308 -
How has everyone been? I have no computer but I loaded the game on my mom's laptop. it cant really handle it but it lets me log onto the game for now.
Some Toon Names.
Samurai Ginko Brute
General Gintoki Tank
Prince Alucard Scrapper
I missed all of you guys. Freedom TF Chat is where its at. hehe. I will be logging on alot more now. I will be making a new pc tower so i can come back full time.
My wife is going to buy the game and then we can get to play with each other and have some fun. -
Mission: Soul of the Woodsman
Contact: Numina
Location: Founder's Falls
Date & Time: Thursday, November the 4th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 35-40
Villains: Freakshow, Crey, Nemesis, Circle of Thorns, Devouring Earth
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Envoy of Shadows, Jurassik
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Widow "Emissary of Death" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- MarvelatMe: TBA
Squid: Ice/Emp Troller "Kahlide"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires at least 4 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 23 Missions total: 2 Defeat Alls, 1 Delivery/Talk to Missions, 16 Hunts
- Badge: Numina's Compatriot
- Merit Reward: 36
Cause of the TOT event I tried to change the Numina TF to the respec trial. But I got alot of normal horde member's who cant make it tonight and alot that cant play Thursday Night's now. So I need to regroup my list.
This week is canceled
and will restart back up on November 4th with a Numina Run.
Sorry for the confusion and the delay. Just log in and enjoy the TOT event.
General Gintoki -
Mission: Terra Volta Respecification Trial
Contact: Captain James Harlan
Location: Founder's Falls
Date & Time: Thursday, October 28th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 34-43
Villains: Freakshow
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's:Dont Know
Current Team Roster:
- *Goldberg: TBA
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- Squid: Blaster "Julip Haze"
- MarvelatMe: TBA
- LSK: demon/dark mm "little bright hell"
- *Luna: Claws/WP Scrap "Golden Jade" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: WP/Mace Tank "Kromlech"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- Will add more info soon.
- Badge: Received the Stalwart Medallion, Earned the Statesman Star Badge or Awarded the Freedom Cross
- Merit Reward: 20
we need 4 people to join us since it requires 7 to start
Mission: Following Countess Crey
Contact: Manticore
Location: Brickstown
Date & Time: Thursday, October 21st @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 30-35
Villains: Crey
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Simmons, Hawkins, Agent Wilson, Security Chief Manning, Hopkins
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Widow "Emissary of Death" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- Squid109: Spines/Regen Scrap "Skiffle"
- MarvelatMe: TBA
- *Luna: Claws/WP Scrap "Golden Jade" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: WP/Mace Tank "Kromlech"
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires at least SEVEN to start. So we need 6 more to sign up. Ask some friends to join in.
- We will be starting at 10pm Eastern so please try to show up 5-10mins early.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 10 Missions total: 2 Defeat Alls, 1 Delivery/Talk to Missions, 2 Hunt
- Badge: Manticore's Associate
- Merit Reward: 32
I am to sexy for this forum
Hello, Luna do you have a toon that has this unlocked?
Mission:The MegaMech Cometh
Contact: Ernesto Hess
Location: Striga Isle
Date & Time: Thursday, October 14th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 25-30
Villains: Council
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Archon Worthing, Archon Gavin, Archon Sanders, Archon Buckholder
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: WP/SS Tank "General Gintoki" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Evil Samurai: Fire/Rad Troller "Quark Soup"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- Squid109B: Spines/Regen Scrap "Skiffler"
- *Luna: Earth/Rad Troller "ProjectTrinity" (Team Ldr)
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- Smash Zone: DB/En Stalk "Proto-Zero"
- MarvelatMe: Elec/BA Tank "Huxford"
*PlayTime: Earth/Therm Troller "Debt Collector"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires 6 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 8 Missions total: 2 Defeat Alls
- Badge: Burkholder's Bane
- Merit Reward: 19
im sorry i get off at work 10 i will be home at 10 :15ish..i will be here but we will start 15 minutes late...John
OK Luna, its kewl. I dont know who is going to stick around for the second part yet. but if there is full teams it will go very fast getting these badges..
