WTF, Alpha Salvage, and I20.




So, I can kind of understand why all the regular salvage from the alpha slot was not used. However, I do have to ask why I20 does not take advantage at all of the WTF and the Notice/Favor of the Well salvages?

"Oh, people may have already had some build up" the devs may say. That's fine, but you still had a mechanism in place to slow progress (one Notice per week) while still making it fun.

Now, every mechanism that was introduced with the alpha slot has been tossed to the side in favor of 2 trials. The trials are fun, I like them....but certain things should have been integrated more effectively, don't you think?

It seems like the new slots were used simply as a way to introduce WoW type raiding, and also to finally introduced large influence sinks that are big enough to affect the games economy. (Because half a mil a pop to craft 50 IO's didn't really do anything to the economy...)



They can be used, just convert them to threads.

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I didn't ask why shards couldn't be used....I asked why there was no use put into the new slots for the Notice/Favor of the Well salvage.

Edit, I do see that Notice/Favor do break down into shards, which can then be converted into threads....seems a little out of the way for me tho. Notice/Favor of the Well were put into the game to put a time limit on how quickly someone could achieve rare and very rare enhancements....that (afaik) wasn't build into the new slots. Just the large influence cost barrier.



The OP isn't the only player I've seen that has had issue with the redundant currencies and salvage now in the game.



Especially since they got rid of base salvage as it was "too confusing". Whatever.

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Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Especially since they got rid of base salvage as it was "too confusing". Whatever.
Exactly what kept popping into my mind a few times while trying to understand all this, why get rid of one system because it was too confusing for a lot of players (ironically I didn’t think it was) then later bring in another similar system (although for a different purpose) that can be ten times more confusing.

I just want to play the game to relax and continue to progress my characters without having to read up on heaps of guides on what to do - that's too much like work and (for me anyway) kind of defeats the reason for playing. It’s the main reason I quit Everquest after been a guild leader of a raiding guild that lasted seven years.

I always end up with negative feelings about this game when I read the forums for any length of time. But unfortunately the major changes and additional complexity added to the game almost requires it to understand the new system. I’m not talking about the difficult level of the new trails, just the method used to progress your character, it could had been done with a lot less complexity.



I totally agree with everything that has been said. It is almost as if there was no straightforward plan. They were doing fine with the shards, now we got 2 kinds of merits, threads, components, conversion rates for all of them. I dont mind the different components but they all have the same write up. No description about what Biomorphic Goo is, where it comes from, whether or not you should touch it....nothing. I got a kick out of reading salvage descriptions which at times could be funny or informative and they added to the game in some small way.

They need to slow their roll and take one whole issue and call it the repair issue and fix all the little things they have swept under the carpet the past 4 years because it's starting to form a noticable lump.

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Can't disagree with a lot that's been said here.

Base salvage - for me - was too complex (I hadn't been playing long). I avoided base editing until it was abolished.

The Alpha Incarnate trees/salvage confused me a bit but a crib sheet of TF=salvage worked fine. WTF=Notice; got it.

But these new Raids and Incarnate slots. UGH! We really didn't need another bunch of currencies. Threads should have Shards. The existing ingredients (like Essence of the Incarnate) could have been used for the new slots too. Alright, maybe the Raids could drop ONE piece for the new slots. Maybe the new Raids could have just dropped Notices.

Unfortunately I think we're now not only stuck with this hodge-podge of confusion, but I suspect it will get worse with the future slots.

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I agree. Too many systems, too many different salvages, components, etc. I can follow most of it, but is it fun? Not really...just another thing to grind out *sigh*