~Abandoned Sewer Trial - Monday October 12th~




Freedom Horde Social Group

Mission: Descent to the Hydra / Abandoned Sewers Trial
Contact: Mairenn MacGregor
Location: Atlas Park

Date & Time: Monday, October 12th @ 10:00PM Eastern/ 9:00PM Central/ 8:00PM Mountain/ 7:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 38-40

Villains: Rikti, Hydra

Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Hydra

Current Team Roster:

1: Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender (Team Leader)
2: MB: TBA (Team Leader)
3: Mute Merc: DB/WP Scrapper (Team Leader)
4: Roxona MD: Emp/Ice Defender
5: Beauty in a Bubble: Illusion/Bubble Controller
6: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
7: Pyrewulf: Fire/Invul Scrapper
8: Bio-Nuke: Rad/Rad Defender
9: Carmen Kincaid: Sonic/Ice Defender
10: Kelvin Kin: Kin/Ice Defender
11: Scruffy Muffy: Stone/SS (Something Something) Tank
12: Myrdinn: Energy/Energy Blaster
13: General Gintoki: Tankage
14: Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender
15: Captain Power: Blaster
16: Xort: TBA
17: Siphirus: Archery/MM Blaster
18: Angelic Goth: Elec/Elec Blaster (Iffy)
19: Plantman Mega: Plant/Kin Controller
20: Ven Infinity: Dark/Dark Scrapper
21: Umbral Goddess: WS -or- The Slayer-Buffy: Invul/SS Tank

Task Force Stats & Info:
  • This task force requires at least 4 to start. We will be running at least 3 teams that night.
  • We will wait to form teams until close to 10pm Eastern. This will allow us to get a better idea of what builds we have present. Anyone not at the contact, or that has not sent me a tell letting me know they are on their way will not be included.
  • We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
  • Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
  • 3 Missions total: 1 Hunt, 1 Timed
  • Badge: Head of the Hydra (Exploration) and Charmer for defeating the Hydra
  • Merit Reward: 28
Come & join in the fun! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Luna de Nocturne

Red Tomax Guide: Abandoned Sewers Trial
Paragon Wiki Guide: Abandoned Sewers Trial

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Just reconfirming that I will be there with Beauty & also that I should be good stealthing to the control room to TP everyone down.

Reveal+SS+SI+PFF :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Just reconfirming that I will be there with Beauty & also that I should be good stealthing to the control room to TP everyone down.

Reveal+SS+SI+PFF :smirk:
Oooooh, Yeah you get the job! I was dreading that. Thanks Mr E!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Luna, ill be joining once again. I will bring my blaster Siphirus, he also has stealth and tp.

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.



put me down as iffy with angelic goth my elec/elec blaster



I should be there with my plant/kin controller, Plantman Mega.



I will be there for sure, I have never done this trial before



I'd like to bring my 50 dark/dark Scrapper, Ven Infinity. This is one of two tf/trial badges I'm missing on her.



If I can get my WS up to 38 this weekend, I'll come along. Took a break from school, so I may join on more week night TF's again!

Put me down for maybe with Umbral Goddess. I'll do my best to get her to 38. If I can't, I'll bring Buffy to tank.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



this TF was hard the one time i did it. cant wait for it cause hard is fun cya all there



Reminder! This is Monday night! We still have 3 spots open!

Freedom Horde Social Group

Mission: Descent to the Hydra / Abandoned Sewers Trial
Contact: Mairenn MacGregor
Location: Atlas Park

Date & Time: Monday, October 12th @ 10:00PM Eastern/ 9:00PM Central/ 8:00PM Mountain/ 7:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 38-40

Villains: Rikti, Hydra

Named Bosses, EB's and AV's: Hydra

Current Team Roster:

1: Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender (Team Leader)
2: MB: TBA (Team Leader)
3: Mute Merc: DB/WP Scrapper (Team Leader)
4: Roxona MD: Emp/Ice Defender
5: Beauty in a Bubble: Illusion/Bubble Controller
6: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
7: Pyrewulf: Fire/Invul Scrapper
8: Bio-Nuke: Rad/Rad Defender
9: Carmen Kincaid: Sonic/Ice Defender
10: Kelvin Kin: Kin/Ice Defender
11: Scruffy Muffy: Stone/SS (Something Something) Tank
12: Myrdinn: Energy/Energy Blaster
13: General Gintoki: Tankage
14: Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender
15: Captain Power: Blaster
16: Xort: TBA
17: Siphirus: Archery/MM Blaster
18: Angelic Goth: Elec/Elec Blaster
19: Plantman Mega: Plant/Kin Controller
20: Ven Infinity: Dark/Dark Scrapper
21: Umbral Goddess: WS -or- The Slayer-Buffy: Invul/SS Tank

Task Force Stats & Info:
  • This task force requires at least 4 to start. We will be running at least 3 teams that night.
  • We will wait to form teams until close to 10pm Eastern. This will allow us to get a better idea of what builds we have present. Anyone not at the contact, or that has not sent me a tell letting me know they are on their way will not be included.
  • We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's.
  • Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome!
  • 3 Missions total: 1 Hunt, 1 Timed
  • Badge: Head of the Hydra (Exploration) and Charmer for defeating the Hydra
  • Merit Reward: 28
Come & join in the fun! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Luna de Nocturne

Red Tomax Guide: Abandoned Sewers Trial
Paragon Wiki Guide: Abandoned Sewers Trial

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



i will be joining with angelic goth my elec elec blaster



Since this is a fairly short trial...I am planning on running an MoITF following...at approximately 11:45pm eastern if anyone is interested.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I think I will bring my rad (Thorium 232) for the Sewer Trial and I would like to take Motorpsycho Nitemare for the MOITF.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Since this is a fairly short trial...I am planning on running an MoITF following...at approximately 11:45pm eastern if anyone is interested.
If I'm not dead to the world or too stressed out, I'll join the MoITF with Luna. I still need the badge on her.

