453 -
want wish all you guys a Happy Thanksgivings and be thankful for what you have. Tresure each moment you have with your love ones cause you never know if have them the next day with them. Eat up! and enjoy your night. -
Bud quit...I decided to play.
Im the new captain
lineup: @ELF STALKER 2
@ Extreme Coldness -
Yay meet and greet in San Francisco! Who's attending
The date is Nov 6th 2010 6pm
Location: 424 Clay st. San Francisco,Ca.
I would be attending! -
New Champion League is getting form soon. for more detail check out the thread on champion for those who willing to move a toon over champion. There already few freedom players that transfer toons to champion.
well Mac the draft can actually work.. Cause what the point of having a stack team steam rolling through other teams. If captain picks you at least you have some players that you wanted cause you know the captain goign pick there friends. So its kinda even out the teams and get some new pvper to join
Yeah kickball I can say yeah but the other league hmm.. what im hearing vent I think going to dissolve
LOL funny hiding for the entire except attacking twice... You even said in broadcast that you doing what have to do cause you down a man... If we were down with two we fough our hearts out. Its stupid good luck with few teams that left.
Side note what I heard from last night that more teams are planning to pull out... and another league with be form... with prize money or pvp sets and etc. Alot rules would be discuss with captains and etc.
They played for a tie cause they were man short. Not our problem give you all what have and go from there. Some team wont reschedule hoping to get advantage like you did. Not giving Artic's team the match on Friday. Cause you knew there main player would be out on Saturday.
You must not understood what I said. Our 3 showed up to play so why not play them. Its wasnt our problem if there team couldnt make it. Cause If I gave up a afternoon and didnt even play I would be p***. Like I said 1 our players gave up spending time with his girl just to be here our matches. I could have been at a party earlier... On that not make sure you goign have at least 3 on game time.
That wasnt case at all...there no a.s. and only attack were sharks and they only attempt like twice a match then hide rest of the match. At least with therms u have a target. Having two therms don't mean u going to win. It's was waste time and you would said same s*** as well.
Yeap we pulled from the league.. Yesturday was a waste of time. The league states 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5 when team cant even have 3 to show up they basically going play for ties and all they need was bring stalkers. The team that had only 2 players and wanted us to drop to 2 players as well. Why? our players came to play and drop any other plan they had to have a match. So, No where not going to drop down to 2 players cause your team can't show up. Rules should been inplace for those who brough less players other play handicapp
like 1 stalkers for a team 2, 0 stalkers for a team of 1, 2 stalkers for 3+ plus team.
Not to complain to much cause we all knew the time and day that matches were held. Im just saying Saturday night a usually a night that we usually off from work and would like to enjoy somewhere other our homes. Thursday would been nice day or give a gap when match can take place like thur,fri, saturday what work best for teams. Once agree on a day then there not switching unless both parties agree.
Np kinda hate saturday as well. im go out weekend guy.
It's just suggestions.. if there able to make it but nothing set in stone
Force how about way before the hami raid. Or tonight or friday
Would Easy Kill like to have our match little earlier then the schedule match. I mean we could make that time but kinda hate to postpone my Saturday night with a game. So if 4pm or earlier work best let me know
Its ok to play dumb... we all know you do at times.
I can't go in detail cause the rules so I leave as that. I dont care what u think whats sexy cause I rather buy a sock and then here u opinion. Being that said I give the ok to view my pic while u get ur alone time on. Lol ghetto fabulous who is that is that what u think.?
That dude with guns is fine huh... I wonder if Kat prepare the lotion with those pixs...and by the way I'm live version of dual pistols...and guns don't kill it the owner. fault
Well like Said really dont care...who I fight with. What ever would make you feel in easy mode. Cause honestly I would like to bring the partner of my choice.
Me and bud...but Gfunny,artic,hell and etc well are share the same vent and team together. If u want pick my partner sure I don't care either.
oh yeah I confused u being Oz but sure thing