Champion P.v.P League
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?:
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Do you have a mic?:
What is your general day/time availability?:
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
FREE AGENTS: (Will be for anyone that registers after season starts)
- 1. @Taker
- 2. @Plmekthnxbye
- 3. @Blood Nymph
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12. @captain DS
- 13.
- 14.
- 15. @skepty
- 16.
- 17. @hotheals
- 1. Mebs =CAPTAIN
- 2. Flafatron =CO-CAPTAIN
- 3. PF
- 4. The Last Hope
- 5. Indefinable impulse
- 6. Fiery enforcer
- 7. Infamous Zamph
- 8. Psoma
- 9. TFury
- 10. Its The End
- 11. Cherry
- 12. Johnny Neutron
- 13. Iron Flag
- 1. XxBudweiser8xX =CAPTAIN
- 2. aka killing Machine =CO-CAPTAIN
- 3. Gfunny
- 4. Sexy SoCal Garner
- 5. Liquid -
- 6. Medic
- 7. Elf Stalker
- 8. Extreme Coldness
- 9. Tungsten Wolf = **status unknown**
- 10. Nycehealz = **status unknown**
- 11. Liberty **LOOKING FOR TRADE**
- 12. Treyy **LOOKING FOR TRADE**
- 1. Pixel =CAPTAIN
- 2. Exit =CO-CAPTAIN
- 3. Punkipowa
- 4. Hinden
- 5. Trezen
- 6. Smallzies
- 7. Neuronia
- 8. Philly
- 9. Canucker
- 10. Kat
- 11. Psyrene
- 12. gramurai
- 13. S I R
- 1. Teh Artic =CAPTAIN
- 2. Lite = CO-CAPTAIN
- 3. Smoke Signal
- 4. Intro
- 5. Dread Shinobi
- 6. TRTerror
- 7. iBud
- 8. Xionian
- 9. XFunk
- 10. War Admiral
- 11. Toxic Chill
- 12. Rice
- 13. CycloneReborn

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Add @Neuronium and @Neuronia to the pool.
TBH though...I fear this will just degenerate into multiple Therm/Colds/Corr/etc teams again, just a different coat of paint on it.
I'd much prefer larger scale matches.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I suggest everyone fills this out in order when they sign up
(Stolen from psoma who stole it from silit)
What are your in-game Globals?:
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?:
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Do you have a mic?:
What is your general day/time availability?:
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
I'll start
What are your in-game Globals?: @Mebs
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?: Psi/EM Fire/Cold (Corr) Rad/Therm (Corr) Elec/WP Stalker
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: Yep
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yep
Do you have a mic?: Yep
What is your general day/time availability?: Any day but wednesday
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Lots of kickballs and zone PvP. Minimal test ladder experience with dUmb. PvPEC Champion 3v3 League experience with dUmb.
What are your in-game Globals?: @Neuronia, @Neuronium
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?: Ill/Emp Controller, Grav/TA Controller, Kin/Sonic Defender, Rad/Therm Corr, Sonic/Sonic Corr, Emp/Psy Defender, Mind/Bubbles Controller (lol).
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: Sure, if you give me a Mid's Build and IOs.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Sure, if you give me a Mid's Build, IO it and PL me. Also, I'd only play it if I find it fun.
Do you have a mic?: No.
What is your general day/time availability?: Evenings after 6 p.m. Eastern.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I kept @Syphonics alive for 5 months, and I won't heal Trez because it's hawt when he rages on Vent. Every test team I was on exploded in a ball of flame, dUmb only keeps me around because Psoma won't 8-box like Healing Hank in the day. Also, I auto-follow and put CM and AP on auto. IF YOU PICK ME YOU WILL LOSE, NOT JUST MATCHES BUT YOUR SANITY AND YOUR SOUL!
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
No TY, glhf
The most merciful thing in the world, I think,
is the inability of the human mind
to correlate all its contents.
-H.P. Lovecraft
all sorts of fifties...
Yeah kickball I can say yeah but the other league hmm.. what im hearing vent I think going to dissolve
Yeah kickball I can say yeah but the other league hmm.. what im hearing vent I think going to dissolve
(Caps lock deactivated, have a nice day!)

