A little bit of history

Billy Mailman



Hey all, posting this, partially because I think what just happened tonight should be recorded somewhere, due to how incredible a thing just happened, but mostly posting this to thank everyone who helped out tonight. My memory might not be 100% accurate, but it should be close enough.

Many of you may have seen me running trials lately, and I somehow ended up being the big expert on the MoM trial. So, tonight, I got a league together and decided to take another crack at it. This ended up being (as far as anyone knows) the first successful MoM run on Pinnacle. For this alone, I want to thank every single person on the trial. I didn't do anything special except translate the devs' guide into instructions, and keep running the thing until it succeeded - the victory all came down to the execution, and everybody pulled through.

Then, after the MoM run, @Winter. was running a TPN trial. But, while waiting for him to eat supper, @KemLi ran a quick BAF to pass the time. After both the BAF and TPN, we were mostly all three trials in, and still feeling pretty good, especially now that we knew we all had a good handle on both new trials. A UG trial was requested, and @Direlem ended up running it. Halfway through, I realized this put most of the league at four of the six trials run, and half-joked we should pick up the Keyes and Lambda after, to complete the set. People agreed, and @Direlem ran the Keyes. After that, the natural rate of people leaving put us just down to the size needed to run a Lambda, and I took the league star again.

I-don't-know how many hours in between, I ran the first Pinnacle MoM success, and then ran a Lambda as the sixth of six. Everyone who participated, all the people mentioned above as running things, I would like to say an immense thank-you. Mostly, however, I'd like to congratulate @Generic Past and @Zervantis, who were also on all six trials, start to finish.

BUT WAIT! During the lambda, @Demoness Sharina said she had been in on all the trials too, except she'd taken a break during the BAF. Our response? Within moments of finishing the Lambda, another BAF was queued up. This gave Sharina the unique honor of running all six of the trials that are currently active, in one night, in exact reverse order, starting with the first MoM success on the server. By this point, I expected most of the league to be sick and tired of the trials, but, as I logged out, some of the people who'd been in on the last one were forming another trial in my wake.

Pinnacle, you guys are AWESOME.



now run then all with 12 :P

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
now run then all with 12 :P

Grats on the running all 6, Billy! Glad I could contribute to that number, wish I could have been around for more. Sounds like it was a fun evening for the server.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



An epic night indeed. The amount of threads/astrals/emp merits was absurd by the end and worth the loss of sleep. I'm glad to have came along on both the first successful TPN and MoM on Pinnacle All thanks to Billy! Thanks!

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