Doctor Who 14th May - The Doctor's Wife
Oh My ! - That was sooo good, such a thick rich soup of plot, dialogue and visual treats all mixed together and spiced just right.
It was exactly the Gaiman episode I so hoped it would be *sigh & smile*
I'm off to watch it again (once my better half and mini me have watched that talentless thingumy), this time with the subtitles on because I know I missed so many bit's of the sharp dialogue.
It was so worth the wait so they could do it justice with enough budget this series.
Such a unique story, I hope he writes for who again in the future. Dare I say it? (dare, dare) it was at least as good and maybe even better than a Moffet script like the weeping angels, in my option.
*please excuse the above posting, it may be slightly over gushing*
No one commented yet? I'm shocked!!
Anyway, it was excellent! VERY Gaiman ![]() Will discuss in more detail once you poor Americans get to see it!! Anyone who wants to, remember......Spoilers, sweetie ![]() |
Also, the 'delete' idea is a direct reference to classic Who. Notably Peter Davison's first story.
'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!
Also, finally confirmed something only ever speculated at by the fans, regarding regenerations
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Loved it.
The actress who played the Tardis was the same who played the Mona Lisa in the Sarah Jane Adventures I think. (Much hotter rocking the Helen Bonham Carter look though.)
Gaiman delivered as I'm sure we all knew he would.
Matt Smith is definately now my favorite Docter ever now. Love his interpretation of the character and a cracking performance from him in this episode I thought.
Brilliant episode, very Gaiman and Suranne Jones was brilliant.
Mind you I was glad my 3 year old couldn't read for one specific bit....
Couldn't get over how densely packed it was, especially compared to last weeks throwaway episode.
Ah yeah that was amazing - I particularly loved the twist on the "It's bigger on the inside" meme.
Am I the only person who thinks this season has been pretty "meh" so far? This was probably the best episode of the 4, but that's not saying much.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
What can I say?
I thought the episodes was well written and well made, a great episode by all accounts. However... I don't know... the TARDIS as a person just doesn't sit well with me.
I've never thought of it actually being an individual. More like a dog or something, loyal to it's master. Alive, but not capable of true "thought" or feelings. Not in the same way humans have them.
I dunno. Call me mixed on this.
Be aware, I am by no means saying this is a bad episode, it's a great episode, I just have a personal problem with it.
In the words of Ronald Weasley, "That was Bloody Brilliant." Was rather funny how the Doctor didn't steal the Tardis, but the Tardis stole the Doctor.
And yes, DarkGob, you are the only one that thinks that this season has been meh. Each episode had a monumental or at least memorable point. Amy shooting at a kid in the first, the hidden message in the Moon Landing in the second, the first human space pirates in the third episode, and the Doctor finally talking to the TARDIS. There is also Schroedinger's baby, the woman appearing in Amy's mind, and the picture of Amy in 1969 that will play a part in the future.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Oh, celebrity villain too. House was Micheal Sheen.
'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!
Oy...can one of you Brits go over there and tell the sound mixer guy to lower the blaring music and sound effects volume in the final mix? Good god, don't need trumpets overpowering any and all spoken lines. "Oh, Rory and the Doctor are talking about nothing of import, better have a 70-piece orchestra playing at max volume!"
Decent episode.
Who was it before this season started that argued they don't continually tease Rory's death, and is that still nominated for dumbest comment ever?
Oy...can one of you Brits go over there and tell the sound mixer guy to lower the blaring music and sound effects volume in the final mix? Good god, don't need trumpets overpowering any and all spoken lines. "Oh, Rory and the Doctor are talking about nothing of import, better have a 70-piece orchestra playing at max volume!"
I'd have to agree with this thought as well.
Just finished watching the episode and while it was awesome/fun there were quite a few lines I missed/had no idea what they were saying because of the music in the background.
Also happened in the 2nd episode too (when River, The Doctor, Rory and Amy were 'fighting' the Silence)...
"It's a bed....with a ladder!"
Great line

