Champion Amendment 2: Olive Branch




Originally Posted by Marut View Post
If that's the case, then I have to assume that he's operating under the conditions Ping wanted it operated under.
Somehow... i have doubts. Possibly slight, possibly niggling, possibly inconsequential doubts, but i have to say that about this particular detail i do have some doubts.

As for the rest of the goings-on in this thread i really have nothing to say. i saw the incident that inspired this thread after the fact (was busy on a TF and not paying attention to the global chatter when it happened), but have no interest in getting involved.

Hell, i'm not even getting popcorn.

Hopefully those who can't see eye to eye will at least agree to attempt to play nice when it's some sort of public event that requires cooperation among players. Anything more than that is gravy.


Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I wish I could find my post about Dipsnot. I had a great one with links...

And his drama came long before he even heard of Hami. Back to the SG recruitment night... when he was still in his thirties. I really tried to help him in the beginning... and I still regret telling him about that night and the forums. It was a downward spiral.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
I wish I could find my post about Dipsnot. I had a great one with links...

And his drama came long before he even heard of Hami. Back to the SG recruitment night... when he was still in his thirties. I really tried to help him in the beginning... and I still regret telling him about that night and the forums. It was a downward spiral.
His drama came long before he even stepped foot on Champion. This wasn't his first rodeo.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
True; I think you are one of the most fair people on Champion, and that is one of the reasons HoJ has been such a great supergroup for a lot of people on the server.
Thank you Talon for thinking so, you are not too shabby yourself.



I, for one, like the idea of possible peace. It's nice to see people playing together happily, without some of the drama that likes to interfere with our server's general merriment. I think I'll do a little purging of my ignore list too... well, except for the inf-sales bots. But then, that's another discussion altogether.

To be entirely fair, in my opinion, this never needed to become such an issue. I'm not saying that any specific individual is blameless... in fact, I agree that there were things said, and hurt feelings had, which accelerated (not created... there's something in the water, as it were) the situation and led to this fallout. And while I don't expect everyone to sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya... well, it's a nice dream. And a little peace never hurt anyone.

(And no, I'm not taking sides. You all know me better than that, I should hope.)

So, shall we give peace another chance and get back to playing? If you want to bash heads in, there's a lot of NPCs out there who volunteered. ^^b



Originally Posted by Mychyl View Post
So, shall we give peace another chance and get back to playing? If you want to bash heads in, there's a lot of NPCs out there who volunteered. ^^b

*Lists kickball, makes the teams super cliquey then drops out in first 10 seconds.*

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Gonna be giggling all day, damn you, Silas!



Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
hum... someone understand what he's talking about???
Nope, maybe they missed their morning coffee or something.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



A fresh perspective from someone not bogged down in history. I appreciate the way BMT is run. I don't want to and frankly can't scroll through endless bacon < cookie jokes to find out about teams available. It serves its purpose well. I can always find a team. I don't miss monster calls or badge teams. Its concise and informative while still friendly. As a community service it has been invaluable to me.

I am sure Cobalt's time online would be more enjoyable if he didn't have to moderate so much. I find he does it rather objectively and dispassionately. The rules are pretty simple; If we disrespect the rules isn't that more on us than him? If I didn't like the channel I would just leave. I'm going to guess the reason the people who complain about how Cobalt moderates the channel don't leave because it serves a purpose for them as well.

You can't have it both ways. A channel where you can quickly and easily find teams and active chat room. Contrary to Marut I would run the channel the exact same way because I just wouldn't have the time or energy to read and evaluate where in a gray area every single post falls. Should I give this person more wiggle room than this person?

The CU channel I don't have any complaints about. It just doesn't serve a purpose for me personally. For social purposes 2 or more SG channels and tells are plenty.

