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  1. The majority of damage from burn comes from the initial pbaoe burst, anyways. It's an amazing power and not one that I would want to skip
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Grant Cover is a nice power but not vital. You're a damage-dealer first, buffing your teammates is a useful second priority.

    One With The Shield can be skipped if you softcap.

    I don't skip anything else.
    I wouldn't advise skipping grant cover as it grants defense debuff resistance and you cannot hard cap DDR (95 percent) without it - also a great place to toss a LOTG 7.5. I skipped OWTS as well for a long time but picked it up with one of my free slots from inherent stamina and it's really great. HP boost and a very strong resistance buff, takes me to HP cap and 66 percent s/l resists. I wouldn't skip either of them.
  3. I really want to play my stalker again...
    she's so gimpy

    Here's another vote for fire/sd, if you have some inf to spend it can be a monster. If you don't, it can still be amazing. Fire is cool like that!
  4. Don't think scrapper will be able to do the lgtf at any point due to needing holds for the mitos in the hamidon fight - char doesn't recharge fast enough. Resist cap is only 75 percent as opposed to 90 for brutes so I don't see tower buffed recluse as being possible either.
    As Sant said, ITF has been soloed by scrappers plenty of times.
  5. The build already has 5 of the LOTG global +rech slotted so more wouldn't do anything - Phalanx fighting isn't enhanceable so it's a great spot for the kismet 6 percent acc IO. You certainly don't need the glad PVP unique to create a great /shield build, it simply frees up some slots and makes the build better. It's also a good bit more difficult to fit in aid self without it - usually I would say drop it for maneuvers to cover the 3 percent loss.

    The top build you linked only has 85 percent DDR, so when a roman hits you with a standard melee swing (-10 percent def) you will drop 1.5 percent defense as opposed to .5 percent with 95 percent resist which makes cascading defense failure a real possibility. I personally wouldn't want to play without capped DDR but your mileage may vary. Granted you could carry some purples in case that happened, but if you're going to do that you might as well play something that can't be inherently DDR capped, like regen or WP. I dislike carrying inspirations to cover something that I can eliminate the need for by building for it, be it purples or blues. I tend to create my builds in mids rather obsessively so that when I'm ingame, I can run around like a retarded kitty exploding everything that looks at my teammates crossways - whenever I join a team it usually ends in either comments about how great my build is, or the leader will sternly inform me that I need to stay behind the tank and stop one shotting spawns without his permission...

    Also, as you mentioned, the endurance may not be sustainable without heavy reliance on blue insps which I wouldn't want to play either (again, personal choice - I'd rather save room in my tray for greens or reds). Not including things like the 10.4 end every 60 secs from hitting AD to keep it double stacked, the 15 end per 120 sec for hasten drops, the 10.16 end for each use of dragon's tail, or the endurance from using aid self, the SK CS SK CAK chain burns (as slotted) 4.03 end/sec. The toggles run 1.08 eps leaving 2.71 assuming .2 eps recovery from the perfshifter proc in stamina. You'll be losing 1.32 EPS which means you'll be forced to stop using attacks after 83 seconds, or you'll need to hit a blue inspiration every ~19 seconds. If you want to solo a pylon or kill some AV's(which this build is certainly capable of) you'd need to carry a lot of blues.

    Also, I think the fire EPP is hugely overrated as an EPP pick - mids shows fireball as having 142 dmg base but when I look at it ingame it shows 35 damage base. Same for fireblast and char, ingame tags say they have about 1/5 of the damage mids shows. No clue if that's correct, but if it is I'm not really sure if a ~100 pt aoe every 10 seconds is worth 3 power picks (especially with dragon's tail which does 264 every 4 secs)- that's more of a personal choice though. I've just never felt the need for more aoe due to how powerful shield charge is for insane bursts of aoe damage, and I'm used to dark/shield where that's the only aoe (though now that I have a t4 judgement, I'm even happier). YMMV.

    Probably wall of textish and more information than you wanted but those are my personal reasons for building /shield the way I do. Definitely not trying to tell you that your build "lol sucks" or anything of the sort - just going through the reasons I chose the EPP and slotting that I did. There's many many different philosophies about creating builds in this game and you have to find your own playstyle and make it yours. Werner plays a katana/dark that he's done amazing things with - I just wouldn't ever want to play it
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    I'm confused. You say the attack chain is SK-CAK-SK-CS. But when I look in MIDS, I see SK with a rechage of 1.954 seconds, where CAK/CS have cast times of 1.848 seconds. Am I missing something? This is using Aracnatime. If you turn on the Spiritual Core paragon, then yeh you drop SK to 1.706 seconds. Maybe that is the requirement? Actually it looks like it falls to 1.7 and change even with the entry level Spiritual.
    Yes, using spiritual alpha. It makes the attack chain viable without having to sacrifice defensive bonuses for more recharge and gets hasten perma and perma double stacks AD for capped DDR. Having shield charge up more often is also really great. I'm not a fan of musculature for /shields because you already get 70-80 percent damage from saturated AAO so an extra 30 or so isn't going to make as big a difference as 30 percent more global recharge.
  7. Igor_The_Mad

