How do I make my Peacebringer worth playing?
Try the Kheldian forum down in the AT section
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
This tri-form build works for me.
You'll get more advise on in the Kheld area.
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What I did was to play a PB who I didn't want to spend a fortune on, and I wanted to be effective, so I decided to go forms only, with human form only used out of combat (and pool power choices that reflect that like rez). Up the damage of the forms attacks by frankenslotting and using cheap procs (the lowbie KB set for example).
What I ended up with was one of the best tanks for exemping down to 20 odd (the team tend to give you 85% resists at that level now team mates give you bonuses in the forms) and few end issues. Team has a tank, you have a blaster that can tank if the tank goes down.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
In general you are out of luck, the Epic AT is horribly pidgeon holed. When solo your abilities are so weak, its more annoying to fight with a PB than a Defender. In groups your mediocity decreases with the size of the group, but even in a full group your damage potential is a joke.
Grouping can be an issue, for unlike the red epics who provides a boost to the group, the BP yields nothing to the group and instead of being a boost they create added mobs for the group to suffer through.
I have spent lots of influence IO slotting up my PB, she is very survivable, but the fighting with her is simply boring for they do too low damge. My hardest hitting blast has very strong Knock Back which annoys the living daylights out of PBAOE using players, for I do a great service to the enemy by dispersing them.
Frankly, PBs are not worth playing, I made mine as a status symbol and be able to say I have one. But I seldom ever play it, in fact since I filled all my slots in Champions, I paid to transfer it to another server to never be played again.
In general you are out of luck, the Epic AT is horribly pidgeon holed. When solo your abilities are so weak, its more annoying to fight with a PB than a Defender. In groups your mediocity decreases with the size of the group, but even in a full group your damage potential is a joke. Grouping can be an issue, for unlike the red epics who provides a boost to the group, the BP yields nothing to the group and instead of being a boost they create added mobs for the group to suffer through. I have spent lots of influence IO slotting up my PB, she is very survivable, but the fighting with her is simply boring for they do too low damge. My hardest hitting blast has very strong Knock Back which annoys the living daylights out of PBAOE using players, for I do a great service to the enemy by dispersing them. Frankly, PBs are not worth playing, I made mine as a status symbol and be able to say I have one. But I seldom ever play it, in fact since I filled all my slots in Champions, I paid to transfer it to another server to never be played again. Stormy |
PBs do need some fixing, but they're not that bad, either. I played a human-form PB to level 50, and while it was sometimes frustrating (mostly in the 40s, where mezzing enemies are commonplace), it was a fun ride being able to do pretty much anything the group needed me to do.
Blasts? I've got those (and using Combat Flight, I can turn the KB into KD). Melee ability? I've got some of that. Tanker getting a little low on health? I've got a heal for him. Some AoE control? Sure! About the only thing I couldn't do was Tank, and I could use the second build for that if I wanted to.
The good thing about PBs is that they are a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. The bad thing about PBs is that they are a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. What made my character feel fun to play was that I built him for versatility. Then, when I joined a team, I figured out what role the team needed, and played to that. Was I the best at anything? No. But I could fill the holes a team had in a pinch.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
I agree with Stormfront_ NA
Best thing you can do with your PB is delete him, lol
Im joking, but I deleted my PB few days ago. She was 42, and I noticed I dont like her anymore. I hate KB when her best powers are in melee, also with an annoying KB effect.
PBs not my thing anymore.
I agree with Stormfront_ NA
Best thing you can do with your PB is delete him, lol Im joking, but I deleted my PB few days ago. She was 42, and I noticed I dont like her anymore. I hate KB when her best powers are in melee, also with an annoying KB effect. PBs not my thing anymore. |
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
May I ask why you're still here, honestly? It doesn't seem like you actually like this game at all, but you continue to play it out of some sort of sense of spite.
How to enjoy a peacebringer: Don't read the forums.
Serious answer though? Get some help down in the kheld forums to see if there's something you can do that fits your playstyle. You may want to invest more in forms. You may want to use just one instead of both forms. Or you may want to go just human.
