Notice of the Well Bug




I've reported this in-game with absolutely no help from the GMs. Here is my problem. I started off a level 46 Bane joining a LRSF. When we finished, I was level 48. I'm fairly certain I got the bonus merits, but obviously I did not get the Notice of the Well bonus. I finished levelling to 50, unlocked my alpha slot, and crafted a tier 2 Nerve boost. Then I proceeded to complete another LRSF. I did not receive the Notice of the Well. The GM told me that if I wouldn't receive it if I didn't have my alpha slot unlocked (when clearly I do now). I explained that I didn't have it unlocked the first time the character ran the LRSF, but when I went back to complete it when it WAS unlocked, it still didn't reward it. I said it seemed like a bug to me, and again he told me it was intentional that characters without their alpha slot unlocked wouldn't receive the NotW (again ignoring the fact that I DID have it unlocked the second time).

It seems like it is a bug, where it only checks for the merit/notice bonus the first time you run the strike force. So it's either WAI and designed to penalize players levelling up thru strike forces, or it's an overlooked bug that the GM won't recognize/honor for me.



First, didn't the TF change to be Khan (or the equivlant on the villain side) today?

Second, if I remember what some people mentioned last week if you run the TF during the week it is the Strike Pack item and you are not qualified for the piece you would still get marked as having run the TF that week and thus ineligible for further rewards from it. Seeing as you would get double XP bonus and double merits you would be considered having been marked as doing the TF.

Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership



Originally Posted by motaz0r View Post
I've reported this in-game with absolutely no help from the GMs. Here is my problem. I started off a level 46 Bane joining a LRSF. When we finished, I was level 48. I'm fairly certain I got the bonus merits, but obviously I did not get the Notice of the Well bonus. I finished levelling to 50, unlocked my alpha slot, and crafted a tier 2 Nerve boost. Then I proceeded to complete another LRSF. I did not receive the Notice of the Well. The GM told me that if I wouldn't receive it if I didn't have my alpha slot unlocked (when clearly I do now). I explained that I didn't have it unlocked the first time the character ran the LRSF, but when I went back to complete it when it WAS unlocked, it still didn't reward it. I said it seemed like a bug to me, and again he told me it was intentional that characters without their alpha slot unlocked wouldn't receive the NotW (again ignoring the fact that I DID have it unlocked the second time).

It seems like it is a bug, where it only checks for the merit/notice bonus the first time you run the strike force. So it's either WAI and designed to penalize players levelling up thru strike forces, or it's an overlooked bug that the GM won't recognize/honor for me.
You had your "first" run for that TWS already done, where you got the bonus merits, and in your case, the bonus XPs at the end. All subsequent runs during that week would go toward the helper badges. That's why you didn't get a Notice of the Well. It is working as intended.

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I'd guess it's working as intended. You ran the strike target, you got your bonus merits. When you ran it again later (at level 50, with Alpha unlocked), it did a check and saw that you'd already received your strike target bonus for the week. That's a perfectly reasonable implementation.

Strike targets are reset on a weekly basis. You'll be eligible for the next strike target which starts... oh, right today. Go run Dr. Khan or Barracuda and get your Notice of the Well.

(And before you ask, no, you can't use side-switching to get both.)

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Unfortunately, it seems you are only eligible for the notice on your first run of the weekly strike target... if you haven't unlocked the alpha slot yet, you cannot receive it on that first run.

An annoying mechanic, but I don't think it's a bug.



Seems like a major draw back to people levelling up characters... especially with Silver Mantis coming up soon.



I wouldn't call it a bug, but more likely a poor check system.

It's definitely not working as designed, ime, because it presents a needless problem without adding anything. A better check system could still gate the rewards, but without adding these external problems.



Originally Posted by motaz0r View Post
Seems like a major draw back to people levelling up characters... especially with Silver Mantis coming up soon.
Not really, you got the Bonus XP, that was your non-incarnate reward for doing the WST, are you saying that you should be entitled to 2 rewards for doing it while everyone else's already level 50s are only entitles to one?

The only people that really loose out with this and what you get as a bonus seems to be people who are level 50 without the incarnate unlocked, or people who ding 50 while doing the WST. The latter of those 2 I would feel sorry for, the former has obviously made a choice to do the WS with a non-incarnate.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



People, you cannot game the system. You get the bonus once.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Garrott View Post
First, didn't the TF change to be Khan (or the equivlant on the villain side) today?

Second, if I remember what some people mentioned last week if you run the TF during the week it is the Strike Pack item and you are not qualified for the piece you would still get marked as having run the TF that week and thus ineligible for further rewards from it. Seeing as you would get double XP bonus and double merits you would be considered having been marked as doing the TF.
Correct. We had someone do this specifically to test. This is just how it works.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I got the same issue on my new Brute. I completed the Barracuda SF with friends while leveling, then the notice didnt drop for me twice after that while i was 50 (one Barracuda and one Kahn, both with the alpha slot unlocked and equipped). I thought my character was bugged.

If I knew about this before, I would have never completed this SF in the first time while not being 50.



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Not really, you got the Bonus XP, that was your non-incarnate reward for doing the WST, are you saying that you should be entitled to 2 rewards for doing it while everyone else's already level 50s are only entitles to one?

