131 -
Quote:1. EM is a fun set, great AoE damage, but as noted above, you will have to get used to mediocre single target damage.I've only ever played a Katana scrapper, and I was a bit disillusioned by the low damage of that build. Tankers practically outdamaged me, and I heard about the disheartening amount of villain groups that are immune to slashing.
I've though of creating a new Scrapper. The guides are good, but I can't decide based on them what primary to choose.
1. Conceptually I'm most interested in Electric Melee. How does it fare?
2. How about Dark Melee?
3. What is the best primary in terms of burst damage? Primaries that excel in this are have always been the easiest for me to play in the Blaster/Corruptor territory, especially if there is considerable AoE damage involved.
4. What is the most efficient soloer?
Thank you for reading. Highly looking forward for your advice!
2.& 3. DM is awesome as a ST/burst damage powerset, its my favorite primary of them all, but the flip side is its all essentially ST.
4. They are all great solo, just need to see what fits your play style. You looking for a soloer who can farm, soloer who can run +4/x8, or somewhere in between? The synergy between your primary and secondary can really make a decent primary or secondary into a monster.
At higher levels you will find Smashing/Lethal damage to be highly resisted- but don't forget the secondary effects of the powers. DM has -ACC, Kat has -DEF, etc. So you may want to look beyond how big the orange numbers are and look for what works with your secondary and/or playstyle.
Great popular all-time combos include DM/Regen, Claws/SR, Spines/WP, Kat/Regen, Kat/SR, and probably a bunch more that I'm sure can be listed by others.
My personal all-time favorite is DM/Regen, but maybe thats cuz it was my first 50. -
I love it, Dual Effect Inspirations, something I once suggested back in the dark ages.
Now about that request to strip all PvP restrictions (from a non-PvP'er even!) because its just silly in light of all of these new THINGS you are giving us in game! -
I have been kicking around the thought of a DM/Shield for a good hybrid single target/aoe blend.
I for one like the idea that there are "holes" in certain powersets, it makes it a challenge to see what you can do with the oodles and oodles of options we have.
For me, I hadn't played a /Regen since before the MoG changes, and decided to re-roll my first 50, a DM/Regen. I loved how it played up to 50, and once I got it there I had a blast looking at how I could stretch my infl. and build up my defenses.
I try to work on feel, and I know I miss a ton of tricks for uber min/max builds, but with all of the tricks and ways we can pimp out a build, I think its a great challenge to try and put together a build that overcomes the perceived shortcomings of /Regen. -
Resistance sets generally have a heal power included, while defense sets generally do not, right? I want to say universally but that would require me to look it up...but anyways, doesn't that have to be taken into account when scheming to change how these powers work?
My old, first 50 that got his name nerfed for no good reason way back in the day...It always made me and a lot of people laugh when Dammit got his name included in NPC dialogue.
Hmmm dang no screenshots folder in CoX file, anyone know how to replace it (go easy on me, I am tech-dumb).
Quote:Have you checked out Herostats? Keep track of all of that stuff without actually having to do it manually.I just started working a bit with open office, but don't really know how to use it. I have so many toons now i gets hard to track who has what.
I was thinking of a spreadsheet or something similar to make it easier to track Amerits, Reward merits, AE tickets etc.
Anyone use anything like this? -
Quote:What do you find is weak about PB's?I have a level 50 peacebringer. He is level packed with my wifes toon. We leveled to 40 before I gave up playing him and ran another toon with my wife until she hit 50. Now that I have a PB leveled all the way up what do I do with him. Any suggestions other than deleting him? I'm not overly happy with how weak the class is compared to others.
Admittedly, slotting is still a bit tight when going tri-form and this can be a real damper on your perception of "power" in PB's, but I found that focusing on making human form the "buff/nuke" form, 6 slotting everything in Nova and Dwarf and getting a good set of keybinds made all of the difference in the world to making PB's a whole lot of fun and a major damage dealer who can turtle up when the going gets too rough.
Some people find its pretty awesome going human only and making a totally kick *** ranged scrapper-like toon.
I've seen bi-forms that are really powerful, both human/Nova and human/Dwarf.
But you are a bit vague on what you think makes PB's weak. The only situation I've found them to be wanting is on some of those insane AE farms with massive spawns that rez every two seconds- form switching just doesn't work. Against almost every other type of bad guys I can think of, PB's have the capability to shine.
So if you have something specific about PB's that make you think of them as weak, I'd be happy to at least try to point you in the direction of making them at least fun to play. -
Wow, so many people stepping up to say how lame people are to expect the chance to get the Notice on a toon who runs the weekly target but didn't expect to be locked out of getting it because they didn't have their alpha's unlocked.
