Champion Amendment 2: Olive Branch




Recently a group of individuals sat down and talked about some issues in VENT and the general consenses is exactly what the title means...a fresh start or clean slate for the benefit of event organizers and everyone a part of Champion server. With the recent of events in channels and and other oraginzed activites it would benefit all at least for a short while to clean the air. The recent in game fighting in channels, events, and other organized parties we have isnt good for the server as a whole. It causes a rift amongst individuals, groups, sg's.

Recommending lifting bans on individuals for events, unignore individuals you have on ignore,(including mself I will unignore my 1 person i have on my list.), try to let bygons be bygons and let go of any bias or harsh feelings toward one another, and most of all respec on another's opinions, (if you Identify a problem be prepared to have a constructive solution).

Of course all of these ideals are just recommendations and totally up to each individual and whether or not they want to follow, it's their perogative. If you have any more ideals plz respond. Champion server has many Strong personalities with each common goal in mind, and thats to make the server better. If the peace last 1 week, 6 months, or not at all at least we can say most have tried. As a server we are better than any SG; we have community. So here is my Olive Branch im starting on a clean slate will you?




No offense, but I've heard this song before.

It took three days for Bud to blow it and rage out in BMT, which lead to one o' his accounts gettin' kicked.

I won't hold my breath.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
No offense, but I've heard this song before.

It took three days for Bud to blow it and rage out in BMT, which lead to one o' his accounts gettin' kicked.

I won't hold my breath.
Forgiveness is a beautiful thing that everyone can benefit from. Even if the person you forgive does it again at least you can know that you did your part by meeting them halfway and being the bigger person.

Me and Bud had a long talk on vent today. He apologized for some behavior and also explained why he felt the way he did. We agreed to let bygones be bygones. He is welcome back at my events, I have agreed to not talk trash about him and he has agreed to behave and not cause drama. If he doesn't do his part, that is on him.

Cobalt I hate to tell you this but there are lots of us that haven't acted very mature in regards to our fellow gamers. Myself included. You included as well. The negativity in your post wasn't necessary just now. It causes drama. We should all be able to get along and be civil to each other at least as far as channels, the forums, Community events etc. While we can pick and choose who we surround ourselves with on a regular basis, community channels, forums, events ect are supposed to be exactly that. We should be able to get along even if we don't care for each other for the sake of the community.

Someone made a very valid point today. Some of us have cliques and as leaders have followers. When we don't like each other, avoid each other, talk trash about each other as leaders of the Community we impact a lot more than just ourselves. Because you don't like me, some of your friends don't like me even though they have no reason not to. Because I don't like Bud my friends...ect. ect. Its something to consider is all I am saying.

If people can put their pride aside and reach out a hand then we as humans should be reaching back instead of expressing more hate or drama.



I'll be happy to let bygones be bygones. However, just gonna say it's only gonna take one incident for me to get pissed off again.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
If people can put their pride aside and reach out a hand then we as humans should be reaching back instead of expressing more hate or drama.
I did. He blew it.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

When you two are done decidin' what's good for us all, I'll be in game.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



You really had to edit to add more sarcasm to it? I just attempted to intervene a bit and encourage some humility and forgiveness on your part. Apparently you don't see yourself as being a contributing factor to any of the drama so I am moving on. Hate the whole Universe if it turns you on...

Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post

When you two are done decidin' what's good for us all, I'll be in game.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
You really had to edit to add more sarcasm to it? I just attempted to intervene a bit and encourage some humility and forgiveness on your part. Apparently you don't see yourself as being a contributing factor to any of the drama so I am moving on. Hate the whole Universe if it turns you on...
Thank you for speakin' for me. I really appreciated it. I guess you have that 'represents us all' down pat.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
I did. He blew it.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

When you two are done decidin' what's good for us all, I'll be in game.
This kind of response is not what this post was intended for, But hey to each is our own, our actions speak louder than words. I know what deeds ive done in the past and for that I apologize at least im giving it a try again and again if I have to.




Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Forgiveness is a beautiful thing that everyone can benefit from. Even if the person you forgive does it again at least you can know that you did your part by meeting them halfway and being the bigger person.

Me and Bud had a long talk on vent today. He apologized for some behavior and also explained why he felt the way he did. We agreed to let bygones be bygones. He is welcome back at my events, I have agreed to not talk trash about him and he has agreed to behave and not cause drama. If he doesn't do his part, that is on him.