The only people that really loose out with this and what you get as a bonus seems to be people who are level 50 without the incarnate unlocked, or people who ding 50 while doing the WST. The latter of those 2 I would feel sorry for, the former has obviously made a choice to do the WS with a non-incarnate.
Level 50's also get the bonus experience, it's simply converted to bonus influence/infamy. Incarnate 50's get 3 rewards (merits, bonus xp/inf, Notice), whereas someone lower level only received two rewards (bonus xp, merits) even if they come back and run the WST a second time once they are an Incarnate. Seems simple enough to change each of the 3 rewards to a separate flag instead of one lumping them all together to solve this problem.



Thinking it over, it does make sense. You've already done the WST and gotten the rewards for it, so it doesn't give them twice in one week. You've definitely been burned by the system, but I don't think it's a bug.

Not to say it doesn't bite, but that's our system.

Oh, and rlloyd, standard code rant applies.

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Originally Posted by rlloyd View Post
Level 50's also get the bonus experience, it's simply converted to bonus influence/infamy. Incarnate 50's get 3 rewards (merits, bonus xp/inf, Notice), whereas someone lower level only received two rewards (bonus xp, merits) even if they come back and run the WST a second time once they are an Incarnate. Seems simple enough to change each of the 3 rewards to a separate flag instead of one lumping them all together to solve this problem.
the double xp/inf is rewarded to non 50s as well, they also get double inf, so everyone gets 3 rewards. non 50s get xp instead of notice of the well, inf and merits; while alpha 50s get notice of the well, inf, and merits. so everything is still equal. but like what was said earlier, the only people who really lose out are level 50 non alpha or people who hit 50 during the TF.

Cheers mate!



I can see why this is disappointing for the person expecting to get their NotW, however it is not a bug and working as the devs intended.

The WST gives the all of the bonus rewards once per week.
The NotW is part of the bonus.
You don't get that part of the bonus for the same reason you don't get shards: you have not unlocked the alpha slot.
Only people who have unlocked their alpha slot get any of the incarnate salvage.

If you want the NotW for the week, and you're not yet level 50 or haven't unlocked your alpha slot, don't run the WST until you are and have unlocked your alpha slot.



Wow, so many people stepping up to say how lame people are to expect the chance to get the Notice on a toon who runs the weekly target but didn't expect to be locked out of getting it because they didn't have their alpha's unlocked.

Nobody is trying to game the system or get double rewards.

Obviously the reason people are doing it before unlocking their alphas is because they want double rewards, right? Thats the reasoning behind all the snarky comments, implying that people are stupid or greedy or trying to cheat somehow?

Not because it is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY unclear that running the weekly TF before you even CAN GET THE REWARD locks you out for the week from getting the reward when you can.

I didn't say anything in reply to the same type of comments in my rant about this topic earlier, mainly because my purpose was to see if anyone else was as ticked off as I was about not being EXPLICITLY told that the MAIN REASON anyone is doing these TF's, the Notice drops, is unobtainable to anyone who has run the TF before they are even able to open their alpha's or have not yet opened their alpha's.

In point of fact, I think its even more telling that the reply to my support rant to NCSoft about this very issue included a red-faced, "Yeah, we know that it was not clear at all to the players and this type of information is critical to people so they can maximize their time and efforts in-game."

I'm willing to bet that very few, if any of the people spouting off about how people are trying to "game the system" or implying that people who didn't know this was the case are stupid didn't know about it as an issue until they either read a rant in the forums or heard it from someone who had it happen to them.

I seriously doubt that anyone who had it happen to them are posting that anyone is trying to game the system in any way.

Seriously, why do you think any of us did those SPECIFIC TF's during those SPECIFIC weeks, for the double merit rewards?



Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
Seriously, why do you think any of us did those SPECIFIC TF's during those SPECIFIC weeks, for the double merit rewards?
I did them for the badges. The double merit rewards were a nice bonus, though.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
Wow, so many people stepping up to say how lame people are to expect the chance to get the Notice on a toon who runs the weekly target but didn't expect to be locked out of getting it because they didn't have their alpha's unlocked.

Nobody is trying to game the system or get double rewards.

Obviously the reason people are doing it before unlocking their alphas is because they want double rewards, right? Thats the reasoning behind all the snarky comments, implying that people are stupid or greedy or trying to cheat somehow?

Not because it is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY unclear that running the weekly TF before you even CAN GET THE REWARD locks you out for the week from getting the reward when you can.

I didn't say anything in reply to the same type of comments in my rant about this topic earlier, mainly because my purpose was to see if anyone else was as ticked off as I was about not being EXPLICITLY told that the MAIN REASON anyone is doing these TF's, the Notice drops, is unobtainable to anyone who has run the TF before they are even able to open their alpha's or have not yet opened their alpha's.

In point of fact, I think its even more telling that the reply to my support rant to NCSoft about this very issue included a red-faced, "Yeah, we know that it was not clear at all to the players and this type of information is critical to people so they can maximize their time and efforts in-game."

I'm willing to bet that very few, if any of the people spouting off about how people are trying to "game the system" or implying that people who didn't know this was the case are stupid didn't know about it as an issue until they either read a rant in the forums or heard it from someone who had it happen to them.

I seriously doubt that anyone who had it happen to them are posting that anyone is trying to game the system in any way.

Seriously, why do you think any of us did those SPECIFIC TF's during those SPECIFIC weeks, for the double merit rewards?
I read the instructions. Though I'm beginning to think I was in the minority.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
Wow, so many people stepping up to say how lame people are to expect the chance to get the Notice on a toon who runs the weekly target but didn't expect to be locked out of getting it because they didn't have their alpha's unlocked.
Really? I see people stepping up to explain that it's not a bug. You don't have to like it, but it's not a bug.

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