Nobody is trying to game the system or get double rewards.
Obviously the reason people are doing it before unlocking their alphas is because they want double rewards, right? Thats the reasoning behind all the snarky comments, implying that people are stupid or greedy or trying to cheat somehow?
Not because it is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY unclear that running the weekly TF before you even CAN GET THE REWARD locks you out for the week from getting the reward when you can.
I didn't say anything in reply to the same type of comments in my rant about this topic earlier, mainly because my purpose was to see if anyone else was as ticked off as I was about not being EXPLICITLY told that the MAIN REASON anyone is doing these TF's, the Notice drops, is unobtainable to anyone who has run the TF before they are even able to open their alpha's or have not yet opened their alpha's.
In point of fact, I think its even more telling that the reply to my support rant to NCSoft about this very issue included a red-faced, "Yeah, we know that it was not clear at all to the players and this type of information is critical to people so they can maximize their time and efforts in-game."
I'm willing to bet that very few, if any of the people spouting off about how people are trying to "game the system" or implying that people who didn't know this was the case are stupid didn't know about it as an issue until they either read a rant in the forums or heard it from someone who had it happen to them.
I seriously doubt that anyone who had it happen to them are posting that anyone is trying to game the system in any way.
Seriously, why do you think any of us did those SPECIFIC TF's during those SPECIFIC weeks, for the double merit rewards? -
OP: curious, but I assume you had a Rad on the team? If so, did the Rad hit the towers with Enervating Field and Radiation Infection? I did an STF with my Ill/Rad and a Stone taunting like crazy and my PA seemed to have some serious trouble keeping aggro while I hit the towers with those two DeBuffs. After I turned them off, LR sat in the corner with the Stone like a good little boy.
When you speak of "maximizing WP's general effectiveness" and "squeezing the most out of the build," what are you looking for, specifically?
I'm thinking that you are probably looking to go down one of these paths:
-maximizing your tankiness, min/max style for the defense softcap, or;
-balancing taking damage with damage output, sort of a scranker who can survive almost everything.
Anyways, just curious, and also don't forget to work on your accolades (Freedom Phalanx, Portal Jockey, Task Force Commander (total +20% HP) and Atlas Medallion (total +10% max END)). The max HP is HUGE, and the max END is really, really handy with the Rage crash, Hasten crash if you take it, and RttC crash if you take it. When two, or even all three crash at once, its nice to have that 10 extra END to stop all your toggles from dropping. It can be a major PITA without them when you go deep into fights and have those END drops, or go against Carnies/Sappers and then have a Rage/Hasten/RttC crash.
I'm on the fence with RttC. If you build more for balance, its still pretty handy as you level through your late 30's and early 40's, especially if you build for maximum tankiness, and once you hit 50, its a pretty nice top layer of icing to have on your cake. Once you build up your Defenses, its not something you'll probably use a lot anyways, but I like to have it for stuff like +4 missions, STF, and such. Don't always use it, usually glad I have it when I need it. -
Shouldn't be Win7 64 bit, I'm running it without issue on the same OS.
That Alienware laptop, m17x r3, has "the latest Sandybridge technology included" which I believe is being recalled due to it being borked. There are some threads on it, or you can google. -
Quote:Which doesn't make sense to me.basically Posi said its too crazy and nerve wracking to balance every single power in the game and the new ones coming out for a small corner or feature of the game called PvP when the time and work should go toward the main attraction for City of, which is letting players 'feel' uber powerful during PvE for out of shape human players who can't run a block IRL but can down 8.5 taco bell burritos. So instead, they set roofs on all powers call it a day and let the players have at it. If you break past the roof, you are usually an outlier on their data mined statistics and until enough of you shark throwing, kinetic meleeing, psi blasting yahoos get way 'too' many kills, the nerf bat will come around again sometime in 2015.
Let the players do whatever they want in PvP.
Its friggin PvP for craps sake, its not supposed to be balanced.
Its supposed to be crazy fun, outlandish builds, crazy power combo choices, figuring out insane things to do to kick the crap out of someone, etc.
Now everyone has to play quietly and be careful not to wake up the old man snoring behind the curtain. Don't look! It will destroy you!
I said it before, but I want to repeat it because it still holds true for me:
I never PvP'ed before because we only had single builds, and I optimized for PvE.
When I heard second builds were coming, I could not WAIT to build for PvP and PvE.
Then they did all of...whatever that junk is they did to make it so flat and boring.
I WANTED to test what I could do against the elite PvP'ers of old, to see if I could take them on with my second build.
But why bother now?
