Alpha recommendations for this WP




Hi all,here is my build.Plenty of recharge/regen i think.Go for the def or resist in the Alpha slot?

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It doesn't cost a lot to be nice and reply to tells



All of your def powers seemed to be red lined xpt CJ. So you prob'ly won't see to much improvement in your def. Prob'ly less than 1% per each def power, prob'ly about 1-2% total.
Whether that amount is worth it is for you to say.

Your res is prob'ly in about the same situation. Generally, def is worth more than res, (xpt when facing -def enemies w/o ddr lol).

Imho, alphas seem to be for shoring up weak spots, areas in your build where you compromised and went with the minimum you felt you could get by with.



mmm Not really sure now then.

It doesn't cost a lot to be nice and reply to tells



Some people do every thing they can to up their def. There is a point of diminishing returns. You may or may not notice 1-2%. idk. But you might.

recharge/heal maybe?
Spiritual radial boost.
All of your powers that take greens aren't all the way maxed. I have it on my WP brute (with the heal/regen powers all redlined) and got 31 more hp and 3hp/s more out of it. You should get more than that.
A number of your powers are at about 2xSO level of recharge, so the +rehcg of the boost will give you plenty of effect percentage-wise. Probably most significantly in your longer recharge powers like rage--maybe 5 or 6 seconds. But probably less than a second in your damage attacks.

The nerve core boost would give you some +hold for your knock out blow where you have none slotted. It'd give you about 4 more seconds of hold. The +acc could be helpful if you fight nemesis or higher level enemies often.



Don't know how much time you want to invest in your alpha slots on just one character, but its so easy to get shards, why not get all four tier two's and play around with what works for you?



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Some people do every thing they can to up their def. There is a point of diminishing returns. You may or may not notice 1-2%. idk. But you might.
There are no diminishing returns on defense. In fact, every point of defense becomes more valuable than the last, until you hit the soft cap. Here's why:

Let's say a mob hits 50% of the time, which is typical for an even-level minion.

A: You mess up your build and walk around with 35% defense. You mitigate 70% of the mob's damage and take 30% of what it otherwise would have done.

B: You have 40% defense, so now he hits 10% of the time. You just mitigated 80% of its damage and take 20% of what it otherwise would have done.

If you compare the damage TAKEN in scenario A to B, the person in B is taking TWO-THIRDS the damage of A, by increasing their defense by 5%.

C: Now, you get 45% defense, so now it hits 5% of the time. You mitigated 90% of the mob's damage and take 10% of what it would have done.

Scenario C's defense means you take HALF the damage of scenario B by increasing your defense by the same 5%. This is why people chase down every last bit of defense.

Consider aiming for 32.5% defense instead of 45% with builds that are just too hard to boost defense on. A small purple can then put you at the soft cap. The defense bonus from the Alpha boost is minimal, and other Alphas, like recharge/healing can benefit a Willpower Tanker more.



Nerve all the way. This thing is hard to resist on any tanker, but Willpower especially will benefit from the taunt enhancing that the Radial Rare and Very Rare provide. The extra Defense enhancing should be big enough to matter. You will also get some hold enhancing in Knockout Blow and Fly Speed enhancing.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
There are no diminishing returns on defense. In fact, every point of defense becomes more valuable than the last, until you hit the soft cap. Here's why:
I am familiar with the explanation. What it doesn't take into account is opportunity costs.
At a certain point the benefit to your toon's over all playability is less from another drop of defense than a drop of recharge, or damage or acc or hold or whatever. Where that point is is highly variable. But at some point enough is enough.

I have seen toons that have gimped their attack chains or whatnot just to reach the magical soft cap.

Also, depending on your playstyle, you may not notice the difference between 35% and 36% or 43% and 45%. If you're not pushing the top end of what you take on, then you have a lot of def 'sitting idle' so to speak. You could survive just as much with less def. If, in the course of your normal play, the damage that makes it through is entirely survivable, does it matter if your def is 1% or 25% or 45%?
If you're not pushing the limits of your toon, you will probably not notice that much difference in survivability in actual play when it comes to 1 or 2 percentage points despite what the numbers say in theory.
IOW, being able to survive twice as much incoming potential damage only really matters if you're actually going to face twice as much incoming potential damage.

Also, some combinations of res and def below the soft cap can be as strong as or even stronger than def soft cap alone when it comes to survivability.

Def is very nice, but one or two more points of def isn't always the best choice for a toon. Whether that amount of def is worth the opportunity cost is for each player to say for each particular toon. There's not a pat blanket answer.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
I am familiar with the explanation. What it doesn't take into account is opportunity costs.
At a certain point the benefit to your toon's over all playability is less from another drop of defense than a drop of recharge, or damage or acc or hold or whatever. Where that point is is highly variable. But at some point enough is enough.
I agree with that assessment. Before, you made it sound like defense was providing diminishing returns instead of the overall build providing diminishing returns. That's why I suggested going for 32.5% defense instead. I have two characters with 32.5% to all positions, and they both perform well in most content without additional buffs or purple inspirations. Sometimes, though, that isn't enough. Popping a small purple makes me go from being somewhat squishy against +4/x8's to nearly invincible.