Cobalt I hate to tell you this but there are lots of us that haven't acted very mature in regards to our fellow gamers. Myself included. You included as well. The negativity in your post wasn't necessary just now. It causes drama. We should all be able to get along and be civil to each other at least as far as channels, the forums, Community events etc. While we can pick and choose who we surround ourselves with on a regular basis, community channels, forums, events ect are supposed to be exactly that. We should be able to get along even if we don't care for each other for the sake of the community.

Someone made a very valid point today. Some of us have cliques and as leaders have followers. When we don't like each other, avoid each other, talk trash about each other as leaders of the Community we impact a lot more than just ourselves. Because you don't like me, some of your friends don't like me even though they have no reason not to. Because I don't like Bud my friends...ect. ect. Its something to consider is all I am saying.

If people can put their pride aside and reach out a hand then we as humans should be reaching back instead of expressing more hate or drama.
Couldn't have said it better.




I really wanted the name "Nerd Rage" but it was already taken. So, I have "Interweb Nerd Rage" just because of the drama on the "Community" server.

Get over it people. This is a game. Devote some time and energy researching economics and history so you can be angry at those elected morons instead of other people here to play a game.

I dont get to play nearly as often as before, so when I do I want it to be fun. There are some people I will team with and some people I wont. Regardless, does it really matter?

Heck, I am even playing my fire tank again...

Ice Ember



It's not 'bout pride. It's not 'bout turnin' the other cheek just so I can have it slapped again.

It's 'bout the fact that he's said this before. And I don't care who posted it. I know who this is comin' from.

Be it a week, a month, two, when have you, this'll blow up again and nearly everyone will forget this was ever said.

Well, I don't forget.

And like I said, I won't hold my breath until I've seen ample evidence to the contrary.

Edit: Feel free to prove me wrong.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I like to think I am one of those people who can always get along with anyone; majority of the time I do. I always treat people the way I would like to be treated. Life is too short to hold a grudge, and this is just a game. If anyone needs anything or help I will do what I can for you. If this can make us all come closer together as a server I think it is a great idea.



Originally Posted by Undead_Cyborg View Post
I like to think I am one of those people who can always get along with anyone; majority of the time I do. I always treat people the way I would like to be treated. Life is too short to hold a grudge, and this is just a game. If anyone needs anything or help I will do what I can for you. If this can make us all come closer together as a server I think it is a great idea.

horus and I would like ponies. His purple, and mine, of course, pink.

thanks UC.



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
horus and I would like ponies. His purple, and mine, of course, pink.

thanks UC.
*Must use all willpower not to say dirty joke.. so hard..err*



Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, the Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



Consider this a troll post if you like; I really would like to understand the psyche of the people involved however, it's fascinating in it's own way.

What could anyone possibly do to another player in this game to illicit the type of drama that seems to be so prevalent on Champion? I just don't get it. Even in heavy PvP games I have never had interactions that would make me upset enough to do or say things that would get an account banned or the like.

Perhaps I am just blind to the lack of emotional maturity some people have or something. I really just don't understand. How can you get so upset over playing a game like this? There is no money involved, like in Vegas for instance, there is no possibility of real life harm, as in sports.

So someone says something you don't like? Ignore them and move on with your fun time. Do these same people rage quit their jobs when the boss or a coworker mentions that they prefer a certain political party or disagree with the the way handled a client?

Based solely on reading the Champion server board, I will never set foot on the server because of the apparent lack of maturity that seems to run rampant amount the long time players there. I just don't get it.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



*shrug* A lot of people either take it very seriously or have had their feelings hurt in one way or another. Just because the mature and reasonable thing to do would be to ignore it and move on, sometimes that's difficult for people depending on the attitudes and the circumstances involved.

As for not setting foot on the server because of what you've seen on the boards, well, that's your choice but I disagree. The boards aren't really representative of the server. Just the most vocal people looking for a place to discuss whatever is on their minds.

I'm certain you could play on Champion (or any other server, for that matter) and rarely, if ever, encounter the board/channel drama just playing and going about your business.

I've played on Champion for years now and have had many good experiences. Accept the bad as part of playing a MMO and the kind of people who tend to gravitate to them and move on. It's neither accurate nor reasonable to take the most vocal and/or unreasonable people of a group and say that the group as a whole isn't worth your time.

