Lost in Champion...




Hello all,

I'm new to the game and server. I have noticed i don't really see anyone where i am in praetoria or next-door in the level 7-10 area. Is this because its a noob spot? And when I get some more levels under my belt i will encounter more players in higher-level areas? It's sort of lonely out here... I'd much rather crush npc's with other people so we can laugh about it and i can see the other powers/skills/classes at work.

Also, I understand that a supergroup or villaingroup is the equivalent of a guild/corp/clan in this game. How would I go about finding one to join?

In summation:

Where is everyone?

How can i chat in a channel with more people?

Is any group recruiting?





Well, asking here is the first step.

Your best bet are the global channels. Unfortunately those are full right now, so you're at a bit of a disadvantage.

The other possibility is to create a new toon in Atlas Park and use /broadcast to ask about getting some friends and help in Praetoria. Are you on a trial account? If so you can't use /broadcast and this won't work, but otherwise it's something you can try.

As far as guilds go, they're called Supergrops or Villain Groups. I personally just use solo S/V groups just for myself to get some base storage, so I can't really help on that front. You can use my global though. I have a few low level toons that can make it to Praetoria, so I could level with you.

@gameboy1234. Send me a tell if you see me online.



Welcome! Champion is HIGHLY concentrated in Global channels. I believe the largest are BMT, Champion United, there's also Champion Redside and several others. Those running the channels would know better. BMT is invitation only, so you'll need to talk with a channel leader on those.

If you select your tabs above the chat window, you can click 'add' the add global chat channels to them, and right click your chat window to chat to the various global chat channels.

Currently, many players are running 50's, so there are fewer lowbies to be found.

Praetoria has a lot more options, but is far more difficult, so many who wish to breeze through early level content they've done many time prefer a the far simpler Paragon city.

As far as groups go, there are none in Praetoria, but I hope you can find one once you finish up there.



Hey Con, sadly you can't join an SG/VG until you're out of Praetoria.

However, If you do a channel search or contact me via the game /tell @Braije, and just send me a message I'll get ya into DarkGuard Network. It's not so full it's cramped, but not so empty it's dead and many vets there to help you with any questions you have or help as well.

Another good channel is Champions Unleashed, which we can get you an invite to since the others are full at the moment. (As well they should be cuz Champion is just that great!)

I'll go ahead and send you an offline and even bring some ppl to team with ya and expediate that lvling out of Praetoria if you like! Welcome to Champion Server!

Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead



awesome, thx for everyones replies so far. good info. currently, i think my blaster is lvl 7 or 8. ive run out of missions from praetor white (who is black incidentally). and i am sort of running around killing red-squared ppl for xp and salvage. But ive ventured into the adjacent section of the city across the bridge here and finding a large difficulty difference in enemies from the now-gray ones i was way-laying in and around the starting area. i frequently miss the red titled baddies.



Welcome Conagher!

I am glad that you have chosen Champion as your home. If you need anything please feel free to contact me @undead_cyborg in game. I will also shoot you an invite to the Hammer Nation channel; great for finding teams, TF's etc. Hope to see you around!



I'd highly recommend joining both the DG Network and Hammer Nation channels. Neither is so full that it is just too much annoying chatter, but both have plenty to help out with stuff.



Welcome to Champion, Con! Strap yourself in, hang on, and enjoy the ride!

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Welcome from another Newbie!

Note, you will find that the people in Champion are, for the most part, a great bunch of people!

I personally didn't pipe up here in the community until after I had played around in the game for a while.

I started out with the free trial and, to be honest, if I had stayed in Praetoria, I probably would not have stayed beyond that. You've got your first character created, so now go create a Hero and jump on into Atlas! That is where you will see a LOT of other people. Once I got there...I was hooked LOL.

Again...welcome to the game..I hope you enjoy it as much as I am LOL.

You can find me as @Nebularian and I am usually running my Blaster (Nebularian) or Scrapper (Blue Arc).




well im glad i can eventually get to the other areas - for now, im going to level my guy up in praetoria i guess. i dont really want to start all over again yet. even tho hes only lvl 10. im sort of a one-character type of gamer. in time, ill get to those areas and find some more interesting content im sure. for now...sweepers beware.