If you don't like it afterward, then you don't like it. It doesn't mean the AT "sucks" or anything, just that it's not for you. I don't really like Dual Blades, since I feel like I have to chase combos to be effective, so I deleted mine. I don't like Widows and Forts, so I don't play them. Doesn't mean they're bad, just that they're not for me. It's your $15/month, play what you find fun.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
Concept helps as well . I have a lvl 20 PB that is currently just sitting to get day badges but ya the KB can be annoying . The devs may tone that down at somepoint if they see that people are playing that AT less but my toon is still fun to play from time to time . Its a nice epic , just needs a tweak or two
I have a level 50 peacebringer. He is level packed with my wifes toon. We leveled to 40 before I gave up playing him and ran another toon with my wife until she hit 50. Now that I have a PB leveled all the way up what do I do with him. Any suggestions other than deleting him? I'm not overly happy with how weak the class is compared to others.
My Peacebringer is full IO'd and I love playing her. I do need to redo her build because its about 5 issues old, but nevertheless she still holds up very well. A lot of people go with the tri-form style, but I personally hate forms so I only play Peacebringers in human form because they are so deadly. If you look at building your character for +rech and add in about 10-15% positional or typed defense you will see a drastic increase in survivability. My build is completely built for recharge, health, and some defense and she can go toe-to-toe with +2 AVs as well as handle +2/x6 missions with bosses when solo.
If you haven't already invested in IO's with your Peacebringer I wouldn't worry about it at this point because the market prices are so screwed up you would end up spending a fortune. If you are really interested in making it better you could do like people do and just build up your hero merits and then use either the resulting IOs or selling those IOs for money to then build your character.
"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)
There are many effective ways to play a Peacebringer, but due to the relative complexity of the AT and the number of powers avaiable, it's also easy to make a subpar build especially if your'e going into it blind.
I strongly suggest the OP post his PB build for us to examine, and it's likely we can make some suggestions to greatly improve his play experience. While Peacebringers as an AT do have some issues, they are (at least, in my estimation) a fun and versatile AT to play. I've never had a problem with the damage, so I'm not sure what people are talking about there unless they just had unreasonable expectations to begin with (it's not going to outdamage a Blaster, for instance, nor should it).

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Frankly, PBs are not worth playing, I made mine as a status symbol and be able to say I have one. But I seldom ever play it, in fact since I filled all my slots in Champions, I paid to transfer it to another server to never be played again.
Stormy |
I find my PB a pleasure to play - the versatility is wonderful.
With cosmic balance and fitness working in forms now and being able to escape to dwarf from stuns and holds, well, it did a whole lot for the class.
I can sit in nova and blast away non stop. I dont run out of end, simply flying protects me from a lot of damage, and should things get troublesome I can jump into dwarf and have some respectable resistances before cosmic balance. This still leaves me enough spare slots to have both of my primary tier 9 powers fully slotted.
Each to his own.
I see several people in this thread that have no idea what a Peacebringer is capable of, and probably haven't played one since the last round of buffs for them.
KB becomes KD when you're hovering above them in Nova form. Use it, love it.
Negating mez by switching into Dwarf? Thank you, sir, may I have another?
As others that like PBs have said, go with a Tri-form for maximum fun and flexibility. You won't find that any one form is great compared to more straight up ATs, but the whole package can be an asset if you just put a little thought into what you're doing. I've tanked in a pinch, I bring the range when needed, and I've got things like group flight and a heal just for giggles.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
I love my Level 50, Alpha slotted Peacebringer. She is human form only and I play her pretty much like a scrapper. She still needs a lot of IOs before her build is finished but even so on one team another PB (tri-form) and I alternated taking out mobs of council. It was a lot of fun for us but left the other 6 people wondering why they were there.
I do agree that they are an aquired taste as is KB. I love KB and use it to keep groups together and if I screw up I run them down to finish them off. Or just hover above it all and have decent KD. Not to mention that KB can be an awesome form of damage mitigation.
The change I want? Make the photon seekers a cross between a warshade's fluffies and the electrical blast voltaic sentinel.
I played a PB as my main for almost a year and a half - loved her and lavished gifts in the form of accolades, purples, and other high-end IOs that Inf could buy. I always knew that PBs were supposed to be middle-of-the-road toons sorta of good at many things, so I was fine that I wasn't the best DPSer, Tanker, etc, as I felt that my worst aspects were better than other toon's worst
Gradually, as I played other toons, I came to realize that with Patron Pools, Vet Powers, and intelligent slotting, other ATs could easily fill in their 'weak spots. In effect, they could become Jack of all Trades *and* Masters of One. My Thugs/Traps MM, softcapped and providing protection/controls and damage to the team, easily outshines anything my PB can do.
My current Main, a Brute, just seems to bring more to a team than my PB can under any circumstance, with none of the unwanted extras (KB and Cysts, I'm lookin' at you).
So, I'll never delete my PB, but she sits in retirement, gutted of all her awesome goodies. Someday, if PBs ever get the attention they deserve, I'll deck her back out and make a comeback...
Till then, she only comes out for badges or nostalgia
As others that like PBs have said, go with a Tri-form for maximum fun and flexibility. |
Well. We have multiple builds available. I've got quite a few PBs, two at 50. One's a triformer, one's human only. Bit different playstyle, but both worth trying out, depending on what you're going for.
I have a level 50 peacebringer. He is level packed with my wifes toon. We leveled to 40 before I gave up playing him and ran another toon with my wife until she hit 50. Now that I have a PB leveled all the way up what do I do with him. Any suggestions other than deleting him? I'm not overly happy with how weak the class is compared to others.
Admittedly, slotting is still a bit tight when going tri-form and this can be a real damper on your perception of "power" in PB's, but I found that focusing on making human form the "buff/nuke" form, 6 slotting everything in Nova and Dwarf and getting a good set of keybinds made all of the difference in the world to making PB's a whole lot of fun and a major damage dealer who can turtle up when the going gets too rough.
Some people find its pretty awesome going human only and making a totally kick *** ranged scrapper-like toon.
I've seen bi-forms that are really powerful, both human/Nova and human/Dwarf.
But you are a bit vague on what you think makes PB's weak. The only situation I've found them to be wanting is on some of those insane AE farms with massive spawns that rez every two seconds- form switching just doesn't work. Against almost every other type of bad guys I can think of, PB's have the capability to shine.
So if you have something specific about PB's that make you think of them as weak, I'd be happy to at least try to point you in the direction of making them at least fun to play.
Rum. Lots and lots of rum.
Also, my triform PB can do decent damage on a team that needs it, be an off-tank when required, and generally be fun to play if not awesome at anything in particular.
Still, i suggest rum. Lots and lots of rum.
Vodka will do in a pinch.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
/this. Seriously. If you hate it this much, go away and quit spending money on it. And take golden girl with you.
How to enjoy a peacebringer: Don't read the forums. Serious answer though? Get some help down in the kheld forums to see if there's something you can do that fits your playstyle. You may want to invest more in forms. You may want to use just one instead of both forms. Or you may want to go just human. If you don't like it afterward, then you don't like it. It doesn't mean the AT "sucks" or anything, just that it's not for you. I don't really like Dual Blades, since I feel like I have to chase combos to be effective, so I deleted mine. I don't like Widows and Forts, so I don't play them. Doesn't mean they're bad, just that they're not for me. It's your $15/month, play what you find fun. |

To the OP. Just because you have a character at 50, doesn't mean you have to play it.
I have like 28-30 level 50's. I play 1 of them, and it's the only one to go through the incarnate story arc.
So ATs/powerset combos just aren't for everyone. Dark Melee/Shield is an awesome combo...still don't care for it myself. In fact, I don't even care to play Dark Melee, and I LOVE high single target DPS in my builds.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The only thing I wanna see done to Peacebringers is the Recharge for [Conserve Energy] cut down a lot so it becomes at least vaguely equal to [Stygian Circle].
Other than that I love my tri-form PB and still play her regularly. Yeah, she'll never be the best at anything, but to me this game has never been about efficiency but about flashiness, and if there's one thing my PB can do it's flash!
Wait that didn't come out right
I don't hate the game, while I do complain about certain mechanics of it, it does not mean I hate the game, what it does mean is that I accept a certain amount of responsibility in helping to improve the game.
Now I will confess, my remarks on the PB were rather harsh, but I still do stand behind them.
The PB concept when it first came out, lets face it, it was the first "epic" AT. That in itself is very significant. I can yield to the desire from the developers to craft a truly unique AT for this special reward for players who had attained the game's goal of level 50!
So the developers really had set the stakes quite high for themselves. That in itself is a great thing; nothing like a sense of challenge to be compelled to excell!
Now what was the Earth Shattering concept the developers came up, for such an "epic" new AT?
The simple truth, in paper, the concept was actually very awesome:
Lets create a truly versatile AT that could cover several AT roles in a pinch! So it could go into a Tanker mode if mob management was needed, or into a Blaster mode if the team needed more DPS.
If we stop for a moment and consider the above, there is only one word that could possibly describe the concept: "Wow" (and I don't mean the ultra-boring other in-line game)
So when the epic finally game out, I was like I could not wait to try it! This new alt, would certainly become my new main, after all think of how versatile it has been promised to be.
But as President Clinton once said: "The devil is in the detail"
The PB is truly a victim of: "Great idea, horrid execution"
While the developers did give the class some real beanies at the time such as free transportation powers and available at the get go, that was epic, a bit over the top, but ok.
So what went wrong?
The first disappointment was that in order to be a tanker, I had to convert to a tanker mode and my other powers, to include pool powers, would no longer be available.
The second disappointment was that in order to be a blaster, I had to convert to a blaster mode and my powers, to include pool powers, would no longer be available.
In human mode, I had no mez resistance, but I could turn to tank mode to break mez. Not elegant or impressive, but ok. This could have been done better.
But since this "epic" AT was an alien, a very cheesy background story about them had been made, the developers then handicapped the class by having them create and attract new mobs above and beyond those of the normal mission. These mobs, where equipped with a damage means that the player AT was scripted to be vulnerable, you know for flavor. As a result PBs were not always that welcomed into teams, specially lowbie teams where the various player ATs were not that strong and the struggle thru the mobs was challenging enough. I remember many a time, being refused a team, because I was a PB and often asked to bring other of my more traditional alts instead.
So these simple limitations went a long ways in limiting how good the epic AT could be, but the misery did not end there...
Because the developers wanted the PB to be a "team" player, for at the time the developers were nurfing many ATs' ability to solo to force group play, and the PB was not exempt of this doctrine and fell prey to it, and fell hard.
What the developers did was to weaken the damage of the PB, and then have the damage increase in proportion of how large a team. The effect was when soloing, the PB made a Defender look like a DPS monster, and when in a team of 8, with its DPS increased, it still was not comparable to a blaster, at best it was mediocre blaster. Same can be said of the tanker mode of a PB, sure its tougher than a Defender, what isn't? But its no where close to a Tanker or Brute potentials, I often consider a Scrapper tougher than most PBs.
So if we consider this for a moment, what do we conclude?
That the PB fits the saying: "Jack of all trades, master of none"
Still, the concept of being a "Jack of all trades" is still alluring, but! The real question is how less masterful were you?
Today, CoH has lijkely the very best teaming ability in the industry, and I played many games. So the odds of a team being tankerless or blasterless so a PB happens to come around and save the day, are essentially negleable.
Since I played and leveled up a PB, I feel sorry for many players trying to level a PB, and try very hard to avoid not letting them join my teams by fighting my own instincts to min/max my team to do a mission; because I frankly believe the PB is mediocre at anything it does, despite that it can do a lot of different things at an ok level of performance.
The problem with PBs in my opinion, is they are way too weak to Solo effectively, and in a team, regardless of what mode they are on, there are several other ATs within the team that does those functions much better.
Now if a PB's performance would not be group dependent, and be able to provide a buffage value to the team, such as the red side epics does, I am very likely to change my mind over the AT. Since red gives ACC buffage, maybe PBs give resistances to damage for instance or extra damage buffs.
I would also like to see the PB feel truly epic, let them have mez protection gained from any of their protection powers, but are redundant and not cummulative if more of their protection powers are on. I would also allow for pool powers to continue providing benefits and be usable regardless of mode.
Epic = tied to a storyline. You've been around long enough to know that.
. I remember many a time, being refused a team, because I was a PB and often asked to bring other of my more traditional alts instead. |
The problem with PBs in my opinion, is they are way too weak to Solo effectively |
I have a level 50 peacebringer. He is level packed with my wifes toon. We leveled to 40 before I gave up playing him and ran another toon with my wife until she hit 50. Now that I have a PB leveled all the way up what do I do with him. Any suggestions other than deleting him? I'm not overly happy with how weak the class is compared to others.