New Player. Lost
When you finished Habashy's arc, he should have introduced you to two people (you would have had a choice between two.) It sounds like you saw it -if you don't see them in your contact list, go talk to him again and make sure you actually accept it (it's generally "Who do you want," then "Are you sure?" Might have missed the second screen.)
Alternately, take the train over to King's Row. One of the first things that will happen is that your nav bar up top will direct you to the detective. Talk to him and get a police scanner - this will let you do three missions, then run a safeguard mission (protect atlas/kings row bank,) net you a travel power when you're done and get you a contact.
Alternately alternately, open your map and head to the Hollows. Talk to david wincott - he's just a short ways out of the gate. (Should also be in your contact list.) He starts at level 5, short arc, introduces you to Flux when finished (and gives you a repeatable contact in Meg Mason.) He should have been one of the popup introductions at 5. (Unless they stopped that... I'm used to him popping up, so I may be giving you old info there.)
And "Player questions" is a perfectly fine place to ask. Also, you should have the Help and Looking for Group channels available to you in game - Help should actually be in a tab of its own. (Select it, right click, remove everything but help. Talk in there using /hc for help channel - you'll be talking with other players, it's not an automated system or GM summoning system.)
Twinshot has 3 arcs in different level ranges, you just completed the first one. After you complete the second one at level 10, you'll have to wait until level 15 for her third arc.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
There's a "find contact" button under contacts somewhere. It's relatively new and I've only ever used it once, but it should help you find any contact in your range who will give you missions.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Yes, the find contact button will get you what you want. As an added bonus, if you haven't met the contact yet, it will teleport you right to it.
If you hit level 8 as you finished or right after (say you did Hashby then twinshot) the Atlas arcs all end at 7.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
If you hit level 8 as you finished or right after (say you did Hashby then twinshot) the Atlas arcs all end at 7.
Right, so the OP might have to go to Kings Row or The Hollows for some arcs for a while.
Kings Row might be good because that's where the next Twinshot arc happens. Take the Tram, and head over.
Edit: And yes, this is the "newbie" forum. No worries.
Alternately alternately, open your map and head to the Hollows. Talk to david wincott - he's just a short ways out of the gate. (Should also be in your contact list.) He starts at level 5, short arc, introduces you to Flux when finished (and gives you a repeatable contact in Meg Mason.) He should have been one of the popup introductions at 5. (Unless they stopped that... I'm used to him popping up, so I may be giving you old info there.)
I really wish they'd knock that off and just introduce him like any other new contact.
I vaguely remember Matthew Habashy giving me a contact, but I can't figure out how to find it. As it wasn't listed under my contact list.
Is there an arc guide or something? The wiki doesn't tell me jack squat. |
the Wiki tells us that Matthew Habashy introduces us to either Officer Fields or Sondra Costel. Completing their story arcs introduces us to Aaron Thiery.
Now if you didn't take those contacts when they were offered and instead outleveled them by focusing on Twinshot's story arc, you can't get them back because you are now too high a level.
You can get more contacts by going to King's Row and checking in with your assigned Detective (Becktrees or Freitag). Now as Memphis Bill has explained doing the radio/saeguard missions will unlock the next contacts.
I'm pretty sure when he says he finished Habashy and Twinshot, he meant he finished Thiery's finale, as you actually speak to Habashy to end it.
Nope, now your contacts all wait until you're busily running missions in Steel Canyon or Skyway City, and then they all at the same time want you to go talk to Wincott and won't give you anything else until you do. So if you don't want to do The Hollows, you still have to take the tram from Steel or Skyway back to Atlas, hike yourself over to The Hollows, say "hi" to Wincott, and then travel back to Steel/Skyway.
I really wish they'd knock that off and just introduce him like any other new contact. |
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Nope, now your contacts all wait until you're busily running missions in Steel Canyon or Skyway City, and then they all at the same time want you to go talk to Wincott and won't give you anything else until you do. So if you don't want to do The Hollows, you still have to take the tram from Steel or Skyway back to Atlas, hike yourself over to The Hollows, say "hi" to Wincott, and then travel back to Steel/Skyway.
I really wish they'd knock that off and just introduce him like any other new contact. |
Woa! Thanks for the help everyone.
Its safe to say I was pretty irritated after putting up that post, as I'd been searching for a while.
To clarify, I had just finished the ENTIRE Matthew Habashy arc, with the mole arrested and his wife saved. I had chosen between the two, and was confused as to what to do next. Twinshot was telling me that I needed to be level 10.
I made the wiki statement, because I didn't and still don't see any references to my next contact. The bottom of the conversation page was still unfinished hence my frustration.
I think what happened is I utterly forgot what he had told me, then I went to King's Row while looking around and got the police scanner. Since I was busy doing the Twinshot missions, I didn't pay attention to the scanner much.
