Posted 06-25-2012 07:25 AM Hey guys, just a heads up, I start my vacation this Thursday, so there will be no Trial led by me this week. Heading down to Virginia Beach . Next week (if you guys haven't done it already) I will try to form a TPN badge run for all those who didn't get those goodies. Maybe Ill start a weekly for MoMs UGs and such if there's interest. 56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
Posted 06-26-2012 02:55 PM I'll gladly run the TPN if folks are still interested. That one I can easily handle.
Hey guys, just a heads up, I start my vacation this Thursday, so there will be no Trial led by me this week. Heading down to Virginia Beach .
Next week (if you guys haven't done it already) I will try to form a TPN badge run for all those who didn't get those goodies.
Maybe Ill start a weekly for MoMs UGs and such if there's interest.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.