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Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
What could anyone possibly do to another player in this game to illicit the type of drama that seems to be so prevalent on Champion?
I don't think it's a good idea to drag out the history. Our chief dramatic element for years was Dirty. Since Dirty's gone anyways, I'll cite him as an example.

Dirty was someone who wanted to lead others and gain respect. In the SG he founded, he was VERY respected, and with good reason: running his own show on his terms, he was awesome (if a touch Tyrannical). But Dirty wanted the approval and acceptance of the community; he wanted the kind of respect leaders got for leading the Hamidon raids. When he declared himself running a Hami raid, people outside of his SG who found his leadership untenable rejected him.

As I understand it, very early in the game, when he complained about things he found unfair in the game, he was given advice to help him level the field, but rejected it. He started this terrible path of, "If I can't get the respect of others handed to me, I'll get in the way until they can't ignore me."

Dirty was the kind of fellow who deliberately planned to grief public Hamidon raids so that he and his SG compatriots could have exclusive rights to Hamidon, at a time when Hami-O's were the best enhancement in the game. And someone trying to ruin the gaming experience you pay for strikes me as a good reason for the drama you refer to, MajorPrankster.

Eventually, the bad blood began to simmer a bit, and someone had the awesome idea to put out an olive branch and try to make him understand.

For a hot minute, this looked like it was gonna work. He was getting trained by some of the best Hamidon runners in how to run a raid for the good of everyone. Midway through the process, he quit, because it was too much like bowing down to someone else for him. Which it was, in a way: others had better knowledge of mechanics and community leadership. Pride got in the way. He wouldn't apologize for trying to disrupt raids before; he put his own pride above the well-being of the community, and it cost his SG their respect. And things were as silly as ever between Champion and Dirty. We all lost something that could have been really cool, we lost seeing what could have come from Dirty and SF being a respected power on Champion with Dirty working WITH the community. Think about what that might have meant for us in terms of server population. Champion was wrong to force an apology out of Dirty; Dirty was wrong to refuse to give it.

Bud isn't Dirty. Bud is Bud. When I migrated here and joined Earthguard, I didn't inherit any prejudices against Bud because of things he'd done in the past. I still remember the PoN SG raid attempts where newbies like me were sent the raid invites, not knowing how big and organized PoN was at the time, and for that, I have retained a skeptical smirk when Bud pops up, but even that has softened over the years to affection for a clever rascal. (Yes, it's been YEARS since I came here. Wow.)

Bud is proud and can be a touch arrogant at times, but he's also a heck of a guy. I have never allowed his history to stand between him and I having fun on our toons; I have only held him responsible for things he has done directly to me or a friend, which is NOT that much, honestly. I have never failed to call him out on things I see as wrong.

I say this as much as a defense of Cobalt as of Bud. Sometimes, people just can't get along. Bud does a lot for Champion; Cobalt does a lot for Champion. I'm on both their Global channels. But I don't pitch fits on either channel and if I did, I would expect to be kicked, and to have to come hat-in-hand asking for a reinvite if I wanted back in.

Publicly, if Bud wants to lead something, GREAT! I did not offer to join his recent CoP effort because Earthguard's been trying to put together our own, but if he was leading something I wanted in on, of course I'd join. He IS a community leader, and someone I enjoy hearing from. And I'm not shy of saying I look up to Cobalt and consider him a role model.

MajorPrankster is right to say that this is drama we don't need. If he ever was, Bud is not the enemy of the Champion community. We don't need to make peace between Cobalt and Bud. Cobalt and Bud need to make peace in their own time and on their own terms. Individually, if you are holding a grudge for long-ago slights, if you're ready to drop them without an apology, do so. But let's not try to force these things. Remember the lessons of what we lost when we tried to make peace for Dirty.

We need to let peace come in it's time and do what we can to encourage these guys to share a beer, not an olive branch.



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
horus and I would like ponies. His purple, and mine, of course, pink.

thanks UC.
And flames painted on it and some rocket launchers and a maybe a nice machine gun turret. You can never be to careful.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by Lascota View Post
Individually, if you are holding a grudge for long-ago slights, if you're ready to drop them without an apology, do so. But let's not try to force these things.

While it is a nice sentiment to want to forgive and forget, let's let people handle it on their own terms with the individuals they've had issues with. I don't feel that it needs to be done in the open and on the forums.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



A man, the victim of a horrible, awful crime, once famously and very publically asked "Can't we all just get along?". The short answer is: No. And maybe that's a good thing.

