~Faathim the Kind TF - Monday November 23rd~




Freedom Horde Social Group

Mission: The Saga of Lanaru
Contact:Faathim the Kind
Location: The Chantry

Date & Time: Monday, November 23rd @ 10:00PM Eastern/ 9:00PM Central/ 8:00PM Mountain/ 7:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 44-50

Villains: Nemesis, Soldiers of Rularuu, Circle of Thorns, Rikti, Malta, Knives of Artemis

Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Nemesis?, Baphomet, Lanaru the Mad

Current Team Roster:

1: Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender (Team Leader)
2: MB: TBA (Team Leader)
3: Mute Merc: DB/WP Scrapper (Team Leader)
4: Pyrewulf: Fire/Invul Scrapper
5: Beauty in a Bubble: Illusion/Bubble Controller
6: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
7: Xort: TBA
8: Bio-Nuke: Rad/Rad Defender
9: Carmen Kincaid: Sonic/Ice Defender
10: Kelvin Kin: Kin/Ice Defender
11: Scruffy Muffy: Stone/SS (Something Something) Tank
12: Myrdinn: Energy/Energy Blaster
13: General Gintoki: Tankage
14: Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender
15: Maximar: Rad/Rad Defender
16: Insolar: Fire/Kin Controller
17: 1st. Son: Fire/Fire Blaster
18: Doctor Firestorm: Fire/Energy Blaster
19: Plantman Mega: Plant/Kin Controller

Task Force Stats & Info:
  • This task force requires 8 to start. We will be running 2-3 teams depending on how many people show up. If we are short people, we will use people from other teams to start and then have them drop the team.
  • We will wait to form teams until close to 10pm Eastern. This will allow us to get a better idea of what builds we have present. Anyone not at the contact, or that has not sent me a tell letting me know they are on their way will not be included.
  • We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
  • Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
  • 22 Missions total: 3 Defeat Alls, 7 Visit Location Missions, 2 Speak To Missions, 7 Mission with Simultaneous Clicks
  • Badge: Slayer of Madness
  • Merit Reward: 73
  • The last time my team did this TF, we finished in 3 hours, 19 minutes.
Come & join in the fun! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Luna de Nocturne

Red Tomax Guide: The Saga of Lanaru
Paragon Wiki Guide: Faathim the Kind TF

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
The last time my team did this TF, we finished in 3 hours, 19 minutes.
That does seem to be the butter zone. As I was researching other group's times, the bulk was shown to be between 3:15 and 3:30. I hope we can keep it on the shorter end so people don't fall asleep.

According to our own Horde history:
June 15
Luna- 3:19:15
MB- 3:27:10

Sept 3
Alt- 3:22:08

And doing some checking on the global channels, people reported 3:20 as their previous time as well.

Let's shoot for an even 3 hours this time! lol



Yeah, where Faathim is out in the middle of the zone, and inside a building, *AND* he never gives you a phone number, a lot of time on this TF is spent going back and forth to him. We might be able to trim a few minutes, but yes, I think anything less than 3 hours is probably not going to happen. I wish we could make it much faster, but the contact really bogs down this TF

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



FYI - there is a SG badge for defeating Lanaru. Have to defeat him 5 times in SG mode.

I will finally have mine as this will be my fifth time running this TF.



Originally Posted by GooMatt745 View Post
FYI - there is a SG badge for defeating Lanaru. Have to defeat him 5 times in SG mode.

I will finally have mine as this will be my fifth time running this TF.
I always forget that. Thanks for reminding us!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Insolar, 50 fire/kin troller, signing up



Originally Posted by GooMatt745 View Post
FYI - there is a SG badge for defeating Lanaru. Have to defeat him 5 times in SG mode.

I will finally have mine as this will be my fifth time running this TF.

I believe I will finely get this badge also

I'm in with 1st. Son

@1st. Son

Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.



Gonna skip this one, kiddos. My grades are slipping a bit in my foreign language class so I need some extra study time.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Count me in with the same blaster as last week: Doctor Firestorm fire/energy.



I should be there with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega.



REMINDER: This is TONIGHT! We're in a slight bit if a situation folks. Joe has some family coming to visit and will not be able to attend. So I think I'm going to run two teams instead of 3. We'll see how it all shakes out tonight

Freedom Horde Social Group

Mission: The Saga of Lanaru
Contact:Faathim the Kind
Location: The Chantry

Date & Time: Monday, November 23rd @ 10:00PM Eastern/ 9:00PM Central/ 8:00PM Mountain/ 7:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 44-50

Villains: Nemesis, Soldiers of Rularuu, Circle of Thorns, Rikti, Malta, Knives of Artemis

Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Nemesis?, Baphomet, Lanaru the Mad

Current Team Roster:

1: Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender (Team Leader) (Iffy)
2: MB: TBA (Team Leader)
3: Pyrewulf: Fire/Invul Scrapper
4: Beauty in a Bubble: Illusion/Bubble Controller
5: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
6: Xort: TBA
7: Bio-Nuke: Rad/Rad Defender
8: Carmen Kincaid: Sonic/Ice Defender
9: Kelvin Kin: Kin/Ice Defender (iffy)
10: Scruffy Muffy: Stone/SS (Something Something) Tank
11: Myrdinn: Energy/Energy Blaster
12: Death'Dealer: Tankage
13: Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender
14: Maximar: Rad/Rad Defender
15: Insolar: Fire/Kin Controller
16: 1st. Son: Fire/Fire Blaster
17: Doctor Firestorm: Fire/Energy Blaster
18: Plantman Mega: Plant/Kin Controller