So its back to King's Row I go!
Thanks for the help everyone! Lots of great tips that I think will come in handy as I continue to play. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I made the wiki statement, because I didn't and still don't see any references to my next contact. The bottom of the conversation page was still unfinished hence my frustration.
(Also, make sure that you're using the urls or Those are the same place, and are the updated wiki hosted by CoH Titan. There is another version of the wiki on wikia, which is not maintained and which in the past has been a source of malware.)
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Also, keep in mind that, with the exception of a few newer arcs like Habashy, the game doesn't send you from one context right to the next in a straight series. You're really on your own for a lot of it, but that leaves you free to discover what's out there. Some days I just don't feel like doing arcs, and just run Radio/Newspaper missions for a while (or, at above level 20, Tip missions).
So definitely pick up a Radio from whichever Detective contact it highlights for you in Kings Row, whether it's Joe or Pep.
I'm pretty sure when he says he finished Habashy and Twinshot, he meant he finished Thiery's finale, as you actually speak to Habashy to end it.
I also wanted to give the OP the wiki links that had the information he couldn't find.
I heartily recommend running the Hollows arcs at least once.
I would wait until you're about level 10 to start them, but they are some of the better written arcs out of the "legacy" content. (It's all brand new to you, but the Hollows arcs have been there for a long time, and were revamped a couple years ago)
The Faultline arcs are fun too, you can start those at level 15. Unless I'm mistaken, Jim Tremblor is one of the contacts you can teleport to. If you can't, Faultline is to the South of Skyway City (the train doesn't go there, you have to walk through the gate)
Striga Isle and Croatoa are cool too. They are level 20 and 25 respectively. Additionally, at level 20, you get 3 or 4 new contacts that give you very cool, nicely written arcs.
There's a lot to do in the game, but the game doesn't hold your hand and guide you through it. It lets you choose your own path through things the vast majority of the time.
Also, start keeping an eye out for people forming Task Forces. Most of them are pretty fun, and the 6 "signature" Task Forces will grant you a permanent +5% HP when you complete all 6.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
It's placed a little bit out of the way in the sidebar on the right of the page, underneath the contact's name and picture. If the contact is referred to you by someone, or refers you to someone else, then the info will be in there. It says who the contact introduces, and at what level.
Also when Twinshot sends a player to Blue Steel in Kings Row Detective Becktrees or Freitag automatically appear in our active contact list. Going to whichever one is assigned unlocks the Radio/Safeguard missions.
The only way to complete Twinshot's arc without getting a Detective added to the active contact list is by dropping the mission that sends you to Blue Steel.
Detectives are automatically added to our contact lists the first time we enter a zone that has radio missions.
Also, keep in mind that 'street hunting' (just running around the zone defeating enemies that are standing in the street) is a perfectly viable way to get XP if you've got a specific target in mind -- level 8 is a great time to street hunt in Kings Row. It's particularly effective if you have 'rest XP' up -- the blue in your XP bar that accumulates when you're logged out or hit the Experienced power (if you have the latter).
The nice thing about street hunting is that rescuing civilians will net you extra shots of Influence -- not a ton, but enough so that picking up an Enhancement or two from a vendor won't seem like a waste. Plus it's a great way to feel like a hero.
@White Roc, what server are you playing on? If you are on Guardian I could join up with you sometime and take you around to see the sights and answer questions.
If you're not the offer still stands, I have a bunch of banked server transfers so I can move one of my less played characters over to your server.
I usually play friday-sunday nights from 8pm - 11pm est. If those times work for you let me know. I'm @KINRAD in game as well.
Welcome to the coolest game in the world (says the 8 year subsrciber fanboi! )
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
The Faultline arcs are fun too, you can start those at level 15. Unless I'm mistaken, Jim Tremblor is one of the contacts you can teleport to. If you can't, Faultline is to the South of Skyway City (the train doesn't go there, you have to walk through the gate)

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
Yes, you can teleport directly to Faultline when you reach the appropriate level. Any contact that you do not need introduction to talk to and who does not introduce himself when you hit the right level can be teleported to. This includes the first arcs for The Hollows, Faultline, and Croatoa, among others.
I have no idea what to do in game, or what to do on these forums. I don't see any sort of 'newbie' forums, or a question forum for specific missions... so here goes.
I just finished the Twinshot and Matthew Habashy arc's for COH.
What do I do now? I havn't actually finished the Twinshot arc, but I can't progress any further until level 10. I'm level 8, and can't find missions ANYWHERE.
I vaguely remember Matthew Habashy giving me a contact, but I can't figure out how to find it. As it wasn't listed under my contact list.
Is there an arc guide or something? The wiki doesn't tell me jack squat.
Should I just grind to level 10, or is there a contact I'm missing?