. If everything went as planned, no Flow Lightning should be around Tyrant, and so everyone immediately goes back to smack him. This is also a good time to save range judgement and normal range attacks for attacking Tyrant at range when nobody should be in melee. Flying is fine here as long as you flew away from him (and other players). Pets appear to be immune to Flow Lightning, but not to the initial PBAoE, but leave them to attack anyway.
6. Go back to step 2. :3





01. Arbiter Makerian (Fire/Ice BLA)
02. Eisen Mann (Stone/Stone TAN)
03. Atomic Saint (Rad/Rad DEF)
04. Transcendent One (PB)
05. Isulkian (Kat/SR SCR)
06. Faethura (Mercs/Dark MM)
07. Caliburst (En/En BLA)
08. Destiny Morna (Emp/Psi DEF)
09. Lil Bug (Ele/Ele BRU)
10. Sly Witchy Woman (Fire/Dark COR)
11. Pyroman MM (Fire/Ele BLA)
12. Motopsycho Nitemare (Psi/Ment BLA) (RAD ; KIN)
13. Kino' (Fire/Kin COR) (RAD; COLD; DARK); Memnoch' (Fire/Shield BRU)
14. Chatty Cathy (Fire/Ice BLA)
15. Sage Solarius (Ene/Ene BLA)
16. Myrdinn (BLA?)
17. Cloud Dearchangel (BLA?)
18. Das Bones (Fire/Rad CON)
19. Dresden Blackspider (SOA)
20. Red Tape (Earth/FF CON)
21. Ion Sky (Fire/Fire DOM); (Fire/Time COR)
22. Lucrezia (Dark/Dark DEF)
23. Kotchie (Stone/Stone BRU)
24. Tamerlayne (Mind/Psi DOM)

Buff/Debuff: RADx2, DRKx3, EMP, KIN, FF
Melee: Granitex2, Elec

ALSO TAKING ALTERNATES, but be aware that people on the above list get priority. Also note, though, that a couple were iffy on either Friday or Saturday, so there might be a natural opening not related to unexpected events.

DualpistolsChick (DP/Ment BLA)
Dormant (Ice/Rad COR)
Dr. Turgenev (Ill/Storm CON)
Phantom Quark (Ill/ CON)
Maxwell Blast (Inv/SS TAN)
Xyzor (Staff/Ele or DM/Regen ?)
Eris Enyalios (SS/WP BRU)
Slimgoodie: Freezor Burnz (fire/cold corr), or SlimGoodie (nrg/nrg blaster)



To join in via thread, just give me an idea of your main and alts.

E.g., Makerian Prime (Fire/Cold COR), Arbiter Makerian (Fire/Ice BLA), Apophenia Prime (FORT/WIDOW).



Main: Eisen Mann (stone/stone brute)
Alts: None at the moment



Sign me up, sir

Atomic Saint, plus 3 rad / rad/ psi defender with 6 slotted lingering radiation (pacing of turtle) and EMP (unbreakable constraint) and a tier 4 support Hybrid, raring to go.


56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Count me in

The Transcendent One
Level 50+ PB (Badge Count 1404)



count me in too, scrapper





Monitor Combat Attributes

There are a few things that might be worth monitoring, even if you don't normally do so.

Go to Powers on power tray, click on Combat Attributes, under Base:
Level Shift
Regeneration Rate
Recovery Rate
Damage Bonus
Recharge Time Bonus

Clearing Dots before the iTrail

Go to chat window, click on LFG, select Incarnate Trials tab, make sure nothing is selected in that window).

Graphics settings

You might want to lower graphics settings.

Go to Menu -> Options (\o), select Graphics and Audio tab.

World Texture Quality: Very Low
Character Texture Quality: Very Low
World Detail: 50
Character Detail: 30
Max Particle Count: 100

Some news on Magisterium mechanics from Arbiter Hawk

Hello all,

I hope you're enjoying the Magisterium! I wanted to pop in to clarify some mechanics of the final fight:

1.) Your deaths have no effect on Tyrant at all. He has no mechanics that trigger on player death

2.) There is currently a bug where only 16 players/pets will receive the level shift from destroying Light of the Well. We’ll be fixing this in an upcoming patch as quickly as possible – I checked the fix in as soon as the issue was discovered.

3.) Tyrant does not have a self heal. He does have a self-buff power which consumes his Olympian Guards, killing them, and providing him with bonus ToHit and Smashing Damage for each guard consumed in this way. This has a visual effect which looks a bit like a heal, but is meant instead to connote “Powering up off dark energy”.

4.) There is no direct negative effect to “Being in the hospital”. I have seen several people postulate that Tyrant heals or grows in power when people are in the hospital, but the only effect hosping has on him is that you’re dead and not DPSing, and therefore his regeneration is healing him better.

I hope this information helps you, and good luck in your endeavours to bring Tyrant down!



I'd like to join

Faethura MM (Mercs/Dark) I can have the t3 clarion requested ready, as well as crafting the incan if required



I want in as well.
Caliburst (En/En Blaster)

Diamagnetic Radial Flawless Interface
Pyronic Radial Final Judgement
Rebirth Radial Epiphany
Longbow Core (Radial available as well) Superior Ally
Assault Radial Embodiment

Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



Sign me up as well, Destiny Morna (emp def). Thanks and see you this weekend!

destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor



Sign me up Lil Bug +3 Elec/elec Brute have pretty much every incarnate that you would want

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



I would like to corr, 50 tier 4 on all incarnates..will have 1230 badges (should have 1250 by weekend)..ty



I updated the roster. Up to 10, but still 0 Kins <.< >.>

Isulkian, what are you powersets?

I was thinking of doing a trial run tonight and having one SCR/STK be on hospital duty. I am curious if we have 1/24 people dedicated to keeping the hospital clear (if possible), whether that will allow people to get back in the action fast enough to make deaths more trivial.

I'd also like someone to take notes about what happens inside the hospital, do spawns increase based on deaths, is it random, is there a steady flow of mobs, etc?

I'm also going to respec a build into Munitions:Surveillance for some combat info tonight and try to pore over some demorecords for anything useful tomorrow.



I'll be there on Friday with my fire/elec blaster Pyroman MM



I am iffy for Friday, but will try to make it. On Saturday, I can defintely bring Motorpsycho Nitemare -Psi/MM blaster who is my best toon. I also have a rad and kin who are respectably built.



Ill join

Canjoin with number of toons:

Kinor' Fire/kin corr
Raist'lin Fire/rad corr
Optimus Chill Sonic/cold corr
Lauden Dp/Dark corr

and my main badger Memnoch' Fire/shield brute



Count me in plz

Sage Solarius +3 blaster/energy

Hybrids: T4 Assault
T4 Support

Destiny: T4 Barrier and T4 Rebirth

Lore: T3 Longbow Cataphract

Interface: T4 Reactive



You can count me in to kick his @ss!!!
Cloud Dearchangel



Count me in

Das Bones
50+3 Fire/Rad

T4 Assault Core
T4 Support Core



I will come

Dresden Blackspider

All T4, including hybrid, either assault or support.



I'm interested!

Chatty Cathy

Fire/Ice Blaster

T4 Musculature
T3 Clarion Range (working on T4 now) - T3 Barrier Rez
T4 Warworks
T3 Hybrid Assault

All damage and all purpled out!