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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverPharaoh View Post
    Or we could just stay in RWZ and deal with it on the few rare occasions it becomes an issue

    No reason to reinvent the wheel when its all going to move to DA in a few months anyway.

    Then RWZ can be empty again and people can stand around LG and Tin and Apex and wonder where all the people went that used to join a TF as a trial break.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
    I wasnt even aware you could form Itrials in RWZ lol on Union they ALL happen in PD there is nothing inconvenient about it. I actually laughed reading through this thread, people moaning because they can't sell in PD? What exactly do they need to sell? That is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard. LOL
    recipes, SO drops, salvage, crafted enhancements. all the usual things. lots of people just don't like having to base hop or zone to do it.

    Like I said before. Run you own leagues where you want. If people like how you lead they will follow you even if you decide to stage in the shadow shard.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    clicking buttons to go to a zone to sell is sooooooo harrrrrdddddddd.

    *eye roll*
    it is. as a RWZ supporter I don't think its really gonna matter soon.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post

    It's aggravating, and inconsiderate, but like I said, people are lazy. You can't beat that. I've tried, and lost.
    actually, its not. It really just depends on where you moved from and what was done there. On Pinn, 99% of things formed up on one global channel, so it was just easier to use RWZ. It didn't interfere with anything because the TFs and Shipraids were formed out of the same channel.

    On other servers, which are not so tied to a single global channel. a standard gathering spot is more helpful for finding more people. Exalted is stuck in between population levels so people use a combination of both to form leagues.

    Changing it is not hard. Start forming leagues out of the global channel in pocket D. Do it steady for a month and people will follow you there. They will go where the leaders go.

    If you form it. They will come.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    I understand that because RWZ is a co-op zone, a lot of other servers use it as their itrial location.

    But, with the presence of a weekly run (if not impromptu) Mothership Raids, the fact that the LGTF is formed up in the same area, why haven't we taken an area that is a ghost town (Pocket D) and used that (almost) exclusively for itrial formations?

    The last iTrial I was on, there was some serious anger being flung around because a MSR was close to being formed up, and there was going to be the problem of one RWZ being full and a second being opened, so forth and so on.

    Pocket D is dead on Exalted.

    If iTrial formations were moved to that zone, no one would have to worry about the 'omgbbqsuace' problem of one event getting in the way of another.

    1. They form where the leaders go to form them. Which is RWZ.
    2. You can craft and sell in RWZ. You cannot craft in Pocket D.
    3. OMG there is BBQ Sauce in Pocket D?.
    4. RWZ in more interesting with more to do between trial runs.
    5. There are not that many PUG shipraids. There are 2 standing raid times already, 1 sun and 1 Thurs.
    6. Because we like being different.
    7. RWZ's has easier access to Atlas, where lots of people use the AH and be social.
    8. Nobody really gets in the way of anyone else.
    9. Just cause (insert server here) does it that way doesn't mean we have to.
    10. And last but not least. Because RWZ would be a ghost town if we didn't.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Except if someone just jumps in "trying to get into position" like what happened the last time I tried this trial. People were still buying inspirations.
    I start each trial with instructions to purchase Wakies and gather on me, Then stand off the the side away from Des. It may not stop someone from jumping the gun but its makes the guilty more obvious. Repeat at each phase.
  7. On phase 4 I've also started pulling the AV to the statue spawn points. This seems to work nicely because it puts the all the people and AOEs in place before Shalice spawns and usually is range of one of the nightmare bosses. Tank taunts over the remaining boss spawns to use when needed.
  8. Started teaching the In/Out strategy on PUGS a few days ago on exalted. People seemed to pick it up fairly quickly after seeing it work a time or 2 on the first GM. The hard part was getting them to realize the the patches grow and that you have to jump AWAY from the GM, not just back up a few steps.

    I also ask anyone with range and fly to stagger themselves around the GM and to fly up when a patch spawns. The patches large horizontal AOE only occurs on that plane so vertical movement is an easy way to cheat it. I've even used this on my tank as a way of staying in melee.
  9. Did this tonight with 15.

    Kept 5 ST folks outside on Telepaths while the rest did terminals. Taunting to middle and nuking them.

    During P2 we pulled Mael behind a building and had the tank babysit him while 4 killed telepaths and rest did terminals.
  10. You know where the vent is. Even if we aren't playing COH
  11. now run then all with 12 :P
  12. can someone verify the nightmare kill location requirement, I can't tell its its between her and the alter, on the alter or just near her.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post

    I see now.


    do i hear 9 ...
    I am game
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Had fun on last nights keyes, thanks for the invite.
    anytime. Had to keep that one smaller than usual because we were short on single target heals. Most of my SG is doing the holiday thing this week.
  15. James_Donner

    Mid Day Hami

    Sat, Nov 26th @2pm Eastern in The Hive

    Come on out and help out the EU players raid Hamidon.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
    Out of curiosity, from how far away will she still stick to her original target? If you Recall Friend her target several hundred yards away, will she still run across the map to trail them? Most hostage type critters lose you if you get very far away. Just wondering if that might be an alternate way to get her following someone else.
    I honestly don't know. We've used port to break her off once or twice but its very hit or miss. That's why I use self destruct. As far as her follow range goes it must be a long way, we tried the port trick from the end of the 1st bomb section back the walker room and she bolted back up the tunnels. Not a fun experience. Best bet is to either leave the mission or die.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MasterStryker View Post
    The 2 upcoming Incarnate Trials are NOT PUG friendly. I know this for one and have heard it about the other. That is why the SG I am in builds runs with SG members first and adds experienced, level shifted players if there are any open spots.
    We do the same here only is a coalition of SG's instead of one large group. Our goal is to run and simplify the trials enough that everyone can take part in the learning process. We are currently doing this with Hamidon, Keyes and Underground on a regular basis.

