Four player teams are great!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It also requires less complex fights, as there's a limit to how much 4 players can handle at once.
What situation exists in the iTrials at the moment that couldn't be handled by 4 people (or 6 for the larger trials) so long as the spawns and AVs were appropriately toned down?

Hell, the casino heist part of the new event requires more complex co-ordination than most iTrials.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The recent trend of focusing on every group size except for 8-ish is one of my least favorite things about modern CoX.
To be fair, you can do some of the iTrials with only 8 people.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
There's a significant difference between playing with your buddies and filling gaps with a couple strangers and having four of your buddies show up for a four-player event so you either have to say sorry Steve, you can't join or us or change your plans and do something else. "The other way" is completely irrelevant because it doesn't necessitate excluding people.

Thing is, nothing stops anyone from doing most of the content with any kinda group-size. Barring TFs, which make a small part of this game's content, you can do anything solo or as a duo or with a group of four or eight, whatever you prefer. The fact that some people prefer larger teams for whatever reason is hardly a crazy thing.
If four of your friends show up, TO you (as in, they all come up to you together) for a FOUR player event (ie, they KNEW it was 4 players) and somehow were hoping to be able to sneak an extra player all need to learn to count.

If none of you knew it was 4 only, then yeah..fair enough, get a little upset. But really..what is stopping you doing it with 3 friends, while one goes and gets food/walks the dog/feeds a baby? Surely one friend can say..Oh I will wait.

Yes, I realise that might be annoying, but it hardly somehow totally ruins what is otherwise (to me) a really fun and different bit of content.

No different to forming an RSF and overbooking, with a friend having to sit out. Does not mean suddenly that tf is not fun. When you feel like a big something that needs it. Feel like go solo. Feel like doing ONE event, in all our content, that has a limit of 4 it with 3 others. Simple.



I like four person teams, and I like eight person teams. Most of the time I don't like it when content is based around a certain amount of people (for task forces, I understand why, but for things like holiday trials, I wish they would both lower the minimum and increase the maximum).

One of the things I didn't like about a certain other MMO that I played for a few months (which I wish I hadn't, since I missed out on the loyalty rewards and buying the Pocket D pack - boo!) was the fact that everything was based around the four-team max. That meant that for a lot of the content, you HAD to have a tank, you HAD to have a healer, and you HAD to have two DPS. I never got to do the higher-end content that let you have more than 4, because I lost interest before that point, but it was still annoying.

I like in CoH that you can pretty much team with whoever and whatever you want. Depending on the skill level involved, you can even do weird pairings and challenges. Like an all-blaster TF or an all melee TF or whatever. You don't NEED something, unless a mission or TF is specifically designed for having multiple AT's (like fighting Hami in the LGTF) or you're going for badges and want reliable roles to fill.



I really enjoy the four player teams. As others have said, each person playing counts.
Yes that means you can be stuck with someone who sucks.
Most of the time its been fine, with some slower battles with less optimal or lower level range characters.

It's made the team up teleporter shine too. And suit my altitis so well.

Logon, check market, often have an event before finished mucking about - red or blue side.

I wouldn't want all content to be so strictly mandated with team size, but as an event I'm finding it a great size. Much better for me than large leagues.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I agree. This 4 player content was created well for the small team. It gave many under-rated powersets time to shine. I love the incarnate trials and 8 man task forces but this is a nice and overdue change. Well done developers.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by corinna View Post
The Summer Event really drives home how fun four-player teams can be and serves as a good test case for developing more four player-oriented trials and task forces.
No, it is all supposed to be about giant raids of 222 nameless and faceless partners against the uber giant villain of supreme giant of evil...

I agree completely.
So very this:

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I have really liked the 4 player teams

* faster to get a team
* you quickly learn everyone on the team because each person counts
* you have more effect on the outcome

I would be very happy to have more 4 player team content

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Mister D, not looking for an argument either so no worries I do still play with my friends, it's just that many times now it's been a case of having 5 or 6 people wanting to do the new Holiday even together but of course it's 4 players. Considering the game's been up to 8 players for so many years, I personally would prefer it if an 8 person option was present.