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I'll have 2 talk it over with my team if this league is going 2 happen Exile will be playing in both leagues, also if its a 8v8 cap roster like u say it is Ill be a panel member of a team as long as I and the rest of my team can play both leagues
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
I'll have 2 talk it over with my team if this league is going 2 happen Exile will be playing in both leagues, also if its a 8v8 cap roster like u say it is Ill be a panel member of a team as long as I and the rest of my team can play both leagues
I am having a great time in the other league, I'll play here just for more PvP though.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Small team matches are stupid because they're predictable, boring, and non-dynamic, and draft-based is stupid because it discourages people who want to play together from signing up in the first place. The only reason the draft-based aspect of the last Freedom league was successful was because the draft-based teams were paired with set-roster teams and players could play for either.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
well Mac the draft can actually work.. Cause what the point of having a stack team steam rolling through other teams. If captain picks you at least you have some players that you wanted cause you know the captain goign pick there friends. So its kinda even out the teams and get some new pvper to join
What are your in-game Globals?:@ Deadfulkilla
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?:Elec/therm Corr (PVP ready), Emp/Sonic Defender(working on), Grav/TA controller (PVP ready), Peacebringer (working on)
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?:yep
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: yea
Do you have a mic?:yep
What is your general day/time availability?: Pacific Time zone, Anyday other then tuesdays and thursday can be on only after 6pm in college.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I've been pvping in siren, RC, and Warburg. I took a break from game but back to playing. I would consider myself a beginner and is willing and ready to learn from more experience players to increase my skills in pvp. Very fast learner as well.
What are your in-game Globals?: @Mezzey
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion, or that you would be willing to move to Champion?: q number of toons, PvE builds.
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: Depends on the toon, can see if there is one in particular I would like to play and the team also wanted me to play and what improvements are needed -- got Mid's?
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Depends what the answer to above is, can easily roll a toon and level them up. Rolling a Blaster or a Therm to make more the same old - same old teams you see nowadays type of league, ick probably not.
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What is your general day/time availability?: EST, work early M-F. Most Saturdays am out of town board gaming.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Haven't done so since I13?, when was the mass exodus called 'DR' again? -- yeah it's been awhile, lol.
What are your in-game Globals?: @MrLiberty
What builds are your PvP characters on Champion: Fire/EM Blaster, Sonic/Therm Corrupter
Transfer builds : If this league gets srs and actually pulls some 6 v 6 to 8 v 8's I'll start to transfer some stuff over. See Sig.
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: If you are giving me the IO's sure.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: No
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What is your general day/time availability?: Monday through Thursday after 9 or 10 PM est are best.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I learned to PvP by fite clubbing people on my Mind/Rad in SC with no damage enhancments pre i13. Tru story.
Ok everyone a NEW LEAGUE is starting......
We all learned a lot of valuable lessons from the first one. This time We're going to do things a bit different. This league will be run by a panel of members that will all come up with the rules and guidelines.
This is the panel we are attempting to put together:
- XxBudweiser8xX = Already accepted
- Artic = Already accepted
- Gfunny = Already accepted
- Lite = Already accepted
- Psoma = Already accepted
- Neuronia = Already accepted
- Emo Bitter = Already accepted
- Pixel = Already accepted
- Enigma= Already accepted
- Mebs = Already accepted
- Masque = Already accepted
- Rice = Already accepted
We went with 12 panel members. All votes will need a majority of 7 or more votes to pass.The league will primarily run the same as the previous league, but we will be making the changes that we feel are needed.The league will be of a 8v8 DRAFT FORMAT, with a min 6v6 roster weekly.... Run almost like a kickball I suppose. Team Captains will be selected by the panel.
Captains will then choose teams of those that choose to put their names in the draft pool. This will do a few different things;
- 1. spread the pvp talent over a more even field.
- 2. encourage the new people to pvp to attempt this league because their more likely to be on a competitive team. (Key words here being New People to pvp)
- 3. will reduce the chances of forfeits weekly due to not being able to field the minimum 6v6 weekly.
Im sure there are other benefits, and Im sure some people will come up with the downsides to it as well.** LEAGUE RULES**
league signups. The goal is to have team rosters consist of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 13 players.
1.2 One team member will be designated as the team captain for purposes of submitting lineups, posting scores, and other communications. Backup captains should be designated for match nights when the captain is unavailable.
1.3 Each player may list any number of global account names on the roster.
1.3.1 Each global account listed for a player may be played only by that
1.3.2 More than one global account belonging to the same player is not
allowed within a single match.
1.3.3 Players may add new global accounts to the roster at any time. Any
global account that has been on the roster for at least 24 hours is valid in a lineup.
