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  1. Radamanthus


    Judgement Day


    any of those free?
  2. OMG i was there.... and then i think ppl started attacking cole - and the game crashed - i got zero reward!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I've always had Absorb Pain. It's never killed me. Why it hasn't is basically comes down to my position. I don't place myself within the firing line. Enemies have AoEs of certain radiuses that they target the tanker or scrapper with and I am not there. Cone attacks - I'm not within their areas neither. When I am absorbing pain I make sure I don't have aggro and if someone is being an idiot by requiring spammed heals and doesn't know when to pull back then I won't keep trying to keep them alive. Let idiots die is first rule. I used to put range slots in the power so it was good for that person who should be within 80ft of me yet isn't. Now, if someone isn't in range then tough, fort goes to the next person. I won't lose buffing time.
    I hear ya, i just like to be in close to get the AOE heal off because its cheap and fast. But maybe i will just hang back more.

    I find my strategy to be:

    1. Hover with 3 defense slots
    2. Maneuvers on with 3 defense slots
    3. buff best person with: endurance, to hit, defense single target stuff as it comes rdy
    4. shoot heal other in from far away on whomever is hurt
    5. hover in for a quick aoe heal when everyone is slightly hurt
    6. use heal over-time aoe and endurance aoe when its up and before hard battles.

    pretty much it.

    otherwise for the rare times when i get aggro i use power push, teleport, or (now) sleep on the bad guys.

    also, if someone dies, teleport em to me, res em, pat em on butt, send em back in...
  4. thanks so far everyone - still playing with the build - finding myself using absorb pain infrequently because it basically kills me.

    ive also found that more than 3 of any particular type of enhancement in a power (usinf hero builder) that u get quickly diminishing returns. rather than putting say, 5 or 6 heal enhancements in a power, ill do 3, get most of the bonus possible, and then put attack speed enhances in it for the last 3.

    ill post current build in a bit

    working very well for buffing and healing., sometimes tho, when i take aggro i get crushed quickly.
  5. thanks so far everyone - still playing with the build - finding myself using absorb pain infrequently because it basically kills me.

    ive also found that more than 3 of any particular type of enhancement in a power (usinf hero builder) that u get quickly diminishing returns. rather than putting say, 5 or 6 heal enhancements in a power, ill do 3, get most of the bonus possible, and then put attack speed enhances in it for the last 3.

    ill post current build in a bit

    working very well for buffing and healing., sometimes tho, when i take aggro i get crushed quickly.
  6. Conagher

    Did You Know?

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Hugh Laurie: Best paid Actor in US TV Drama. Also, English.
    I agree great actor, but I meant Hextor of course.

    Also, when i first herd this guy talk in an interview i was like wtf? perfect american accent when acting.
  7. Conagher

    Did You Know?

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    You didnt know? He's basically the coolest.
  8. Conagher

    Did You Know?

    Dont worry guys, HEXTOR! will be online tonight, it will just be later than usual. Even he cannot escape wife-aggro. But i wanted to let everyone know so they didnt get worried and bite their nails.

    Also - Linda Hamilton in terminator 1 - hot or not?

    That is all,

  9. I have recently made a defender that im basically focusing on healing/buffing, and some knockback cc for self protection. I dont really want to do dmg, because i dont want to get aggro, because i want to focus on team support...

    Anyhow, here is a summary of my current build to 40:

    Maxed out enhancement slots in..

    Healing Aura
    Heal other
    Absorb Pain
    Hover (+ DEF enhancements)
    Energy Torrent (+ knockback enhancements)
    Power Push (+ knockback enhancements)

    Also have these with few or no enhancement slots added...

    Power Bolt
    Recovery Aura
    Sniper Blast
    Power Blast
    Recall Friend
    Explosive Blast
    Adrenaline Boost

    I can keep people alive pretty well so far. And i rarely get aggro. I maxed out the knockback slots in two of my energy attacks with good knockback with the thought that - i dont really do dmg - so, i want to get people away from me during occassional aggro i pull.

    My questions are:

    Being that I die very easily when aggro'd - is there anything I can do besides inspirations to make myself slightly more difficult to kill in the infrequent jams?

    Also, any other on such a character.

    Current tactics: Typically, now i hover out of mob melee range and keep my guys alive and buffed. When the tide is turned so that i dont need to heal, i cc enemies with knockback attacks and minimal dmg.

    *Finally, since id get insta-crushed in pvp, this is a pve only toon.
  10. Conagher

    Did You Know?

    i have to say, i liked terminator salvation. not as much as original term. too many sequels these days tho. o well.
  11. There is also a HEXTOR! channel to discuss the awesomeness of said toon.
  12. boltons costume artist on that ftw.

  13. "I do believe we teamed on a task force recently, as "Hextor", and in-chat bantering about awesomeness is familiar to me. I believe there was a phallic mention after the "powering up the orbital lance" prompt appeared.

    You were great comic relief on that TF, if I do say so myself."

    Yes.. hahaha i rem the orbital lance reference. wow, i was drunk on that TF.

    ::edit:: HEXTOR! activates his flesh-lance! that was it.
  14. Champion'ers,

    I have been all business thwomp'ing mobs all over the city now for right around 30 days. And I wanted to say that this server rocks. I've run into a lot f you by now and got invited to some sweet teams and an SG that tolerates my ongoing chattering in chat about how awesome my toons are; which is true btw.

    My efforts to level a DP blaster were met with a lot of dying and some frustration - not the easiest class to level so far in my experience.

    Hextor - invuln/ss tanker - has been much easier and more fun for a nub to level. I'd recommend a tanker for anyone new to the game.

    But mostly the point of this thread is to say thanks for everything so far - u guys helped me a lot so far and this server and game kick *** now. i was a little worried at first as it seemed so isolated leveling a toon in praetoria without being in any chat rooms - but now its fun as a biotch.

    thanks -

  15. Conagher


    Oath, hello hello.. Sweet intro.

    My characters (Hextor) history is somewhat murky....the only thing that is certain, is that he crushes bad-guys like a garbage-compactor of justice.

    I'll see the city
  16. Ya i've been here for a month or so and everytime i ask a question ppl help me out. and when im out and around grinding purse-snatchers ppl always include me on something sweet like a boss or missions. good times, u guys/gals rock.

    (hextor, conagher)
  17. awesome, thanks a lot. a lot of stuff is just hard to figure out im finding. however, im enjoying the game a lot. probably i will become a long-time player.
  18. Well i think i finished the final mission in praetoria i think (blowing up ppd with a neutron bomb for the resistance) - but im not level 20 yet. how will i switch to another area? will this occur automatically once im done grinding to 20?

    thanks again!
  19. Ok, since everyone is interested! (kidding)

    I've almost reached level 20 and im ready to get out of Praetoria...finally!

    Im a little confused with the terminology in the game at this point regarding different types of groups...

    team = temporary group of players online banded together to complete some missions?
    vg/sg = is this sort of synonymous with "guild" in other MMo's?

    If so, I'm looking to join an sg or vg. do they have their own chat channels or just use the larger chat channels already set forth?

    im already in a chat channel called darkguard network thanks to braije - its great and the people are really helpful...and funny. now is this an sg? or just a chat channel...?

    ...somewhat lost