Newb wish list

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm a "newb" to coh but not mmorpg. Here are a few things I like and dislike.

1) Toon customization. Unmatched appearance and spec choices.
2) Graphics. Good, but not the best I've seen.
3) Stability. Ok. a. Issues are curser disappears sometimes. (Major because I only have use of 1 hand and have to use mouse) b. Team members, in zone, sometimes missing status info for health/endurance. (Major for my healers)
4) Global friends. I wish all games had this. What a pain to find folks you know without it.
5) Groups (aka teams). This game has better chances at P.U.G.s then alot of games I've played and the quality of players is unmatched.

4) No team member pet window. Major for healers and pullers to keep pets alive and to know when to rest.
5) Curser size not adjustable. This is my wife's gripe. The curser gets "lost" with all the action of fights and is hard to find sometimes.
6) No speech integration. I know I can use teamspeak, vent, skype, etc, but some folks don't. As stated earlier, I have 1 hand. Try running and typing with 1 hand at the same time. Fun to watch, but not to do.
7) Target of target window. Saves endurance when "aiming through" folks when target of target almost defeated.

Overall this is a great game. I look forward to playing with my wife and friends for several years. Great job devs!



welcome to city of heroes. the last graphic upgrade did alot to make the game look better, but you do have to remember the game is 7 years old so graphics might suffer a bit.

i have noticed that bug where it doesnt display a team members health at times, that is very annoying.

yeah i lose my cursor sometimes when playing, makes it annoying to hit powers on my second and third tray since i usually use my mouse for that.

i agre on target of target window, it was so much easier in wow to focus on stuff while attacking through a teammate.

glad you like the game, superheroes is definitely the way to go for mmos for me. if you are on pinnacle server or make a alt on there look up global undeadlord ill try to help yall out if you need any help that is.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
I'm a "newb" to coh but not mmorpg. Here are a few things I like and dislike.

1) Toon customization. Unmatched appearance and spec choices.
2) Graphics. Good, but not the best I've seen.
3) Stability. Ok. a. Issues are curser disappears sometimes. (Major because I only have use of 1 hand and have to use mouse) b. Team members, in zone, sometimes missing status info for health/endurance. (Major for my healers)
4) Global friends. I wish all games had this. What a pain to find folks you know without it.
5) Groups (aka teams). This game has better chances at P.U.G.s then alot of games I've played and the quality of players is unmatched.

4) No team member pet window. Major for healers and pullers to keep pets alive and to know when to rest.
5) Curser size not adjustable. This is my wife's gripe. The curser gets "lost" with all the action of fights and is hard to find sometimes.
6) No speech integration. I know I can use teamspeak, vent, skype, etc, but some folks don't. As stated earlier, I have 1 hand. Try running and typing with 1 hand at the same time. Fun to watch, but not to do.
7) Target of target window. Saves endurance when "aiming through" folks when target of target almost defeated.

Overall this is a great game. I look forward to playing with my wife and friends for several years. Great job devs!
Welcome to the City!

4) There is a pets window. But, it only shows your pets. It automatically appears when you summon most things. You can force it to appear through options. I forget what the option is but, something like show pets menu on team window. One other thing you could do is set status bars to allows show though options. That would so you a players, mob, or pet to see their status if the pets in question are not your own.

7) While there is not a separate window, you can target through a target. Just target the teammate and attack, you will attack whatever they are targeting (as long as they are targeting something obviously).

Maybe that will cut down a few of your dislikes at least





Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
7) While there is not a separate window, you can target through a target. Just target the teammate and attack, you will attack whatever they are targeting (as long as they are targeting something obviously).

You can also /assist to select your target's target. I hot key this: "/bind control+A assist".

You can see you target's target health and endurance, if you see them on screen. They'll have a little health and end bar over their head.

Lastly, as a neat trick, you can target an enemy and still "target their target." If you use a friendly power like a buff or a heal on an enemy, it'll buff/heal their target, i.e., which ever teammate they are currently focused on. Just sayin'.

A proper target of target (probably in the existing target window) would be helpful, but we have some tools in the meantime.

Welcome! (And I really do agree with the larger cursor thing.)



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
4) No team member pet window. Major for healers and pullers to keep pets alive and to know when to rest.
Generally, you don't need to worry about this one to much. Masterminds are the only pet heavy class and they have powers to keep their pets alive. Most other pets are reasonably disposable. If you have an AoE heal toss it out occasionally if there are lots of pets around but don't stress it if they die, they'll be back soon enough.

