300 -
Am I right in thinking you can team across servers? I seem to remember that being mentioned somewhere.
My characters and the few friends I have in the game are on Daemon but I'd really love to stay in touch with CoXers. (I have a spare slot I could use for a character on Arcadia) but I'd prefer to stick with the characters I have if possible while teaming with some fellow refugees. -
I have an alt of each faction on Daemon though mostly a Templar at heart. I'd really love to connect with any Paragon refugees in TSW.
Queller - Templar
Glider - Illuminati
Murk - Dragon -
Quote:I'm fairly sure it was from Argos about five years ago. A quick look online shows they have nothing even close to the same thing anymore.WOW!!!!!!! THAT DESK!!! You and ZWill have GOT to hook me up!! For now it looks like I'm going to have to cram my new system right next to my current one on the same desk. But...bet your bottom dollar...I'm on the lookout for a desk like yours!!!! Would be PERFECT for my gaming space/room.
Quote:With the way the engine currently works that wouldn't be a very good idea at all.
Basically what happens now is that it renders at 4x3 resolution for whatever the width of the resolution is and simply crops the top and bottom.
As an example; Skyrim's engine doesn't render ultra-wide resolutions but as my desktop background on my photo shows, it can be made to.
I just wish they would devote some time to it. Tellingly, WoW was given Eyfinity support natively in an update and it's almost the same age as CoH. I know Paragon Studios won't do it. I just wish they would. With the cost of multimonitor set-ups falling all the time, it's getting less and less the domain of the enthusiast.
I guess ATI should get off their butts and persuade developers its worth the effort. -
Same desk as a couple of others already. In our tiny box room it all but takes up half of it.
Uncharacteristically tidy as we had a major clean out yesterday so I'm not too ashamed to post a picture!
Man, I wish Paragon Studios would make CoH Eyefinity compatible. -
Loved it.
The actress who played the Tardis was the same who played the Mona Lisa in the Sarah Jane Adventures I think. (Much hotter rocking the Helen Bonham Carter look though.)
Gaiman delivered as I'm sure we all knew he would.
Matt Smith is definately now my favorite Docter ever now. Love his interpretation of the character and a cracking performance from him in this episode I thought. -
Although I haven't tried them yet, aren't the new emotes /ccefeatherfly etc?
I'm sure that's what I read in the notes. -
I've just "upgraded" to two 6950s in xfire. Only the card in the primary PCI-e slot is under load in both in full screen and windowed mode. (Bit of a pain really since thanks to the restricted airflow caused by the lower card, it makes more noise and heat than my old single GTX260 did at the same settings.)
A single 6950 will run CoH with no problems at all but as far as I'm aware there's no xfire support at all. The sooner the devs add xfire and eyefinity support to CoH the better I'll like it. (If Only.) -
Finally, I can get back to the smooth play experience I had before I moved from my US account.
Thanks for this NCSoft.
As far as the forum is concerned, I'm not sure it's even due to the time out. I can get logged out after reading a thread for five minutes. It seems to be totally random and a real frustration to be honest. -
Quote:I have no doubt whatsoever that EU players have been incuded in the closed betas. As Smokeit said; they would be bound by the NDA and unable to tell anyone, even if they wanted to.Confuzzled by this statement as i know people in Europe do and did get into the Closed Beta....
But like all Closed Beta's I bet ther eis a statement about not telling that you got into it......
*Mass Hysteria generated because those that did are following the rules* -
Quote:So long as it's an animated server list merge you want I'm sure you'll be able to bang on about it in every thread on the boards and no-one will do anything about it.[I'm so going to be known as the "Lady Arete promoter of Server list merge", am I not? Oh well I can live with that]
Speaking of Steam, doeas anyone know if a Steam bought GR would be compatible with a non-Steam CoX?
Quote:True, though If I remember, there always was a mission to go to Faultline and kill x Vahzilok. I guess they just substituted one that sent you to the first contact of the Faultline arc instead.It's only old content if you don't count Faultline, which received the same stupid treatment.
