i20 Thumbs up or Thumbs down?
I say thumbs up! I love the new trials and that I have something new to build towards for my high toons other than just IOs. I see your lament with PVP though and I too miss the days of active zone pvp.
If things are too easy, bump up the difficulty! My posse regularly runs speedy runs of near everything, and almost nightly 20 minute ITFs, but last night we bumped up to +4 just for a bit more challenge and experience for one of us (who went from 46-48 in just this one run), and decided to clear most everything. Took us 45-50 minutes and was tons of fun.
Dusty Trophies
Big Thumbs up!
I love the idea of using incarnate slots to fill in gaps for a character! It's something new to work towards. Though I will say that I will be very excited when more trials show up!
I tried both of the new lowbie tfs and I liked both of them as well.
I am also very pleased that the Paragon Studios staff has taken player criticism serious and is (re)looking at the rewards table.
PS- I like trail (mix) too!
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Is half a thumbs ups allowed?
I know, a weak answer, but this issue is a too mixed a bag for me. The trials were a new challenge, but now, they are steamrolled in some cases. The new SF and TF were good, but I don't see myself doing them much more again, if at all.
I can't say I have enjoyed the issue with all my toons since I have been trying to get defender slotted up for incarnates, and now my widow too. I haven't touch a lowbie alt since pre-I20, and probably will park them for not sure how long. I don't see a reason to level a new toon either. I am sure people will be running plenty of older content for shards and stuff so I can slot Alpha eventually. But will BAF and Lambda still be ran for the next slots?
Okay, enough dooooooooom from Penny. The issue has some good high points. In the long term, I am not so certain. Things like LGTF and ITF had very long lasting appeal. Heck, I thought Apex and Tin Mage were great and would be staples of the future. Time will tell on these new additions.
Thumbs Up from me. I enjoy the Incarnate trials well enough, and I think the Incarnate system as a whole has a lot of potential and the ground work has been laid, but to me, the real gem of i20 is the Admiral Sutter Task Force. Wow, just plain wow. i20 could have been called The Sky is Falling, and had nothing but this TF and I would be just as happy. In my opinion, this is easily one of the top 3 TFs in the game.
im kinda more with penny on this one but in slightly different views
the trials are awesome, and very fun, but they are VERY VERY repetitive and after 2 weeks of doing them, i almost never wanted to see them again, at least for a little while. the reward table thing also kinda bugged me, but since it is being looked at and it is known that there are problems with it, i will do them more when it is fixed
the new tfs are very fun and i think i almost prefer tfs/sfs over the trials as it feels a little more leisurely paced instead of the trials which are like "rushrushrush!!!".
overall though, i really really want the new stuff, but due to the slightly broken reward tables and the uber mega inf costs to just buy the stuff, and also its extremely annoying to do anything but trials, as ive seen mentioned before i hardly ever see any non-trial things forming any more, used to be dozen tfs a day, now its more like less than 5. i will be really happy when they have more trial options and story arcs/repeatable mishs to earn incarnate stuff

I say thumbs up for me. New badges, new trials, new slots, new teaming system, new tfs, new qol stuff.
Thumb sideways.
It just encourages repetition of the same objective over and over and over.
Plus, the servers being down every so often because we are too awesome just makes me sad ): We need a new server that can handle this level of awesome.
The trials them self are fairly fun, they were hard at first but after earning the fairly useless +3 (useless because it is only active for the trial-length period) it just became extremely easy. Yes that points to, if you have +3 in regular content it will be run through easily aswell but that is why we have a difficulty scale of +1 - +4 , could it no even this out?
The new TFs are okay. The [Flames of Prometheus] temporary power earned through Kal sort of is a HAH in the face of the heroic Admiral. Even though the buff is minor, at least come 50 you can trade it in for a free Notice . Why doesn't the blueside TF have some form of this aswell?
Plus, if you leave the game for a period of two weeks.. you are out of the picture for learning the new content. People are using short-forms and speeding everything, and if you have no idea what to do.. you get sworn at and told you are a n00b for not following instructions when barely any were given. ::cough cough:: THAT game much?
Oh well, maybe when more stuff is brought into the picture it will change.
Like the new trials, hate how easy the game has become with incarnate powers.
I20 Content gets a thumbs up.
I like the new raids (thats what it is... stop pretending its not). Its fun to be part of a massive attack group. I've always like the tactical aspect of this game (I guess that is also why I enjoy PvP) so disecting these raids and finding out what works best was a lot of fun for me.