As an example I play a Crab Spider (probably the second most pet heavy class in the game) and I can tell you for sure I do not expect my Spiderbots to survive on most teams (especially the little Spiderlings). If they do it's great but the damage they contribute is significantly lower than the damage the team loses if a Defender (or other support character) is worrying about healing them instead of attacking themselves. So I don't worry if they die, I'll simply resummon them when the power recharges.



Thank you for all the feedback.

Pets. I need to clarify. I know how to "see" my pets. I also know I can target a pet to see their health. I heal in this order...tanks, players then pets. In the heat of battle, I don't need to be searching my screen for pets. Sometimes as a mastermind, I need a little more love to come to my pets. If they die and I'm taking the time to revive, a player, or god forgive, I might die. I sometimes play with my wife, and she charges into the next battle while I'm healing my pets. If she had, as we are used to, a window that displays my pet status she would know and not have to ask me.

Target through a target. I know how to target directly. I like to target the tank and assist them. A good tank, imo, targets things that are hitting him and not the mezzed, daized, held, etc... and is therefore shifting targets alot. I don't like wasting endurance needlessly. I like saving it for needed actions like healing, holding, mezzing, damaging, etc.

Like I said this is a "wish list". The game is playable the way it is, but isn't there room for improvement? Thanks again for the comments. They really are appreciated.



Welcome to the game and I'm glad you and your wife are enjoying it!

It's a fair list and I'd say it looks pretty damn positive!
The negatives aren't really that huge, so congratulations on finding a fun game!
I hope you keep finding it more and more fun!

And never hesitate to ask questions around here.
People generally trip over each other i effort to answer and help, hehe!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



6) No speech integration. I know I can use teamspeak, vent, skype, etc, but some folks don't. As stated earlier, I have 1 hand. Try running and typing with 1 hand at the same time. Fun to watch, but not to do.
I have hearing disabilities, and am a foreigner - wouldn't be able to understand what I heard even if I could hear it, in english.

Not to say your point isn't valid, but there's two sides to that argument. Speech integration greatly increase the number of people who refuse to communicate by text or even to team with people who can't use voice chat.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I have hearing disabilities, and am a foreigner - wouldn't be able to understand what I heard even if I could hear it, in english.

Not to say your point isn't valid, but there's two sides to that argument. Speech integration greatly increase the number of people who refuse to communicate by text or even to team with people who can't use voice chat.
Sorry about your disability, I can relate. Decent folks would understand your viewpoint and type. If they arn't decent, why play with them at all?

Additionally, what you say is true. Counterpoint. The price of a headset is marginal and I just played a game where they had integral voice, and alot of folks typed, or they had voice restrictions during raids. At least there was a in-game option to use voice. Also, the voice option doesn't require people to talk, just to listen.

Oh, I forgot one more "wish". A shared bank so that toons can trade things without having to get a 3rd person.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Target through a target. I know how to target directly. I like to target the tank and assist them. A good tank, imo, targets things that are hitting him and not the mezzed, daized, held, etc... and is therefore shifting targets alot. I don't like wasting endurance needlessly. I like saving it for needed actions like healing, holding, mezzing, damaging, etc.
As you progress in the game you will find this less and less important. Only rarely is there an optimal kill order, and eventually targeting becomes targets of opportunity since in the mass of foes and the mass of Area Effect powers, things die too quickly to do anything but target the biggest things and let everything else die by attrition.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Oh, I forgot one more "wish". A shared bank so that toons can trade things without having to get a 3rd person.
Email to your global handle, and it can be claimed by any of your characters.

Wish Granted! *bonk*

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Oh, I forgot one more "wish". A shared bank so that toons can trade things without having to get a 3rd person.
Actually, that is possible now.

If you (in-game) email to your global name, you can get Inf or most items on another character. You can do this with up to 20 items at a time.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post

Target through a target. I know how to target directly. I like to target the tank and assist them. A good tank, imo, targets things that are hitting him and not the mezzed, daized, held, etc... and is therefore shifting targets alot. I don't like wasting endurance needlessly. I like saving it for needed actions like healing, holding, mezzing, damaging, etc.
I understand exactly what you are referring to here, as I do the same with my Kin/Arch defender.

What folks are saying is, if you target your tank/teammate, you will automagically be targeting through them.

The actual target window will show your tank/teammate, but you *should* see a somewhat dimmer targeting reticle on the targeted enemy.

