Newb wish list

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thank you for the advise. I have made several toons since I started playing. It seems there are no bad builds, just better ones if solo or teamed in my opinion. The "healer" in this game can be very flexible. I played a dedicated healer in another game and my eyes never left the health box. I got annoyed that I missed a majority of the game and heaven forbid 'gasp' someone died. This game is nice since the play style is mixed and kinda flexible. You do have the standard "meat shield" tank, but he/she has alot more survivability with inspirations and backup heals.

By the way, if anyone wishes to show this newb "the ropes", I play as @elmwar on the justice server. Side note: the main reason I choose this server is that is the name of the town my wife and I are purchasing our new home.
Heals tend to be very useful in the first 20 levels or so of the game, but past that buffs and debuffs are far more significant for providing support. That said, even in the late game heals can be very useful, but mostly as quick fix for what gets past the other defenses. There are also a few late game events where healing, especially AoE heals, trump buffing and debuffing for support purposes.
Hamidon raids and the Keyes trial are the most significant in that regard, but Mothership raids also benefit from heal spam.

As for healing pets... well, Masterminds may have the most pets, and most delicate pets overall, but they also have the shortest recharge/cooldown on their summons, so it's not a big problem if their pets die. In fact their design pretty much assumes frequent resummoning of their pets. Controller pets are generally more durable, but even so they are fairly disposable.

Superteams in CoH are normally composed entirely of support ATs due to the stacking of buffs and debuffs. Green Machine IIRC was made entirely of Empathy Defenders who buffed each other to the point that they rolled along permanently at the defense and damage caps. With goods buffs and debuffs healing in itself becomes almost unnecessary*. In that respect this game is very different from just about every other MMO.

Justice is a pretty fun and active server. i have several alts there at various levels, but right now when i play on Justice it's usually either on my lowbie (12-ish as of right now) Dual Pistols/Energy Blaster or my 50 Force Field/Radiation Defender.


i'm glad you're enjoying the game so far; here's few tips and tricks to make some things easier: since you mostly use the mouse making macros can be very handy since it places a clickable button on your tray.
Here's a few i use:
/macro help "assist" (Targets targeted teammate's target.)
/macro find "targetcustomnext blah" (Will automatically target anything in sight with "blah" in its name. You can edit blah to whatever you want by right-clicking the macro and choosing edit.)
/macro info "info" (Calls up info window for whatever is currently targeted. If nothing is targeted it calls your info window.)
There are some much more detailed guides to macros in the guides section of the forum.

Also, here's a slash command that might help you with health bars:
/optionset showvillainbars 1
With showvillainbars set to 1 you will always see the health and endurance bars above all players and NPCs/pets even when they're not targeted. That might help you a bit with tracking friend and enemy health levels.

*Empathy has the most healing type powers, but it also has some of the most powerful AoE and single target buffs in the game. The balancing factor is that most of those powers are on rather long recharge timers.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
I think the closest we get to rude and childish is when we start arguing over who is the most correct.
Are not.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I'd like to see the target reticle extended to leaguemate targets as well.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post

This game rocks! Some game fourms the replies to questions in posts are...well rude and childish. It's nice to see chivalry isn't dead.
Yeah, well.... so's your mom!

... wait, that made no sense, did it.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I think this part is referring to the team status list bug, where sometimes one or more player's health and endurance bars are invisible as if they were in another zone. It seems to occur randomly and can be very annoying. This is a newish bug -- the game did not have it until recently -- and we expect it to be fixed eventually.

There is a workaround, however. If the star (team leadership) is passed, it immediately clears up the teamlist. If you don't want to leave the star on the new team leader, he or she can just immediately pass it back to the original leader. My playing groups are so used to doing this that we just say "Star" whenever the bug appears, and immediately flip the star to fix it.
Boot/reinvite works (although not always an options).