It seems so vanilla when it could be the *(edit) swirly gelly sparkly explode in your mouth* icing on the CoX cake.
A shame, a real tragedy. -
From what I understand, "not really."
Some people seem to see a very slight boost in performance, on the order of a few FPS, from what I've read and heard through the grapevine.
But again, my understanding is that the game isn't designed or optimized for either. -
I think the only thing "broken" with the market that I can see is impatient buyers who see 5 prices that are the same for the stuff they want to buy and only put in that price as a bid.
This allows savvy sellers to corner the market and make tons of money, which to me is perfectly fair.
I routinely flood the market with salvage and recipes (not counting the highly sought after orange or purple stuff) and price it all at 1 INF. This goes for stuff that sells for 10 INF to stuff that sells for 100,000 INF, and I would estimate that 99% of the time I get the "market" price, or within 10-20% of the market price (both ways, higher and lower).
I can't recall how many times I've gotten 1 INF for what I've put up for sale, but its almost never.
Candy canes were a great experiment. Dozens and dozens put for sale at 1 INF, not one was sold at that price.
So heads up folks!
If you are looking for cheap stuff, there's a really good chance that your 1 INF bid will get it, especially 50 common IO enhancement recipes and all the magic salvage you can choke on. -
With IO's, PvP specific IO's and their set bonuses, second builds and now the Incarnate system, isn't it way past time to just strip off all the restrictions in PvP, make all of the powers work the same in PvP as they do in PvE (and strip away travel power suppression in PvP), and let the players have at it?
You can use any of the 4 in the same build, just swap them out.
WP//SS Tank, good combo of single target and aoe, crowd control, very good damage, "buff/aura" help to teammates by being the aggro holder, no weapons, tough as nails.
Just my 2 cents, but this seems like an awful way to gimp your damage output just to theoretically max out and out-Tank a Stoney.
I am making a lot of assumptions, of course, so forgive me if I am wrong, but with Haymaker, Foot Stomp and KO Blow as your only attacks (again, me assuming here that Kick and Jab are either not going to be used since they are unslotted or are essentially useless, since they are unslotted), and even throwing in vet reward attacks which recharge at a turtle's pace, you are going to be spending a lot of time not doing much damage.
Having run a WP/SS to 50, and using it as my main for a long time now, and not having used Mid's (which I love, btw) but instead kinda going by gut, performance and experience, I've pretty much hit on a nice balance of attacks, HP, Regen and yes, even out-tanking Stoney's. My experience so far has been awesome, and in-game I can only say that after the Stoney's face plant and come back from the hospital or rez, along with the rest of the team, I usually have cleaned up most, if not all, of the bad guys that caused all of the mayhem.
Reluctantly, since I fear criticism and ridicule from the min/maxers, I humbly post my build for comparison. I haven't had the guts to take out the standard 50 IO enhancements from HPT, mainly because the values are at about the highest I can get them (I think, min/maxers feel free to correct me) without reducing the effectiveness of the power.
Any improvements that don't gimp my attacks would be appreciated.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.91
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Level 50 Magic Tanker
Primary Power Set: Willpower
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance- (A) Healing
- (3) Healing
- (3) Healing
- (5) Resist Damage
- (5) Resist Damage
- (7) Resist Damage
- (A) Accuracy
- (A) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage
- (7) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance
- (9) Crushing Impact - Damage/Recharge
- (9) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (11) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (11) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (A) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance
- (13) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Recharge
- (13) Titanium Coating - Endurance/Recharge
- (15) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
- (15) Titanium Coating - Resistance
- (17) Titanium Coating - Endurance
- (A) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
- (17) Mako's Bite - Damage/Endurance
- (19) Mako's Bite - Damage/Recharge
- (19) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
- (21) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (21) Mako's Bite - Chance of Damage(Lethal)
- (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (23) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
- (23) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
- (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
- (25) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
- (25) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
- (27) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (27) Red Fortune - Defense
- (29) Red Fortune - Endurance