1.3.4 One player may not play on multiple teams, even if that player is
using different global accounts.
1.4 Captains may trade players on a 1-for-1 basis at any time during the week from Monday at noon Eastern to Friday at noon Eastern. Trading is closed on the weekends to allow stable rosters as captains prepare for the matches. Captains are responsible for ensuring that trades are of approximately equal value, and captains involved in the trade must make known any knowledge of a player's intentions to quit or inability to attend matches.
1.5 All team members that are present during the match night at least 10
minutes prior to the start of the first match must be played in at least one match during that night.
1.5.1 The team captain will make every effort to play a player who must leave early in th opening matches, but prior communication must be made with team captain well in advace to accomidate this.
1.5.2 Team captains and team members are not to discourage or forbid team members from showing up for matches to avoid having to play them. The intent is to have a draft league where everyone gets a chance to play and learn.
1.6 Captains may remove an inactive player from the roster if that player has missed 2 consecutive official matches without communicating his attendance situation to the team captain, or if he has missed 2 consecutive practices without providing a valid reason.
1.6.1 A player may voluntarily quit the league by contacting any rules committee member not on that player's team and announcing that player's intention to do so. That player will be treated in every way like an inactive player, with the exception that there is no need to delay 2 weeks before dropping that player from the roster.
1.6.2 A player that quits the league or is removed for inactivity may rejoin the league. That player will be placed on the original roster if the player and the captain are in agreement, and if the team has an open roster slot. Otherwise the player is placed into the free agent pool.
2 Schedule
2.1 Matches will take place once per week, until all teams have played each other twice.
2.2 Weekly matchups will be determined at random. A team will not play
another team a second time until it has played all teams at least once.
2.3 The schedule will be posted for the entire season.
2.3.1 The schedule will designate one team as Home, and one as
2.3.2 The schedule will designate an adjudicator for the matches. The
adjudicator is responsible for taking lineups for the matches and for making
any required on-the-spot rulings for those matches. The adjudicator will be a league rules committee
member that is not a member of any team participating in the matches.
2.4 The official match time is 6:00pm Pacific on Sunday's.
2.4.1 Teams can mutually agree to reschedule the match at any time during the week, as long as the match can be completed and the scores posted in the official thread by 11:00pm Pacific on Sunday. Teams that agree to a reschedule must communicate
the new match time to the match adjudicator. This does not guarantee
that the adjudicator will show up at that time, but the adjudicator should
make an attempt to be there or to provide a suitable replacement. The rescheduled match time replaces the official match
time in all ways. Schedules for submitting lineups, posting scores, etc.
are still in effect, but should be calculated around the new match time.
3 Matches
3.1 Each match consists of 3 10 minute rounds, played in the Pocket D Arena on Champion.
3.2 All participants in each round must be present in Pocket D, and may not be /hidden.
3.3 Team captains will agree on a team size prior to the start of each round in the match.
3.3.1 The minimum team size is 6v6. The maximum is 8v8.
3.3.2 If captains are unable to agree, the team size will be set to the smaller of the two suggested team sizes.
3.4 Rounds will be played with the following options: No Travel
Suppression, No Heal Decay, and Small Inspirations Only. No other options may be set.
3.5 Players may not use special inspirations (presents, SoWs) or base
buffs/temp powers not purchased at the Arena.
3.6 Summoning an Ouroboros Portal is not allowed in a match.
3.7 Sudden death will not be played. If the score is tied at the end of 10
minutes, then the round is scored as a tie.
3.8 The Home Team is responsible for listing the first and third rounds of the match. The Away Team lists the second.
3.9 The Home Team will select any valid map for the first round of the
match. The Away Team will select for the second. The third round will be played with a random map, resetting for any invalid maps.
3.9.1 The following maps are invalid: Office Caves Monkey Cage
3.9.2 The Eden Map is only to be played in rounds 8v8 or higher. The map will not be played 6v6-7v7 unless the captains of both participating teams agree.
3.10 Each team is allowed one reset with 60 seconds of the start of a round if a
player did not load, disconnected, or loaded off-team.
3.10.1 If a teams reset is spent, that team will play short-handed in
the case of a disconnect.
3.10.2 Reset rounds are played with the same lineups on the same
3.11 Teams are required to have at least one non-stalker team member on the map at the end of the match. If the last visible member of the team leaves the match or disconnects, that team will forfeit the round.
3.12 Team captain are obligated to conduct the match in a timely fashion.
3.12.1 Lineups for the first round are due 5 minutes before the
official match start time.
