SR scrappers and incarnate trials
I haven't played the new trials yet, but if "well above 100%" defense is useless, I'm really not liking the sound of that.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
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Was this Siege's 9CU's killing you? They get a rising tohit and damage buff the longer they stay alive. If he sits around for a few minutes while the group talks strategy or recovers from a wipe, they get pretty ridiculous.
Aren't several of the attacks autohit?
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Haven't tried this yet but if that is the case, well, as other have noted it's a pretty poor approach by the devs. There was some discussion about how simply letting the mobs hit you more often impacts non-defense sets equally or worse than defense ones, simply because defense sets have a lot of room to slot more defense bonuses. Shield, SR, and Ea aren't the only armor sets that rely on defense bonuses for extra and often needed survivability.
Haven't tried this yet but if that is the case, well, as other have noted it's a pretty poor approach by the devs. There was some discussion about how simply letting the mobs hit you more often impacts non-defense sets equally or worse than defense ones, simply because defense sets have a lot of room to slot more defense bonuses. Shield, SR, and Ea aren't the only armor sets that rely on defense bonuses for extra and often needed survivability.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

I've done 20 or so trial runs on my shield defense scrapper so far. They definitely have more tohit than what I'm used to fighting, but it's survivable. I just carry a tray full of greens and use the rebirth destiny.
Now that I have three level shifts it's much easier to survive. Fighting +3 spawns isn't fun, but +1's isn't bad at all. I do spend a lot of time with AAO toggled off to let the tankers hold aggro, although I was able to tank a lambda earlier today with only one death. If it wasn't for the npc selling inspirations in the hospital, the new content would be a lot more frustrating.
Siege's fight hinges entirely on not mucking around and hitting things fast and furiously. As others have indicated, they get progressively harder as they stay alive longer - but they're still only bosses, unload after a wipe and watch them die as usual.
If your team strategy is the "wait at the court for minutes while someone pulls/switch targets/concentrate on AVs" I've seen, you'll have lots of trouble. Kill those adds. Jump at things. Be fast. Don't wait.
Defense is definitely NOT useless, and you're not a naked blaster. How do I know? I took my /EnA stalker yesterday for a couple of trials. Over 59% defense before buffs (and due to the chaos, more often than not I ran without buffs), and it was quite a noticeable difference vs. the plain softcap of my DM/Inv scrapper, who had to do a bit more legwork with her other tools to survive. The longer the mobs stay around, the more tohit they have, and the higher your defense will have to be to counteract it.
How much defense you'll "need" hinges entirely on how fast your team can kill. It's an unusual correlation, but there you go. I intend to take my Elec/Shield/Fire scrapper in there and see how that one goes. It means that, yes, AoE is even more king than it's ever been, at least for that particular mission.
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Judgement is amazing for the BAF trial, and once everyone is +3 and has their judgement power, things will be a cakewalk (even moreso than it is now).
Judgement is amazing for the BAF trial, and once everyone is +3 and has their judgement power, things will be a cakewalk (even moreso than it is now).
Someone in one of the Leagues asked, when I mentioned the ridiculousness (we got the target caps for a reason), how often I was planning on having 40 mobs in range.
The answer should be obvious: With this kind of thing available, every single fraggin' time.
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
Some of these incarnate powers look absolutely sick. Seriously, an extreme damage AoE that can hit 40 targets?
Someone in one of the Leagues asked, when I mentioned the ridiculousness (we got the target caps for a reason), how often I was planning on having 40 mobs in range. The answer should be obvious: With this kind of thing available, every single fraggin' time. |
As for the trials being to hard naw just right. I've done 4 BAFs so far first 3 fail, 4th we won! I was so excited and don't think I died a single time the last run and on a blaster(though a blaster with soft cap range def, 44% s/l res, 30% energy res and aid self). Just give people a little time to learn the strategys and realize they have to listen to someone that nows the ropes.
I also unlocked my judgement and crafted my nuke just after 4 runs doesn't seem to grindy for me considering all the complaining I see on the forums.
Types of Swords
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Some of these incarnate powers look absolutely sick. Seriously, an extreme damage AoE that can hit 40 targets?
Someone in one of the Leagues asked, when I mentioned the ridiculousness (we got the target caps for a reason), how often I was planning on having 40 mobs in range. The answer should be obvious: With this kind of thing available, every single fraggin' time. |
Have done a few trials on my DB/SR. So far, it's tough on /SR, but not stupidly so. Outside of the 9CUs and Marauder's IDF ball going critical it hasn't been bad at all. In most of these trials I'm running at 60-65% anyway, thanks to maneuvers, bubbles, shadow fall, whatever.
One notable trial was one where I didn't have these bonuses, though. I was being chewed up pretty bad there until I popped a small purple and was back to my usual stupidly-hard-to-drop self, jumping 1st into IDF spawns, tanking weapons cache spawns and everything else you'd expect from /SR. Keeping that small purple going at all times was very important though.
Provided I'm at the 'new' softcap, it's not really much different from running an ITF at +4 with the old one: You can handle a hell of a lot, but the bosses hit like trucks and will drop you if they chain a pair of hits.
Just remember: Seekers and Battle Orbs Mk. II have aura tohit buffs available to them. These are your priority targets when playing /SR.