- (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (29) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
- (31) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
- (31) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
- (31) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration
- (50) Healing IO
- (A) Accuracy IO
- (A) Endurance Reduction IO
- (33) Titanium Coating - Resistance
- (33) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance
- (33) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Recharge
- (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
- (34) Endurance Modification IO
- (34) Endurance Modification IO
- (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
- (34) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
- (36) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
- (36) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (36) Red Fortune - Defense
- (37) Red Fortune - Endurance
- (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
- (37) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
- (37) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge
- (39) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
- (A) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
- (39) Mako's Bite - Damage/Endurance
- (39) Mako's Bite - Damage/Recharge
- (40) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
- (40) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (40) Mako's Bite - Chance of Damage(Lethal)
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO
- (42) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO
- (42) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Run Speed IO
- (A) Resist Damage IO
- (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
- (42) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
- (43) Devastation - Damage/Recharge
- (43) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
- (43) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
- (45) Devastation - Chance of Hold
- (A) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage
- (45) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Endurance
- (45) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Recharge
- (46) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Recharge
- (46) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
- (46) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage(Lethal)
- (A) Recharge Reduction IO
- (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (48) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
- (48) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
- (A) Endurance Reduction IO
- (A) Accuracy IO
Level 1: Brawl- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
- (A) Empty
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift- (A) Empty
- (A) Jumping IO
- (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
- (48) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
- (50) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
- (A) Endurance Modification IO
- (50) Endurance Modification IO
Set Bonus Totals:- 13% DamageBuff(Smashing)
- 13% DamageBuff(Lethal)
- 13% DamageBuff(Fire)
- 13% DamageBuff(Cold)
- 13% DamageBuff(Energy)
- 13% DamageBuff(Negative)
- 13% DamageBuff(Toxic)
- 13% DamageBuff(Psionic)
- 1.25% Defense(Smashing)
- 1.25% Defense(Lethal)
- 1.563% Defense(Fire)
- 1.563% Defense(Cold)
- 6.25% Defense(Energy)
- 6.25% Defense(Negative)
- 6.875% Defense(Psionic)
- 2.5% Defense(Melee)
- 12.5% Defense(Ranged)
- 3.125% Defense(AoE)
- 25% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 15% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 6% Enhancement(Heal)
- 337.33 HP (18%) HitPoints
- MezResist(Held) 12.65%
- MezResist(Immobilize) 13.2%
- MezResist(Sleep) 4.4%
- MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
- 80% (6.259 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 2.52% Resistance(Fire)
- 2.52% Resistance(Cold)
- 3.125% Resistance(Negative)
- 2.5% Resistance(Psionic)
Set Bonuses:
Crushing Impact
(Punch)- MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
- 21.08 HP (1.125%) HitPoints
- 7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 2.5% Resistance(Psionic)
(Mind Over Body)- MezResist(Sleep) 2.2%
- 28.11 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
- MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
- MezResist(Held) 2.75%
- 2.5% Defense(Melee), 1.25% Defense(Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Smashing)
(Haymaker)- MezResist(Immobilize) 3.3%
- 28.11 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
- 3% DamageBuff(All)
- MezResist(Held) 3.3%
- 3.75% Defense(Ranged), 1.875% Defense(Energy), 1.875% Defense(Negative)
(Fast Healing)- 12% (0.939 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 35.14 HP (1.875%) HitPoints
(Indomitable Will)- MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
- 1.26% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
- 2% DamageBuff(All)
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 2.5% Defense(Ranged), 1.25% Defense(Energy), 1.25% Defense(Negative)
(Rise to the Challenge)- 12% (0.939 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 35.14 HP (1.875%) HitPoints
- 6% Enhancement(Heal)
(Tough)- MezResist(Sleep) 2.2%
- 28.11 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
(Heightened Senses)- MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
