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I'll be there on Friday with my fire/elec blaster Pyroman MM
I will try to be there with my blaster,Pyroman MM.
if there is room i can bring my +3 blaster for MoLambda, Pyroman MM
I will bring my Fire/elec blaster, Pyroman MM, for this one.
Sign my Fire/Elec blaster up, Pyroman MM.
I should be there with my controller Plantman Mega.
I will bring my plant/kin controller Plantman Mega, or I can bring my lvl 50 Robot/pain Mastermind, RoboBeast666.
I should be there with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega.
I should be there with my plant/kin controller,Plantman Mega.
I'll be there with my controller, Plantman Mega.
I would like to do this with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega. I would prefer to do a 1 night team but I can do a 2 night team if I have to.
I should be there with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega.
I would like to bring my fire/elec blaster, Pyroman MM. If there is a team doing a Master run I would be interested in that as well.
I would like to join with Plantman Mega, plant/kin controller.
I'll join with Plantman Mega, plant/kin controller
Id like to join with my Plant/Kin controller, Plantman Mega.
I'll bring my Fire/Elec blaster, Pyroman MM, for both of these.
This sound like fun, sign up my Fire/elec blaster Pyroman MM.
I'll be there with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega.
I'd like to join and bring my Plant/Kin controller, Plantman Mega.
My fire/elec blaster, Pyroman MM, wold like to do moonfire.