we need one each for our teams. -
Mission: A Tangled Plot
Contact: Katie Hannon
Location: Croatoa
Date & Time: Thursday, October 7th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 30-34
Villains: Red Caps and The Cabal
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Mary Maccomber (AV), Wormtail
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Arch/En Blast "Mushi-shi Hunter" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Evil Samurai: Fire/Rad Troller "Quark Soup"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- Void Spirit: psy/em blast "Greymin"
- *Luna: Earth/Rad Troller "ProjectTrinity" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: Earth/Therm Troller "Debt Collector"
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- MarvelatMe: TBA
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires 6 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 4 Missions total
- Badge: Cabalist and Ten Times the Victor
- Merit Reward: 9
- Cabalist Badge - KHTF
- Giant Killer Badge - Defeat the Croatoa Jack of Irons
- Pumpkin King Badge - Defeat the Croatoa Eochai
- Believer Badge - Defeat Sally Twice - Spawns every 45mins
- Cap Buster Badge - Defeat 333 Red Caps
- Pumpkin Master Badge - Defeat 333 Fir Bolg
- Bane of Dannan Badge - Defeat 333 Tuatha de Dannan
- Spellbinding Badge - Defeat 333 Cabal
- Haunted Badge - Defeat 333 Ghosts
Omg I am so sorry. I just got my pc back and up and running. my dam dog spilled a mt dew drink right into it and fried alot of it and i had to pawn alot of stuff to buy all new parts for it and took me a few days to dry and clean some parts to salvage it. but i am back and so far its running dont know for how long but for now i am back. omg i was crying. yes a grown man crying and i am not ashamed to admit it.
cool anyone got some friends that want to join us?
Mission: Citadel's Children
Contact: Citadel
Location: Talos Island
Date & Time: Thursday, September 30th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 25-30
Villains: Council
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Archon Racco, Khellum, TSO 1809, Max, VR629, Bulwark, Vandal
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Night Widow "Emissary of Death" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Evil Samurai: Fire/Rad Troller "Quark Soup"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- *MB: DB/Kin Corr "Robin Rogue"
- *Luna: Claws/WP Scrap "Golden Jade" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: WP/Mace Tank "Kromlech"
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- MarvelatMe: Ele/Cold Troller "Shocking Cold"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires 6 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 11 Missions total: 5 Defeat Alls, 1 Delivery/Talk to Missions, 1 Hunt
- Badge: Citadel's Assistant
- Merit Reward: 40
Mission: The Kheldian War
Contact: Moonfire
Location: Striga Isle
Date & Time: Thursday, September 23rd @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 23-28
Villains: Council
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Archon Fontain, Archon Salvatore, Arakhn (AV)
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Night Widow "Emissary of Death" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Evil Samurai: Fire/Rad Troller "Quark Soup"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- MB: "Robin Rogue"
- *Luna: Claws/WP Scrap "Golden Jade" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: WP/Mace Tank "Kromlech"
- *MetalHead: En/Mental Blast "VY Canis Majoris"
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Zendain: TBA
- MarvelatMe: "Shocking Cold"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires 6 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 11 Missions total: 3 Defeat Alls, 2 Delivery/Talk to Missions, 2 Defeat Patrols
- Badge: Honorary Peacebringer
- Merit Reward: 32
Mission: Clamor and Destruction
Contact: Sister Psyche
Location: Independence Port
Date & Time: Thursday, September 16th @ 10:00PM Eastern
Level Range: 20-25
Villains: Freakshow and Council
Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Shriek, Devastation, Punkadelic, Screamer, Raid Leader x2, Defense Commander x2, Archon Granger, Noise Tank, Axel-F, Pierce, Shatter, Clamor
Current Team Roster:
- *Ginko: Night Widow "Emissary of Death" (Team Ldr)
- *Goldberg: Ice/Ice Tank "Iceberger"
- *Evil Samurai: Fire/Rad Troller "Quark Soup"
- *Paragon: UB/UA Warshade "Stray Kitty"
- *Destiny Morna: Ice/Kin Corr "mysteria morna"
- MB: "Robin Rogue"
- Night-Hawk:Scrap "KnightHawk"
- *Luna: Claws/WP Scrap "Golden Jade" (Team Ldr)
- *PlayTime: WP/Mace Tank "Kromlech"
- *MetalHead: TBA
- *Spike Night: SD/EM Tank "Bezor"
- *Zendain: TBA
- MarvelatMe: TBA
- Void Spirit: dark/dark def "Simona Morte"
Task Force Stats & Info:
- This task force requires 5 to start.
- We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
- Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
- 14 Missions total: 4 Defeat Alls, 2 Delivery/Talk to Missions, 1 Patrol
- Badge: Sister Psyche's Comrade
- Merit Reward: 50