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Isn't this considered 'Cross-posting'? I only inquire because I thought Champion used CAPE. Yep, pretty certain of that!
Great theme, Dinah! If you would like some influ to assist and drive up the rewards let me know @Braije or @Cherry Cupcakes. That's what CAPE is for afterall!
After discussing this with you the other night, Lisa I realize you're looking for teaming. So, it may be good for you to have your own SG. Channels are really the best way to find teams.
Seems you're in the main ones and sometimes it doesn't hurt to do searches and send tells depending on the hour of the day and what lvl you're running at. Best of luck with your SG and there are many great ppl on this server to assist. Networking ftw! -
Quote:Good voice Xan.
Should make the practices this week and hopefully the main event on Sunday... Mmmm this is a tasty burger!
They're just trying to help, essentially get out of your own way... just sayin'.
It is an Nrg/Nrg blaster afterall.. -
Lmfao!! I wasn't sure if you were really gonna do it! Priceless indeed!!
WB Mebs! Actually, the KB's aren't as regular on Saturdays past few weeks. There is a league for those that PvP forming on another server that most of us are joining. (And they've been doing some KB's there as well) I'll shoot ya more info via FB.
I thought the same Force about all the views and no posts. I eventually contacted him in game and made sure he found a good home and in the channels. Always good to see another Champion come back!
Was signed up to team 'Driftwood', due to being recently made a DJ on KJSR and other personal reasons. I am putting my self into the draft.
What are your global handles/recognizable names? @Braije
What server do you primarily play on? Champion
What server do you prmarily PvP on? Champion
What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP? Psi/Em, Fire/Rad, Emp/Dark, Elec/Nin
Which of these toons is on Freedom? Really only intend to bring the Psi/Em since I won't be a 'core' member
If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league? Psi/Em possibly a rad if the team needs one
What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting? Dmg/Support
What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Locking down and pew pew
Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50? Sure
Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league? Won't need to, but again.. sure
Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also) Only basics, KB's -
I think this team would be better suited with a core player who can be there. I can't guarantee with new commitments that I can be 'core'. Originally, I was gonna just enter the draft cuz I'm just doing this for fun.
So, I appreciate the offer and the invite to the team, but I am gonna back out and fill out the app to be a draftee. If for some reason this is against the rules or 'code' that is kool and the gang.
No worries, Amy! We just shopped for more to bide time in case you were able to log back on.
Sorry I couldn't make this, but Gratz to the team!! I enjoy all Fender and/or Corr teams so hopefully there will be more!
Quote:That was good times and great to see that many flock that quickly to Pocket D (even some who have never been to KB's).Another massive night of PvP in the books. Prizes were given out hand over fist!! Thanks to those that assisted in the prize handouts.... Flaf, MAH, Braije, Artic Keeper, Cougar and Canucker. All combined we gave away right around 4Billion Inf.... and 6Billion worth of PvP IO's.
All in all it was a fun filled event that many enjoyed and we will run that format again, next time with some "tweaks" to improve it for everyone
Great turnout yet again....hope next time to run some more 8v8v8v8 match set ups.
Remember the way this event runs, anyone can win, and can go far into the event, without being the normal PvP expert.
Hope we get more new people showing up to this and trying out the world of CoH PvP
REMEMBER, we do this every couple weeks!!!
Hit me up the next time we're both online Bud, I would like to get your input on another way to do this which could be more beneficial for all involved.
Good times though and the KB afterwards was a lot a lot of fun!! Glad even those not typically in for 'PvP' showed up and were intrigued to learn more as opposed to "Oh, I'm just gonna get farmed!" The more that play we all win! -
Yeah pretty much Philly, I admire his retraction/apology and deleting the posts. As far as it getting out of hand, there was no need to post and be inflammatory in the first place.
So, the apology wouldn't have been needed if a certain party would have not felt the need to be negative to begin with. Thank you again Sep for your time putting this together and thank you Avatea for the sticky! -
Quote:I can't help but concur! They are vehicles for those who are used to checking said reference. But word of mouth is a key tool into getting the word out. That's one of the elements I love about Champion server!This is incorrect. As you stated, it was suggested to you that you post it on the forums. Suggestion doesn't mean its necessary. You didn't have to post it on the forums. The reason it was suggested was likely to spread the word that there was an Event and to potentially increase awareness and participation. It was for your benefit.
Not everyone reads the BMT MotD. Not everyone reads the Champion Forums. Not everyone checks the Events Calendar. Not everyone has a Facebook account. However, there's a good chance a fair percentage o' the population would be informed if an Event were posted to all aforementioned places. Again, for your benefit.
It'd be like posting your resume online and waiting for someone to call you instead of pounding the pavement and putting yourself out there. Why cripple yourself by limiting your options?!
Quote:Jealousy is not an admirable trait, Silas. Sinny will be happy to learn Sep and I are now a couple LOL (But it's okay in a three-way!)What a cute couple you guys make :3
One doesn't know what they're talking about, the other chirps in with poorly used image macros.
Just adorable. You kids have fun.
Poorly used image macros, It's good to know that you're above that. Typical pompous Englishman. The true hilarity is you're so ate up by this that you bothered to seek the council of a friend!
Your 'Guides' are opinion based, where as she took the time to give Champion players a factual quick reference (as apparently you keep the forums open as well). With every reply you affirm that it's irritating you.. I dig it