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  1. No deleting. Got it.
    *hits Hibernate*
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fuzzy_Yum_Yum View Post
    Oh Shi.....
    It's the Fuzz!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Welcome to Champion, Con! Strap yourself in, hang on, and enjoy the ride!
    Don't forget your helmet.
    Dead Bodies rain from the sky during raids around here.


    ... Some SGs take pride in it.

    Beware the Penguins.
  4. I might be up for a few runs of these.
    Let me know the details if you get a group together.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    Welcome to the server. I make damage. If you need help with any in game stuff or builds or advice, etc. contact me @Disciple of Horus
    OK lemme see If I can break this down.

    Hours makes Damage
    Celestial Lord makes Bubbles
    Silas makes Corruption
    Phillyboy makes Illusions
    I make Tanks (Or a reasonable facsimile there-of)
    And Cherry_Cupcakes makes.... well.... CUPCAKES!

    That's a formula for a good night of teaming.
    Note: Cupcakes not optional!

    Welcome to Champion!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
    Too bad we have to pay for it, it should be free
    You know I know what you mean, about it should be free.
    But, honestly, these little "Booster Packs" they have been offering are pretty good.
    They are $5.99 or $9.99 and that's a reasonable price (especially when you consider it's a one time charge, and if you divide that by how many hours you play? Small Fractions of a Penny per hour).
    Some of these packs have stuff that no one would really be interested in so having it optional is nice. And the way I see it, charging a small price like this, makes the Devs concentrate on quality beyond what you would get for free.
    It's a decent price for users who would find the content neat, and it's a teeny bit more income for the Devs in an increasingly hard to profit market of MMOs.

    I see it as a Win-Win.

    And yes, I want this pack.
    I want my Were-Chicken!
  7. Here some free unsolicited advice....

    A) Yes Witty, you are right! There is no such thing as 100% protected on anything. Whether it be surge protectors, Antivirus, passwords, anything. However, with surge protectors, the adage "you get what you pay for" is true. A $5 Surge Protector is not going to perform like a $40 APC 2500 Joules Surge Suppressor. Also, I invested in a Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner, and made sure my UPS had Line Conditioning and it has done wonders on my PCs. When I moved, I forgot to move my Hackintosh (custom built Core 2 Quad running Mac OSX 10.6.4) to one of the Line Conditioned units, and a week later the Power Supply was nicely toasted.
    Learn the benefits of the Sine-Wave, and your advanced electronics will thank you.

    B) When it comes to CPUs, if you aren't over-clocking, I like to stick to the one the manufacturer includes, BUT, I never use the included Thermal Paste. I spent the cash and get the one, the only, Arctic Silver 5, It''s expensive, but it works, and it's cheaper than replacing CPUs for overheating. I have gotten upto 10 degrees cooler temperatures with the same heatsink over the included paste.
  8. BlackAmaranth

    Music and CoH???

    Personally, I select based on mood and what I'm doing.

    If I'm just having fun, teaming with friends and there isn't some hard-core goal, or something, just "keeping it light", I either shuffle my iPod list, or listen to the local 80's station that my friend owns.

    If I'm running hard-core, like MoSTF or Really Master of anything, or we are going for speed or some major goal, I hit up the Techno/Electronica/Darkwave/etc. This usually means Sanctuary Radio

    If I'm playing offline, (IE, Civilization IV, SimCity, Starcraft, etc) I either listen to Pandora or Nibz' radio station
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    fitness is inherent now. they gave us I think 2 or 3 respecs at that time too. 2 up front, that had to be used and the 3rd like a week or so later.
    OK, but my toons that PAID for Health and Stamina before they made it Inherent, have wasted 2 Power Slots (Technically 3 if you count the prerequisite power to get to Health) on these.

    Can I recover the Power Slots I spent on those by using a Respec? Or will it make me pay for them again because the character was built before they made them free?
  10. OK, I just noticed something.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like Health and Stamina are Inherent Powers now.
    So what about those Toons I already wasted 2 Power Slots on for this?
    Can I get those 2 spots back with a Respec?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mighty View Post
    BA be climbin' in your windows!
    He's snatchin' your peoples up!
    Don't worry, I'm not here for your kids, or your wives, or your husbands..... Just your Cheeseburgers...... And maybe your Fries.

    Hi ya Mighty!
    Glad to see ya!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Good to see BA and SS about again. =()
    You bringing the wifey along tonight too?
    *waves hi*
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starforce View Post
    I noticed a few Pingus are running with HoJ, now (real good folks).

    I assume you're on BMT or CU (or both - each channel has its merits); those are always great avenues for teaming, too.

    Failing all that: Add me to your friends list and I'll run with you anytime you want.

    Good luck,

    Will add you to my friends list tonight.
    I am still on BMT.
    But, what is CU?

    I had my first experiance with Rogue content last night.
    Made a Pistol/Kin Corrupter in Praetoria. (Name: 2 Gun Mojo)
    I like the new world so far. I'm not exactly a fan of the pop-up boxes.
    And I'm a little confused by the whole Tips system.
    But, I'll get the hang of it.
    Although I won't turn down any advice or assistance.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilentSpy View Post
    I know you.

    Do you know me? If so, I make a terrible spy.
    True Story!
    Apple Boy.
  15. I saw quite a few familiar faces this weekend, but I wasn't sure if they were still regular players, or just coming back for 2x XP Weekend.

    My plan is to come back on a limited basis. A night once a week or so.
    I backed off my online activities when I had my accident back in May, and started concentrating on real-life. But, now that I have a good balance in my life, I want to start playing MMOs again.

    Just wondering who I can team with now.
  16. I guess If I'm going to come back to CoH, I better make it to this!
  17. Hello?
    Anyone I know still here?
  18. He's got my vote.
    I've been thinking that the Shard was the Red-Headed Stepchild of Paragon. They just leave it to rot untill it cries out when a patch breaks it. Then they smack a fix on it and consign it back to neglect-ville. It deserves better, and now is the time.

    I support all aspects of this suggestion!
  19. Re: Bit bullet, bought Aion

    Sounds like what I did.

    Bit Cannonball, bought Star Trek Online.

    I find it an exceptionally irrational purchase since I don't have time to play any of my presently owned video games, let alone a new one that is probably FUBARed by Jack Emmert.
    Yeah, this is just reinforcement that I'm masochistic.
    ..... And have way to much bloody money.
    ..... Except I don't.... which is why I don't have time to play video games.
    ..... What the hell is wrong with me?
  20. A Pengiun and a Rhino? What would the children look like?
    Bah, Screw it! Just this once, I'll say go for the abominations of nature!
    Good on you Ping!
    I think this has got to be the nerdiest proposal evar! AND I LOVE IT!

    (And just to hammer how nerdy it is, I once saw a Stormtropper get down on one knee and propose to Queen Amadala!)

    I'm truly glad for you buddy.

    Do I sense a Cosplay Wedding in the near future? LOL
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PantherShade View Post
    Thanks! I usually just end up cutting myself.
  22. My Stuffed Squirrel prefers both.... in mass quantities.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crazy local View Post
    And even if you don't win im still going to like all of your costumes.
    He's right.
    That is a BOLD statement. You haven't seen the eye-burning hypocrisy that is Witty's Clown Costume.
  24. BlackAmaranth


    I think I missed something.
    Something tells me I'm better off not knowing.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Welcome Back, BA! I need a MoSTF please, sir! LOL JK I'm superbly happy to see you back in the arms of the CoH addiction. It's is a comfy place. We all love it.
    YEAH!!!! MoSTF! And how 'Bout an MoITF for good measure?