    The Build Thread

    Build: Dark Melee/Shield Defense
    Price Range: Infinite - I wouldn't want to make something this expensive ever again.
    Goals: Soft cap, perma hasten, capped DDR, strong regen, strong resists, plentiful endurance via dark consumption, capped acc vs +3's (+4s no longer exist at L50 due to alpha level shift), hyper ST dps with lots of enemies nearby.
    Weaknesses: Back to back strong hits from AV's, auto hit/tohit buffed foes, no sustained AOE (Shield Charge and Ion generally are up whenever I want them to be, so never felt the need to look into an APP for aoe damage)
    Incarnate: T4 Spiritual Core Paragon, T4 Ion (Hold Proc), T4 Reactive (75 Dot, 25 Res), T4 Warworks Damage/Seer support (I switch back and forth depending on the situation), T4 Rebirth (Regen)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. With the t4 destiny I'm at 49 hp/sec - that plus the 42 hp/sec from siphon life gets me up into the 90 hp/sec range. Layered defenses are awesome - my Werner Rectangle (tm) is huge!
  9. Nice! Sounds like you got what you wanted =) Will be interested to see what sorts of crazy stunts you can pull off with incarnate abilities.
  10. Plus I don't actually fight anything +4 anymore due to the alpha slot level shift. I usually go for 95+ percent against +3s instead these days.
  11. Just finished another multi-billion spending spree on my dm/sd - hoping some of the scrapper forum regulars can take a look at the build and see if there's anything else to be squeezed out of it. It's been a blast to take through the trials so far - the damage output is excellent and the survivability is quite good. Just want to see if there's anything more to be gotten out of the build in terms of "the tank's dead, the squishies all just got one shot and the support is fleeing in terror - time to go to work".

    Things I'm looking for would be more resistances or HP/regen - not willing to sacrifice anything more in the area of defense or debuff resistances. There's a very small amount of wiggle room on recharge but I don't want to have more than 2 seconds of downtime on soul drain and I'd prefer to keep hasten in the 119-121 second recharge range.

    Currently using t4 destiny rebirth (heal + regeneration) and t4 reactive (75 dot, 25 -res). Don't really want to switch to barrier as the rebirth has saved me (and my team) quite a few times so far. The golgi's in SL are ++'d and that combined with the t4 spiritual alpha takes the heal component comfortably above ED caps which I'm happy with. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  12. Here's a stab at a s/l/ranged defense capped build with earth mastery that retains conductive aura. I had to sacrifice 5 percent recharge and 4 pts of -kb leaving you with only 4 - never really had a problem in pve with just 4 but that's up to you obviously - I know some players swear by 8 or 12. Dropped combat jumping for conductive aura and swapped SJ for SS. It's also .42 percent off cap for ranged defense and I can't seem to get that last bit. Maybe it'll give you a few ideas and hopefully you can fix the rest of it. If you're willing to drop another 6.25 recharge you can swap the gremlin slotting back to blood mandate.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  13. Just a thought, not sure whether you've considered this, but what about dropping hover/flight in favor of provoke to make sure you keep aggro? I know masterminds do that sometimes and seems like it would allow you to make sure your pets don't ever get aggro. I'm pretty far out of my area of expertise though so I may be just spouting nonsense
  14. Would love to help out, but I doubt I'd be much assistance because I have no idea what sort of attack chain or abilities you use against a hard target like an AV. I know cold pretty well from my ice/cold corr but haven't ever played elec. Do you throw up the cold debuffs and use an epp blast/attack and just keep them confused, or do you just sap their endurance?

    On my fire/kin/stone seismic smash is crazy good - mag 4 hold and will nearly oneshot a even level boss at dmg cap from FS with containment so I definitely see it being great for damage output.
  15. I took rebirth on my DM/SD since I'm set on defense and I have archmage and one with the shield for resistances. Ran an Apex today and was able to solo a pylon with all 5 hydra beating on me with all that popped which I hadn't been able to do before after the team got gibbed by those stupid toxic-spewing hydra. Capped defense/resistances plus 10 percent hp/sec regen is like a warm fuzzy bubble <3
  16. Endurance reduction is all and good and I definitely agree that reducing costs where you can is great, but you don't need to. As posted the chain will be burning end at the rate of .546 so you can attack for ~201 seconds before running out - not counting the two perfshifter procs which are worth around .2 eps each. Basically you'll be able to attack almost infinitely with that amount of endurance cost, and conserve power has a 50 percent uptime which means that it will be recharged long, long before you get close to running out of endurance.