Also, it seems if the leader enters last it fixes it. I've heard (but never tried) using teleport to also fix it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
...By the way, if anyone wishes to show this newb "the ropes", I play as @elmwar on the justice server. Side note: the main reason I choose this server is that is the name of the town my wife and I are purchasing our new home.
First, yeah that new bug with the status bar not showing is very annoying and, as others have said, it is not normal for here and will hopefully be fixed very soon (I'm almost surprised it hasn't been yet... must be a pesky one to track down).

Second, congrats on the house! Haha, nice!

Third, from what I understand, the Justice server has a rather friendly community. I'd suggest you pop over to the Justice Forum and say hello!

Oh... and yeah... the stuff others have mentioned about healing is mostly just a friendly nudge that other games definitely rely on heals far more than this game does.
Heals are always nice, but yeah, this game can function without that micro-managing game of healing (of course, plenty still do that if they enjoy it too).

Yup, yup... options... fun... Woohoo!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Thank you all for the replies. Again it is refreashing to have actual dialog in a game fourm. That being said, is there any other "wishes" out there?

As far as healing, I haven't been playing long enough (not high enough toon) to enjoy the aspect of its non-impotance. Additionally, since I play at odd hours due to my retirement, having a team isn't always an option. Its nice to "keep the killing vibe" going with self spot heals. I have started to notice a lack of need of heals in the low 20s in a group, but not solo (except for my mezzer).

Also a couple of newb questions I'll slip in. 1. Can multiple enchantments of the same type "stack" on a power? 2. Do enchantments "spread" across to help with your toon (ex. Does run enhancements on sprint and speed(?) stack? 3. Sets. Do they have to be on same power? I ask these questions to have a better build and not waste valuable enchantment slots.

Thank you again for helping this newb out.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
I'll try this. Thank you. I hope they fix it soon. It is annoying.
I tried this and it works like a charm! Now only if they find that pesky bug and squash it.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thank you! That is awesome and even better than a shared bank.
I'd like to revise this.

Having the ability to email yourself and others items is a godsend. Thank you. Thank you.

I still would like a shared bank. My reasoning. I had to logout/login all my toons to find crafting items (sorry all you powersellers out there), because I can't remember which toons have what. Also, is there a reason why (server space?) that all earned slots can't be added to the bank and "bags"? Seems like, you had to put in the effort to get these anyway. Being able to email is a workaround, but I would rather be killing.

Having said that, is there a reason the devs like to put banks, trades areas and brokers so far away from each other? These are not mutually exclusive. At least put a broker and npc at the trade area. I love using my new found travel travel to kill stuff.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Also a couple of newb questions I'll slip in. 1. Can multiple enchantments of the same type "stack" on a power?
First off, here's a link to more info on Enhancements
I'm guessing you mean slotting more of the same type in one power? (Say you have 3 slots in an attack and you put one accuracy and two damage)

Then yes, they will work together. Due to diminishing returns however it's not worthwhile to slot more than three of any one type. There are things such as frankenslotting and with the incarnate powers you can get around the ED to some extent, but they aren't really important to just learning the game. For specific advice on how best to slot your character you'll want to head down to the appropriate AT subforum and ask there.

2. Do enchantments "spread" across to help with your toon (ex. Does run enhancements on sprint and speed(?) stack?
In this example, yes. Assuming you have sprint on then the both will increase your runspeed until you hit the speed cap (which you can't do using those two powers alone anyway).

Multiple powers or buffs work together until you hit a hard cap, at which point they still "work", you just don't get any benefit.

3. Sets. Do they have to be on same power? I ask these questions to have a better build and not waste valuable enchantment slots.
To get the bonus from Set IOs they will need to be slotted in the same power, yes.

Again, the subforum for the AT you're interested will be the best place to get slotting advice. If you're going to be playing with builds you'll want to check out Mid's, if you haven't already.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
1. Can multiple enchantments of the same type "stack" on a power?
Yes, up to a maximum of 3. For example, up to 3 damage enhancements in an attack power will boost it up to about 96% more damage. The actual story on "up to 3" is a little complicated, see here:

2. Do enchantments "spread" across to help with your toon (ex. Does run enhancements on sprint and speed(?) stack?

No. If you have for example an Endurance Reducion Enh. in your Blast power, it doesn't reduce endurance used of sprint or Super Speed or any other power except that one Blast power.