I do like the 4 player dynamic, it's been proven by other games and it works in this one too, I just dislike the lack of choice to have the established norm.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



The team size means little to me, but does the level cap on it absolutely HAVE to be 29? Makes my /Thermal a little sad to go in knowing full well I have zero debuffs available to me.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



I like it for the sake of variety. Some content is fun solo, sometimes a TF with an 8 person team can be fun. Sometimes solo feels like a slog and sometimes on an 8 person team, I feel like I can afk and it won't make much of a difference to a team. So, having *some* content geared towards teams smaller than max size is nice. You're not alone, you've got 3 other folks to either pile on your strengths or shore up your weaknesses, but *you* matter.

I've had similar experiences to some here with an all melee team (I think we had 2 brutes, a tank, and a scrapper) where it was fairly slow and I was gasping for breath the whole time. It wasn't as fun as others but it was still pretty fun. And it gives you an appreciation of what the other ATs bring to the table when they're not around.

Conversely, I had an awesome team last night when I picked up my Fire/Dark controller that I had sidelined as "not fun". Two controllers, a tank and a scrapper and we hit every badge (that I know of) and blasted through it. Now, I have another alt to stick in my rotation.



I have to concur that smaller team content is a nice change of pace. Then again, I don't particularly enjoy the big leagues for iStuff, Hami, or Ship Raids and usually run solo or duo. Quite simply, the more people, the less any sort of tactical effort matters, barring iTrial gimmicks that force them via unresistable deathrays if you don't follow the script. Not a huge fan of those either. Especially when you can have so many things flying across your screen in a league that it can be hard to spot death patches around the barriers and judgements.



Here is a crazy idea..Talk to the people on the team make three new friends!

For some reason on my server you queue up get on a team no one says a word to you reminds me of pick ups in "that game with the elves"

On another note i feel the opposite of some. This event and the four person teams shows that you do not need the "perfect' team to accomplish tasks.. I have done the event with 3 controllers and a dom.. another team was a scrapper two brutes and a tank.. There have been other crazy combinations of teams but I can not remember them I think I have run it way to much!

Of course you get strange ones as well.. like the team that was upset because my Bot/traps could not revive...



Originally Posted by corinna View Post
...controllers really have a purpose separating or locking down opponents...
I must be doing something wrong then, because my controls seem largely superfluous with as much as I have to stack them in there on anything but the ninjas and monkeys.
  • Confusion? Can remove ninjas and monkeys from the badge kill-pool. Can adversely affect herding them. Also they come in small enough clusters that the use of Confuse effects is dubious to begin with (it works much better during the Heist ambushes).
  • Holds? Worthless on the minions, must be stacked so heavily on other targets I can only get to one of them effectively, and I have a LOT of holds with my particular powersets. Granted, sometimes I can lock down a really hard target with some concentrated effort so there is that.
  • Immobilize? Minions only, and not always helpful.
  • Slows? Hmmm...I can't quite tell if they're doing much or not.
  • Debuffs? Again, can't quite tell.
  • GFT? Well, I can't complain about him. He swallows monkeys whole.
  • Buffs? These are good. No complaints.
  • Healing? Mostly good but also tad anemic at times. I even use the crap outta my Spirit Tree.

I really *wish* I felt more worthwhile in there. Don't get me wrong: I know I'm not worthless to the team, but the difficulty of applying controls and the dearth of damage I contribute sometimes makes it seem like I'm more a promotional standee than an asset. I don't feel that way during the Heist ambushes (where I think I make a HUGE difference), only the Arena. Usually I end up just vomiting control effects until my Endurance bar is screaming for mercy, only to look up and see my target still running amok. I feel like I contribute a lot more doing it on my L40 Brute (the only other character I do the event on regularly).

Anyway, I do like smaller team content, but one of this game's signature and best features is the way it scales content to team size. I'd hate for them to just ignore that.

I suppose my opening comments are part of my concern with smaller-scope content: I need to feel useful, but I can't be allowed to neuter the opposition so badly there is no challenge. Then again, that's kinda the Controller's life, that balancing act.

edit: I think I should add: the smaller team content DOES make each character feel more important to the team and I do like that...I just don't want to ever lose the innate scaling CoX does for team size as a core feature. Outside the Arena, I do feel my contributions are more important than they are in most other team situations.

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Although I "get" what Corinna is saying, I really don't like minimum or maximum sizes. I really don't get why they have them. Sometimes I feel like a team, and sometimes I don't.
The XP reward bonus.

Many players want to play on max size teams. I hate joining a team and they sit for 10 minutes trying to find an 8th player. They see the maximum and they have to have it.

It is not the fault of the game, but it is something the game has to take into account.



Originally Posted by AshleyHudson View Post
I must be doing something wrong then, because my controls seem largely superfluous with as much as I have to stack them in there on anything but the ninjas and monkeys.
I've found my controllers helpful in every stage of the Time Gladiators arena.

* Against the Minotaur, I've used AoE sleeps, single-target holds, knockbacks, and slows to reduce Camilla and Claudia's DPS. Left unchecked, they can crush the team with -res attacks.
* Against the ninjas and monkeys, AoE immobs do a great job helping the team concentrate AoE attacks.
* I've used KB and holds to keep Killer separated from Frank so that he isn't killed prematurely. I've used Repel for this function as well.
* Holds haven't been too helpful against the Champions (although laying on enough holds seems to be briefly effective?), but debuffs from Hurricane have helped the team stay alive.

There's a lot for controllers to do in the arena, but it isn't in adding lots of DPS. It's keeping the team alive and ensuring good pacing during the fights.

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!



The arena is fine for what it is, but I find praising it for making each team member "count" to be a headscratcher.

What it mainly made me do was notice how poorly some powersets and ATs fare compared to others, and how the diversity in this game leans heavily on having teams scale between up to 8 people. It's hard for me to ignore that my Blaster needed to to be fed 3 purples through every moment of the arena or be destroyed, or that Sonic Resonance provides extremely mediocre support when it is forced to be the only support option. There isn't a single slot on the team to burn, so I have "retired" these characters from running this event. The difference running this event with some group makeups differs in the extreme, and much more so than with 8 person content. I can't foist these characters on my teammates again.

It basically just underscores for me why there is so little build diversity in generic fantasy MMOs. So to get the procs, I just bring out characters who can deal with the specific mechanics, just like I'd bring out one very specific prescribed Holy Priest or Fire Mage or whatever character in another game.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
The XP reward bonus.

Many players want to play on max size teams. I hate joining a team and they sit for 10 minutes trying to find an 8th player. They see the maximum and they have to have it.
Which is bizarre, because the first time I ran Death from Below as a 4-player trial, I got more significantly more XP than as an 8-player trial, despite the 'XP bonus', which I presume doesn't scale to the point where you actually get more individual XP in an 8-person vs 4-person team.

Edit: In missions, it makes sense that you'd get more XP from a larger team, because a larger team means larger groups of enemies, and thus more opportunities for individual squirts of XP, even if those squirts are divided among multiple extra allies.

In trials where the spawn size is basically fixed, as in DFB, there's less need to max out a team, as smaller teams mean fewer allies to split XP with, and thus more personal XP. So in those types of events, the smaller the team you can get away with, the better.




Funny thing about 4 people PuGs: some powers become useful. My blaster found the starting immob power the only thing keeping him alive on some teams.



Theres a relatively new korean mmo out now, which has a pretty nice approach to teaming and team xp imo.

XP is not shared. if you team, you just get a flat 20% xp bonus.

So if you solo mob A you get 1000xp.
if you in a team of 3 and kill mob A each person would get 1200xp.



I dont care for the 4 person teams.

It can lead to some incredible failures at times.

You really really need a -regen and someone to taunt for best results, and yes Im seeing alot people leave if they dont get this.

not because its nots doable, but because its alot slower to not have a -regen.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



You just need to buy a lot of red and purple inspirations. The summer event literally dumps you right next to an inspiration vendor immediately after you lose, if you don't burn through a million inspirations a minute under those conditions it's really kinda your own fault for fights taking forever.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
You just need to buy a lot of red and purple inspirations. The summer event literally dumps you right next to an inspiration vendor immediately after you lose, if you don't burn through a million inspirations a minute under those conditions it's really kinda your own fault for fights taking forever.
If I'm dying so much that I have the opportunity to buy a million inspirations a minute I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Or if we have a taunter he is doing something wrong.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
You really really need a -regen and someone to taunt for best results, and yes Im seeing alot people leave if they dont get this.
Oddly, I've been on plenty of teams with neither of those conditions and had no trouble...