White Roc

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  1. White Roc

    New Player. Lost

    Woa! Thanks for the help everyone.

    Its safe to say I was pretty irritated after putting up that post, as I'd been searching for a while.

    To clarify, I had just finished the ENTIRE Matthew Habashy arc, with the mole arrested and his wife saved. I had chosen between the two, and was confused as to what to do next. Twinshot was telling me that I needed to be level 10.

    I made the wiki statement, because I didn't and still don't see any references to my next contact. The bottom of the conversation page was still unfinished hence my frustration.

    I think what happened is I utterly forgot what he had told me, then I went to King's Row while looking around and got the police scanner. Since I was busy doing the Twinshot missions, I didn't pay attention to the scanner much.

    So its back to King's Row I go!

    Thanks for the help everyone! Lots of great tips that I think will come in handy as I continue to play. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
  2. White Roc

    New Player. Lost

    I have no idea what to do in game, or what to do on these forums. I don't see any sort of 'newbie' forums, or a question forum for specific missions... so here goes.

    I just finished the Twinshot and Matthew Habashy arc's for COH.

    What do I do now? I havn't actually finished the Twinshot arc, but I can't progress any further until level 10. I'm level 8, and can't find missions ANYWHERE.

    I vaguely remember Matthew Habashy giving me a contact, but I can't figure out how to find it. As it wasn't listed under my contact list.

    Is there an arc guide or something? The wiki doesn't tell me jack squat.

    Should I just grind to level 10, or is there a contact I'm missing?