Standard slotting for attacks is one Accuracy, three Damage, one End. Redux, one Recharge. You can swap one of the latter two for one extra Acc., but you shouldn't need too. Mez, buffs and debuffs are similar except you substitute the three Damage for say a Hold, or a Defense Buff, or a To-Hit Debuf. Most non attack powers only need one Enh. of their type, just damage powers get three Damage by default.

3. Sets. Do they have to be on same power?
No. Mixing and matching IO Sets in one power is called "Frankenslotting." Normally you do want all the same set so you can get the most bonus. (You get no bonuses if you don't have the requisite IOs from the same set on the same power.) But sometimes there are good reasons to Frankenslot.



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
In this example, yes. Assuming you have sprint on then the both will increase your runspeed until you hit the speed cap (which you can't do using those two powers alone anyway).
I love how we gave totally different answers here.

1. Buffs from different powers stack, although Defense comes in two types which are a little tricky. Two Run Speed buffs stack up to whatever limit the devs set. Two Damage Resistance buffs stack, up to 90% Damage Resistance. Etc.

2. But the IOs in the buff don't stack up. They only affect that one power. If Temporary Invulnerability has an Endurance Reduction, it uses less Endurance, but no other power does. Temp Invul. gives you Resistance and that's it, it doesn't give End. Redux.

3. Set bonuses are GLOBAL and DO apply to ALL your powers (unless they state otherwise. Most "procs" only affect one power). An IO Set bonus that gives for example +9% Accuracy gives that accuracy to ALL powers, not just the one. Look at your tray where the powers are, click on Powers then on Combat Attributes way at the top of the window that opens. All your global bonuses are listed there.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I love how we gave totally different answers here.
Hey! I was right! Just for a different question. Rereading medic57's post I'm betting you got it, um, more right.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
First off, here's a link to more info on Enhancements
I'm guessing you mean slotting more of the same type in one power? (Say you have 3 slots in an attack and you put one accuracy and two damage)

Then yes, they will work together. Due to diminishing returns however it's not worthwhile to slot more than three of any one type. There are things such as frankenslotting and with the incarnate powers you can get around the ED to some extent, but they aren't really important to just learning the game. For specific advice on how best to slot your character you'll want to head down to the appropriate AT subforum and ask there.

In this example, yes. Assuming you have sprint on then the both will increase your runspeed until you hit the speed cap (which you can't do using those two powers alone anyway).

Multiple powers or buffs work together until you hit a hard cap, at which point they still "work", you just don't get any benefit.

To get the bonus from Set IOs they will need to be slotted in the same power, yes.

Again, the subforum for the AT you're interested will be the best place to get slotting advice. If you're going to be playing with builds you'll want to check out Mid's, if you haven't already.
Thanks...I think. I went to UT as a engineering major, spent 20 years in the Navy and I still don't have a clue what you said. Guess I'll have to "hit the books". You know the statement "Can't teach an old dog new tricks"? I must be an old dog.




First, let me add my own voice in to welcome you and your wife to CoH. We are always happy to find new people to play with and explore the game with. Our community, as you've seen so far, loves to jump in and help out. Feel free to lean on us for anything you may have questions about.

Disappearing Cursor Workaround:
One issue that I haven't seen addressed in this thread is the cursor disappearing on you in battle. There is a fairly lengthy thread here with a nice workaround.

Starting at Post #36, Ruff Tuff n Buff offers a workaround where you will download a new set of graphics and simply write them to your CoH Folder to overlay your current cursor settings. I will let you browse the thread to see his detailed instructions, rather than copy them to here. I recommend reading the whole thread for context of some questions that have been asked such as how to install and previews of the graphics etc.