I think Cobalt is being wise in saying " I will believe it when I see it" and everyone should be given time to embrace this. If the offer is sincere people will understand and be patient. You don't extend an olive branch then yank it away if the person is skeptical. This isn't Lucy and Charlie Brown. It is not a Bud versus Cobalt issue. Cobalt is just the one who is being open about his thoughts in the matter. It would be easier to just say "Ya sure no problem" and watch history repeat itself.

I'm here for all of ten days and even I doubt the sincerity of the post based on behaviors I have seen.

According to some of the stories there has been drama long before even this Stryker fellow that everyone keeps referring to. It seems to me that some of you might be a bit desperate for drama despite your claims to dislike it. Drama is not some vaporous cloud that follows you around. If you keep finding yourself in the midst of drama you might want to be more careful about where you step.

*Must use all willpower not to say dirty joke.. so hard..err*

try hard...err



I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I quit BMT the other day when a spammer near drove me crazy...

On to other, more important things; if there is to be pink ponies I must have one!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I quit BMT the other day when a spammer near drove me crazy...

On to other, more important things; if there is to be pink ponies I must have one!
a spammer on bmt? thats really odd. I assure you, it was most likely someone new..spammers dont live long on BMT.

Come back!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I quit BMT the other day when a spammer near drove me crazy...

On to other, more important things; if there is to be pink ponies I must have one!
Very sorry this caused you to quit. This is not the norm for the channel, and I encourage you to come back.

*dangles pink ponies in front of GEL*

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
a spammer on bmt? thats really odd. I assure you, it was most likely someone new..spammers dont live long on BMT.

Come back!

Dang, you're a tough negotiator!



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
a spammer on bmt? thats really odd. I assure you, it was most likely someone new..spammers dont live long on BMT.

Come back!
What she said Unless you were talking about someone spamming to be looking for more for a tf or something.



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
Nah, I know what she is referring to. Not to get into the details, but it was not the typical "Manticore forming, 3 spots" type chat.
i'll take your word for it as I wasn't there lol



Yes, I am a little bitter. I thought Marut was a nice guy till the racial mudslinging. Do I know him or any other poster on this server, no. The earthguard I remember was/is a great sg. Terrible to see them associated with that drama
Someone needs an Olive Branch. Maybe we should just plant a tree.

So you don't know anyone on the server, but you know the facts behind some drama that apparently transcended online status? Your upset that Marut hurted your feelings in disappointing you. Because you thought he was a nice guy even though you don't know him. You put all your hopes and dreams on your crush and he made some racial comments, but you don't know anyone. So racial mudslinging wrong-Personal mudslingling, Thumbs up! Got it! You remember Earthguard that was great sg and still is, but they are ruined.

Here is a little tip for you to prevent further heartache. All nice guys are really women. All women online are really guys. Mean girls rule the world. I'm happy to hear Marut is just a guy.

Your not supposed to tell your bra size on Vent???! Horus told me that was a rule! No pony for him!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I quit BMT the other day when a spammer near drove me crazy...

On to other, more important things; if there is to be pink ponies I must have one!

Awe you quit? You missed the best part. " Player was kicked from BMT channel". Come back and you can have Horus' pony! He is leaving pink poo piles all over the base anyway.



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
Mean girls rule the world.
So THAT'S what Amy, Cherry and Angie plan was.... damnit we all fell for it...



All part of our dastardly, er, glorious plan.

And if the spamming was because of me I apologize. My youngest kept hitting f3 when I had @marshman targeted. Gaming + toddler in lap = anybody's guess

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Pro tip for whoever is moderating this thread:

If you're gonna delete a post, you might as well delete all the posts that have quoted from it. The stupid still got through.

Back to your regularly scheduled program

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Hey folks,

Here at Paragon Studios we sometimes need to consolidate conversation on a specific subject in an official thread. Due to the amount of drama here on champion, it has been decided that in this situation an official thread was warranted and there I created the Official Champion Drama thread. Please respect forum rules and reserve all drama posts for that appropriate thread.

Now to recenter this discussion, I give you this link.



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Couple things :

Ping is pretty fly for a white guy

wait for it.. wait...