The Few The Proud The SHOWTIME



Originally Posted by Conagher View Post
well im glad i can eventually get to the other areas - for now, im going to level my guy up in praetoria i guess. i dont really want to start all over again yet. even tho hes only lvl 10. im sort of a one-character type of gamer. in time, ill get to those areas and find some more interesting content im sure. for now...sweepers beware.
This game will either cure you of that, or drive you insane. One or the other.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



this dual-pistol blaster is fun - mainly becuase of the gunshot sounds...

right now ive put points in dual-wielding, rain of bullets, web grenade, pistols, and caltrops. i just figured out that i can mix enhancements too - which is sort of nice. i need some more crowd control abilities tho - since i can only really kite one mob at a time. and i noticed that there are secondary powers available to me now... i have the sinking feeling i will need to totally rebuild this guy once i figure out wth is going on in this game




Mids Hero Designer. Learn to love it.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



oooooh yes. thx. great tool.



Originally Posted by fuzzy_yum_yum View Post




Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
Welcome to Champion, Con! Strap yourself in, hang on, and enjoy the ride!
Don't forget your helmet.
Dead Bodies rain from the sky during raids around here.


... Some SGs take pride in it.

Beware the Penguins.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by Fuzzy_Yum_Yum View Post
Oh Shi.....
It's the Fuzz!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Doncha just luv BA's avatar?

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.



Ok, since everyone is interested! (kidding)

I've almost reached level 20 and im ready to get out of Praetoria...finally!

Im a little confused with the terminology in the game at this point regarding different types of groups...

team = temporary group of players online banded together to complete some missions?
vg/sg = is this sort of synonymous with "guild" in other MMo's?

If so, I'm looking to join an sg or vg. do they have their own chat channels or just use the larger chat channels already set forth?

im already in a chat channel called darkguard network thanks to braije - its great and the people are really helpful...and funny. now is this an sg? or just a chat channel...?

...somewhat lost



Originally Posted by Conagher View Post
Ok, since everyone is interested! (kidding)

I've almost reached level 20 and im ready to get out of Praetoria...finally!

Im a little confused with the terminology in the game at this point regarding different types of groups...

team = temporary group of players online banded together to complete some missions?
vg/sg = is this sort of synonymous with "guild" in other MMo's?

If so, I'm looking to join an sg or vg. do they have their own chat channels or just use the larger chat channels already set forth?

im already in a chat channel called darkguard network thanks to braije - its great and the people are really helpful...and funny. now is this an sg? or just a chat channel...?

...somewhat lost
Yup, teams are generally temporary groups to run missions or Task/Strike Forces with, which you might know as a Pick Up Group (PuG). The difference between normal missions and Task/Strike Forces is that once you join a TF/SF, you can't join any other team until it's task(s) are accomplished. And if you quit a TF/SF, you won't be able to rejoin it. You would have to start another, and they require a minimum number o' players to start. On a side note to quittin' a TF/SF; if you get disconnected for some reason, you will automatically rejoin the TF/SF. Also, Task Forces are Heroside (also known as Blueside), and Strike Forces are Villside (also known as Redside).

No Supergroups for Heroes (SGs) or Villains (VGs) exist in Praetoria, so you'll be able to join one once you arrive in either Paragon City or the Rogue Isles dependin' on your choice in the final mission in Praetoria. And yes, they are effectively Guilds/Houses/Clans/etc.

From what you descibe, and I don't know this for sure as I'm not a member in the channel, Darkguard Network is for the Darkguard SG/VG and it's coalitions/friends. Quite a few SGs/VGs have their own chat channels, moreso when they have members on both sides o' the game. This allows'em to be able to communicate with each other. There are larger channels (i.e. more members) out there, which if there is space, you could be invited to (if Private) or /chanjoin (if Public). Some are more social, some are moderated to remain game-related.

Hopefully that answers some o' your questions and confusion in terms o' vernacular.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Well i think i finished the final mission in praetoria i think (blowing up ppd with a neutron bomb for the resistance) - but im not level 20 yet. how will i switch to another area? will this occur automatically once im done grinding to 20?

thanks again!



Originally Posted by Conagher View Post
Ok, since everyone is interested! (kidding)

I've almost reached level 20 and im ready to get out of Praetoria...finally!

