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  1. Thank you all for the well wishes, I really appreciate it.
  2. Hello Champion!

    After over six years I will be leaving the game. Champion has been my CoH home from the start, I would have never picked any other server; you all are truly great people. I will miss you all, but most of all my fellow SG mates; some of who have played with me for the six years. If it was not for the great people in The Hammers of Justice I would have left the game long ago. The reason I am leaving are fairly similar to others that have left before; just that time for another chapter in my life. I will not forget all the great people here on Champion, you all rock! My leadership position has been passed on to a fellow Hammer so the HoJ will not be going anywhere, no worries. I will be in game for another week closing up my loose ends and giving my loot to the SG. I will miss you all- game on!

    P.S I meant to say It Has Been an Honor-
  3. Undead_Cyborg

    Sg cribs!!!!

    Nice work Phire, the base looks great.
  4. Welcome to Champion Arizzen!

    If you need anything please feel free to contact me @undead_cyborg, I would be happy to help you in any way I can. Hope to see you around!
  5. Welcome Conagher!

    I am glad that you have chosen Champion as your home. If you need anything please feel free to contact me @undead_cyborg in game. I will also shoot you an invite to the Hammer Nation channel; great for finding teams, TF's etc. Hope to see you around!
  6. Hey Dylan.

    Thanks for choosing Champion as your new home. Please feel free to contact me in game @Undead_Cyborg if you need anything at all! Hope to team with you soon, game on.
  7. Welcome to Champion Philly!

    I am glad you have chosen Champion as your home, if you need anything at all please feel free to contact me in game @Undead_Cyborg.

    P.S- CL your Kayne West picture had me cracking up.
  8. Nice vids Phire.

    Shake the haters off ;>
  9. Undead_Cyborg

    Just a Heads Up

    Well I had to do a total system recovery but the computer lives again; hope to see you all soon in game.
  10. Undead_Cyborg

    Just a Heads Up

    My main gaming computer has been crashing with the blue screen of death so I will be out for a couple of days or weeks while I try to find the problem. Have fun all and hope to see you all soon.

    Thank You
  11. Undead_Cyborg

    Return to CoX

    Hey @BlueBeanie welcome to the Champion server! If you need anything in game please feel free to contact me in game @Undead_Cyborg. I also shot you a invite to the Hammer Nation channel. I am glad you have chosen the Champion server as your new home and hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. Undead_Cyborg

    After 7 years

    Sorry to see you go Dinah, what few times I did team with you it was a pleasure. You will be missed, from one SG leader to another *salute*. Best of luck to you in real life!
  13. Sorry to see you go and wish you the best of luck!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Disclaimer: HoJ will not be held responsible for any loss of pants.
    I blame you shin.