- 1.26% Resistance(Fire,Cold)
- 2% DamageBuff(All)
- 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
- 2.5% Defense(Ranged), 1.25% Defense(Energy), 1.25% Defense(Negative)
(Weave)- 10% (0.782 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 21.08 HP (1.125%) HitPoints
- 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
(Knockout Blow)- MezResist(Immobilize) 3.3%
- 28.11 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
- 3% DamageBuff(All)
- MezResist(Held) 3.3%
- 3.75% Defense(Ranged), 1.875% Defense(Energy), 1.875% Defense(Negative)
(Hurl)- 12% (0.939 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 42.17 HP (2.25%) HitPoints
- 3% DamageBuff(All)
- MezResist(Held) 3.3%
- 3.75% Defense(Psionic)
(Foot Stomp)- 10% (0.782 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 3.125% Resistance(Negative)
- 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
- 3.125% Defense(AoE), 1.563% Defense(Fire), 1.563% Defense(Cold)
- 3.125% Defense(Psionic)
(Physical Perfection)- 12% (0.939 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 35.14 HP (1.875%) HitPoints
(Health)- 12% (0.939 HP/sec) Regeneration
- 35.14 HP (1.875%) HitPoints
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1591;737;1474;HEX;| |78DAA5935B4F135110C7CFF6426DBBA52D05B943A1DCDB6EA960E225D107C184842| |6D522BEA8B89443BBD22C4D5B81EA8B1FC0779F8C265EE337307E1DEFF1F60DD6B9| |1CA0D84737E9FCCEFECFCECC99999EDCC1922EC4A3CB42D3AF54CC7A7D63CDB4776| |4CD9B334B5651F884107DAC6C2CC96D69D7A571D3AA54AABBFBB236A83672B222A5| |51B85F8575A1519376A9518EAED86509CB8671B808E577772BC655AB546E5876294| |06F85AA945B515AAED87B56DDDAB42A56A3192665559A5BB2562F5BD5D872D52A1A| |CBB6AC959A1B39B3DE90B5661F9CEC2CFC3EFAC168F0138E5704001EB770FD434FD| |7497628A6709F1E87015A3AA0C2413CED2E202B3A4CC2A94D469110D86248C22738| |855B9DC23DA7A1A427192942679A611022198201B9BC2A97779B02454A84AE32C32| |274DF63EC103E432E1FE772F96E50A0D3D71805C217F8C0AF0EE30F90D41764E884| |8110A3933014267C05AFA0A6915790C30E71D8110E3BB2CEB8041816D9093A8C06F| |F90906A616880243748614EEF0E8F9114E7B2E3DC993877E61B248CAA3AA24F5C28| |8DC5450BBEC3073155478CEB18E33A125C4782EB48701D135C8707D2F7A8F43DDDB| |C13614409533142169ADFAB9ADFCBCD9FE2E64F71F3A7B9F9D3DCFC696EFE3844EF| |672FAD3F49D22CE30CC41BA4BF8EA30D9ED849F8B061DCA3E134493FA0B451258DA| |6485A00FF71759EF117ECFF9230F78AF19AF186907A4B5804AF49E535B9C73BFB8C| |0342BAC978C0784878E6166246A59FE143BE832926D534923CFE0C8F3FC3E37F0E3| |E86F23178AC19483EAFA4791EFE90A7E54A39F088D53625EF39BA62422365D67374| |89FFEB79AF1FC6F15FC7BBBD86268F377A1D57B7D0DCC6D73BB832D16CE26B1157C| |E07FDF0A4E17378A0F3682EA0B988A62702E6317EE90B8209A2D1D184D074A209A3| |89A089A11940F3148DE3076737D7ECFCC4945A6BFDBF5A95196AE4EF63C9A59D984| |796E7F1E7F8034DE30B9365CCB7757CAE4DC9B6298B6DCA429B72DCE9BFD57B23BF| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Don't know how much time you want to invest in your alpha slots on just one character, but its so easy to get shards, why not get all four tier two's and play around with what works for you?
Quote:I have an updated version in the Open Beta forum: See here.
Ah there it is!
Thank you so much! -
I feel like a total tool, feel free to make fun of me, but a few days ago I saw an awesome guide to alpha slots, was on my way out of the door and closed the window without bookmarking, and now, after 30 minutes of searching, cannot find the blasted thing. I do recall if began with a "tl, dr" section, or something to that effect.
If anyone has the quick link, I'll meet you on Freedom and give you a batrillion bajillion gajillion infl.
Thanks ahead of time... -
Quote:Oh crikey, I forgot to mention that the 550 watt PSU I got for the 9800 was salvageable, so I am gravy on that. Thanks again, you've actually seen me through to my third video card!Like 95% of all store bought PCs, it has a dinky power supply, in your case only 250 watts. This will limit your possibilities unless you upgrade it as well. Without upgrading it, the cards that would probably work with that power supply will be significantly slower than a 9800GTX.
That said, the two current top end sub $200 video cards online are the 768MB nVidia GTX 460 and the 1GB AMD HD 6850. You may be able to find the 1GB version of the GTX 460 at the $200 mark. Both cards would really like a nice quality 500 watt power supply to make them go. At stock clock speeds they are 60-80% faster than a 9800GTX.
Problem is pricing in a new PSU. If you get a new PSU, you'll only have enough money for a card that's probably less powerful than your 9800GTX. Still, compared to the integrated Intel graphics on the Core i3, anything would be a huge improvement.
If you don't plan on swapping out the PSU now, the best you can do is maybe an ATI HD 5670. Even then you may be pushing your luck with power. The nVidia card with a similar power usage would be the GT 430 but it's 30% slower than the HD 5670 which is 20% slower than a 9800GTX.
Honestly, I can't understand why they (HP, Dell, etc) bother mentioning the empty graphics expansion slot when then use such tiny PSUs. It's like a car dealer installing a trailer hitch on an AMC Pacer. Yea, you may be able to tow one of those tiny U-Haul trailers to and from college, downhill, with a stiff tailwind. But in general it's of pretty limited use.