Its essentially like your naked or playing a blaster for the most part. All the defense in the world isnt going to do squat against this kind of thing. Its kind of why I was against this kind of content in the first place. There are ways of making the game harder without having the npc to cheat they just choose not do so.
More like PvP. Where the right builds usually tear through defense.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
You know, it just doesn't seem like cheating to me.
More like PvP. Where the right builds usually tear through defense. |
That said, OK, it's just another challenge like dealing with Devouring Earth Quartz. Not that I'm a fan of Quartz, but it's a manageable challenge. A couple nights ago I did +4x8 tip mission Devouring Earth with my concept Scrapper in a duo with a decent Tanker. I did die once on the first mob, but then I got my brain in gear, and there were no more deaths on the map. OK, that's not the same as soloing them, but still, it's a manageable challenge. Sounds like the potentially massive to hit of the 9CUs is in the same boat.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
I really don't think the devs should be aiming to make the PvE game more like the current PvP game.
It's more on the scale of the Praetorian mission arcs, where there are constant ambushes and timed (from zone events) portions.
That said, OK, it's just another challenge like dealing with Devouring Earth Quartz. Not that I'm a fan of Quartz, but it's a manageable challenge. A couple nights ago I did +4x8 tip mission Devouring Earth with my concept Scrapper in a duo with a decent Tanker.
When those reinforcements arrive, your goal is to kill them before they kill you (as their buff strength increases over time iirc) - this should appeal to Scrappers.
As I see it, we seem to be trying to get them with their pants down. Once they know we'er here and organize, really well slotted incarnates are needed, especially with destiny; otherwise, yes their "organization" will overwhelm everything.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
To the OP, I thought the same thing on my first few runs on tuesday. I had heard from people on test that it would be hard on my main, ma/sr. I said bring it. They did. On the second day i probably ran 15 of them together, and didn't fail a one. Once everyone, including myself, had the big buffs going, I very rarely, if ever, died. Popping 3-4 purples helps until you get your 50+3 going (I would suggest going for these first, and delaying interface and judgement for the level shifts first, but thats just me). I went with the Barrier Destiny. More defense, and for a short time, capped resist, on a ma/sr, that buffs everyone within a huge range, yes please!!!!!! Then again I have plenty of recharge already, and i figured added def/resist would negate the need for the added regen, and I have aid self for a lil self heal.
Stick with it man. Don't know what server your on, but it only took mine a day or so to get it pretty mapped out and with solid plans. The trick is to get on a full league before you start then all go in, that way you definatly have a full team. Just incase that isn't what you've been doing.
And as said above already, 9CUs are a beast, but your a scrapper kill them quick. I volunteer for bot duty almost every time, if its not volunteered for me. If there are enough of them lingering around that haven't been killed and are super self buffed, they can kill anything in 1-2 shots. The early BAF runs that were a failure for me were for this reason, couldn't come back from their buffs.
In general, no its not like pvp, yes some things have to hit buffs, but your on a team of 16-24, there will be buffs. Just get on a good team before hand. Its trials like these that I am really glad im in an active sg/coal, although the pugs yesterday that I were on were fine, first day not so much, but it was new stuff for most, myself included.
And I can already see, down the road of course, a solo lambda scrapper challenge, believe me it will be coming, but I'd say after all slots are unlocked and slotted with t4s.
I am glad they added hard content to the game now. Its not ALL about "Hey dude my defenses are softcapped why am I not a god?!" Now you have to debuff the right targets instead of just smashin your buttons as soon as they appear. It just requires coordination, organization, and dedication. Enjoy the new content guys/gals! As for the bug on that bot that scales as long as he is alive or w.e. they should put a cap on it but just kill it fast then
It does present a challenge for my Claws/SR scrapper. I just remember to pack medium and large oranges and lots of greens, use my Judgement power when its availible, and I pop Elude or my accolade powers when necessary. I haven't unlocked my Destiny power yet, but I'm sure it will function much like the same. This is supposed to be more difficult than the normal content, but it doesn't feel as overwhelming now with incarnate powers.
Glad I read this. I'd imagine SR would get beat pretty hard as it's hard to use Aid Self (because of all the DoT from all the enemies)
Haven't ran yet on my SR, just on my KAT/WP.. With soft-capped to all but psi I was still getting hit hard.. luckily the resistance helped, and rise to the challenege (was healing about 80-100hp/s) and was still dieing
The new trials are definitely hard on defense-based toons. Normal groups are (semi)-manageable, but big nasty groups like marauder's giant ball of IDF make my softcapped /SR scrapper pretty much useless, which isn't fun at all. I get that the devs are trying to make things tougher on defense-based characters, since it seems like everyone and their brother is softcapped these days, but they need to remember that there are some powersets that don't bring much except defense to the table.
I wanted to know just how are you guys dealing with this. Its seems like the mobs have way better accuracy or the attacks are just auto hit. I know I used a full tray of purples and still got owned by the robot mobs. Defense levels were well above 100%, and they hit me as if I were naked. This is really making me regret getting this character to 50 and soft capping him because its useless against these mobs. This scrapper is soft cap ma/sr with tough and medicine pool.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!