It's poor, I agree. It all needs bringing up to par, I just wish the devs agreed with us. -
To be fair, as BigFIsh said; this is old content. Very old. i2 for the Wincott/Hollows stuff.
It's damned frustrating, I totally agree, especially when you're doing it on the umpteenth alt.
The Dev logic to this is clear. They're probably going to get a more positive reaction from the larger number of players for new content as opposed to redesigning old stuff. You can't blame them for this approach, since you only have to read the boards here to see it's true.
Can you imagine the bile that a lot of players would spew if they thought that old content they can easily skip with Architect missions or a couple of sewer runs was being revamped rather than getting new shineys?
I completely agree with you that the lower level Hero side stuff suffers against newer content. That's not really surprising though since it's almost six years old now. The devs have come along way since the early days.
I would love for the first twenty levels of Hero game to be tightened up and given a bit of a face-lift. Sadly the devs see it as lower yield in terms of player reaction for dev hours invested. Until a vocal enough core of players make a case for it, I don't see it changing. -
I've ordered both components and devices from Overclockers with no problems at all. They deliver the next working day more often than not and their service is excellent.
I do have a duff LG monitor I bought from them two years ago which keeps losing power and resetting. Rather than replace it they refered me to LG tech support which I found a little disapointing, but appart from that you could do a lot worse. -
A mate of mine bought a top spec system from PCSpecialist about a month ago, since he'd heard good things about them. Considering the amount of money he was spending, (well in excess of £3k), he got constantly messed about with being told that components were not available so his order would be delayed etc. This happened repeatedly, even though he paid extra for "express" construction and it took almost six weeks with several less favourable substitutions of components.
In the end he threatened to cancel his order if it wasn't delivered by the end of the week and even then it arrived a day after they promissed. This may be just bad luck on his part, but he said he'd certainly never get a system from them again.
On the other hand, I got a system from Scan in August, they were brilliant. They kept me informed of every step of cotruction via email and they have a web page where you can see how far along in the build they are. I've no complaints about their service or product at all and would recomend them to anyone.
It's a very personal thing I guess. You pays your money and takes your choice.
Good luck with it. -
Quote:Please, by all the powers, this!
Assuming they cycle through the origins again, what's after the mutant pack? Technology? We already did cyborgs. Next time: steampunk! -
Well there's a shock and no mistake.
The City won't be quite the same with you gone.
Shame we never managed to get you that PvP rep badge.
Hope to run into you once GR hits, never did manage to team with you properly.
Take care. -
Same here.
RoentgenStorm_NA is also me from way back when, before EU beta opened. That account's not been active since EU launch so I'd love for the old _NA account to get canned.
Though it was nostalgic reading my few old posts here moaning about having to buy the EU copy of the game in order to protect hero names on the new EU servers. -
Having started on the US servers I can testify that the connection US->UK is more stable then EU->UK. The only reason I moved when the EU beta started was there never seemed to be anyone in game when I could play.
On the matter of relations with the US as far as morons go, I can honestly say that in my time on the US servers I don't think I once met anyone who was unpleasent. (Some rubbish gamers certainly, but not unpleasent). I was never part of a SG US side because of my gaming hours so I was always in PugS must say I had a ball every single time I played.
Admittedly the only time I've ever had someone try to get me to "cyber" with them was on the US servers while I was playing a female hero - man that was the freakiest minute and a half I've ever experienced online. Before the inf sellers that was the only time I've ever put someone on ignore. *shudders*
If I could take my vet rewards and characters with me I'd have no concerns about going back to the US servers.
Adding the EU servers to the US server list is the only logical way of doing it in the long run I think. Then everyone here can keep everything they've invested in over the years but can have the option to join everyone else if they choose. Similarly those on the US servers can create characters on "our" servers if the wish. Everybody wins.
Well, not everybody. That works great for those of us from the UK who are at the near end of the US transatlantic connection. Those players on the EU mainland are likely to experience a degradation to their gameplay, (i'm guessing). That would have to be addressed before the servers were moved.