983 -
Decent episode.
Who was it before this season started that argued they don't continually tease Rory's death, and is that still nominated for dumbest comment ever? -
Rory is only slightly less boring, and Moffat is still playing timeline tricks.
Like the new trials, hate how easy the game has become with incarnate powers.
Quote:Agreed. The game's new super easy mode makes me lose interest.I just want to go back to pre i20 CoH......
I like the new trials mechanically but hate, HATE the way the rewards are calculated and the ridiculous grind of it all. I also don't like that these new powers trivialize all existing lvl 50 content. The Alpha slot was great, it was something that improved my toon but was not game changing/breaking. I would happily give back the keys to these shiny new powers in order to return to the game that I've loved for 5 years now. I want to wake up and discover it was all just a dream.... -
Quote:I feel the opposite. For me, 24 man BAF is about the most boring thing in the game. It's almost impossible to fail.I can point out many failings of the queue system, but minimized teams isn't one of them. Heck, I've never had a more boringly easy time than one BAF we deliberately ran with 12 people, because the escapee spawns, reinforcement spawns, and (I've heard and find plausible but have not been able to verify) the AV HP scale to the quantity of trial participants.
I'd quote the OP, but I pretty much disagreed with every trend cited. Maybe it's the server, or the weekend bringing in players that haven't played the trials yet, but everything I've seen across several servers as the week has gone on is contrary to the OP.
Quote:Keep at it. The player base, as a whole, is getting much better at both trials. BAF, in particular, is becoming the norm for the PUGs to succeed at, and in the coming weeks we'll just continue to see big jumps in the performance.I'm not exactly part of a big network of people, so I've relied on LFG to match me up with people. I can safely confirm that LFG is the worst system ever created. I have thus far only succeeded in BAF twice, every other attempt (And there have been MANY) at either trial has ended in broken bones and shattered dreams. Somehow I've managed to bludgeon my way through enough to unlock my T2 Judgement and T1 Interface, and I'm still trying to motivate myself enough to grind out the next two slots. Judgement has made things easier in BAF, but Lambda still gives me nightmares.
From all other testimonials I've seen, the key to success is having allies you can rely on. Attempting to play through the Trials with randomly selected teammates is a recipe for disaster. So far I'm miserable, angry pirate and really don't want to suffer more for my slots. It's that bad. -
Quote:Except for the fact that the LFG randoms have done it, and have done it with the minimum.
I think it's safe to say that they're hard enough that only premades can really do them.
It's harder to do Lambda with the minimum than BAF because there are more points of failure, but to say that only pre-made leagues can do it just isn't true. -
Quote:I disagree. Lambda needs two people per group in the sabotage phase: something to distract and something to kill. That's it. Could be a melee to hold aggro or some form of control, it doesn't matter. It just needs to be capable of distracting the mobs.
1: These Trials seem heavily dependent on the presence of Controllers and Dominators. Last night in B.A.F. was a night of Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers, Corruptors, and Blasters with almost every group lacking controls becoming duds at the final phase. One group had a perfect no-escape, but couldn't do anything about Siege's and Nightstar's support.
Lambda also seems to be plagued by this lack of control issue. With control, groups can breeze through the 5-minute phase and pick off a ton of containers (possibly crates as well) and make the Marauder fight become a walk in the park. Without controls it becomes a support's nightmare. Try keeping everyone alive and buffing everyone at the same time.
BAF needs control even less. Again, it just needs distraction and damage. Melee toons, specifically scraps and brutes, are often capable of handling the reinforcements so that damage toons can take out the AVs. It need not be more complicated than that. Control and melee aggro holding overlap in responsibilities, just like everywhere else in the game. The only difference here is the level of the enemies.......and that's really just temporary until more people get level shifts.
Quote:How can 12 people without any form of holding power expect to smash Nightstar, Siege, and their reinforcements? So far, just from last night, I can give four instances of this very situation, all spelling out disaster.
Quote:How can 8 people without any form of holding power expect to get all the grenades and acids they need? It is just like B.A.F.: disaster. Does this mean people suck? Of course not. It means things are way out of control in ways that only a Controller or Dominator can effectively handle.
Again, this is in light of the LFG tool because that consistently gives Leagues of 12-13 for B.A.F. and Leagues of 8-9 for Lambda when these are designed for Leagues of 20-24 and 14-16, respectively.
Quote:And he's trying to get his money's worth out of that idea, too...........As Positron explained in his blog post on the subject a few months ago, new currencies are implemented to keep the high-performing players from acquiring new things on day one and coming back on day two to say "okay, now what?" I really don't think acquiring things on day three is functionally different from this.
Quote:The MMO genre in a nutshell. If you're really dedicated, though, you find ways to use those powers to ignore playing the game, in order to get new powers.Earning new powers for the sole reason of earning more new powers off the same content strikes me as an exercise in spinning your wheels.
Then, brag to your buddies how you skipped more of the game than they did, making you super duper awesome! -
At least your were up front. I've seen many that *neglect* to point that out until after it's already started. Like some common con man.
The OP isn't the only player I've seen that has had issue with the redundant currencies and salvage now in the game.
Quote:Shards are Incarnate progress points that can be earned from any content in the game outside of AE.
Threads are Incarnate progress points that can be earned from Incarnate Trial contents.
Having them as separate drops makes it possible to have clearly different rates of Incarnate progress in the different content types. It would be possible to do the same thing with only one type of salvage, but that would require being able to set different drop rates for mobs under different circumstances. I'm not sure that's possible in the current game, and it would certainly make the differential rates less well defined that having the two different types.Quote:This doesn't seem very complicated to me, and there are good reasons for it. These reasons will only be good reasons for a while, though. Once the hoarders have exchanged most of their Shards into Threads keeping the two currencies separate becomes less necessary. Maybe even completely unnecessary.
Personally, I don't really care that we have shards and threads, but that doesn't mean it isn't unnecessarily complicated for the end user. -
I'd rather think of fixing the limitations with the LFG system. We're not a week in yet, and players are already figuring out (in mass) that there are better ways of doing the trials than using that system.
Quote:Unnecessarily. It's two names for what winds up being, in essence, the same thing. Threads only exist as a hurdle to those that built up a bunch of shards prior to i20 to gate content.Next, those want to obtain things while solo, while still maintaining the team option as the best choice. This does that!
It's unnecessarily confusing to new and more casual players. It's an example of the worst kind of over-complication in currency.
One could eliminate the duplicity and retain the functionality, both for solo players and those that team. -
Definitely. Some have spent so long playing an easy game that they forgot how (or never knew how) to actually use goto commands, re-summon, and in general, play as Masterminds.