Moderator 08

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Kron View Post
    Thanks Dave,

    Question though. Are you able to show me perhaps or is there a COHMIDS planner file I can d/l to check out a BEST possible BA/WP build? What do you think is the best build for a Brute overall both for PvE and PvP? Cuz right now with my current build NO IO sets, im doing fairly well against mobs due to RISE TO THE CHALLENGE and the other self regen auto powers
    RTTC isn't nearly the power it is in PvE in PvP, I wouldn't count on it too much.

    Best build is of course subjective, what is it exactly you want to do?

    Edit to clarify: What kind of PvP do you want to engage in?
  2. Please don't call the programmers lazy.

  3. Moderator 08



    As a huge fan of solo'ing FF characters, let me give you some advice from my perspective:

    When soloing with SO's or their equivalent, your personal defenses are less valuable than soft control. With force fields and energy blast you can keep a single mob very well controlled by knocking it around, and with dispersion bubble you don't have to particularly be worried about incoming mezzes.

    So turn off most of the toggles until you have more tools to manage endurance (probably through IO's).

    Also mobs regenerate just like heroes and villains. So repeatedly using 1 single attack gives the mob time in between attacks to regen some of the damage back.

    Have a modest string of attacks you cycle over and over again. Slot them heavy on damage (get more value for each point of endurance that way) and accuracy (making sure you actually get the value) with remaining slots going to endurance management. Attacks from pools are *generally* less efficient than your primary or secondary, so stick to the primary or secondary pools for attacks. Snipes are also often questionably efficient, so never use them after the first attack.

    Taking a character whose primary powers have an emphasis on group play and playing them in a solo environment is a greater challenge than taking a character whose powers are solo/group agnostic, but the rewards are often there. FF/NRG for instance is an absolute beast when it's equipped with proper IOs. Thunderstrikes are exceptional since they synergize well with their positional defense bonuses. Sets or IO's with endurance recovery also make a huge difference and frankenslotting at the very least will dramatically increase your power through an increase in the efficiency of your slots.

    Finally while you may not love the market aspect of the game, making a point of dropping by the market at the end of each play session and listing everything for 1inf is a proven money maker that doesn't require much time. Characters will end up with literally hundreds of millions of inf in the journey from 1 to 50 using just that process. The market forums are full of people who are willing to explain much more sophisticated methods of using the market, but for minimal time invested the 1inf method is very effective. You're even helping out your fellow players by increasing the supply of items they need!

    Hope that had something that might help,
  4. Real world items for in game currency is far too close to buying influence for money. Unfortunate as I love your art and think it was a great deal, but it's against the rules.

    Also talking about it getting moderated is against the rules. I'll just lock the thread.
  5. We will assume this means you think of him as a troll doll, and not one of the internet variety. That would be... a violation of the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines. Also happy birthday.
  6. Moderator 08

    Inherent Fitness

    Folks, we've been here and done this all before. I let the last one go on far too long and won't be doing it again. Opinion stated, counter opinion stated, end of discussion.
  7. As stated in my other response, let's keep this to one thread. It doesn't make any sense at all to have three threads on the same subject.
  8. Hey folks, we don't need 3 different threads on this same subject so I'll be locking 2 of them. It doesn't really make much sense to have the same subject 3 times. If you wish to continue this discussion, I think I'll pick this one as the winner.

    Also please be kind when talking to one another, I hate handing out warnings. Plus there is like paperwork involved man.

  9. Hey folks, please create a new thread if you are experiencing issues like this. Digging up a year and a half old thread to reply to just confuses issues because if we don't pay attention we can conflate issues that are possibly unrelated.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
    Good grief !, (I take it it was my post that pre-empted the reminder?) - and I didn't even mention the competitive product by name, but i did mention the company names of another word similar to 'Amazing' and the two capital-letters that usually follow 'Washington'.

    Even that is not allowed?, thats ridiculous in my personal opinion.
    Its your forums guys and i'll happily abide by their rules, but just so you know, that is taking things to such an embarrassing & ridiculous extent, that by not even remotely alluding to the competition analogy of an 800lb gorilla in the corner - It makes it all the more painfully obvious.

    I know from your company perspective its to prevent the worst of the threadjacks, but to the rest of us Its pretty condesending to say we cannot sensibly discuss what does effect a game we've helped support over the last 5 years, in the marketplace we're all too familiar with.
    You do realise are not actually restricting any competitive information to subscribers by such draconian reinforcement of the recent forum rules revision, but you will drive people away from the forums.

    As you are no doubt aware we discuss CoX on their (other) forums, and whilst not actively encouraged, and sometimes even reminded or trimmed, Devs even drop in and chat, it makes for a nice atmosphere.
    It is nowhere as paranoid as these forums are becoming.

    Never thought I'd see the day, what a shame.
    You can't say "the f2p game I'm currently playing" but you can say "I hope they don't do X which I dislike". Not as extreme as it seems to appear.

    As in "I hope they don't level cap, which I would dislike" or "I hope they don't restrict chat in between non paying customers and paying customers, which I would dislike".

    It's easy folks, just don't phrase it in the specific context. Ideas don't need to be tied to the specific context where you got them, they're just as valid when expressed solely as ideas. Since these are forums and not a debate club, you don't have to worry about winning or losing. Talk about ideas not other games.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Am I allowed to post that I think your rules are kind of stupid and short-sighted?
    Sure we're pretty ok with that. Please do be careful not to let it go into personal attacks though.
  12. Hey folks,

    We here at Paragon Studios value and respect your desires to discuss this subject since it’s on the minds of many players. I want to remind you, however, that this discussion needs to occur within the context of the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines and that means no discussion of other games – as difficult as that might be.

    A number of posters have tried to obey this rule by not mentioning the name of another game, but instead describing it in another way. Unfortunately, that still isn’t good enough. Discussing another game is not allowed, whether you use the name or not. Let me give some examples of what’s acceptable and what’s not:

    “I like the way World of Hello Kitty Quest handles the Free to Play model, since I can spend a minimal amount and still get access to 99% of the games features.” – This mentions another game explicitly and is not allowed.

    “I like the way the game with the cute Japanese anthropomorphic animals hunting down epic items with lots of raiding has implemented Free to Play gaming, since I can enjoy the game (albeit only as a frog or cat, and not many of the other even cuter options) but since I’m only a casual player I don’t have to worry about a monthly subscription fee” – Still not allowed. Even though this example doesn’t explicitly reference another game it still is discussing another game. It’s the discussion which is the problem.

    “I dislike tiered payment models since it always seems there isn’t enough content geared towards the non subscribers, and that fails to accomplish the goal of attracting new players to a game I love” – Totally allowed. In this example our hypothetical poster is talking about what they like or dislike about a specific idea, not how it is or is not implemented in another game. Ideas are perfectly allowable by the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines and we ask that you frame this discussion in that regard.

    Please use these examples as a guideline so that we don’t have to moderate your posts on the subject!

    Thanks much!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    I resurrect old posts if I wanna. And I refuse to look at timestamps. Lol.
    This is not a course of action I would personally recommend. Just my 2 cents.

    Oh and locking the necro-thread, we don't take kindly to zombies around here.

    Edit: I do love my zombie Mastermind, for the record.
  14. Disrupting a competition because you don't like the subject or rules is non productive and therefore a violation of the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines #5. If you don't like an aspect of the contest please contact the organizer privately or express yourself in a very constructive manner.

    For example "I don't feel like this is the best contest it could be because it requires typing and I would much rather record myself telling the story"


    "A contest about Blue Steel seems less interesting to me than a contest about The Vindicators, would it be possible to broaden the rules slightly?"

    Is much better than

    "This contest sucks and Madame P is a poopy head"

    Which makes me moderate threads.

  15. Please keep it in the rules folks.
  16. Please confine discussion about the Origins pack to the official thread. It doesn't help us read your feedback if it's spread out all over the forums.

  17. Moderator 08

    A dev in pvp!!!!

    Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
    Ocho's build is Sharks/Shraks/(& m0ar)Shraks
    That's my personal account, I find throwing sharks at people to be remarkably therapeutic.

    theOcho is a Fire/Therm cor.
  18. PM's work better.

    And come up with an event, so we can participate with a lot of people and I know I'll show up. Edited by Avatea
  19. Hey folks,

    Here at Paragon Studios we sometimes need to consolidate conversation on a specific subject in an official thread. Due to the amount of drama here on champion, it has been decided that in this situation an official thread was warranted and there I created the Official Champion Drama thread. Please respect forum rules and reserve all drama posts for that appropriate thread.

    Now to recenter this discussion, I give you this link.

  20. Please let me know if this issue continues to occur after the server maintenance.
  21. The emergency maintenance should resolve this issue. If not please PM me immediately and I'll look into it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
    So, we're, like, limited to 6 transfers per day? 6 transfers period? Whahuh? I could swear I saw the word "unlimited" bandied about in regards to the amount of transfers one could do, as long as they're accomplished during the days specified, so I is confuzzled as to why I do 6 transfers and can then do no more. Anyone else encountering this?
    We're limiting it to 6 per day until the global maintenance on Thursday. After that we'll increase the cap to 20 per day. I can't imagine anyone needing much more than that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaemonHeld View Post
    So, how do we do the transfers? Is it by clicking the "purchase" option on the character screen when you log in?

    I've read something about tokens.. but don't know where to "see" these.. and I don't want to wrack up CC charges if there is a different way to access them.

    Yes, click on the purchase option on the character screen. You'll have a number of free tokens to use for transfers.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by D-Void View Post
    Does anyone know if this sort of thing happens more on specific servers? :

    I'm really intrigued by the idea that devs and moderators might be generating story events on certain servers, and would gladly transfer some characters over if a server sees that sort of thing regularly.
    It happens on all the servers, we wouldn't want to leave anyone out!