3.12.2 Each round must be listed within 5 minutes of having the
official lineups posted.
3.12.3 Each team is expected to be in the event and ready to play
within 5 minutes of the round being listed.
3.12.4 For rounds after the first, the official start time is 15 minutes
after completion of the prior round, with all deadlines calculated around this start time (i.e., lineups are due 10 minutes after the completion of the prior round).
3.12.5 If a deadline dispute arises,
3.12.6 Teams are encouraged to proceed efficiently through the
match at a faster pace than required by the deadlines.
3.13 Spawn camping is not allowed. Spawn camping is defined as attacking a respawning player who has not left the spawn point.
3.13.1 Misfires can happen, especially when another player is killed near the spawn point, causing another respawning player to be auto-targetted. Single-shot misfires will not be considered spawn camping if the offending player makes it clear in broadcast that it is a misfire. "Sorry - misfire" or somesuch will suffice. Long-lasting debilitating debuffs (such as Heat Exhaustion) will not be counted as misfires, and will be treated as a spawn camping violation.
3.13.2 If a player does not leave the spawn point in a reasonable amount of time, that player can be made a legal target by an opponent announcing intent to attack that target in broadcast. 30 seconds following the announcement, that player is a legal target. After that player moves or is defeated, that player's next respawn is once again covered by the spawn camping rules.
4 Lineup Submission
4.1 Prior to the start of each round, after team size has been determined, each team captain must submit the lineup that will be played in that round to the adjudicator.
4.2 Lineups must include the team name and list each AT and Primary/Secondary powerset.
4.3 Lineups are sent via /tell to the adjudicator for the match.
4.4 Once both lineups are received and verified to contain the appropriate
information by the adjudicator, the adjudicator will post the lineups in Arena Chat, and the match can proceed.
4.5 A submitted lineup can not be changed.
4.6 A submitted lineup must be run exactly. If a SS/WP brute is listed, a
SS/WP tank may not be played in its place. If circumstances cause a team to be unable to fill a lineup spot with the required toon, the team will have to play short-handed with the lineup spot in question left empty.
4.7 A valid lineup can include no more than 3 stalkers.
4.8 A valid lineup includes no toons with barcode names, or multiple toons
with overly similar names as to cause confusion in targeting. This extends to MM pets as well.
4.9 Teams are responsible for identifying invalid lineups prior to the start of a round. Allowing a round to begin without making a good faith effort to
communicate any concerns to the other team and/or the match adjudicator indicates acceptance of the opponents lineup as valid. Disqualifications for invalid lineups will not be given after the fact.
4.9.1 Team captains should be prepared to provide evidence of your good
faith effort to communicate lineup concerns (screenshots) should a dispute arise.
5 Scoring
5.1 Each round will be scored 2 points for a loss or a tie with no scoring (0-0), 3 points for a tie with scoring (1-1 or greater), and 5 points for a win. No shows/forfeits are 0 points, with opposing team scoring 5 for the win.
5.2 Each teams captain must post the results of a match in the official thread by 8:00pm Pacific on Monday following the official match night.
5.2.1 Captains should be prepared to provide proof (screenshots) should a
dispute arise. If 2 teams are unable to agree on the outcome of a round, and insufficient evidence can be found to determine the winner, both teams will score a forfeit for that round.
6 Resolving Disputes
6.1 Each match is assigned an adjudicator responsible for making any on-thespot
rulings required to keep the match running.
6.1.1 The adjudicator will not be a member of either team involved in the
6.1.2 The adjudicator only responds to the needs of the participating teams. For example, an adjudicator will not spend time verifying globals on
submitted lineups unless the opposing team communicates that they believe there is an error.
6.1.3 The adjudicator only rules on areas covered by these rules, and only according to the letter of the rules. Subjective reasoning should not be used.
6.1.4 Disqualifications should only be given out as a last resort
adjudicators should first attempt to correct to a legal match when possible. Even when a DQ is required, a match should still be played if at all possible, to provide results in the case of a successful appeal. Example: Team A notices an issue with Team Bs
lineup, but Team B does not agree that the lineup is incorrect. The
adjudicator determines that the lineup is indeed invalid, but Team B
does not accept. The adjudicator should present the following options:
correct the lineup and play, play short-handed to meet lineup
requirements, or play the invalid lineup knowing that it will be scored
as a DQ in hopes of winning an appeal.