Don't take that as a ******** remark, please. It's just the truth of the species. That same guy was also a habitual offender, and all around not a great role model. The context of the specific situation in which anything happens tends to get completely blown away once it's elevated to a large enough scale. And when it hits a level where one or two people have control over something important or desireable, then personality conflicts get dramatic.

I like Cobalt, a lot. I respect his efforts in helping everyone around him, and I think he does a great service to the community here at large. Would I run BMT the way he does? Lord no. But then, it's not my channel, not my rules, nor would it exist and work as well as it does if those things didn't come into play. Never forget, that channel exists because some people took over the public channel predecessor to it and made it impossible to function. BMT is Cobalt's channel - he made it for the rest of us. It's not something we're entitled to, it's something we're priviledged to belong to. Getting angry with him for not bending his rules is petulant and foolish. It might be different if he were trying to control something public, but he's not - just because we like BMT and use it extensively doesn't make it ours.

That said, I will say that while Bud and I don't frequently see eye to eye, and I can find the outbursts and blind knee-jerk reactions that sometimes come from that corner to be... distasteful, I can't lose sight of the fact that not only is my viewpoint not shared by everyone, but that in more than one case, that same ranting blowhard has committed his time and effort, and that of his SG (which means his *** is accountable to them for whatever issues may have come of it) to taking it on the chin for server efforts and events. And while whomever you want can jump up and down and claim that this motivation or that is the real reason for doing it, in the end, it really doesn't matter. It's helped, and considering that this game is supposed to be leisure time for us, isn't that what counts? Bud saved the day in a few situations where by neccessity no single contributor got credit for it. Lack of public acknowledgement makes those situations no less important, nor makes him no less a hell of a guy for coming through.

Both of these people have contributed more than enough for any number of others to spring to their defense, but the forums shouldn't be a place to lobby back and forth for one person or another to change their mind. If we were addressing the community at large, that would be one thing, or trying to organize something big, fine. This isn't that though - this is a small scale thing, grown huge because of the personal influence of the people involved. It's an understandable side-effect, but still not appropriate. Speaking as someone who's been accused of megalomania on this server on more than one occasion, and who has screwed up in similar fashion before, trust me - this is probably best worked out by the two specific people most directly affected, and no one else. If they just can't work it out, pushing for one side or the other to cave will probably just allow it to happen again later.

Fact is, if everyone "just got along" around here, no one would ever learn anything from anyone else. And there's a LOT to learn from the players on this server. Oh yes.

The drama on this server might not be understandable to people outside it, but keep in mind that dramatics aren't always the result of cries for attention - it's frequently the result of people who actually care about something they see as valuable. I'd prefer to play in a place like that personally - makes me feel like playing and having a good experience isn't just for me, it helps promote the same on a visceral level for others too. It's a good feeling, IMO.

Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire



Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
And flames painted on it and some rocket launchers and a maybe a nice machine gun turret. You can never be to careful.

ok i can support this idea.. thats gonna be 1 badass pony



I heard about the meeting and yes its a nice attemp to wash our hands of this drama but history has told us that its a tick tock until its would happen again. I had chance to let Cherry know why I had a issue with her and hopefully she understand how certain thing got played and why. I not here hate anyone or just start drama for no reason. I just like to defense my self and make sure I do in any manner I see fit. I really hope ego don't flair up because of PVP. I can agree with UC that treat people like how you would like to be treated. Let just try to stay away from talking behind people back and just enjoy this game. " ITS JUST A GAME" If you win you win and lose you lose so what! just come back and fight another day. To sum this up.... I down to let by gone be by this includes you KAT. Keep things fair and no bad mouthing others players espically when there not around. Im not saying that you have but this goes out to others players. That side I extend my hand and willing to drop the drama I have towards you guys.



Originally Posted by Marut View Post
Never forget, that channel exists because some people took over the public channel predecessor to it and made it impossible to function. BMT is Cobalt's channel - he made it for the rest of us. It's not something we're entitled to, it's something we're priviledged to belong to. Getting angry with him for not bending his rules is petulant and foolish. It might be different if he were trying to control something public, but he's not - just because we like BMT and use it extensively doesn't make it ours.
I don't want to detract from the main message in your post, but BMT is not Cobalt's channel, nor did he create it. It is true, he is a very active part of the channel's moderation, but ultimately concerns regarding BMT should be directed to Ping.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial