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  1. I don't see any reason to get too upset by this. If I was not already a player and heard that an old game was being shut down after years of running and a disappointing f2p transition, I'd think they were a bit nuts too. Of course that really wasn't what happened here--the game was shut down in the middle of development with no warning, with people losing money paid for subscriptions and points, and with no real consideration showed for the playing base at all. This guy likely has no way of knowing that and assumes that the game was shut down after slowly dying down and updates tapering off, like what sometimes happens. If that were the case, he'd be right.
  2. To the people wondering about Silos breaking his tether, my understanding is that the tether only applies to time traveling beyond one's own lifetime, but Silos has actually somehow managed to live the entire time since he was once Nemesis and therefore has not broken his tether since he has not traveled beyond his own lifetime. Since the rest of Ouroboros is unaware of that little fact, they all assume he has broken his tether somehow.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Well... to be honest, there are 3 months left (apparently) for the game to be closed down in. The 1st announcement of game closure are *always* a shock to the system.

    At least they are not closing the game down *tomorrow*.
    Yeah, but in the middle of development with a new patch posted yesterday, so no warning to the devs, no gradual slowing down of new content, just one day rolling along, the *bam* shut down with the devs not even sure they'll still have forum access next week?

    Yeah, that's abrupt.
  4. I have no desire to buy anything NCSoft makes either. The a few things mildly interest me, like the GW games, but I will never play them now.

    If they had shut down the game gracefully, at a proper pace instead of this abrupt fashion, I might forgive them, but not now, not ever.
  5. Thank you for the pleasure given to all of us players. I know this is if anything an even greater shock to you than it was to us.
  6. I may log in one final time to say goodbye for about 5 minutes, then away I go. Other than that this game will only depress and sadden me, so I have no desire to play it any further. There seems no point.

    I am also quite angry an NCSoft for the sudden nature of this. A new beta patch was posted yesterday, so obviously Paragon Studios didn't know either.
  7. My 6 month sub just renewed a couple of weeks ago. On top of that, I have a ton of points, many purchased that I undestand I can't even spend any more. Not that I want to anyways.
  8. This is one of my pet peaves as well. Incan can be situationally useful, but spammed every time it comes up, it is just plain annoying. It's even worse if you're playing a Mastermind, since your pets get tp'd even if you have the prompt on and even if you turn the tp down. I have died to tp spam as a result. Even worse was that this happened on an all MM trial.

    When I object to this, the incan spammers always tell me to turn my prompt on (which it already is--it's still distracting and annoying) and that the buffs are awesome (which they don't seem to be compared to the other four powers)

    So yeah, boo to incan spamming, but those who use it intelligently can be useful. Some places where it can be helpful include TPN to get inside the buildings, UG to get the whole league to the right position to fight the lichen walker and moving through parts of the tunnels, and Keyes to get away from the green stuff, among others.
  9. The easiest way for me is to pick one of the 4 main storylines and play through it. You can, of course, use the guide to hit all of them at once, if you prefer.

    Once you get past the original Praetorian zones, things change a bit. At level 20, you can either continue into regular blue or red, or go straight to First Ward where there is only one storyarc. You can actually do both, if you prefer, since heroes and villains can do the Wards as well as Praetorians.
  10. Since AS won't be leading his own separate run, I'll be along and hope to see him anyway.
  11. If you want to go for sets, don't worry too much about cruching the numbers, if that confuses you. Just pick a power with 5 or 6 slots, then pick a set appropriate to that power and put one of each type of enhancement from that set in that power. No, that isn't optimum, but it's easy to understand and will give you delicious bonuses to make your character more powerful. Later on, you can try to learn about the merits of different individual bonuses and stuff, but that should do to get you started.
  12. Keep in mind too that this thread was made when Sutter was brand now, people hadn't played it much, didn't know what to do, and so it was hard. Later in the therad, people had done it more, knew what to do, and it was easy. That's why the difference in impressions. That's what you get for necroing. Now go post in an actually relevant thread.
  13. Actually I was wrong. I do have MO in DD and I think TPN. That's it though. Still down for the tpn run.
  14. K9 Evolved is at your disposal if you even need search and rescue/ police officer help.
  15. I was busy last week, but glad to be back for the run this week. I have no trial MOs at all, so anything's good.
  16. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Free Trial?

    Old box copies that game with a month of game time are still worth that month of game time, and can be found for very cheap. Many come with additional, permanent goodies as well.

    Note that you have to make sure it's a new, unopened box copy. Used box copies are worthless, but are sometimes still sold.
  17. catwhowalksbyhimself

    New Player. Lost

    Yes, you can teleport directly to Faultline when you reach the appropriate level. Any contact that you do not need introduction to talk to and who does not introduce himself when you hit the right level can be teleported to. This includes the first arcs for The Hollows, Faultline, and Croatoa, among others.
  18. I'm @catwho and play pretty much exclusively on Freedom. Feel free to look me up.
  19. An SO? Really? Who cares about that? I delete those all the time. That's trash basically.
  20. catwhowalksbyhimself

    New Player. Lost

    Yes, the find contact button will get you what you want. As an added bonus, if you haven't met the contact yet, it will teleport you right to it.
  21. The new lfg channel, on the other hand is quite useful and is an excellent way to find a team, especially if you want to form one. The entire server is on it together, unlike traditional channels.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by trigirl View Post
    • What does this mean and how do I do what it tells me to do
    It means you are limited to 4 character slots and it wants you to choose some to unlock. Just click on a slot after you select a server and it will ask you if you want to use one of your free slots.

    • Once I do it, will I be able to play my science mastermind?
    Depends on how long you previously held a subscription, but it doesn't sound like very long, so probably not. Masterminds and Controllers require you to either have a certain number of reward tokens or be a vip, or buy them separately. There's a sale on those at the moment. As long as you have access, you can click on the mastermind to unlock her for use.

    • I've played other F2P games and know that all the good stuff costs real money, is this something I'll have to pay for?
    Except for Masterminds and Controllers, everything that was with the game(s) when it launched is playable for free. It's a better deal than other F2P games.

    I wouldn't recommend Masterminds for a first character anyways. They take a bit more skill than other ATs, IMO. Very powerful if player correctly, very, very weak if not.
  23. I'll gladly run the TPN if folks are still interested. That one I can easily handle.
  24. WOOOT!

    And good job all. Look forward to helping those who need tpn next week.