He updates the info and files with the following posts:
Answering question about an error - Post #44

Update: New Cursors - Post #53

Troubleshooting - Post #56

Introduces New Larger Cursor Graphics Set - Post #84

Once again, Welcome to CoH!! I hope this info can help you solve atleast one of your issues while we help you with what we can on the rest.

See you around the city


Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Also a couple of newb questions I'll slip in. 1. Can multiple enchantments of the same type "stack" on a power? 2. Do enchantments "spread" across to help with your toon (ex. Does run enhancements on sprint and speed(?) stack? 3. Sets. Do they have to be on same power? I ask these questions to have a better build and not waste valuable enchantment slots.

Thank you again for helping this newb out.
Enhancements (note spelling: "improve" not "put some magic in") are slotted into powers, and as a general rule, they only work on the power they are slotted into.

If you slot Damage into an attack, that attack does more damage, nothing else.

Now, Swift and Sprint *do* stack, but that's because they both increase your overall Run Speed. So just having them will give you a certain speed. If you slot a RunSpeed Enhancement into Swift, the bonus of Swift increases and your character runs faster, but Sprint is unaffected. You can then slot Sprint too, for even more extra runspeed.

For the same reason, Set IOs do need to be in the same power to be considered a "set". If you slot two of a set on one power and another two of the same set in another, you don't get the 3 and 4 slot bonuses, just twice a 2-slot bonus.

The only exception to the rule are Set Bonuses themselves, which *do* apply to every power once you get them. There are also some special IOs like the Luck of the Gambler +7.5% Global Recharge, which just as the name implies, adds 7.5% Recharge Reduction to all your powers.

Character index



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Thanks...I think. I went to UT as a engineering major, spent 20 years in the Navy and I still don't have a clue what you said. Guess I'll have to "hit the books". You know the statement "Can't teach an old dog new tricks"? I must be an old dog.

It is a bit complicated at first. After you play with it a bit, you'll understand better. It's a bit like riding a bike: not so bad once you get the hang of it.

Advice: most of this can be ignored until level 40 or so. Just use the regular Dual Origin and Single Origin (after level 22) Enhancements bought from a vendor. They'll work fine. Sell all your salvage for $$$ so you can afford them.

Only exceptions: Pick a couple low level powers and Sets and play around with them, just to see how they work. This'll give you some experience planning for later. Just don't break the bank, crafting can be expensive. Always keep about 3 mil Inf around in case you have to buy a full new set of SOs for your character.

Some Invention Origin Enhancements work better at low levels. Celerity: Stealth or Steadfast: +Defense. These you might want to pick up right away. Use Tip missions to get these, as they are beau-coup expensive on the market.



Also note that crafting and "Set IOs" are completely optional. I've been playing for about three years now and never really bothered with Set IOs, only with DOs and SOs (AKA the buyable enhancements, not the craftable ones).

IO builds will produce higher numbers, but nobody in the game really cares whether you've got a completely tricked-out build or are just cruising with normal enhancements. You can even comfortably contribute to our endgame raids with just SOs.

IO sets are there for people who want that extra oomph out of their powers, but they are by no means necessary. There's no pressure to get into the crafting system right away, or ever if you just don't feel like it like me.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Some Invention Origin Enhancements work better at low levels. Celerity: Stealth or Steadfast: +Defense. These you might want to pick up right away. Use Tip missions to get these, as they are beau-coup expensive on the market.
Nitpick: Neither of these actually works "better" at low levels. The advantage of a lower-level IO is that you'll be able to slot it earlier rather than waiting to level up. However, a level 50 Stealth IO slotted into Sprint will work just as well as a level 10, even exemped: What matters is not the level of the IO, but whether the power it's slotted in is available. This is true of all IOs considered "Procs" or "Proc120s."

Other IOs, including the Steadfast Res/Def, are considered "Global" IOs for which the exemplar rules do apply (drop too far down and you *will* lose the effect), but the slotted power can be greyed out as long as the level of the IO itself is still within its working range. Another thing about the Res/Def is that the Resistance portion of the IO does scale down with level, so a lower level IO may be less effective in enhancing a Resistance power.