I do have to say that *some* people's actions with I20 gets a thumbs down from me. I really dislike that people try to manipulate rewards to best serve themselves rather then thinking of the team/league. I have found myself shaking my head when I see a tanker run into a mob throw one AoE then rush on the next mob, while the rest of his team is left behind trying to clean up that 1st spawn.
I also know some people do not like the forced teaming aspect of these new raids, as they are used too and comfortable playing with their own set friends/squad. I personally have enjoyed teaming with new people and also watching how other people choose to run these raids- so that aspect also gets a thumbs up from me.
Warton as far as Zone pvp, there will always be some zone activity (on larger servers) but zone to me has always been about "zomg whats the latest broken power!" Yes judgement nukes are a bit OP and may need to be visited in the future of CoH PvP, but give it time, new things are introduced with unexpected/anticipated results and it takes time to figure out how best to deal with them. You can always join us on Fridays 9pm est for kickballs (while we are teaching Boot Camp2) at least untill we pick our teams then Fridays will become actual matches rather then Kickballs.
Don't quit on us now buddy.
Thumbs up for me, without question. The new trials are interesting and, while getting the full range of new Incarnate stuff is a bit of a grind, that isn't a deal breaker on its own and is more or less what I anticipated going in.
The new TFs, particularly the Mortimer Kal SF, I like immensely. Overall I call this issue a win for the Devs and those things that I do dislike, such as the confusion regarding reward tables in the trials and the instability following the new issue, the Devs are addressing with a speed that surprises and impresses me (though we will see how the upcoming patch does with actually resolving those issues - still, the fact that it is being addressed so soon at all gives me some hope).

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Thumbs up for Issue 20, but thumbs down for the direction the game is heading.
I like the content that was added for Issue 20. The trials are interesting (at least at first) and the new 20-40 TF/SF are very well done. There are several good quality of life improvements as well. I really like the league concept, makes larger groups of people much more manageable.
Now the bit I don't like. When the game first came out, and all the way up until about Issue 11, there was a fairly low power level ceiling. Sure, you could always tweak builds and choose certain powersets to be a bit better than the average player, but the difference between an average, low-time-investment L50 and a min-max, tons-of-hours-invested L50 was pretty low. The benefit to this was that players who didn't play much were more-or-less on par with those that did, at least if you compared only one character at a time. Those that did play a lot tended to end up with a lot of different characters.
Ever since the introduction of purple IO sets, and especially now with Incarnate powers, the game has been heading away from that. Now the power level ceiling is extremely high. The difference between a L50 with non-IO build, a L50 with a IO-set-backed build, and a L50 with high-end IOs plus Incarnate powers is huge. Those who play a lot mostly have fewer characters which are at higher power levels, and those who play less don't reach those higher power levels at all.
Why is this bad? Because the content is reflecting the new higher power level ceiling, and it leaves anyone not willing to spend the time investment out in the cold. I play a lot, and even I'm having trouble getting all the new incarnate slots unlocked on just two characters. If I were unable to play as much, or even just wanted to play lowbies sometimes, I'm not going to be able to keep up. And as the new content comes out, those unwilling or unable to invest time in hitting that new power ceiling won't be able to participate.
Now I realize I'm predicting a future that hasn't yet actually come to pass. So far all the Incarnate stuff is accessible to lower-powered characters...unlocking alpha and getting a common slotted is pretty easy even for casual players, and none of the others are absolutely required in order to participate in the incarnate trials. But with the power level gap growing by leaps and bounds with every new issue, the Devs are going to have to crank up the difficulty to keep the highest end of the spectrum happy. Even in normal runs of the new trials, a character without some pretty significant build investment is going to find himself dying a lot, because the power level of the enemies has been cranked way up to balance against all the new Incarnates running around. How long will it be before you can't participate without three level shifts? We're already seeing that with some things, like Master Lambda runs.
The game's trajectory is leading us toward the same place That Other Game is in, where the only way to see the high-end content is to grind through a bunch of mid-level stuff. Not what I signed up for. I'm not giving up yet, not by any means, but I really hope the Devs have a sharp turn in another direction planned for the near future.
My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles
Thumbs up from me. I've played on and off since the beginning (clearly, not with this account), and while I love the variety in character building, my issue was that once an IO build was done, the character was 'done' unless I wanted badges. Now I have something more to do with them, and I like that.
