Four player teams are great!




Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
If I'm dying so much that I have the opportunity to buy a million inspirations a minute I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Or if we have a taunter he is doing something wrong.
I'm just being hyperbolic, but anyway, on fragile toons I tend to just buy two thirds purple inspirations and one third red inspirations. If you ration yourself correctly you can survive through most if not all fights in the arena.

Anyway my point is just, with no loading screen for hosping and an inspiration vendor right in front of you, you have all you need to make up for deficits in your team. Not enough buffs? Buy some purples and oranges. Anemic damage output? They got reds for that. You (general you) just need to get over your instinct to horde inspirations for just that right moment that will totally come soon after this one, I swear, and things stop being so frustrating, at least they did for me.