6.2 If a team disagrees with an adjudicators ruling, that team should proceed through the match in accordance with the ruling, but should appeal the ruling after the completion of the match.
6.2.1 Requests for appeal must be received before the next weeks
schedule is posted.
6.2.2 Scores must still be posted for the match according to schedule, even if you dont agree with them. If the appeal is successful, they will be
6.2.3 The rules committee will confer with members of both teams and
weigh all evidence, and then vote on a final ruling.
6.2.4 Any member, of any team, may at any time approach the commitee members if and when they feel they are not getting the leadership or support needed from their team captains and or co-captains. We would hope all issues or concerns could try to be worked out between the team before bringing it before the commitee as a final resort.
7 Supplemental Draft
7.1 Any team with fewer than the maximum number of players on the roster may call for a supplemental draft.
7.2 The teams will agree upon a draft date no sooner than 5 days from the call for the draft. Those 5 days will be used to open up the free agent pool to new registrants.
8.5 Joining an event with an invalid team (shared globals, does not match
8.5.1 If discovered before the match, the team can attempt to load a
conforming team or play shorthanded to avoid playing a non-conforming
8.5.2 Refusal to attempt to correct an invalid team: forfeit the round
8.5.3 If not discovered before the match, the opposing team has accepted the lineup as valid: no penalty.
8.6 Failure to post scores by the deadline: acceptance of opposing teams
report of the scores. If both teams fail to post, it is assumed neither team showed, and each scores 0.
8.7 Proof of spawn camping (screenshot), single instance: 3 points
8.7.1 Proof of spawn camping, multiple instances in the same round: forfeit the round
8.8 Flagrant deception: 10 point penalty, plus suspension of offending player from a minimum of 1 game to a maximum of a permanent ban.
8.8.1 Additional penalties still apply for any rules circumvented by the deception.
8.8.2 Examples of flagrant deception include:
- Circumventing rule 1.5 by playing other players' accounts
- Falsifying evidence of a rules violation
- Replacing players on the roster by modification of global account names
- Any other deception ruled as a flagrant attempt to circumvent the rules by a majority vote of the rules council.
8.9 Ventrillo violation - proof of violation of rule 10.4: 3 points
8.9.1 Ventrillo violation - refusal to provide access to vent for approved committee members: 10 points
8.10 Unsportsmanlike communication, 1st offense: 1 match suspension.
8.10.1 Unsportsmanlike communication, 2nd offense: 2 match suspension.
8.10.2 Unsportsmanlike communication, 3rd offense: banned from the league.
8.11 Proof of violation of 1.3.4 (playing for multiple teams) - banned from the league
8.11.1 This includes deliberately taking extreme actions during matches to actively harm your team in favor of opponents, such as broadcasting your team's targets to the opposing team.
committee. Team captains may suggest rules or express concerns with existing rules, but only the rules committee can make changes.
10 Ventrillo
10.1 Access to Ventrillo is required of all players who sign up for the league.
10.3.1 Players who consistently refuse to use Vent can be dropped from the team roster by the captain.
10.4 Players may not enter a vent server/channel known to be in use by ano3her team for purposes of an official match at any time between 10 minutes prior to lineup submission until the completion of the final round unless invited.
10.4.1 This rule does not apply tothe assigned adjudicator for the match. For the allowed adjudicator, teams must provide accurate vent server/channel information and grant access to vent for purposes of verification of compliance with rule 1.3.1. The adjudicator should make an effort to verify what needs to be verified without disrupting the team, whether that team is currently playing or discussing lineups. The adjudicator should not spend more time than necessary to perform the verification. That amount a time is up to the adjudicator's discretion, but should generally be no more than 30 seconds.
Matches will be every Sunday 7pm est according to the schedule posted below. This means the matches should start at 7pm est. Rosters MUST be turned in 5 mins before scheduled matches. Players are advised to please be at Pocket D no later then 6:45pm est to allow captains time for lineup adjustments and submissions.
TEAM1 - Artic and the Chillz: 7+6+12+12+15+6+6=64
TEAM2 - Run Forrest Run: 13+15+15+15+9+15+15=97
TEAM3 - The Space Cowboys: 6+6+6+6+6+12+6=48
TEAM4 - THE SPORKS: 15+6+6+9+7+9+0=52
TEAM5 - STEVE: 9+15+12+15+12+15+15=93
TEAM6 - Joint Effort: 9+15+9+6+10+0+12=61
DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's