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I'd have to agree with this thought as well.
Just finished watching the episode and while it was awesome/fun there were quite a few lines I missed/had no idea what they were saying because of the music in the background. Also happened in the 2nd episode too (when River, The Doctor, Rory and Amy were 'fighting' the Silence)... |
Edit: "It's a bed....with a ladder!" Great line ![]() |
Though, it hurts like hell when you fall out of one. Plus there's that who panicking thing of waking up in midair...
I haven't had a problem with the music myself.
What can I say? I thought the episodes was well written and well made, a great episode by all accounts. However... I don't know... the TARDIS as a person just doesn't sit well with me. I've never thought of it actually being an individual. More like a dog or something, loyal to it's master. Alive, but not capable of true "thought" or feelings. Not in the same way humans have them. I dunno. Call me mixed on this. Be aware, I am by no means saying this is a bad episode, it's a great episode, I just have a personal problem with it. |
Basically it was a high level entity folded down into a human body. When in the TARDIS it isn't necessarily sentient and self aware in the sense it is when in a human body. But it is alive and aware of what is going on around it and with it.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
Damn fine episode in my opinion.
A nice touch was how the Tardis energy was the same visual effect as regeneration energy. It's been a long standing theory that a Time Lord's regeneration is tied to their TARDIS, this seemed to confirm it.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

The only water in the forest is the River.
My prediction, at some point they will be going back to the library planet. They will be tricked into believing that Amy is in the matrix but only the River is there, not the Pond.
Or it will be some other forest with River but not Amy.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Damn Matt Smith's trembling bottom lip. Damn it.
I liked the episode alot. Though at first i had a problem like someone else mentioned with putting the TARDIS into a body, but as the episode progressed i minded it less and less. Infact i think by the end i rather liked it. I think they handled it just right also in that really everything she did was really related to being the tardis. It would have been alot worse IMO to have the TARDIS longing to keep her human form and so on as they could have done.
"The only water in the forest is the river." cant help but think that means something especially since there was no other sighting of the eye patch lady or other forshadowing in this episode.
It has been implied before that Time Lords have living technology. So that part doesn't actually bother me. Particularly since they have implied that the TARDIS is a living thing.
Basically it was a high level entity folded down into a human body. When in the TARDIS it isn't necessarily sentient and self aware in the sense it is when in a human body. But it is alive and aware of what is going on around it and with it. |
As for the music it's been a complaint of the series in a lot of newspapers, and in fact of a few BBC series that the music department have a bit of a habit of going up to 11.
It has been implied before that Time Lords have living technology. So that part doesn't actually bother me. Particularly since they have implied that the TARDIS is a living thing.
Basically it was a high level entity folded down into a human body. When in the TARDIS it isn't necessarily sentient and self aware in the sense it is when in a human body. But it is alive and aware of what is going on around it and with it. |
Yep, it was flat out stated at the end of new series 1 by the doctor.
As for the music it's been a complaint of the series in a lot of newspapers, and in fact of a few BBC series that the music department have a bit of a habit of going up to 11. |
I admit I was a bit dissappointed we didn't actually get to meet any actual Timelords, in particular the Corsair sounded very interesting, side note, apparantly the Timelords can switch genders when regenerating. We did get to see more of the Tardis, on the downside, it was mainly just cooridors( it would've been cool if it had actually shown distinct rooms, like in the Invasion of Time, but that would've increased production values).
Overall a very strong episode, with a lot of good story seeds in it.
I admit I was a bit dissappointed we didn't actually get to meet any actual Timelords, in particular the Corsair sounded very interesting, side note, apparantly the Timelords can switch genders when regenerating. We did get to see more of the Tardis, on the downside, it was mainly just cooridors( it would've been cool if it had actually shown distinct rooms, like in the Invasion of Time, but that would've increased production values). |
No one commented yet? I'm shocked!!

Anyway, it was excellent! VERY Gaiman
Will discuss in more detail once you poor Americans get to see it!!
Anyone who wants to, remember......Spoilers, sweetie
We built this city on Rock and Roll!