Plus, if you leave the game for a period of two weeks.. you are out of the picture for learning the new content. People are using short-forms and speeding everything, and if you have no idea what to do.. you get sworn at and told you are a n00b for not following instructions when barely any were given. ::cough cough:: THAT game much?
But, I try to stick with people from the global channels, friends or their friends. I've run like, four trials with Zatch3 that went nicely, for example. I'll hop on his stuff any time I see it advertised and I'm not in one.
Now the bit I don't like. When the game first came out, and all the way up until about Issue 11, there was a fairly low power level ceiling. Sure, you could always tweak builds and choose certain powersets to be a bit better than the average player, but the difference between an average, low-time-investment L50 and a min-max, tons-of-hours-invested L50 was pretty low. The benefit to this was that players who didn't play much were more-or-less on par with those that did, at least if you compared only one character at a time. Those that did play a lot tended to end up with a lot of different characters.
Ever since the introduction of purple IO sets, and especially now with Incarnate powers, the game has been heading away from that. Now the power level ceiling is extremely high. The difference between a L50 with non-IO build, a L50 with a IO-set-backed build, and a L50 with high-end IOs plus Incarnate powers is huge. Those who play a lot mostly have fewer characters which are at higher power levels, and those who play less don't reach those higher power levels at all. |
On the subject of power level ceiling, I'm sorry, I've got to disagree with that. This stuff isn't overly hard to get, and while it is very powerful, it isn't an unobtainable goal for players. Compared to a number of other MMOs where the power ceiling is very high, or infinite, the power ceiling is accessible here.
Mabinogi and EVE Online are wonderful examples. EVE can be a nightmare to start in on as a new player without a massive corp to back you up. Why? Because you're going against other players with fully developed skills that took much time to obtain. Mabinogi is even worse than EVE. If you missed a week of play in that game, you're now behind the curve of those who didn't. Mabinogi has a near infinite power ceiling that can only be obtained with years of investment and constant play. These are extreme examples, but my point is that while it may seem daunting from the perspective of a long time COH player, compared to what else is available on the market, this game is accessible. I'd say more accessible than ever, with a-merits and such added.
Warton as far as Zone pvp, there will always be some zone activity (on larger servers) but zone to me has always been about "zomg whats the latest broken power!" Yes judgement nukes are a bit OP and may need to be visited in the future of CoH PvP, but give it time, new things are introduced with unexpected/anticipated results and it takes time to figure out how best to deal with them. You can always join us on Fridays 9pm est for kickballs (while we are teaching Boot Camp2) at least untill we pick our teams then Fridays will become actual matches rather then Kickballs.
Don't quit on us now buddy.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Masque. I did break down my blaster on Victory, but he is not too broken. If they give us some free transfers I think I would perfer my fire/em to the nrg/em I have available. Off the subject, I have gone to using Force Mastery on my blaster lately, is Ice Mastery better for team matches?
Mors Pedes - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Terra Tron - 20 Stone M/Invuln Brute
I'm okay with I20. I quite dislike that the new Incarnate stuff was narrowed down to two trials only, and think that adding threads on top of the shard system was a mistake, but whatever... said it too much already. The trials are pretty fun, and I like both of the new TFs.
If you need a break from the trials, don't worry about it. Plenty of people running other stuff if you want in. I know I'll be up for the other stuff most night, even though I still feel a little pricking to keep working on the new Incarnate stuff whenever I'm on. I may try for a Sutter or a Mortimer Kal Saturday and Monday nights, and I have another character who would love to run Moonfire for work on his Atlas badge.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
On the subject of power level ceiling, I'm sorry, I've got to disagree with that. This stuff isn't overly hard to get, and while it is very powerful, it isn't an unobtainable goal for players. Compared to a number of other MMOs where the power ceiling is very high, or infinite, the power ceiling is accessible here.
My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles
LOVE the new TF/SF. Kai is the slight leader here. The trails are fun but I was burned out on them after a week and a half. So now I run on basicaly on a whim.
I agree that another F***ing currancy is too much. It should have all just remained shards. Oh well.
I wish they'd skip an issue or two of new content and stream line some of the older stuff.
Something witty and profound
Thumbs emphatically down. The Incarnate powers system itself is interesting, the trials had some interesting tactical bits. But the overblown nature of the opponents, plus being forced to particpate in grindy, unenjoyable content over and over and over just to get a (slim) chance to continue advancing... No, overall this issue was a big lose, and someday we will look back on that launch as the day CoH changed forever for the worse.
Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.

No, overall this issue was a big lose, and someday we will look back on that launch as the day CoH changed forever for the worse.
Big thumbs up for me :P Can't wait for more.
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
Thumbs up. The future is bright, or will be... as long as we start fighting less robots and moar gods.
Rularuu war, plzkthx. That's a multi-man trial worth coordinating. Screw Tower-Defenses and Glowy-Hunts.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
![]() |
^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Thanks Masque. I did break down my blaster on Victory, but he is not too broken. If they give us some free transfers I think I would perfer my fire/em to the nrg/em I have available. Off the subject, I have gone to using Force Mastery on my blaster lately, is Ice Mastery better for team matches?
I know some people refuse to give up their ice mastery because of hiber and hoarforst, but imo in a ten minute match you only typically get to fire off hoarforst 2 times so its like carrying only 2 extra greens which is not worth the extra +20% resist that temp invuln gives.
Thumbs up! I enjoy the new trials and its fun to be part of a huge team. I have done both of the new 20-40 level TF/SF and thought both were well written. I absolutely love the new maps involved with Sutters TF.. the battle damages sewers that lead to a devastated Skyway City were amazing
Of course being able to add not one but 4 more new incarnate powers is great.. half way down that "LONG" road to being as powerful as Stateman.
The new league Q is getting a real workout and I have seen it used for both trials along with Mothership raids, Hami Raids and COP Trials. I think overall most players love this new inovation to the game.
LOL while a couple of my SG mates that are casual players are still a little confused by the new thread system for crafting incarnate powers I was suprised how quickly I caught on and how easy it was to get 5 players, as of now, to a point where they have all 4 new powers opened and all slotted to tier 3.
Of course not everything is perfect..
Lag has become a real issue on the BAF especially and I have turned my graphics way down to keep from constantly crashing.
At times the reward tables seem a little unfair and while supposedly not geared toward damage inflicted more than team participation. I did a Lambda the other night where i helped with every outside mob including the guns, helped smash all but 1 containment chamber and even helped with a couple weapons crates... Then we started battling Maurader and the lag arrived . I dc'd and got back JUST in time for mission complete. I was actively involved in all phases of the trial but wasnt't there to pound on the AV.. I got the dreaded 10 threads reward table.
Oh and after getting 5 characters through opening and slotting 4 new powers I have now seen the Mother Mayhem Cut Scene well over 100 times.. PLEASE if there is a GOD let us shut it off LOL
The good stuff more than makes up for the bad..
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Thumbs up. Trials are repetitive and prone to steamrolling if you have a few solid players with level shifts, but that just means they're like the rest of the game. Hats off to the devs for making events that really do make all ATs useful during at least one phase.
I do want to say I dislike cat herding in general, which is why you'll never see me forming a BAF. I'm also not sure why we're seeing events with lag hardcoded into them released to live servers when the lag was noted in beta. Fortunately, the lag during the prisoner whack-a-mole isn't frustratingly bad lag, just annoying.
The new powers are nice, although Destiny is a little nuts - I'm still trying to figure out what is going to kill an intelligent Stone/Invuln with Rebirth or Willpower with Barrier outside of a detoggling power. With the promise for Judgment and Lore expansion in the future, I'm not going past Tier3 for those slots, so there's no reason to rush to Tier4 for me.
The new Sutter TF is a blast and extremely well-designed (shades of Apex). Haven't run Mortimer's SF because CoV.
Really hoping the CoP is added to the queue soon. With multiple characters packing the Alpha level shift and Judgment, Lore, and Destiny powers, the difficulty of the event is just about in line with the reward at this point. The only thing left is to get rid of the extraneous SG and base teleporter requirements.
Mostly thumbs up
Thumbs DOWN to people who beg and plead "invite me!", join, and then run for the hills immediately.
Ok, it's just one person. Thumbs down to that one guy.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Thumbs up for Issue 20.
Thumbs down for not having much time to play this past week... (Hopefully that'll change tomorrow.)
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Thumbs down
The trails are fairly interesting, but this issue is a bust to me. I really enjoy zone PVP, but that has vanished. It is now a game of seeing who's judgement is charged. Even PVE is taking a hit in my eyes. You can now gain so many abilities that there are no tasks, trails or missions that present a challenge. I think the game is uninteresting in the high end now. That does leave low level game and maybe that will keep me around for a little longer.
Mors Pedes - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Terra Tron - 20 Stone M/Invuln Brute