Since I have had no success at finding a SG to join...




...I'm forming my own for anyone who's interested. Gets Out The Hammers (G.O.T.H.) is accepting anyone looking for a SG, especailly those who are new and haven't found a group yet.

Thank you.

Edit: global name- Lisa Nadazdy, but I play Forgetfire.



I don't mean to deflect your recruitment post, but there are several great SGs on Champion that I'm sure you might love to try out - IF that was your original and primary intent.

PoM (my own SG in the link)

...and MANY, MANY other great SGs are here.

Good luck on your recruitment if that's the path you'd like. Again, no disrespect intended.




Along the lines of what Starforce said, the title of your thread makes it seem that you are interested somewhat in joining an SG, but due to lack of success, you are forming your own.

I guess the question is, are you still interested in joining one or are you set on building yours from the ground up? Or maybe both? Because if you're only forming an SG because you couldn't find one, I'm pretty sure there are some SGs out there that could help you out with that.

Apologies if that was not what you meant, but I think some clarification would help. Regardless, good luck with your SG.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



After discussing this with you the other night, Lisa I realize you're looking for teaming. So, it may be good for you to have your own SG. Channels are really the best way to find teams.

Seems you're in the main ones and sometimes it doesn't hurt to do searches and send tells depending on the hour of the day and what lvl you're running at. Best of luck with your SG and there are many great ppl on this server to assist. Networking ftw!

Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead



There is no reason not to form your own SG but I would suggest finding an existing SG to coalition with until you get up and running. This will allow you access to their TP's for easier movement around the game and allow you the coalition chat for greater numbers.

Have fun and Take Care