ParagonWiki has a Table of Special IOs to help you determine which category an IO belongs to.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Also note that crafting and "Set IOs" are completely optional.
True. I waited until level 50 to really bother. Crated IOs do provide a nice extra boost once you get to 50 and wonder where to take your character next. (Well, or at least they did before incarnates.) But they aren't strictly needed.

I do recommend at least looking at them. Even if you don't have time or money, you should at least decide if you want to invest the time, or do something else. It's kind of like badging. Some folks like spending their time getting badges, some folks like making a bunch of crafted IOs for their character. Some folks do neither and just beat up lots of dudes. It's all up to you.




1. Issues are curser disappears sometimes. Workarounds.
2. Team members, in zone, sometimes missing status info for health/endurance. Workarounds.
3. The curser disappears sometimes. Workaround (I haven't tried yet)
4. I forgot this one sorry. Mastermind pets stop responding and stay at zone line and refuse to be dismissed. I read on in game help that a mm had this issue and so have I. The "help" suggested /release pets. I have another plan, find the bug and squish it.

1) Create a team member pet window. Workarounds, but still on my wish list.
2) Curser size not adjustable. Workaround (I haven't tried yet) Neither here or there.
3) No speech integration. Still on my wish list. Third party provider like Everquest 2 does? Maybe a perk for premium users on next expansion?
4) Target of target window. Workaround. Still on my wish list.
5) Shared bank. Still on my wish list. Workaround is the global mail sytem. Thumbs up for that.

Let me add one other wish. A recruitment window ingame for super groups. I know about the npc. The one I'm used to has list of online "recruiters" (volunteers choosen from the supergroup that don't mind answering tells) and a soft button to contact them. Additionally, a multiple playstyle synopsis (raids, casual, organized, family oriented, etc...) is provided to help folks contact a super group that matches them.

Devs- I'm told by a coh GM that the devs read these. I left my last game of 11 years paid playing, and took 5 people with me, because they (Sony Online Games) refused to listen to the community regarding issues. Additionally, and I know business must make a profit to survive, they became way to greedy. This greed even continued after weeks of server downtime after the "hacking" incident. Shame on them.

Players- Please continue to support (or at least logically debate) any on the list above. Remember the parent company of the developers work for you...the customer. If you don't stand up for yourself, they usually reduce the development "fix it" team and you have to live with the "bugs". By the way, I rather be playing instead of typing this.



Originally Posted by medic57 View Post
Like I said this is a "wish list". The game is playable the way it is, but isn't there room for improvement? Thanks again for the comments. They really are appreciated.
There is room for improvement. The game is great not perfect. You never know how they will improve the game and without offering the suggestion it is less likely they will.

Just wanted to offer some suggestions that might lessen the pain the lack of your wishes are causing.





Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
There is room for improvement. The game is great not perfect. You never know how they will improve the game and without offering the suggestion it is less likely they will.

Just wanted to offer some suggestions that might lessen the pain the lack of your wishes are causing.

Thank you for your suggestion.

I have faith in this dev team. Without going into details I submitted a suggestion. It was implemented in next update. I told my friends in Everquest and they came over the same day. Miracles do happen. I'm an optimist, with a touch of realist. My wife is the pessimist. Like you said, there is room for improvement.

Also, in the past with other games my "wishes" got shot down by the fourms. I agreed to their logic and recended my "wish" (Sorry tinkerbell). Thats why I read all serious replies with an open mind, and hope others do as well.



The devs in this game do listen to their players. There are more requests for things than they can possibly fulfill, however, so don't expect all suggestions, even good ones, to get done anytime soon. Update, do, however, regularly include things first suggested, or often suggested by the players. Even the recently announced new powersets are all, with the possible suggestion of Titan weapons, all things that have been often suggested for quite a long time.