TPN Badge Run Friday Dec. 23 at 7:30 EST




Hello Freedom loving fredomites.

Trying to get my hands on the MO TPN badge ere the holidays completely mess up our gaming schedules.

I only (and Im sure others need) the timey wimey badge, but Im willing to help get the others, as they do not impact the trial at all, and in fact help it go smoother.

I will be sheep herding starting at 7:15 , and starting about 7:30. Im gonna try to run this twice.

3 things to remember-

No Aoes outside. They mess with the cameras and any civillian casualties will muck up the public opinion.

For the second part of the run I will designate 4 tankers/brutes to do Seer control. All other toons will be in the buildings with me.

In the buildings we pull to the center of the room, and smash with AOE's. Scrappers will engage the techs immediately as it is not required that the IDF be defeated, only out of range. With the remainder of the party packing judgements and other crap, we should be fine, and do it on time.

Healers must form a love heal circle around Heavy D. (HD) so he doesn't get squishified.

If you can, check the maps out for the location of the entrances. the black building is always a peach to find, especially when taking fire from rock throwing lvl 53 civillians.

Hope to see u there.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Oh, and by the way , to all those who sent me private messages over the past two weeks, I sincerely apoligize for not responding. Up until 5 minutes ago, I didn't realize there WERE private messages on the boards. And I've been playing for 7 years. So , you know. Go me.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



Ill be there on my fire rad, Das Bones.



Lil Bug here I will be there as well.

A suggestion is we may need an extra Tank outside to keep Mal busy so the 4 can work on the Telepaths. Also people still don't know that all you have to do is pull all the guards to the center then you can kill the techs. We should have 2 people to be tech killers and make sure they are taken out quicker.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



So noted. I don't think we need an excess of bodies in the main buildings as long as we get the angry birds into the center to kill.

A fifth tank shouldn't be a problem. I think assigning 2 scrapps, or a stalker and scrap to kill the techs is a good idea.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



I'll be there too. I heard leagues with 14-16 members having better luck on MoRuns.

Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



We can start with a 16 man run and expand it into a 24 man run if necessary. I'm going to try to get as many Badgers I know into the mix as I can, to maximize our chances of success.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



I wouldn't mind tagging along. My blaster can easily help with the techs. When I lead these things, I fly around the room, making sure they are being taken out and doing so if they are not.

Also, healing HD is completely unnecessary if you pull everyone to the center near him and then taken his aggressors out. On the last run I lead, he never went below 80, and usually not below 90 without anyone having to even pay any attention to him at all.

4 tanks outside is a different tactic. Any reason not to just use damage dealers and maybe one buffer? I've been on 4 man group like that and they totally rock that part. As long as you kill the teeps fast enough their nasty specially abilities are practically useless. I could actually fill that role too, if required.



I'm down. 7:30 EST is like 5:30 PST right?

I got a tank who would not mind rolling some hardcore TPN.



I will try to be there with my blaster,Pyroman MM.



I'll try to be there as well.



Originally Posted by Caliburst View Post
I'll be there too. I heard leagues with 14-16 members having better luck on MoRuns.
Same as a good MoKeyes run..smaller leagues = better success least for badge runs.

I will try to be there, and will bring whatever you need. Have not had a chance lately to get on and really get elbow deep into stuff, should be fun!!



Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
I'm down. 7:30 EST is like 5:30 PST right?

I got a tank who would not mind rolling some hardcore TPN.
4:30pm PST, bro. Always subtract 3 hours from any EST time. Make this your signature, you get this wrong all the time.



Good luck with the run, Atomic!

As for me, I only have one thing to say: KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYES!!! *shakes fist*

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker



Not a bad first round. Got a couple on that run but not "News Flash".

Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)

Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.



two successful tpn runs, and a side MoM for the hell of it.

We missed the timey wimey badge by 3. @#$#@$#@$ seconds.

I'm rolling this next week, same bat time, same bat channel. hope to see you peeps there. we racked up quite a body count and badges for noobs. thx all!

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



I shall be there possibly with my shiney new all VR lineup, possible with a different toon. Haven't decided, but probably the former. It was tons of fun and that was my first successful MoM, so I was quite happy with how it turned out, even with the 3 second loss.



I am always amazed at how easy CoH is when you are a team of people who know how to play their toons. The time I did the MoM before this it was a lesson in impossibility. Today it was a piece of delicious apple strudel.

I was put on "tank Maelstrom" duty during both TPNs. I was like "whatevs, I'm a supar tank, this fool can't hurt me." And then he hit me for 1000 damage. hrm. Luckily he fell for the oldest trick in the book, a tray full of purples. I wasn't sure what to do with him so I just had him chase me around the map.

I got 1 uncommon in our first run, a very rare in the second run, and then a rare in the MoM. coming out of that I was able to go from a t1 vorpal to a t3, and then upgrade my rularuu lore to a t2, so I can't complain. Good times.

The story in the MoM blew my mind. I can't help but feel bad for Tyrant. In everything they have done with Praetoria they have pointed to Emperor Cole really cares about his people and is doing everything he has done with only the best intentions in mind. He isn't "evil."

Right now I'm curious as to why did Tyrant invade Primal earth in the first place?



Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
I am always amazed at how easy CoH is when you are a team of people who know how to play their toons. The time I did the MoM before this it was a lesson in impossibility. Today it was a piece of delicious apple strudel.
This should be the tagline of Freedom server.



Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
Right now I'm curious as to why did Tyrant invade Primal earth in the first place?
That's pretty much been answered. Tyrant's truce depends on him keeping everyone in perfect control. If he doesn't, his whole world is exterminated. Now you have another world full of goody two shoes who see him as evil and keep invading to try to set his people free. Plus if Hami finds out he'll want to do the same to that other world that he did to this one. Easiest way to solve both problems--invade the other world and take it over too.