Task Force Stats & Info:
  • This task force requires 8 to start. We will be running 2-3 teams depending on how many people show up. If we are short people, we will use people from other teams to start and then have them drop the team.
  • We will wait to form teams until close to 10pm Eastern. This will allow us to get a better idea of what builds we have present. Anyone not at the contact, or that has not sent me a tell letting me know they are on their way will not be included.
  • We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
  • Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
  • 22 Missions total: 3 Defeat Alls, 7 Visit Location Missions, 2 Speak To Missions, 7 Mission with Simultaneous Clicks
  • Badge: Slayer of Madness
  • Merit Reward: 73
  • The last time my team did this TF, we finished in 3 hours, 19 minutes.
Come & join in the fun! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Luna de Nocturne

Red Tomax Guide: The Saga of Lanaru
Paragon Wiki Guide: Faathim the Kind TF

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I could lead the 3rd team, but I am not lvl 50...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
I could lead the 3rd team, but I am not lvl 50...
Honestly, after looking at the teams, I think we might just go with 2 teams instead of 3. We're at 18 people right now. My husband had already stated that he doesn't care if he does this TF, and he was not going to stay the whole night. So that puts us at 17 people. As always, we usually have someone that doesn't show. So that would put us at 16 people. And *IF* everyone did show, I would back out. So voila, 16 people, two teams . You can help lead my team though. Get a 50 to start, and then have you or them as the main contact.

And again, that's if everyone shows up....

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



i am going to see how my other tank does on this TF.

lvl 50 WP/BA Tank "Death'Dealer"



Well if you need someone to back out I can do that if you want luna, I have plenty of other toons I can work on



Originally Posted by Angeliscar View Post
Well if you need someone to back out I can do that if you want luna, I have plenty of other toons I can work on
Nope, you show up! I've got a plan in place to make two teams work!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Sorry to break the bad news so last minute. Going to work extra tonight and the next two days so I can have a four day weekend.

I'll be home right when the TF starts so I hope to make it If not, don't wait.

Sorry again



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Nope, you show up! I've got a plan in place to make two teams work!
You rock! hehe



Originally Posted by Scruffy_Muffy View Post
Sorry to break the bad news so last minute. Going to work extra tonight and the next two days so I can have a four day weekend.

I'll be home right when the TF starts so I hope to make it If not, don't wait.

Sorry again
Ok, not a problem. Thanks for letting me know. I hope to see you, if not I'll see you next time <hugs>

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I am new to the board but not new to boards...

Anyway, I would like to be added to the roster of tonight's game please.

Maya Moto Musashi, Katana/SR Scrapper, L49


PS I am the guy who got Gen_Gintoki hooked on this game. Hi GenGin!

Also, PPS I also have a L50 Mind Rad in case that would be valuable...not that I'm the best and its not outfitted with purples, just IOs. Cheers.



Originally Posted by Evil Samurai View Post
I am new to the board but not new to boards...

Anyway, I would like to be added to the roster of tonight's game please.

Maya Moto Musashi, Katana/SR Scrapper, L49


PS I am the guy who got Gen_Gintoki hooked on this game. Hi GenGin!

Also, PPS I also have a L50 Mind Rad in case that would be valuable...not that I'm the best and its not outfitted with purples, just IOs. Cheers.
Welcome to the forums! I'll do my best to get your on a team tonight. We're only running 2 teams, so it might be tight, but I'll see what I can do....

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Welcome to the forums! I'll do my best to get your on a team tonight. We're only running 2 teams, so it might be tight, but I'll see what I can do....
Much Apprish. I know I got on the list late but I'm bettin on you needing one more body. I'll hang and see tonight what happens. Either way thanks!

Evil Samauri



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Let's shoot for an even 3 hours this time! lol
Ohhhhh Yeah!

lol This was really fun. After the team wipe in the first mission, I was like "oh no!" but we just regrouped and everything clicked after that. Great team, great fun! See you all for the next one! We did it!



Thank you to everyone that came out to join us last night.

After some finangling and bad counting on my part, we ended up with 2 teams of 8.

My team was:

Beauty in a Bubble: Ill/Bubble Controller
Motorpsycho Nitemare: Psi/MM Blaster
Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender
Myrdinn: Energy/Energy Blaster
Maximar: Rad/Rad Defender
Death'Dealer: WP/Ax Tank
Miya Moto Musashi: Katana Scrapper
Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender

It was a very long night. We lost Maximar about an hour and a half in due to sleep issues, and we were a little light on mass damage.

We finished in 3:56:44 with 68 deaths. After we lost Maximar, I was the only healer/rezzer we had left.

Thanks to everyone for sticking it out =).

Next week's TF is Lady Grey, so feel free to bring a villain if you like.


Faathim The Kind TF

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)