~Master of Dr Kahn TF - Saturday, June 5~




A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring a Character from the Mr E-Man Pantheon

Mission: Master of the Dr Kahn Task Force - Return of the Reichsman
Contact: Dr Kahn
Location: Founder's Falls

Date & Time: Saturday, June 5 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: 5th Column, Arachnos, Rogue Isles Villains

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Schadenfreude, Invincible Reichsman, Reichsman, Countess Crey, Nemesis, Vanessa DeVore, Gyrfalcon

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Man: TBA
2: Gun Father: DP/Fire Blaster
3: Paragon: TBA
4: Pyrewulf: Fire/Inv Scrapper
5: Radiant Auura: Rad/Rad Defender
6: Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
7: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
8: Roxona: TBA


Kotchie's Anger: WP/SS Tank
Drogoh: TBA
Fairy Morna: Fire/Kin Controller
Scruffy: TBA
Captain Power: TBA

Task Force Stats & Info:

  • This task force requires a 4-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 6 Missions total (includes 1 talk to)
  • Badge(s): Column Breaker & Master of the 5th Column Task Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees :smirk: )
  • Merit Reward: 20
Mr E-Man’s MoDrKTF Mission Notes:
  • General Instructions: Stick together & follow instructions. Always let the Tank grab aggro first – even before debuffs. This is a work in progress.
  • Mission One: After we port to the 5th Column base, the AV is in the next room, so beware if you go exploring.
  • Mission Two: We will most likely take out the portals using ranged attacks & not worry about the 5th Column, but we will determine that based on team make-up. As soon as Invincible Reichsman spawns, please exit the mission (either via Ouroboros or the red exit spot). The mission will time-out without anyone in it.
  • Mission Three: Glowie hunt & end boss.
  • Mission Four: Talk to Tina
  • Mission Five: Glowie hunt. Each glowie spawns an ambush, so be prepared
  • Mission Six: If we have a Stealth/TPer, we will just go to the end room, if not we will clear to it. Tank/Scrappers only in melee with Reichsman. The rest of the team should form up together to share heals/buffs. As each AV awakens let the tank grab aggro before attacking.
Come & join in the fun...and send Reichsman back to the cooler! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Mr E-Man

Paragon Wiki: Return of the Reichsman

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Sign me up as TBA; I can bring whatever we end up needing.



Im in for this again, Pyrewulf (Fire/Inv Scrapper)



Hi, Evil Samurai Jack would like to help get this shiny badge.
L50 Rad Defender "Radiant Auura"




Definitely want to join this one again, Mr. E. Shadowrush needs the badge. Sign me up with my main character.



I will Join with my tank. lvl 50 wp/ss tank general gintoki



Please add me as TBA. I need to see who doesn't have it yet.



If you still have a spot, I would like to sign up (Kotchie's Anger WP/SS tank)

If not I will take an alt spot and see how it pans out



Probably warshade, shield/sword scrapper or ice/ss tank. If we're melee heavy, I'll be on my tri-form so I can sit back and blast at range. Hopefully my U-verse won't die in the middle of the TF like happened with LGTF. ;/



Can i come or be an alternate if its filled? I'll be bringing Fairy Morna 50 fire/kin troller if there's room


destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor



Sorry for the delay in updating the status of this TF...the last few weeks have been quite busy for me...

...well, we have a bit of an overage, we should be able to run two teams...

I am unsure of the "sign-up" order between everyone here & on facebook, but hopefully, we will be able to field two solid teams!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Hey E, If you need another Rad I can jump on as Aussie, but would prefer Pyrewulf if I could



I'll be on CP if I can get in.....looks like there's a LOT of alts though. =D

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Sorry for the delay in updating the status of this TF...the last few weeks have been quite busy for me...

...well, we have a bit of an overage, we should be able to run two teams...

I am unsure of the "sign-up" order between everyone here & on facebook, but hopefully, we will be able to field two solid teams!
Just for the record, I signed up before Roxy did . . . she can't make it anyway !!! she's tied up



I'll join ya E if there's room. Can bring whatever is needed.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Hey, I know you.
How do you know my language?



Hey guys, sorry to back out at the last minute, but I just got home from Philly & am feeling like total crap.

I hope you still give it a go - there are plenty of great players signed up that can take the lead for tonight.

I'm going to send a couple messages on FB as well.

Sorry - I'll post something up for next weekend.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Sorry you aren't feeling well, E. Turg led the team, and we got Mo on the second run. Rest up and feel better soon!



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Hey guys, sorry to back out at the last minute, but I just got home from Philly & am feeling like total crap.

I hope you still give it a go - there are plenty of great players signed up that can take the lead for tonight.

I'm going to send a couple messages on FB as well.

Sorry - I'll post something up for next weekend.
Us Philly folks will do that to a person. oops.



Dramatis Personae:

Gun Father, Blaster
Gentry McGovern, Defender
Shadowrush, Scrapper
Fugly as Sin, Tanker
Fairy Morna, Controller
Pie Bandit, Controller
Radiant Auura, Defender
Pyrewulf, Scrapper

Our first wave was unsuccessful, after a few deaths on mish 5 where you click on the power sources. Those summon ambushes, dontchaknow. The 2nd run flew by quickly, netting us the "Master" badge at 51:17! My hat's off to everyone on-team, and deepest sympathies to E-Man for being unwell that night.



Edit: Turg beat me to it.

Well, we managed to get the badge on our second try, as Rox already said. Attempt #1 ended when an ambush tagged a squishy on the second to last mission. We used the rest of the TF as "practice" after deciding to run a second attempt, finishing #1 in just over 45 minutes and something like 10 deaths.

The second run went much smoother. I think Turg caught some aggro in either the first or third mission, but that was the only hold your breath moment. I used the taunt at range on an immobilized R-Man method for the finale, which made for an easy win. Run #2 was also 45 minutes or something silly like that.

Team: Gun Father, Fugly as Sin, Pyrewulf, Radiant Auura, Shadowrush, Gentry McGovern, Fairy Morna, and Temptations' character (Pie something, don't remember the name, sorry ).