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  1. Not to flame by any means, but I personally love the Keyes trial as it is. It's hard as hell and takes some real work! The only thing I would change would be to have tutorial runs to teach people what to look for and what does what. There's a lot of mechanics in there but running with people who know how it works makes it loads of fun!
  2. It's always nice to see people finding a way to enjoy themselves with this game in different ways! I'm impressed by the marketeers and their success! I can't seem to wrap my head around the techniques of playing the market. But that's probably because I like spending money way more than making it! XD
  3. I, for one, want to see an all Time Manipulation team. I think it would be sick. Everything on the map just stops and bleeds to "arrest"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanged_Knight View Post
    They are on instant stream on Netflix right now... I actually considered watching a few over the weekend :/ Of the first season of course after that they just got dumb.

    not that I ever watched them or anything.

    or any of the other seasons.



    Ok, well I tried to hide the geekness....
    You failed. Lol
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    You got back your old avatar lol sweetness!
    Yeah, I found it on my photobucket site when I logged in to post the Champion pictures on here. lol
  6. I applied! How did we decide to name ourselves? "Champion (color)"?
  7. I had to go all the way back to 11.2 on my 5770.
  8. I didn't look into the specs of the board you have, but with the $80 you have you could easily do RAM first and then do the card when you have the extra. Right now the on board video is probably what's slowing you down the most! If you were close by, I would give you a card. I have an HD5750 laying around that would work like butter compared to your on board. heh
  9. With that mix, as long as Cherry's going for Blaster or Troller, we should have a good mix! If there's something else you wanna play, speak up Cherry! That way I can decide what kind of AT I need to make! =)
  10. If we go this evening I may or may not make it. I'm down at my mom's today for a little bit. I'll see if I can hop on her computer long enough to make my toon and pick a name... But it's a laptop. An Acer. Ewwwwwww
  11. I'm either going with Elec Melee/something brute, or electric/kin troller. I would prefer brute, but if we need more support roles then I'm happy to switch to troller and help out!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    Oh, and as for the Vanguard pack, it unlocks all the Vanguard stuff and a litlte vanguard noncombat pet, it was given out free to everyone who stayed subbed for a certain period recently
    I wiki'd it. lol

    Figures the only four months I let my account lapse in five years would be the time they offer something awesome! Ugh!
  13. Vanguard pack? Did I miss something totally awesome in the four months I took a break? lol
  14. Just because I'm bored I did a couple of colors for reference and also demo'ing the "unique helmets" lol

  15. Here's an example of what I mean....

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    i second the not liking capes thing..

    AND OMG... a non cherry based name...
    Well, you could always be "Champion Cherry" hehe

    And actually, I take back my original statement. I actually kind of like white as the secondary color on the chest and bottom pieces. With Ultra Mode it looks really pretty!

    And I was thinking maybe we could let detail one and two on the helmets be up to each player. If you look to the inspiration for this group, individual helmets have been standard and I think it could be another way to allow individuality between each of us without breaking the theme.
  17. Ok, now that I've had time to play with costumes, the only suggestions I would make is to go tri-colored for everyone. Meaning, make the gloves/shoulders/boots/belt all the same color like white, then make the chest and bottom be your toon's color and then maybe grey. I only suggest that because going with the color scheme above, the black champion would be in all black and wouldn't look the same as the rest of us. I just think it would help maintain costume unity across the board.

    Are the vanguard pieces able to be picked at level 1 now? If not, you may want to consider a different option just in case we pick up more people along the way so we can all stay the same.

    I also personally don't really like capes... And that's all the critiques I have on the costumes for everyone's consideration. lol

    We should decide how we'll do names too. Are we going to go with unique names, or themed like "White Champion" or "Elite White"?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    pink for mind powers would be ok.. issue i have is i pretty much hate the psi powers.. I have 1 psi toon thats only used in pvp =\

    im more of an aoe fan. Melee is same as psi really, i have a couple of melee toons that are mosly used just for hami raids... and that would be my tank.

    maybe when you posted this static team you should have started with " pains in the arses need not apply"

    sorry im being difficult.
    You could always do melee and consider your powers to be light based and pick something with bright auras!
  19. I'm open for the most part so I'll go with whatever works for everyone else! I like the elemental choices you listed. I was thinking of going brute, so I can do an electric brute! The suit looks good too. I'll play tonight and post some other suggestions if I see anything else fun!
  20. I think we should start in praetoria so we can have a fun mix of AT's!
  21. What? No red?! That's blasphemy! :-P
  22. Haha thanks! The site I got it from changed. This seemed funny! Lol
  23. Definitely congrats! I can't wait to get home and see your build! I'm on my fifth revision for my scrapper. Maybe I can hijack some slotting ideas! Way to go BX!
  24. I have the luxury of being able to rearrange my nightly activities so I can make any day work that works for the group.