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  1. If you still have room, would you please add "Kin Rothko" rad/kin corr lvl 50. Thanks
  2. If there's going to be two teams running, I'll sign on with my kin (Kin Rothko) and hopefully grab a spot.
  3. Hey Gen Gintoki, please alt list me just in case you need to fill an empty spot. TBA on what to bring. Thanks much!

    Hopefully I'll see you all tonight!
  4. Hey Mr E-Man, I know this is last minute but would you mind adding my stalker if there is room? Or alt list him?

    Thanks much!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by destiny_morna View Post
    I would love to come if there's room--i have a fire/emp troller(lady morna) that could use the badge or a kin troller (fairy morna or morna baby--both are kins!) if the team needs a kin!
    Hiya Morna!!!
  6. Hey Gang. If you don't mind, I'm going to show up for this TF tonight. I'll bring what ever is needed. Your the best
  7. I'll join the MoLGTF attempt.... TBA on what the team needs..... thanks
  8. Hey Gang. I'll standby if a spot opens up.
  9. HI Gang, if you would list my tank as an alt. Scruffy Muffy stone/ss lvl 50. Thank you
  10. HI Gang! Just FYI, I might be a few minutes late logging in for tonights TF. Boss wants a project done TODAY! I hope to make it home in time
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
    Sorry for the delay in updating the status of this TF...the last few weeks have been quite busy for me...

    ...well, we have a bit of an overage, we should be able to run two teams...

    I am unsure of the "sign-up" order between everyone here & on facebook, but hopefully, we will be able to field two solid teams!
    Just for the record, I signed up before Roxy did . . . she can't make it anyway !!! she's tied up
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MarvelatMee View Post
    Gen I will be online at that time if you need an extra body.
    I'll also show up Barstow Betty lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller
  13. The only reason we were able to get done before Team Luna because I cleared several missions in the afternoon since I was off work. If it weren’t for the stupid computers that had to be clicked at the same time, I would have done more.

    Sorry Luna for your teams unfortunate experience.

    I wasn't sure the state of mind Turg was in when I was first to log back in from being locked out but all I read was "Betty, hurry and get the next mish quick!" (Something along that line)
  14. Looks like my weekend got extended (4 days off baby!), would you mind listing Barstow Betty on the "Alt" list for the one night? Otherwise I'll hang with the two night crew... Thanks
  15. I have at least one storage bin full of EoEs no worries there
  16. My favorite SF Would you please list my stalker for this? I'll post his name when I sign on today.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Bottom line: Start a ruckus, and people come out to make things ruckusier. It's pretty simple here.
    May I add this to my sig? To late, already did! Thanks Turgy!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
    Thank you to everyone that joined last night. We had a few no-shows as usual, but we also had a few surprise guests, so it all worked out. Thanks to Mr E, Goldberg, and Paragon for leading the teams last night.

    My team was:
    Azure Emp: Emp/Psi Defender
    Proto Charge: Shield/Elec Tank
    Barstow Betty: Ill/Rad Controller
    Arc Knight: Elec/EM Blaster
    Maxus Rab: WP/Mace Tank
    Frosty Air: Ice/Ice Blaster
    Lachlan Thunderheart: Elec/Elec Scrapper

    I didn't get a screenshot cause I was busy healing, but I was told we finished in 1:02:35 with 1 death. We didn't really have any problems last night. Just killed lots of stuff, including both bridges. Scruffy ended up with 12 inspiration drops from the bridges, where I received none lol.

    Next week's event will be an ITF! It'll be open to both sides. I'll post the sign up sheet later today.

    Thanks again everyone =)
    At least I offered to the team ???
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    These are the drinks i currently have on my desk . . .
    • 2 bottles of magners
    • 1 bottle of jack daniels
    • 2 half bottles of vodka
    • This wierd drink from local shop that purely shots. Think of the shots you have in clubs and this is that
    • Bottle of water [to balance it all out and keep me healthy]
    Do i qualify?
    I don't know what Turgs response will be, but I believe you do !!! What is magners?
  20. Mind if I take a dab at this Super-Happy Acceptable Fun Thread?

  21. If you still have room, I can bring my Kin for this. Or list me as an alt.

  22. I'll fill in. lvl 50 ill/rad "Barstow Betty"
  23. If there's still room, please list my kin corr or my stalker.