Lambda badge runs Friday, 7/27/12, 8:00 PM
I'm iffy at the moment, not sure whether I'll have to be out of town on business this weekend. (That's why I didn't post my usual blather) If I'm around, I'm certainly down to help out.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
8:00 in what time zone?
Oops. Eastern time, same as AS's weekly runs.
Since AS won't be leading his own separate run, I'll be along and hope to see him anyway.
Thanks to @Catwho and the Freedom irregulars for joining, we picked up both badges and Synchronized. Hopefully Atomic Saint will be back next week to lead us to more badge glory!
im down to help out
I must have missed you by like five minutes. I hope you guys did well.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
Since Yat Man called off his Master TF runs for Friday night and nobody has announced anything else, I'm going to run at least two Lambda trials on Friday at 8:00 Eastern to get the following badges:
Lambda Looter - Complete the Lambda Sector Trial having acquired 10 Pacification Grenades and 10 Molecular Acids during the second phase, but using none of them.
Well-Stocked - Complete the Lambda Sector Trial having acquired 10 Pacification Grenades and 0 Molecular Acids during the second phase, but using none of them.
I will be on at fifteen minutes to the hour and begin inviting people then. Since I don't know the whole badge crew, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a notice in this thread if you're planning to come along. Thanks in advance for any responses.
Last week's Lambda run went well with 12 people, so that's the minimum I'm shooting for. The current roster is:
1) @Chyron HR (Dark Miasma/Dark Blast MILF)
2) @Heavensrun (MA/Regen Scrapper)
3) The Cat Who Walks Through Walls