Im a little confused with the terminology in the game at this point regarding different types of groups...

team = temporary group of players online banded together to complete some missions?
vg/sg = is this sort of synonymous with &quot;guild&quot; in other MMo's?

If so, I'm looking to join an sg or vg. do they have their own chat channels or just use the larger chat channels already set forth?

im already in a chat channel called darkguard network thanks to braije - its great and the people are really helpful...and funny. now is this an sg? or just a chat channel...?

...somewhat lost
grats on lvl 20 and leaving Praetoria!

youre correct on both counts as to what being on a team is and what a vg/sg means. I dont play other MMO's but am aware a guild and sg/vg is the same.

Sg's/Vg's have their own chat thats done through the actual group itself. If you look at the lil letters just below the chat, you'll see;

L - Local chat (not sure the radius this reaches, but, its not far)
B - Broadcast ( the entire zone you're in)
T - Team
L - League
S - Super Group ( This is just for your sg/vg chat)
R - Request (This is used normally for events, usually for the event leader to get out information to everyone, the txt shows as pink)
F - Friends (no idea why this is here, its to reach people on your friends list. Its been broken for the 3 years Ive been here)
C - Coalition ( This is to communicate between sg's/vg's that your sg's leader has coaltioned with {think alliance}
?-This is the help channel
A - Active Channel Tab ( When youre on this letter, whatever you type will go to the tab that you have active. Personally I hate this 1, but, thats a story for a different day )

Some sg's/vg's will set up whats called a "global channel" which allows them to invite whomever they want to the channel. Thats what DarkGuard Network is. Dark Guard is also a sg... Braije and Sinny I think are the leaders there. Good People. There are numerous global chats that have been made by the various sg's. Some of them have just a few for good friends some of them are larger and are used more to network with a larger player base. A couple that come to mind are Hammers Of Justice ( I think its called Hammer Nation) and UHB Network (United Hero Brigade)

As it's been said numerous times by numerous people, Champion is more like a large sg with each of us having smaller sg's that we use for our own personal storage.

If you havnt yet, I would try to get into BMT. Some argue its the "main" global channel for Champion. Its topic specific for Badges, Monsters, Task Forces and its a good channel to get server specific information for various events held on Champion. There is also Champions United. A newer 1 thats popped up is Champions Unleashed. We also have an Event Calendar: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=202579 Thats kept up to date will events that are held on the server (providing people give the info to be listed). We also have C.A.P.E - Champions Association for Player Events. Also listed up top in the sticky section or you can go to www.championcape.com for more info and the goals for the group.

Along with everyone else.. if you ever need anything or have a question feel free to shoot me an ingame tell @Cherry Cupcakes. I most likely cant answer it but I can point you in the right direction...maybe




Originally Posted by Conagher View Post
Well i think i finished the final mission in praetoria i think (blowing up ppd with a neutron bomb for the resistance) - but im not level 20 yet. how will i switch to another area? will this occur automatically once im done grinding to 20?

thanks again!
Once you actually train-up to twenty at a trainer, you will be contacted with a pop-up. Durin' the course o' that mission, you will decide whether or not to be a Hero (go to Paragon City, Talos Island to be specific) or be a Villain (go to the Rogue Isles, Sharkhead Isle in this case, I think).

Champion was fairly low populated for Redside, so much so that there are global channels specifically for teamin' in the Rogue Isles, but thanks to Going Rogue and the ability to switch or play both sides, it's effectively normalized. I prefer to be either a Vigilante or Rogue to be able to enjoy the content on either Blueside or Redside, but you can earn Hero/Villain Merits by bein' those respective alignments and run Alignment and Morality missions to reinforce your alignment and use'em to buy rare, very rare, or unique enhancements at either Fort Trident in Atlas Park (Blueside) or The Crucible in Cap au Diable (Redside). If you choose to be a Vigilante or Rogue, you can earn normal Reward Merits (same as you would earn from completin' a Task/Strike Force or Trial) and use'em to buy less exclusive enhancements.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



awesome, thanks a lot. a lot of stuff is just hard to figure out im finding. however, im enjoying the game a lot. probably i will become a long-time player.