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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    He only shows up on the Loyalist "Enter the Rift Enclosure" mish from Provost Marchand. If you take the "Enter the Rift Enclosure" mission from Steven Sheridan, Reese isn't among the undergrounders. Whether you subsequently select either the Blue or Red sides doesn't impact anything, since that choice takes place after you enter the enclosure.
    It does make a difference, actually, since there's two different portals per side, one for Paragon City and one for the Rogue Isles. Generally your Warden/responsibility allies only show up if you pick the Paragon City portal of your respective side whereas your Crusader/Powers allies only show up if you pick the Rogue Isles portal of your side. That also means that if you do all Warden arcs, for example, and then pick Rogue Isles, you'll have no one say goodbye to you.

    Reese is the only one who breaks the pattern in that you need to finish some Powers storylines, but then pick Paragon City for him to show up.
  2. So I've been thinking, one of the big things about Peacebringers and Warshades is that they get better with more people around, right? Except, as it is, having another EAT on my team feels like a waste of a spot whenever I'm on my Peacebringer. The moments that I find myself thinking "wow, I am really glad I had that slow protection just now!" are few and far between.

    The idea is that the buffs Kheldians get are based on the ATs around them, right? As in, Peacebringers "complemenz" the team, so they get a 20% damage boost for every defensive AT, a 10% resistance boost for every offensive AT and a 1 mez protection for controlly types. Now, since EATs are meant to be hybrid ATs of sorts, wouldn't it make sense that they buff those three aspects a little? Say, I'm on my Peacebringer and a Widow joins my team, I would get 10% damage, 5% resistance and 0.5 mez protection since they're a hybrid AT, boosting my own hybrid nature little. At the very least it'd be an actually tangible boost as opposed to one I don't even remember most of the time.

    Any thoughts? Would you feel it'd improve Kheldians? Ruin them forever? Or think it's completely pointless?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I've only ever met Reese in the tutorial - he's like a signpost for directing people to join the Resistance with his loyalists ranting about having to comply, and "disappearing" if you don't.
    How do you feel about the Resistance sending out hit squads on James Noble and his Forlorn when they preferred to just live their own lives rather than becoming their frontline cannon fodder? How about freeing Katie Douglas and her Seers from the Seer Network only to force them to turn into a Seer Network of their own and exiling them to First Ward when they refused?

    I mean sure, the Loyalists kill you and then claim they did it to protect you from the Resistance, but the Resistance kills you and then claims they did it to liberate you from the Loyalists.

    People like Provost Marchand, Warrant and Interrogator Kang may have been tools of a fascist government, but they always had the people's best interest at heart. When it became clear that Praetoria betrayed its people, they took responsibility and made a stand. Literally everyone in the Resistance however would just rather blame everyone else for the crimes they committed. Crimes that are awfully similar to everything they hate Praetoria's government for, mind you.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    You can still be a wisp in Light Form, it's a power customization option.
    Holy hell, you're right! That changes everything!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    If I'm dying so much that I have the opportunity to buy a million inspirations a minute I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Or if we have a taunter he is doing something wrong.
    I'm just being hyperbolic, but anyway, on fragile toons I tend to just buy two thirds purple inspirations and one third red inspirations. If you ration yourself correctly you can survive through most if not all fights in the arena.

    Anyway my point is just, with no loading screen for hosping and an inspiration vendor right in front of you, you have all you need to make up for deficits in your team. Not enough buffs? Buy some purples and oranges. Anemic damage output? They got reds for that. You (general you) just need to get over your instinct to horde inspirations for just that right moment that will totally come soon after this one, I swear, and things stop being so frustrating, at least they did for me.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    They changed lightform so as you dont turn into aa ball of light as well, ARRRGGG !! what are they doing as it looked good to turn into a super wisp !!
    Do note that you can use forms while in Light Form now, it no longer locks you out of forms.

    I kinda miss the wispy form and the footstomp too, but personally I enjoy my Peacebringer way more after the changes, so it was a net benefit for me. You might wanna give your PB a chance to see if the changes are working out for you before writing them off.

    Oh! They also changed Build Up into a power called Inner Light. It gives the usual 15 seconds of Build up, followed by an additional 15 seconds with half the values of Build Up. Coupled with the instant transformations (a pretty recent change!) that's pretty nice.
  7. You just need to buy a lot of red and purple inspirations. The summer event literally dumps you right next to an inspiration vendor immediately after you lose, if you don't burn through a million inspirations a minute under those conditions it's really kinda your own fault for fights taking forever.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Really not trying to start an argument can STILL play with your friends, just 3 at a time. Is that so crazy? Look at it another EVERY single tf and trial you do..full of JUST your friends? Is every manti tf you do..6 friends and no pick ups?
    There's a significant difference between playing with your buddies and filling gaps with a couple strangers and having four of your buddies show up for a four-player event so you either have to say sorry Steve, you can't join or us or change your plans and do something else. "The other way" is completely irrelevant because it doesn't necessitate excluding people.

    Thing is, nothing stops anyone from doing most of the content with any kinda group-size. Barring TFs, which make a small part of this game's content, you can do anything solo or as a duo or with a group of four or eight, whatever you prefer. The fact that some people prefer larger teams for whatever reason is hardly a crazy thing.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    In the last phase she has a pulse that deals significant damage, as well as a confuse that can affect a few players. If players aren't paying attention to the game when they fire their AoE powers they can hurt other people, which can lead to significant damage.
    Does the power ignore defense? I'm wondering whether I should tell people to bring purples or oranges just in case we don't have enough mitigation otherwise next time I feel like running the trial.
  10. On the topic of everyone having to know the ins and outs of a trial, generally only one in twelve to twentyfour have to know that stuff, which I don't think is too bad. At least, I never saw a league turn away someone for never having done a trial before, that'd just be silly.

    Hell, I don't even think forming a trial without ever having done before is wronge either. Usually all you gotta say is "hey guys, I've never led this trial before, so if you have any advice feel free to chime in!" and more likely than not you'll have a veteran helping you out. It's when you say nothing that things start getting a mess.

    And on a completely different note, know what my biggest issue with some trial leaders is? Giving what feels like hours-long lectures on a trial before even queueing the league. Thankfully I don't see that happening a lot anymore nowadays, but that was incredibly tiresome when the Keyes Trial first came out. This is not only an incredibly boring slog to the point you just wanna leave the keyboard and do something else, in case you do listen you'll get such an information overload you'll end up conflating a lot of information. Hey, the boss said something about having to pull Anti-Matter to the terminals, better do that right now on the first phase!

    You'll usually find plenty of time to instruct people during the trial. As someone else has said, as a leader your words are more powerful than any of your powers, so you shouldn't be afraid of just not attacking for a couple seconds to tell people what's what. On a UG I have more than enough time to explain the AVs once the pre-AV kill counters show up, on a TPN I can get all the important information out of the way during the first phase after I tell people to use ST/not attack cameras, and the MoM trial even has convenient breaks after every phase!

    Speaking of MoM, this is a bit off-topic, but does anyone know how much damage Mayhem deals in the last phase? A couple weeks back I led an MoM trial with a bit of a patch-works league that nontheless pretty much steamrolled the trial, only to have the majority of the league die within seconds in the last phase. Right now I'm not sure if she just has an absurdly powerful PBAoE she spams and we just didn't have a Barrier up or if there was something else I missed. We didn't struggle against the other AVs so I was hella surprised at such a quick defeat on the last phase.
  11. Okay so, one of my buddies started playing this game after it went F2P, and he's now interested in spending some money on it to get some more goodies to play with.

    So we're looking at the VIP Starter Kit and he asked me if you get to keep all the Going Rogue stuff like the alignment system and power sets if your sub runs out if you bought the VIP Starter Kit.

    My question is, does he? While I'm pretty sure you'll get to keep the alignment system etc if your sub lapses after you buy the Starter Kit I don't exactly want him to spend money on something he thinks he'll get to keep forever and it turns out it'll only be for one month.
  12. So after the I21 changes to travel powers I decided to take the opportunity to go and respec several of my toons. One of the common themes in my respecs was removing snipe powers from my ranged toons. While I'm sure that snipe power have many excellent applications in this game, to me they always felt really slow powers in an otherwise fast-paced MMO. Enemies often die before the power triggers, you often get get interrupted and waste the endurance, and as a combat opener you wanna use AoEs most of the time, so a single target power isn't the best opener, which is where an interruptible power would feel most at place. So in other words, I either never use snipe powers or I use them and end up wasting endurance for nothing.

    So what does this have to do with Stalkers and their Assassin's Strikes? Well, to me AS always felt like a sort of melee-snipe. It's a slow, interruptible, single-target power that works best as an opener. That already makes me feel about them like I feel about snipes, but to make things 'worse' for me is that to effectively use AS, I'd have to wait for my Hide to go up before even approaching a mob, slowing the game down further. Like, if I approach a mob as my hide is going up, I'm gonna catch aggro, wasting both my Hide and AS as I get attacked. If I instead use my strongest non-AS attack, I can get a sure-fire critical in before I get hit.

    I guess at this point I am pretty certain that AS isn't doing it for me, but where I don't feel strongly about skipping snipe powers in Blasting sets since blasting sets are more about AoE anyway, I wonder what the point of being a Stalker would be if I skip AS?

    I mostly enjoy Stalkers, I even got one at 50+1. I especially like the guaranteed criticals that Hide and Placate off. I don't mind the lack of AoE. As contradictory as this sounds, it's not a matter of me disliking the AT as a whole, it's just that I cannot stand its signature power.

    TL;DR: Are Stalkers without Assassin's Strike a viable choice, or should I stick with the power/just not bother with Stalkers if the power's not doing it for me?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Westley the guy who decided to piss on a departed user's memorial thread because said user was in the army?
  14. If this hurts your immersion, can't you just go to Icon and the Facemaker like you do now? I don't see how me editing my costumes at a trainer will hurt your immersion when you're at a tailor doing the same.

    Like I'd see where you're coming from if the devs did something ridiculous like say that Doctor Brainstorm destroyed all tailors but then suddenly all trainers got appearance-modifying powers, but as it is, your tailors are still there for you to use, so you can still use them?

    I just fail to see the problem here.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    My guess is you are soloing on +0x1. At level 29 that is going to be rather slow in terms of leveling speed. You'll want something more like +1x1, or even +1x2. You just need to figure out what you can handle and go from there.
    I tend to hear the opposite. If you wanna level fast, you wanna set your difficulty to -1 so you can defeat enemies a lot faster. From what I hear the individual enemy may give you less XP, but since you kill them faster, your XP per minute would increase.

    Don't quote me on that though, I wouldn't know the fastest way to level myself.
  16. I also think I'm seeing new pistols in pictures showing off the Celestial costume pieces, but I might be imagining things there.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
    When my wife walks in and I am in Nova form she always says
    "still playing the flying uterus game?"
    Ahahahaha, this is excellent!
  18. Noxilicious

    Newb wish list

    Also note that crafting and "Set IOs" are completely optional. I've been playing for about three years now and never really bothered with Set IOs, only with DOs and SOs (AKA the buyable enhancements, not the craftable ones).

    IO builds will produce higher numbers, but nobody in the game really cares whether you've got a completely tricked-out build or are just cruising with normal enhancements. You can even comfortably contribute to our endgame raids with just SOs.

    IO sets are there for people who want that extra oomph out of their powers, but they are by no means necessary. There's no pressure to get into the crafting system right away, or ever if you just don't feel like it like me.
  19. Note that they're absolutely tiny. Gob's picture makes it look fairly big because it's zoomed in on it, but in-game it's like, the size of your toon's hand.

    That kinda broke the deal for me, but hey, I'm pretty sure there's people who're cool with or even like tiny Lore pets, so Robotic Drones ( and Polar Lights) are cool for those.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Exactly the same, except with lipstick and long eyelashes. That's how you always tell if the monster is female!
    Don't forget a red ribbon on one of the tentacles.

    Honestly, I kinda see the point for Dwarves. They use the Huge model skeleton thingamajig and animations, which are explicitly male in every other situation and the Huge soundbites, which are explicitly male in every other situation. There's a point to be made that they're aliens with their own unique alien physiology without any sexual dimorphism. I mean, I can't tell a female cructacean from a male, either, but I can recognise the Huge model, and I recognise the Huge model as male, so it gets pretty difficult to see dwarf-form as anything but male, either.

    But Novas? Unlike Dwarves, there's no resemblance to humans at all. They resemble neither men or women. The only problem here would be a sociocultural one, where we're basically conditioned to assume that something is male until it's proven to be explicitly female because "male" is considered the default state. It's why in cartoons and such anthropomorphised animals and objects can have a pretty wide range of presentations if they're male, but female ones always have to hit several key notes like pronounced lips, eyelashes, or have accessories like ribbons to make it absolutely clear we're dealing with a woman and not a man.

    I guess that bit is kinda off-topic, but I just wanna say I don't really wanna see the idea of male as default and female as derivative of male encouraged by assuming a flying space squid is obviously male simply because it's not obviously female, whatever "obvious" would be for a flying space squid.
  21. Noxilicious

    MM bugs

    Originally Posted by Remorseless View Post
    Happen to me all the time. Sometimes moving from zone to zone a few shot fix it but not often. The only 2 sure ways to fix that is to die or close the client.exe. Its damn annoying.
    /Releasepets always works like a charm for me when that happens. After the slash command you should be able to just resummon them normally.
  22. Noxilicious

    MM bugs

    Try /releasepets, then resummon.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    In case you're wondering, the patch also changed the Barrier FX. Now it's less staticky and more fuzzy.
    That was the big thing I noticed. I never had any migraine issues, but here's to hoping that those who do won't have their brains explode whenever someone fires up a Barrier Invocation now.
  24. There's also a story arc in Grandville where you reroute Mynx' medi-porter to teleport her into a Crey facility once you beat her down. 'course she survived because Heroes get plot immunity, but still. Just another example of the medi-porter being rendered useless/detrimental in the game.

    So yeah, it's pretty much just the story-gameplay-segregation others have mentioned. The mediporter will never fail us, but it will conveniently become useless to everyone else.