    I know I am looking forward to the new challenges.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
    Hey guys, I noticed theres been hami raids on exalted and I always forget to check the forums to join up so figured that we could organise one, ive never actually run one before but would like to organise one and I feel id be up for the challenge.
    I would appreciate it if alot of people could turn up as I will be recording it with fraps to post up on youtube.
    I will look into the strategy in depth and will be prepared by wednesday, so everyone thats interested please sign your name up, and the AT your bringing.
    The even will take place wednesday and we will meet just outside the hive at 5pm BST.
    Any questions please contact me in game or via @Sypher Vendetta.

    Many thanks.
    If you want to organize a EU raid I would suggest you plan it for a Sat. You will have a much better chance of picking up mid day US players who can help. Wed at noon is not the best time to find them. Raiding hami can be fast and fun or very long and painful. The current raiding community is dedicated to making sure everyone has a positive experience and keeps coming back.

    To be honest I don't think your gonna find the players to do this at that time. Most of the current raiding group is west coast which is why we have a a 10pm EST start on Sat night.

    If you do try, please do it before Thursdays reset. Leaving hami spawned is poor etiquette.

    I'll restate a previous offer to try and move the Sat. day raid up early enough for EU folks once a month. So far I've not been contacted by anyone interested in making that happen.
  19. also thanks to


    for helping out with round 1 of the mitos last night while we were experimenting.
  20. few things that are working for me on Exalted.

    Avatar Fight:
    Have all the tanks as a group keeping the Avatar turned. Prevents him from turning to the group if the main tank goes down.

    I have everyone (minus tanks) target Desdemona and follow. Whoever has her leads her up behind the avatar while the tanks taunt. This puts the league in the correct position for the fight and close to her for the seedlings. RA or rebirth and the normal heal bubble keeps Desi alive.

    Walker fight:
    1st pull it to the corner with the group following a few steps behind so the tank can pull. After the respawn (which is always back down the hall) I call the group the the corner. This gets desi away from the walker and ID's the "problem" children quickly. Once they are good I pull the AV the the corner on the other side of the tracks and kill as usual from there.

    3-4 Spikers on each demolition is enough, just jump the mobs on the side rooms and clean up after the bomb is down. For the corridor I spilt the league in half and send them up each side in one big rush. Its easier to explain than a Zig Zag pattern and seems much faster and reliable.

    If anyone gets desi who doesn't want her I have them self destruct and hosp. The switch is random, not by proximity, so anyone can wind up with her. I like her on the lead tank if possible.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade Ivy View Post
    The way I read it, Perdi was invited by Team 2 or 3's leader instead of Bus who leads Team 1. Bus may have promised the spot to another player, so Team 2's leader messed up Bus' recruiting. Hence, Perdi didn't make any trouble and was just the unfortunate victim of someone else's mistake.
    Perdi WAS the temporary team 2 leader. I invited him and moved him to team 2 and continued to put things together. I flipped off screen to edit a bindfile and when I look back team 2 was suddenly full. There was no longer room for people who were promised spots. Rather than randomly picking people to kick I said I was quitting and reforming and to send a tell for a new invite.

    Frankly its just rude to start tossing out invites to team when you are not League lead. If you have friends you want on team, just speak up or have them send the leader a tell for invite. Better yet, just ask if its cool.

    As for how I add people. My SG gets first shot. They provide the core and team leads. Then its first come first serve to anyone else. That leaves at least 16 public spots on everything but Lam. I do first tell first spot unless we get overloaded with melee or are short on single target heals. If I don't think the team can do it, I won't run it. That's how I run UG, COP, Hami and everything else I've ever lead. If that's not fair enough for you I don't know what will be.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perdition View Post
    I wonder if this should be listed as a public event anymore.

    I have tried about 4 times to get on these runs now and have been ignored each time by the leader James Donner/Bus.

    I was invited one time but the I guess it wasn't by Bus because he became upset and said "no one ever adds people except him" and disbanded.

    The leader is free to invite whoever he chooses and I have no problems with that in any way shape or form. Please just don't say anyone is welcome when clearly they are not and it has become mainly a private run for you and your friends.

    I already have had problems trying to get a run on Pinnacle because people like CatAtomic have some sort of hidden grudge that I have no idea how or why it started but results in me getting ignored when asking for invites. I moved here hoping for something different and am running into the same result.

    I just want to do runs, the 4 runs we have now once a day. I do what I'm told and don't make troubles but somehow it's not enough.

    If anyone actually has a run where everyone is welcome, please let me know.
    They are always open to the public. I have a set group of 8 or so who help make these enjoyable for everyone. I do limit team size/make up depending on who I have helping and the current team.

    As far as the incident you are talking about. Yes I got upset. When I am getting tells from people and someone randomly starts inviting people when others are promised spots I have every right to get aggravated. And I have every right to ignore you afterwards.

    That said, there are many folks who are very consistent about being in the RWZ when I start forming up. They know when I log in and I get hit with 5-10 tells very quickly about invites. I've actually had to start quitting my current leagues and reforming so that I can give more folks the chance to get on board.
  23. I understand the time difference but that isn't the info I was asking for.

    I was asking what time do you want to run them.
  24. Whats a good time for EU folks. I run most of mine late because I have several steady west coast players who help out. I would be open to doing them earlier if I could put together the same kind of team. Find me on Exalted League and lets see what we can set up.
  25. Been running Keyes frequently for a while now. Since the patch I've noticed that the aura around the disintegration target is now EXTREMELY hard to see. Anyone else having this issue?