Four player teams are great!




The Summer Event really drives home how fun four-player teams can be and serves as a good test case for developing more four player-oriented trials and task forces.

With eight player teams, enough damage output is often able to overcome a deficiency in support or control. Enemies that buff, debuff, and control are dangerous to solo players, but in large teams become far less dangerous and can often be defeated before they've had a chance to present any type of challenge.

On one hand, that's how things should be: heroes back each other up and the work become a little easier. On the other hand, the game's reward for maximize each archetype around damage output belittles the individual contribution of each player. This effects every archetype! Defenders and controllers have little to do in order to keep the team moving forward--maybe a heal here, a debuff on a mob there. Damage classes like scrappers and blasters are less distinguished in their roles because other archetypes are optimizing for damage.

The Summer Event, and particularly the arena portion, produces an environment where archetypes really matter. Defenders must alternate support powers with attacks, controllers really have a purpose separating or locking down opponents, and damage ATs have challenging targets to defeat.

Can all supports teams or all damage teams still successfully run the Summer Event? Of course, but of the twenty-odd times I've run the event, the best teams consistently have two hitters and a mix of support (including tanks). My experience will full support is that it takes a long time to take down AVs, and full damage ATs suffer from excessive deaths, or else lack the AoE to meet objectives like the Ninja Monkey badge.

I'd love to see an entire future issue focused on four-player content. Imagine Borea or Levantera passing out a four player squad mission in Rikti War Zone! Or a small-scale Incarnate trial tracking down leads on the Well of the Furies? What about an alternative to the DFB? The smaller team size could really help new players grow into the roles of their archetypes.

The bottom line is that the four player nature of the Summer Event really makes my characters feel a lot more like individuals. I love it! I hope to see more content like it.

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!



Agree wholeheartedly.

It's much easier to get a handle on what your whole team is doing when that team is smaller. Even an 8-player team can just get too 'busy' with effects to really understand what's going on.

I've actually participated in a few 4-person DfB runs, and they can be extremely fun with the right group, which pretty much matches the ideal group you note for the Summer Event -- two DPS-types, a tank, and a defender.




Much like the Dr Kane event, its great as long as everyone is pulling their weight.

Heh, 4 fire/rads controllers make the event a joke.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster




It seems a lot of newer MMOs are going with smaller "normal" (i.e., non-raid) teaming design. CO, STO, SWTOR, DCUO all have 4-5 person "normal" team size caps. I like it, myself: more role impact, more consequences for good or bad player performance, less particle effects.

However, one bad apple has a lot more impact on the team, which is a big downside for PUGs. One of the advantages of being able to build 8-man teams here in CoX for normal content is that almost any combination of ATs is gonna faceroll the map, and you can endure a bad player or two much more easily. And the beauty of it is you can choose which size team you want to build (TFs excepted), so everybody's happy.



I have really liked the 4 player teams

* faster to get a team
* you quickly learn everyone on the team because each person counts
* you have more effect on the outcome

I would be very happy to have more 4 player team content



Originally Posted by MarvelZombie View Post

It seems a lot of newer MMOs are going with smaller "normal" (i.e., non-raid) teaming design. CO, STO, SWTOR, DCUO all have 4-5 person "normal" team size caps. I like it, myself: more role impact, more consequences for good or bad player performance, less particle effects.

However, one bad apple has a lot more impact on the team, which is a big downside for PUGs. One of the advantages of being able to build 8-man teams here in CoX for normal content is that almost any combination of ATs is gonna faceroll the map, and you can endure a bad player or two much more easily. And the beauty of it is you can choose which size team you want to build (TFs excepted), so everybody's happy.
ive never let tfs starting limits stop me from running them with smaller teams lol, its annoying to get around but doable



I still wish we could see who is in the queues for trials. That way if I see 3 scrappers (tankers, etc...) in the queue I know I should swap and get a debuffer/buffer

I did the SE once with a stalker, brute (me), tanker and scrapper. We did it but it was painfully slow (darn Sylvia Roxeman (sp?) AV took forever).

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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The incarnate trials should have been 4-8 for the small ones and 6-12 for the large.
Not the "I'm a tiny part of a mob and my contribution could be ignored entirely." crap that they are.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Agreed, 4 person teams are great to have.



Four person teams are lots of fun - but they also require simpler content to avoid the team being given a task they can't complete because they're the "wrong" ATs or power sets.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Four person teams are lots of fun - but they also require simpler content to avoid the team being given a task they can't complete because they're the "wrong" ATs or power sets.
that basically just means avoid high regen. afaik that's the only thing that requires specific powers for small groups to defeat



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
that basically just means avoid high regen. afaik that's the only thing that requires specific powers for small groups to defeat
It also requires less complex fights, as there's a limit to how much 4 players can handle at once.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Before this event, I had used the Queue ONCE to join an incarnate trial...and only really got in cause I was semi afk and didnt mind waiting.

With the four player teams Qing for the seems to actually make the Q useful. Faster to reach 4 people that 8, less of a problem if one declines..just go again.