Now, I've found that the "target through" reticle seems to be shy, and occasionally won't show up. Nevertheless, if you fire an attack (or targeted heal/buff/debuff) while targeting a teammate, it will hit the enemy that your teammate is targeting (as long as they are actually targeting something).

The benefit to this setup, is that you can see the health/end bars for both your teammate and the target; teammate in the window, target in the reticle.

You probably already figured that you can target a teammate by clicking on their name in the team window, or using the default key combo (shift+team number).

Also, as has been mentioned, there are a lot of AoE powers in this game, you may find yourself using the "target through" function less in the long run.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Email to your global handle, and it can be claimed by any of your characters.

Wish Granted! *bonk*
Thank you! That is awesome and even better than a shared bank.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I understand exactly what you are referring to here, as I do the same with my Kin/Arch defender.

What folks are saying is, if you target your tank/teammate, you will automagically be targeting through them.

The actual target window will show your tank/teammate, but you *should* see a somewhat dimmer targeting reticle on the targeted enemy.

Now, I've found that the "target through" reticle seems to be shy, and occasionally won't show up. Nevertheless, if you fire an attack (or targeted heal/buff/debuff) while targeting a teammate, it will hit the enemy that your teammate is targeting (as long as they are actually targeting something).

The benefit to this setup, is that you can see the health/end bars for both your teammate and the target; teammate in the window, target in the reticle.

You probably already figured that you can target a teammate by clicking on their name in the team window, or using the default key combo (shift+team number).

Also, as has been mentioned, there are a lot of AoE powers in this game, you may find yourself using the "target through" function less in the long run.
Thank you for the reply. I do this already. I was just "wishing" for a status window so I don't need to retarget to see target of target info.

This game rocks! Some game fourms the replies to questions in posts are...well rude and childish. It's nice to see chivalry isn't dead.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
This game rocks! Some game fourms the replies to questions in posts are...well rude and childish. It's nice to see chivalry isn't dead.
Our community takes pride in being the most helpful one around. Sometimes we get a bit exasperated with certain individuals who have a history of being rude/confrontational despite our best efforts to assist them. But even then, most of us are actively attempting to assist/inform.

I think the closest we get to rude and childish is when we start arguing over who is the most correct.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thank you! That is awesome and even better than a shared bank.
Note, the recommend way of many is to email yourself with an empty email - then in the reply to that you send stuff.

helps prevent wrong-person typos.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thank you for all the feedback.

Pets. I need to clarify. I know how to "see" my pets. I also know I can target a pet to see their health. I heal in this order...tanks, players then pets.
Here's something to keep in mind when you're coming from other games: healing in CoH is just one aspect of support, and it's not the most important one. In a lot of MMOs, buffs and debuffs are secondary. In CoH, they're *very* good, to the point of somewhat broken game design.

A Team of all buff/debuff characters is ridiculously easy to play, because of how the buffs stack. +DEF on the team and -ToHit on the enemies make them hit a lot less often, down to a minimum of 1 in 20 attacks. +Res on the team and -Damage on eneies make whatever hits do come through be negligible. (In CoH, health regen is not floored when entering combat!) -DEF on enemies and +ToHit on the team makes hitting trivial. -Res on enemies and +Damage on the team makes even a support character hit like a ton of bricks.

I don't know what archetype and powersets you're playing, but if you have heals, then you almost certainly also have some other tools. Check out your power listing, and drop by your Archetype forums and ask how to make the best use of them!

Character index



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
b. Team members, in zone, sometimes missing status info for health/endurance. (Major for my healers)
I think this part is referring to the team status list bug, where sometimes one or more player's health and endurance bars are invisible as if they were in another zone. It seems to occur randomly and can be very annoying. This is a newish bug -- the game did not have it until recently -- and we expect it to be fixed eventually.

There is a workaround, however. If the star (team leadership) is passed, it immediately clears up the teamlist. If you don't want to leave the star on the new team leader, he or she can just immediately pass it back to the original leader. My playing groups are so used to doing this that we just say "Star" whenever the bug appears, and immediately flip the star to fix it.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I think this part is referring to the team status list bug, where sometimes one or more player's health and endurance bars are invisible as if they were in another zone. It seems to occur randomly and can be very annoying. This is a newish bug -- the game did not have it until recently -- and we expect it to be fixed eventually.