    Having loads of end recovery is great, but it's the sort of thing where you sort of plateau - if you have enough you have enough, and having more doesn't really do anything for you. Obviously your choice but that's how I've approached it personally =)
  17. Known issue, I know I know. They're gonna fix it soon but I'm having an awful lot of fun with it. Got this one on a BAF trial. Both AV's were at 3 percent, we were going for the Strong and Pretty badge, adds spawned, and I popped it off while at the damage cap. Here's the text from the combat log. 9 hits on Nightstar for 2796 each, instantly vaporizing her.

    HIT Siege! Your Ion Partial Core Judgement power is autohit.
    Readying Ion Partial Core Judgement.
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    The Fulcrum Shift has increased the damage of your attacks!
    Ion Partial Core Judgement is still recharging.
    Build Up is recharged.
    You activated the Fire Sword Circle power.
    HIT Nightstar! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 94.15.
    HIT Mk-VI "Victoria"! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 7.40.
    HIT Mk-VI "Victoria"! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 60.50.
    HIT Siege! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 93.85.
    HIT Mk-VI "Victoria"! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 52.11.
    HIT Mk-VI "Victoria"! Your Fire Sword Circle power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 43.56.
    Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 21.54 points of fire damage!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 689.59 points of energy damage to Siege and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2758.41 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    You gain 15,838 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 33 prestige.
    You gain 7,910 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 17 prestige.
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2758.41 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    You gain 15,237 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 32 prestige.
    You gain 12,461 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 26 prestige.
    You received Spirit Thorn.
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2457.7 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2457.7 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2457.7 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    You gain 13,231 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 28 prestige.
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2766.12 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2766.12 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2766.12 points of energy damage to Mk-VI "Victoria" and drains some of their endurance!
    You gain 13,017 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 27 prestige.
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    Your Ion Partial Core Judgement deals 2796.96 points of energy damage to Nightstar and drains some of their endurance!
    You gain 60,267 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 174 prestige.
    You received Regenerating Flesh.
    Active Defense is recharged.
    You received Astral Merit.
    Your Reactive Interface continues to burn for 21.54 points of fire damage!
    You blast Siege for 172.39 points of bonus fire damage!
    Your mighty Fire Sword Circle hacks Siege for 195.13 points of lethal damage!
    Your mighty Fire Sword Circle scorches Siege for 390.27 points of fire damage!
    You gain 53,958 influence.
    Sad Pandas gains 156 prestige.
    You received Astral Merit.
  18. I spent some time on freedom a while back, but there wasn't a whole lot going on outside of the atlas park AE building. If people don't really spend a lot of time playing their AT it's very difficult to judge when you're on the knife edge of surviving and when it's time to hit inspirations and/or run away. Obviously this is a blanket statement and doesn't apply to all (or possibly even most) of the Freedom players but I'm pretty happy with the overall level of competence I've seen from players on Virtue.
  19. I was able to squeeze out another 12.6 percent s/l resists while maintaining soft cap defense. Got another 20 or so hp, lost a little bit of end recovery but your endurance will still be sufficient for your attack chain (SK CAK SK CS) ad infinitum since conserve power has 50 percent uptime. Little bit more recharge, same regeneration rate. Got enough innate accuracy to hit +4's at 95 percent with the exception of cobra strike which is 93.8 (which won't matter once you get your t3 alpha slot and get the level shift). Fit a recharge proc into dragon's tail for lulz - it's very very good in footstomp so I figured it was probably worth it in DT as well. You will notice a pretty good sized difference going from 22 percent s/l resists to 35 - I'm a big advocate of slotting tough and deflection for resistance since you can hit your t9 and come close to the cap with 1 small orange (and hit it with 1 medium).

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  20. As people get their t3 lore and destiny slots filled for the extra two level shifts the trials become easier and easier. Case in point would be friday morning, when I decided I was going to finish my t4's come hell or high water. Found a league forming in the virtue global chat channels full of people I'd never met or heard of, and we ran the BAF trial over, and over, and over. The first few runs were not exactly smooth, but we got it done - had a few escapes during the prisoner phase but the rest was not too hard. After about 10 runs though, the league really just gelled and we started destroying it; 20 minutes per run was the average. No prisoners made it past their starting doors, we got the Master of BAF meta badge quite easily, I made 6 new global friends, got 5 t4's crafted (made an extra lore set for teaming), and ended up running the trial 28 times in about 11 hours.

    I spent way too long on the computer that day, but none of us wanted to quit because we knew we'd never find another league that was as laid back and successful as this one. Again, not a premade per say, just a bunch of people who didn't know each other at all but were capable of thinking for themselves and figuring out the best way to run the trial without having one person "lead" aka screaming at the league threatening to kick them if they didn't do exactly what he said.

    Many times in the last 6 or 7 hours we queued up with 22 people and zoned in picking up a couple people from the LFG queue who immediately said "I've never completed this successfully - it's so hard." They wanted to be assigned to an AV, or wanted me to assign a team to kill adds only - and 22 people told them to relax, kill things, and don't sequester the raid. That's about all there is to it. All these raids who put team 1 on x av, team 2 on y av, and team 3 on adds are silly. Just group them up, kill the AV's at the same time, and anytime adds are nearby, tab over and use judgement. With 24 people randomly popping aoe destiny buffs, it's rare during the last fight that I wasn't either resist capped, regen capped (12.5 percent per second, hadn't ever seen that before o.O) or had defense values below 150 percent so adds weren't really a threat to anyone. Threads are gained pretty quickly when you get 6 per trial. The devs did a great job with this content and I'm looking forwards to the next installment.
  21. I need 4 of these, recipes or crafted. Offering 700 mil apiece though that's negotiable. I'm on virtue, can arrange to transfer to wherever is convenient for the seller.
  22. Doesn't look like you quite have the recharge for BF SS AS yet. BF is the limiting factor in that chain, as you need it to recharge in the cast times of AS + SS which is (1.188 + 1.452) = 2.64 and right now with the t3 alpha and hasten up it's at 3.178.
    If you wanted to run BF AS SS AS, you need AS to come back up in 1.452 and it's recharging in 1.766 right now.

    I also think you'd be out of endurance very quickly with the current build. BF AS SS AS animates in 5.28 sec (if you had the recharge to run it) and uses with your slotting 23.337 end which comes out to 4.42 eps. Your toggles run 1.09 eps and your net recovery is 3.32 (plus an average of .2 eps from the perfshifter proc in stamina). So you have 3.52 - 1.09 - 4.42 = -1.99 eps which means you'll be out of endurance in about 50 seconds, not including things like hasten drops, pauses to refresh your mez protection clicky, and endurance drains. Granted you can carry blues but having to use your whole inspiration tray to maintain your attack chain will be frustrating. I don't really see any SR being able to pull this chain off without conserve power, or a cardiac alpha (maybe the t4 destiny that gives end rec as well?).
    BF SS AS needs a bit more endurance than BF AS SS AS so you wouldn't be any better off there.

    By my calculations, to run BF SS AS seamlessly you need +354 percent recharge in blinding feint, so around 210 global recharge from sets and lightning reflexes, another 100 from slotting, and another 30 percent from the t4 spiritual alpha gets you to 340 which is pretty close.
    For BF AS SS AS you need +313 in AS so you'd need something like 190 from sets, 90 from slotting, and 30 from the t4 alpha. This is a lot more doable than BF SS AS seamlessly. If I remember right from watching Shred's movies back when he was doing things none of us thought possible he was running this chain with a slight pause before the 2nd AS although I may be mistaken.

    I wouldn't want to attempt this chain without some serious endurance recovery buffs or conserve power. I also don't really see getting 190 global recharge without purple sets as easily doable without gimping your build in other areas (slotting for max hp etc). I also wouldn't want to play SR in the current endgame without aid self, but that's just me. You could carry greens if you were so inclined.
  23. Igor_The_Mad

    Dark/SD synergy

    DM/SD is arguably the most powerful scrapper pairing in game right now. The sets complement each other perfectly. Siphon life is worth ~40-45 hp/sec regen in the standard MG Sm SL Sm attack chain. Saturated aao + soul drain grants ~9-10 small reds worth of damage bonus and can be perma'd. Combined with the rebirth destiny, it's very very tough. Shield charge really does a good job of covering for the lack of aoe. I still have fire sword circle envy, but I'll trade the aoe capability for the hp regen and higher single target damage happily - it's not for everyone, though.

    When I rolled mine I didn't really think it was going to become this unstoppable juggernaut of "slaaaay" I just figured siphon life would cover for the lack of self healing, cause I was really tired of taking aid self on my scrappers. Guess I sort of blundered into the combo, but it's been a ton of fun so far.
  24. Judgement is amazing for the BAF trial, and once everyone is +3 and has their judgement power, things will be a cakewalk (even moreso than it is now).
  25. I've done 20 or so trial runs on my shield defense scrapper so far. They definitely have more tohit than what I'm used to fighting, but it's survivable. I just carry a tray full of greens and use the rebirth destiny.
    Now that I have three level shifts it's much easier to survive. Fighting +3 spawns isn't fun, but +1's isn't bad at all. I do spend a lot of time with AAO toggled off to let the tankers hold aggro, although I was able to tank a lambda earlier today with only one death. If it wasn't for the npc selling inspirations in the hospital, the new content would be a lot more frustrating.