The way I'm feeling right now though, it's an iffy. Just have to see how I feel tonight

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Since this is a fairly short trial...I am planning on running an MoITF following...at approximately 11:45pm eastern if anyone is interested.
I'll join that on something, not sure what though. Probably whatever the team needs, heh.



Im in E if i can bring my lvl 40 ish brute...its cool if its not practical :smirk:
Otherwise ill bring Valkryie Painfire my lvl 50 corr



Sorry, I forgot to set the deaths. I'm sure we beat the other team's 50 though. lol

We almost killed the Head in 2 waves. It only had 75 hp left, so we blitzed it. Blitz, meaning we stuck together and took down each of the 4 gens quickly. We didn't even worry about clearing any of the Rikti ambushes or the ones guarding the Gens. Then I hit the head with the Particle Cannon for the easy win.

Nice job everybody! It was fun! See some of you on the revisit on Thursday night!



1. Mute Merc
2. Myrdinn
3. Roxona
4. Captain Power
5. Carmen Kincaid
6. General Gintoki
7. Plantman Mega

50 deaths

We had 8 minutes left before the mission timer was up. We came close to a team wipe with about 20 minutes left. Now I am goin to go put my new graphics card in my good PC so I don't lag like crazy anymore.



Congrats all on a successful run. I know this can be a hard one.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



A quick write-up on the MoITF attempt that we ran after the Abandoned Sewer Trial.

We did not succeed...

We needed to pick up three people from the channels to fill up the roster - including my ex-SG mate Terminotaur (on Red Tape).

Our first attempt was cut short in the first mission with a bit of over-aggro & I went down.

We restarted & our second attempt was ended in the second mission with a combination Cyst explosion followed by the corresponding ambush spawning atop of said player head...ouch!

We continued on & wound up finishing with just the one death. Romy was having issues though, he wouldn't come up to the hill - rather, he ran all the way to the front of the map, fell off the hill a few times, etc - we probably waited around 15 mins for him to settle down, before we decided to just head down to the platform & take him out there along with the the Cims down there.

MoITF attempt: 10/12/2009 - Stat Box

The reason why we are all just lying there...unmoving...had to do with someone shouting: "Now Everyone Die!" - I'm not sure who it was... :smirk:

The Team:

Mr E-Lectric
Voltor Prime
Hatake Kasumi
Red Tape
Motorpsycho Nitemare
Valkryie Painfyre
Lambda Calculus

Thanks for joining everyone - it was fun! Sorry we could not get it done.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Grumble Grumble Grumble, I *hate* this trial <sigh>

Needless to say, the curse of team Luna continues. I love the new super side kicking system *most of the time*, but it's causing me annoying issues on these Task Forces where I'm trying to lead a team and I'm a lowbie.

I'll start trying to work on my toon and get her up in levels to fix this problem, but we're getting to the point where it takes a while to level up.

So now down to business!

Thank you to everyone that showed up last night! I think we had 3 nearly full teams. We had a couple of new players join, so I hope they had a good time!

My team was:

Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Controller
Beauty in a Bubble: Illusion/Bubble Controller
Thorium 232: Rad/Rad Controller
Scruffy Muffy: Stone/Stylish Tank
King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
Kelvin Kin: Kin/Ice Defender
Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Dark Defender

We had two major problems on the team: Not enough damage and the team being set to my level (38) versus level 41-42 monsters.

As has already been mentioned, we're going to retry this TF again on Thursday night. The people crazy enough to join us for that attempt are: MB, Mr E, Xort, Joe, Angeliscar, Darken Sparrow, Kelvin Kin and me. We also have Paragon signed up for an alternate. Depending on who brings what, I might switch out to a level 50 blaster if we need the damage.

Thanks for joining everyone! Next week will be the Eden Trial.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Even with the lack of damage, I still think we could have made it, but the level range difference was a major problem:

  1. It took us way too long to take down the hatched krakens & the Rikti guards, so due to time constraints we were forced to bypass taking out the tentacles.
  2. Which lead to us being easy cannon fodder for the the tentacles & hydra during the attack phase.
It was to the point where I would take one shot with the particle cannon and be dead while the animation was playing...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Even with the lack of damage, I still think we could have made it, but the level range difference was a major problem:
  1. It took us way too long to take down the hatched krakens & the Rikti guards, so due to time constraints we were forced to bypass taking out the tentacles.
  2. Which lead to us being easy cannon fodder for the the tentacles & hydra during the attack phase.
It was to the point where I would take one shot with the particle cannon and be dead while the animation was playing...

Yeah the super side kicking is causing us some major issues because I'm a lowbie. I think we should have one of the 50's be team leader from now on just so we're set towards the upper end of the TF, not the lower. The only TF that will cause a problem on is next weeks Eden Trial. I'll try to get some more levels on Dyanthia before then (she's 39), but I don't know if I can get her to 41 (the Trial cap to be able to start it) by next Monday. We'll see!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)