There is a workaround, however. If the star (team leadership) is passed, it immediately clears up the teamlist. If you don't want to leave the star on the new team leader, he or she can just immediately pass it back to the original leader. My playing groups are so used to doing this that we just say "Star" whenever the bug appears, and immediately flip the star to fix it.
I'll try this. Thank you. I hope they fix it soon. It is annoying.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Here's something to keep in mind when you're coming from other games: healing in CoH is just one aspect of support, and it's not the most important one. In a lot of MMOs, buffs and debuffs are secondary. In CoH, they're *very* good, to the point of somewhat broken game design.

A Team of all buff/debuff characters is ridiculously easy to play, because of how the buffs stack. +DEF on the team and -ToHit on the enemies make them hit a lot less often, down to a minimum of 1 in 20 attacks. +Res on the team and -Damage on eneies make whatever hits do come through be negligible. (In CoH, health regen is not floored when entering combat!) -DEF on enemies and +ToHit on the team makes hitting trivial. -Res on enemies and +Damage on the team makes even a support character hit like a ton of bricks.

I don't know what archetype and powersets you're playing, but if you have heals, then you almost certainly also have some other tools. Check out your power listing, and drop by your Archetype forums and ask how to make the best use of them!
Thank you for the advise. I have made several toons since I started playing. It seems there are no bad builds, just better ones if solo or teamed in my opinion. The "healer" in this game can be very flexible. I played a dedicated healer in another game and my eyes never left the health box. I got annoyed that I missed a majority of the game and heaven forbid 'gasp' someone died. This game is nice since the play style is mixed and kinda flexible. You do have the standard "meat shield" tank, but he/she has alot more survivability with inspirations and backup heals.

By the way, if anyone wishes to show this newb "the ropes", I play as @elmwar on the justice server. Side note: the main reason I choose this server is that is the name of the town my wife and I are purchasing our new home.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
I'm a "newb" to coh but not mmorpg. Here are a few things I like and dislike.

1) Toon customization. Unmatched appearance and spec choices.
2) Graphics. Good, but not the best I've seen.
3) Stability. Ok. a. Issues are curser disappears sometimes. (Major because I only have use of 1 hand and have to use mouse) b. Team members, in zone, sometimes missing status info for health/endurance. (Major for my healers)
4) Global friends. I wish all games had this. What a pain to find folks you know without it.
5) Groups (aka teams). This game has better chances at P.U.G.s then alot of games I've played and the quality of players is unmatched.

4) No team member pet window. Major for healers and pullers to keep pets alive and to know when to rest.
5) Curser size not adjustable. This is my wife's gripe. The curser gets "lost" with all the action of fights and is hard to find sometimes.
6) No speech integration. I know I can use teamspeak, vent, skype, etc, but some folks don't. As stated earlier, I have 1 hand. Try running and typing with 1 hand at the same time. Fun to watch, but not to do.
7) Target of target window. Saves endurance when "aiming through" folks when target of target almost defeated.

Overall this is a great game. I look forward to playing with my wife and friends for several years. Great job devs!
There's a fix for the mouse cursor disappearing problem:

Works great and may also help with the getting "lost" thing for your wife, too.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thank you for all the feedback.

Pets. I need to clarify. I know how to "see" my pets. I also know I can target a pet to see their health. I heal in this order...tanks, players then pets. In the heat of battle, I don't need to be searching my screen for pets. Sometimes as a mastermind, I need a little more love to come to my pets. If they die and I'm taking the time to revive, a player, or god forgive, I might die. I sometimes play with my wife, and she charges into the next battle while I'm healing my pets. If she had, as we are used to, a window that displays my pet status she would know and not have to ask me.

Target through a target. I know how to target directly. I like to target the tank and assist them. A good tank, imo, targets things that are hitting him and not the mezzed, daized, held, etc... and is therefore shifting targets alot. I don't like wasting endurance needlessly. I like saving it for needed actions like healing, holding, mezzing, damaging, etc.

Like I said this is a "wish list". The game is playable the way it is, but isn't there room for improvement? Thanks again for the comments. They really are appreciated.
I've been in numerous situations where I'd like to be able to see other team mates' buffable pets (don't care to see the ones I can't buff) and having this as a pet / team window would be helpful. Dittoes actually for buffable hostages and crazies (like LG).

So /signed



In this game healing generally become less useful as you go higher in levels. It's always helpful, but with a good team there are times when you'll never use your heals at all and rely entirely on your other powers. It's an entirely different mentality from some other games, but from what you said, I think you'll like it better.