Disagreed, I have more than 3 friends. It's a nice try at a new system, but I would like to see it changed so that you can have a minimum of 4 players but still go with 8. Maybe add a badge for only completing with 4 so you can retain the closer gameplay aspect, but I find it quite frustrating to have enough friends for a full 8 (or 7, or 6) team but it's locked out at only allowing 4 at a time, especially considering how useful the rewards are and that (as far as I'm aware) this event is only temporary.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Yeah cause with wouldnt be easy or anything. And having to add 4 more roles..unless you double up on them. Adding further to the chance some will get mucked up.
How about..since they are, you know, simply work out who is going for each run? Odds are, at least a few could/would/may have something else to do.



I'd rather be able to play it with my friends. It's kinda fun, y'know?

Of course a happy compromise would be to add seperate trials of The Casino Heist and Time Gladiator. Keep the Heist 4 player, Gladiator bumped to 8. I don't expect anything to change this year for this event, but hopefully future ones can have more options for more players to take part at once. Don't have to take away the 4 player dynamic.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



There's a lot of fun in the four person team, but it also shows the flaw in the team up teleporter - I've got a corrupter who has had terrible luck with the TUT, getting on teams without any aggro control at all. If we were playing at 40-50, there would be more ability to compensate, but instead lots of deaths against the Minotaur AV and the crowd turns against you and there isn't even an opportunity to turn it around.

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I completely agree. When they took the emphasis away from the four member team and put it on making every AT and powerset combo solo well, and then put it on massive raid content, I started to lose interest in the game. I really miss the early days of COH when each player on a four player team had a specific niche to fill. If blasters can all heal themselves and are self sufficient, what need is there for a defender specializing in keeping the team going? If controllers can pump out as much damage as blasters, then my blaster I bring won't be the king of damage he should be. Everything becomes way too much the same and everything loses what made it special. And on a giant team where my contribution could just as well be ignored and the screen is awash in so much effects I have no clue what is going on, what is the point of playing the game?



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I'd rather be able to play it with my friends. It's kinda fun, y'know?

Really not trying to start an argument can STILL play with your friends, just 3 at a time. Is that so crazy? Look at it another EVERY single tf and trial you do..full of JUST your friends? Is every manti tf you do..6 friends and no pick ups?

Besides, if you can only seemingly have fun playing the game with friends..I think something is wrong. In your brain, y'know? Unless every single friend you have in game, you knew BEFORE you started playing. If did you manage to find said friends..if you only play with existing friends?

Sorry that was a little harsh. I just stubbed my toe on a chair and was not feeling very nice. I do understand you want to play with all your friends..had the same issue yesterday when a friend logged on and I invited him to a 3/4 event..only to have his wife (also a friend) log on a minute later..and be unable to take them both along.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I did the SE once with a stalker, brute (me), tanker and scrapper. We did it but it was painfully slow (darn Sylvia Roxeman (sp?) AV took forever).
That sounds like one of the runs I was on with my Stalker. It was annoying to me because I occasionally had to stop and just cycle one light attack and Brawl for a bit because I kept running out of blue bar. That Sylvia AV took a really long time, but the rest of 'em weren't real bad.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Really not trying to start an argument can STILL play with your friends, just 3 at a time. Is that so crazy? Look at it another EVERY single tf and trial you do..full of JUST your friends? Is every manti tf you do..6 friends and no pick ups?
There's a significant difference between playing with your buddies and filling gaps with a couple strangers and having four of your buddies show up for a four-player event so you either have to say sorry Steve, you can't join or us or change your plans and do something else. "The other way" is completely irrelevant because it doesn't necessitate excluding people.

Thing is, nothing stops anyone from doing most of the content with any kinda group-size. Barring TFs, which make a small part of this game's content, you can do anything solo or as a duo or with a group of four or eight, whatever you prefer. The fact that some people prefer larger teams for whatever reason is hardly a crazy thing.



I am going to stand in contrast.

This game is much more fun for me with a range of 1-8 players. When it's forced to exactly four, it feels really constrained to me and like a very, very weak version of WoW. Being forced to only play with 4, versus having an option of how many to bring, plays against the strengths of this game in my opinion.

The recent trend of focusing on every group size except for 8-ish is one of my least favorite things about modern CoX. By that I mean trials, events like this one, and the extremely literal interpretation of "solo content" in Dark Astoria. At least Death from Blow is targeted at this game's traditional event team size.



Although I "get" what Corinna is saying, I really don't like minimum or maximum sizes. I really don't get why they have them. Sometimes I feel like a team, and sometimes I don't.

I suppose, in the case of iTrials, that if one could solo them, they'd get farmed like crazy and it would be that much harder to get folks together for a trial on lower population servers.

I find it odd that when Sister Psyche was still "alive" and in IP, I couldn't solo that tf,(not without having folks pad for me and then quit the tf) but now that she's dead, I can solo it through ouroboros.

I don't like a team that is a pre-defined size. Either someone is left out, or you're short one or two. I suppose that's what the lfg queue is for - and it does seem to work much better for this summer event than anything else to date.

I have been on small teams before - and I've been on teams of 8 - and I like teams of 8 because the mission generally ends faster. And faster is always better for me. I'm not one who gets into the lore and story lines - I play for the effects, and well, out of habit, really.
But, that's just me and my two inf.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
